Politics and Values

General Information

Politics and Values
Project Number
This questionnaire is part of the LISS Core Study, a longitudinal survey delivering a broad range of social core information about the panel members. The survey focuses on politics and values.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Study
Changes regarding to the previous wave are specified in the Introduction of the codebook.

List of concepts:

Government policy satisfaction, Political interest, Trust in institutions, External Political Efficacy, Internal Political Efficacy, Voting behaviour, Vote intention, Civic political participation, Sympathy for political parties, Sympathy for politicians, Party membership, Left-right self-rating, Political position issues, Political goals

Beliefs about maternal employment, Gender role attitudes, Attitude towards foreigners, Marriage attitudes, Family solidarity, Norm of having children, Work ethic, Conservatism, Economical conservatism
© 2022 Centerdata

List of Measures

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