Politics and Values > Wave 3
Longitudinal Wave
General Information
Wave 3
Project Number
This is the third wave of the LISS Core Study module called 'Politics and Values'.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Marika de Bruijne (CentERdata)
© 2009 CentERdata
Funding Organization
MESS Project
MESS Project
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook, in English
Codebook, in Dutch (original version)
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of household member encrypted | preloaded |
cv10c_m | Year and month of the field work period | constructed |
cv10c001 | How satisfied or dissatisfied are you, generally speaking, about what the government has done lately? | directly measured |
cv10c002 | Do you follow the news: on television and/or radio | directly measured |
cv10c003 | Do you follow the news: on Internet | directly measured |
cv10c004 | Do you follow the news: in a free daily newspaper such as Metro or Spits | directly measured |
cv10c005 | Do you follow the news: in a bought newspaper or one that you have a subscription to | directly measured |
cv10c006 | Do you follow the news: not or hardly | directly measured |
cv10c007 | Do you follow the news: I dont know | directly measured |
cv10c008 | Are you very interested in the news, fairly interested or not interested? | directly measured |
cv10c009 | If the newspaper reports national news, for example about government issues, do you read that? | directly measured |
cv10c010 | If you are in the company of other people and the conversation turns to national news, do you usually participate in the conversation, listen with interest, do not listen or do not have any interest? | directly measured |
cv10c011 | If the newspaper reports international news, for example about tensions or talks between different countries, how often do you read that? | directly measured |
cv10c012 | Are you very interested in political topics, fairly interested or not interested? | directly measured |
cv10c013 | confidence: Dutch government | directly measured |
cv10c014 | confidence: Dutch parliament | directly measured |
cv10c015 | confidence: the legal system | directly measured |
cv10c016 | Confidence: the police | directly measured |
cv10c017 | Confidence: politicians | directly measured |
cv10c018 | Confidence: political parties | directly measured |
cv10c019 | Confidence: European Parliament | directly measured |
cv10c020 | Confidence: United Nations | directly measured |
cv10c021 | Confidence: the media | directly measured |
cv10c022 | Confidence: the military | directly measured |
cv10c023 | Confidence: the education system | directly measured |
cv10c024 | Confidence: healthcare | directly measured |
cv10c025 | Confidence: science | directly measured |
cv10c026 | Confidence: the economy | directly measured |
cv10c027 | Confidence: democracy | directly measured |
cv10c028 | Confidence: shops/firms that you deal with personally (that you visit in person) | directly measured |
cv10c029 | Confidence: shops/firms on the Internet | directly measured |
cv10c030 | Satisfaction: Dutch government | directly measured |
cv10c031 | Satisfaction: Dutch parliament | directly measured |
cv10c032 | Satisfaction: the legal system | directly measured |
cv10c033 | Satisfaction: the police | directly measured |
cv10c034 | Satisfaction: politicians | directly measured |
cv10c035 | Satisfaction: political parties | directly measured |
cv10c036 | Satisfaction: European Parliament | directly measured |
cv10c037 | Satisfaction: United Nations | directly measured |
cv10c038 | Satisfaction: the media | directly measured |
cv10c039 | Satisfaction: the military | directly measured |
cv10c040 | Satisfaction: the education system | directly measured |
cv10c041 | Satisfaction: healthcare | directly measured |
cv10c042 | Satisfaction: science | directly measured |
cv10c043 | Satisfaction: the economy | directly measured |
cv10c044 | Satisfaction: democracy | directly measured |
cv10c045 | Satisfaction: shops/firms that you deal with personally (that you visit in person) | directly measured |
cv10c046 | Satisfaction: shops/firms on the Internet | directly measured |
cv10c047 | Parliamentarians do not care about the opinions of people like me | directly measured |
cv10c048 | Political parties are only interested in my vote and not in my opinion | directly measured |
cv10c049 | People like me have no influence at all on government policy | directly measured |
cv10c050 | I am well capable of playing an active role in politics | directly measured |
cv10c051 | I have a clear picture of the most important political issues in our country | directly measured |
cv10c052 | Politics sometimes seems so complicated that people like me can hardly understand what is going on | directly measured |
cv10c053 | Did you vote in the most recent parliamentary elections, held on 22 November 2006? | directly measured |
cv10c054 | For which party did you vote in the parliamentary elections of 22 November 2006? | directly measured |
cv10c055 | What other party do you mean | directly measured |
cv10c056 | For which party did you vote in the most recent Provincial elections (Provinciale Staten), held on 7 March 2007? | directly measured |
cv10c057 | What other party do you mean | directly measured |
cv10c058 | If parliamentary elections were held today, for which party would you vote? | directly measured |
cv10c059 | What other party do you mean? | directly measured |
cv10c060 | Confidence: voting by voting computer | directly measured |
cv10c061 | Confidence: voting by paper voting slip | directly measured |
