Politics and Values > Wave 4

Longitudinal Wave

General Information

Wave 4
Project Number
This is the fourth wave of the LISS Core Study module called 'Politics and Values'.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Suzan Elshout (CentERdata)
© 2011 CentERdata
Funding Organization
MESS Project

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of household member encryptedpreloaded
cv11d_mYear and month of the field work periodconstructed
cv11d001How satisfied or dissatisfied are you, generally speaking, about what the government has done lately?directly measured
cv11d002Do you follow the news: on television and/or radiodirectly measured
cv11d003Do you follow the news: on Internetdirectly measured
cv11d004Do you follow the news: in a free daily newspaper such as Metro or Spitsdirectly measured
cv11d166Do you follow the news: in a paid daily newspaperdirectly measured
cv11d006Do you follow the news: not or hardlydirectly measured
cv11d167Do you follow the news: otherdirectly measured
cv11d007Do you follow the news: I dont knowdirectly measured
cv11d168How do you follow the news then?directly measured
cv11d008Are you very interested in the news, fairly interested or not interested?directly measured
cv11d009If the newspaper reports national news, for example about government issues, do you read that?directly measured
cv11d010If you are in the company of other people and the conversation turns to national news, do you usually participate in the conversation, listen with interest, do not listen or do not have any interest?directly measured
cv11d011If the newspaper reports international news, for example about tensions or talks between different countries, how often do you read that?directly measured
cv11d012Are you very interested in political topics, fairly interested or not interested?directly measured
cv11d013confidence: Dutch governmentdirectly measured
cv11d014confidence: Dutch parliamentdirectly measured
cv11d015confidence: the legal systemdirectly measured
cv11d016Confidence: the policedirectly measured
cv11d017Confidence: politiciansdirectly measured
cv11d018Confidence: political partiesdirectly measured
cv11d019Confidence: European Parliamentdirectly measured
cv11d020Confidence: United Nationsdirectly measured
cv11d021Confidence: the mediadirectly measured
cv11d022Confidence: the militarydirectly measured
cv11d023Confidence: the education systemdirectly measured
cv11d024Confidence: healthcaredirectly measured
cv11d025Confidence: sciencedirectly measured
cv11d026Confidence: the economydirectly measured
cv11d027Confidence: democracydirectly measured
cv11d028Confidence: shops/firms that you deal with personally (that you visit in person)directly measured
cv11d029Confidence: shops/firms on the Internetdirectly measured
cv11d030Satisfaction: Dutch governmentdirectly measured
cv11d031Satisfaction: Dutch parliamentdirectly measured
cv11d032Satisfaction: the legal systemdirectly measured
cv11d033Satisfaction: the policedirectly measured
cv11d034Satisfaction: politiciansdirectly measured
cv11d035Satisfaction: political partiesdirectly measured
cv11d036Satisfaction: European Parliamentdirectly measured
cv11d037Satisfaction: United Nationsdirectly measured
cv11d038Satisfaction: the mediadirectly measured
cv11d039Satisfaction: the militarydirectly measured
cv11d040Satisfaction: the education systemdirectly measured
cv11d041Satisfaction: healthcaredirectly measured
cv11d042Satisfaction: sciencedirectly measured
cv11d043Satisfaction: the economydirectly measured
cv11d044Satisfaction: democracydirectly measured
cv11d045Satisfaction: shops/firms that you deal with personally (that you visit in person)directly measured
cv11d046Satisfaction: shops/firms on the Internetdirectly measured
cv11d047Parliamentarians do not care about the opinions of people like medirectly measured
cv11d048Political parties are only interested in my vote and not in my opiniondirectly measured
cv11d049People like me have no influence at all on government policydirectly measured
cv11d050I am well capable of playing an active role in politicsdirectly measured
cv11d051I have a clear picture of the most important political issues in our countrydirectly measured
cv11d052Politics sometimes seems so complicated that people like me can hardly understand what is going ondirectly measured
cv11d053Did you vote in the most recent parliamentary elections, held on 22 November 2006?directly measured
cv11d169For which party did you vote in the parliamentary elections of 9 June 2010?directly measured
cv11d170What other party do you meandirectly measured
cv11d171If parliamentary elections were held today, for which party would you vote?directly measured
cv11d172What other party do you meandirectly measured
cv11d060Confidence: voting by voting computerdirectly measured
cv11d061Confidence: voting by paper voting slipdirectly measured
cv11d062Confidence: voting by telephonedirectly measured
cv11d063Confidence: voting by home computerdirectly measured
cv11d064Confidence: voting by completing the slip at home and sending it by maildirectly measured
cv11d065Raising a political issue or influencing politicians or government: by making use of radio, television or newspaperdirectly measured