cv10c062 | Confidence: voting by telephone | directly measured |
cv10c063 | Confidence: voting by home computer | directly measured |
cv10c064 | Confidence: voting by completing the slip at home and sending it by mail | directly measured |
cv10c065 | Raising a political issue or influencing politicians or government: by making use of radio, television or newspaper | directly measured |
cv10c066 | Raising a political issue or influencing politicians or government: by making use of a political party or organization | directly measured |
cv10c067 | Raising a political issue or influencing politicians or government: participated in a government-organized public hearing, discussion or citizens participation meeting | directly measured |
cv10c068 | Raising a political issue or influencing politicians or government: contacted a politician or civil servant | directly measured |
cv10c069 | Raising a political issue or influencing politicians or government: participated in an action group | directly measured |
cv10c070 | Raising a political issue or influencing politicians or government: participated in a protest action, protest march or demonstration | directly measured |
cv10c071 | Raising a political issue or influencing politicians or government: participated in a political discussion or campaign by Internet, e-mail or SMS | directly measured |
cv10c072 | Raising a political issue or influencing politicians or government: something else | directly measured |
cv10c073 | Raising a political issue or influencing politicians or government: none of these | directly measured |
cv10c074 | Raising a political issue or influencing politicians or government: I dont know | directly measured |
cv10c075 | In what other way did you raise a political issue or influence politicians or the government? | directly measured |
cv10c076 | What do you think of the CDA (Christian democrats)? | directly measured |
cv10c077 | What do you think of the PvdA (labor party)? | directly measured |
cv10c078 | What do you think of the VVD? (liberal party)? | directly measured |
cv10c079 | What do you think of the SP (socialist party)? | directly measured |
cv10c080 | What do you think of GroenLinks? (green party)? | directly measured |
cv10c081 | What do you think of D66? (social-liberal party)? | directly measured |
cv10c082 | What do you think of the ChristenUnie? (Christian union party)? | directly measured |
cv10c083 | What do you think of the SGP? (Christian Reformed party)? | directly measured |
cv10c084 | What do you think of Trots op Nederland (groep Verdonk)? (Verdonk Dutch pride party)? | directly measured |
cv10c085 | What do you think of the Partij voor de Vrijheid (Groep Wilders)? (Wilders freedom party)? | directly measured |
cv10c086 | What do you think of the Partij voor de Dieren? (animal welfare party)? | directly measured |
cv10c087 | What do you think of Jan Peter Balkenende? | directly measured |
cv10c088 | What do you think of Wouter Bos? | directly measured |
cv10c089 | What do you think of Mark Rutte? | directly measured |
cv10c090 | What do you think of Jan Marijnissen? | directly measured |
cv10c091 | What do you think of Femke Halsema? | directly measured |
cv10c092 | What do you think of Alexander Pechtold? | directly measured |
cv10c093 | What do you think of André Rouvoet? | directly measured |
cv10c094 | What do you think of Bas van der Vlies? | directly measured |
cv10c095 | What do you think of Rita Verdonk? | directly measured |
cv10c096 | What do you think of Geert Wilders? | directly measured |
cv10c097 | What do you think of Marianne Thieme? | directly measured |
cv10c098 | Are you a member of a political party? | directly measured |
cv10c099 | Of which political party are you a member? | directly measured |
cv10c100 | What other political party do you mean? | directly measured |
cv10c101 | Where would you place yourself on the scale below, where 0 means left and 10 means right? | directly measured |
cv10c102 | Where would you place yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means that euthanasia should be forbidden and 5 means that euthanasia should be permitted? | directly measured |
cv10c103 | Where would you place yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means that differences in income should increase and 5 means that these should decrease? | directly measured |
cv10c104 | Where would you place yourself on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means that immigrants can retain their own culture and 5 means that they should adapt entirely? | directly measured |
cv10c105 | Where would you place yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means that European unification should go further and 0 means that it has already gone too far | directly measured |
cv10c106 | If you had to choose, what goal would be your first choice? | directly measured |
cv10c107 | What goal would be your second choice? | directly measured |
cv10c108 | What goal would be your third choice? | directly measured |
cv10c109 | A working mother’s relationship with her children can be just as close and warm as that of a non-working mother | directly measured |
cv10c110 | A child that is not yet attending school is likely to suffer the consequences if his or her mother has a job | directly measured |
cv10c111 | Overall, family life suffers the consequences if the mother has a full-time job | directly measured |
cv10c112 | Both father and mother should contribute to the family income | directly measured |
cv10c113 | The father should earn money, while the mother takes care of the household and the family | directly measured |
cv10c114 | Fathers ought to do more in terms of household work than they do at present | directly measured |
cv10c115 | Fathers ought to do more in terms of childcare than they do at present | directly measured |
cv10c116 | It is good if society consists of people from different cultures | directly measured |
cv10c117 | It is difficult for a foreigner to be accepted in the Netherlands while retaining his/her own culture | directly measured |
cv10c118 | It should be made easier to obtain asylum in the Netherlands | directly measured |
cv10c119 | Legally residing foreigners should be entitled to the same social security as Dutch citizens | directly measured |
cv10c120 | There are too many people of foreign origin or descent in the Netherlands | directly measured |
cv10c121 | People of foreign origin or descent are not accepted in the Netherlands | directly measured |
cv10c122 | Some sectors of the economy can only continue to function because people of foreign origin or descent work there | directly measured |
cv10c123 | It does not help a neighborhood if many people of foreign origin or descent move in | directly measured |
cv10c124 | Married people are generally happier than unmarried people | directly measured |
cv10c125 | People that want to have children should get married | directly measured |
cv10c126 | A single parent can raise a child just as well as two parents together | directly measured |
cv10c127 | It is perfectly fine for a couple to live together without marriage intentions | directly measured |
cv10c128 | For a couple that wants to get married, it is good to first start living together | directly measured |
cv10c129 | A divorce is generally the best solution if a married couple cannot solve their marital problems | directly measured |
cv10c130 | It is all right for a married couple with children to get divorced | directly measured |
cv10c131 | Children ought to care for their sick parents | directly measured |
cv10c132 | When parents reach old age, they should be able to live with their children | directly measured |
cv10c133 | Children that live close by ought to visit their parents at least once a week | directly measured |
cv10c134 | Children ought to take unpaid leave in order to care for their sick parents | directly measured |
cv10c135 | Your life is not complete if you haven’t had children | directly measured |
cv10c136 | It is your duty to society to have children | directly measured |
cv10c137 | I think that, in this world, you can only feel at ease in your own family with children | directly measured |
cv10c138 | If you don’t have any children, I don’t think you can ever be truly happy | directly measured |
cv10c139 | You can only do what you feel like doing after you have done your duty | directly measured |
cv10c140 | If someone wants to enjoy life, he/she must be prepared to work hard for it | directly measured |
cv10c141 | I feel happiest after working hard | directly measured |
cv10c142 | Work should always come first, even if it means having less leisure time | directly measured |
cv10c143 | If she has a baby (a child younger than 1 year) | directly measured |
cv10c144 | If she has a child that does not yet attend school | directly measured |
cv10c145 | After the youngest child starts primary school | directly measured |
cv10c146 | After the youngest child starts secondary school | directly measured |
cv10c147 | Trade unions should take a much tougher political stance, if they wish to promote the workers’ interests | directly measured |
cv10c148 | Trade unions should advise their members to vote for those parties that best promote the workers’ interests | directly measured |
cv10c149 | Laborers still need to fight for an equal position in society | directly measured |
cv10c150 | The differences in social class should be smaller than they are now | directly measured |
cv10c151 | A woman is more suited to rearing young children than a man | directly measured |
cv10c152 | It is actually less important for a girl than for a boy to get a good education | directly measured |
cv10c153 | Generally speaking, boys can be reared more liberally than girls | directly measured |
cv10c154 | It is unnatural for women in firms to have control over men | directly measured |
cv10c155 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
cv10c156 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
cv10c157 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
cv10c158 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
cv10c159 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
cv10c160 | Age | preloaded |
cv10c161 | Starting date of the interview | constructed |
cv10c162 | Starting time of the interview | constructed |
cv10c163 | End date of the interview | constructed |
cv10c164 | End time of the interview | constructed |
cv10c165 | Duration of the interview | derived |
Questionnaire: Politics and Values, wave 3
The questionnaire was conducted in Dutch.
Browse Politics and Values, wave 3Response Information
Response Overview
Response:Selected number of household members: 9398 (100%)
Nonresponse: 3012 (32.0%)
Response: 6386 (68.0%)
Complete: 6327 (67.3%)
Incomplete: 59 ( .6%)
Collection Events
07-12-2009 to 30-12-2009
panel members aged 16 years or older
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
a reminder was twice sent to non-respondents
04-01-2010 to 27-01-2010
part of the non-respondents
Collection Mode
internet survey
01-02-2010 to 24-02-2010
non-respondents who were not selected in January
Collection Mode
internet survey