cv11d066Raising a political issue or influencing politicians or government: by making use of a political party or organizationdirectly measured
cv11d067Raising a political issue or influencing politicians or government: participated in a government-organized public hearing, discussion or citizens participation meetingdirectly measured
cv11d068Raising a political issue or influencing politicians or government: contacted a politician or civil servantdirectly measured
cv11d069Raising a political issue or influencing politicians or government: participated in an action groupdirectly measured
cv11d070Raising a political issue or influencing politicians or government: participated in a protest action, protest march or demonstrationdirectly measured
cv11d071Raising a political issue or influencing politicians or government: participated in a political discussion or campaign by Internet, e-mail or SMSdirectly measured
cv11d072Raising a political issue or influencing politicians or government: something elsedirectly measured
cv11d073Raising a political issue or influencing politicians or government: none of thesedirectly measured
cv11d074Raising a political issue or influencing politicians or government: I dont knowdirectly measured
cv11d075In what other way did you raise a political issue or influence politicians or the government?directly measured
cv11d173What do you think of the VVD (liberal party)?directly measured
cv11d174What do you think of the PvdA (labor party)?directly measured
cv11d175What do you think of the PVV (Wilders freedom party)?directly measured
cv11d176What do you think of the CDA (Christian democrats)?directly measured
cv11d177What do you think of the SP (socialist party)?directly measured
cv11d178What do you think of D66 (social-liberal party)?directly measured
cv11d179What do you think of GroenLinks (green party)?directly measured
cv11d180What do you think of the ChristenUnie (Christian union party)?directly measured
cv11d181What do you think of the SGP (Christian Reformed party)?directly measured
cv11d182What do you think of the Partij voor de Dieren (animal welfare party)?directly measured
cv11d183What do you think of Mark Rutte?directly measured
cv11d184What do you think of Job Cohen?directly measured
cv11d185What do you think of Geert Wilders?directly measured
cv11d186What do you think of Maxime Verhagen?directly measured
cv11d187What do you think of Emile Roemer?directly measured
cv11d188What do you think of Alexander Pechtold?directly measured
cv11d189What do you think of Femke Halsema?directly measured
cv11d190What do you think of André Rouvoet?directly measured
cv11d191What do you think of Kees van der Staaij?directly measured
cv11d192What do you think of Marianne Thieme?directly measured
cv11d098Are you a member of a political party?directly measured
cv11d193Of which political party are you a member?directly measured
cv11d194What other political party do you mean?directly measured
cv11d101Where would you place yourself on the scale below, where 0 means left and 10 means right?directly measured
cv11d102Where would you place yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means that euthanasia should be forbidden and 5 means that euthanasia should be permitted?directly measured
cv11d103Where would you place yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means that differences in income should increase and 5 means that these should decrease?directly measured
cv11d104Where would you place yourself on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means that immigrants can retain their own culture and 5 means that they should adapt entirely?directly measured
cv11d105Where would you place yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means that European unification should go further and 0 means that it has already gone too fardirectly measured
cv11d106If you had to choose, what goal would be your first choice?directly measured
cv11d107What goal would be your second choice?directly measured
cv11d108What goal would be your third choice?directly measured
cv11d109A working mother’s relationship with her children can be just as close and warm as that of a non-working motherdirectly measured
cv11d110A child that is not yet attending school is likely to suffer the consequences if his or her mother has a jobdirectly measured
cv11d111Overall, family life suffers the consequences if the mother has a full-time jobdirectly measured
cv11d112Both father and mother should contribute to the family incomedirectly measured
cv11d113The father should earn money, while the mother takes care of the household and the familydirectly measured
cv11d114Fathers ought to do more in terms of household work than they do at presentdirectly measured
cv11d115Fathers ought to do more in terms of childcare than they do at presentdirectly measured
cv11d116It is good if society consists of people from different culturesdirectly measured
cv11d117It is difficult for a foreigner to be accepted in the Netherlands while retaining his/her own culturedirectly measured
cv11d118It should be made easier to obtain asylum in the Netherlandsdirectly measured
cv11d119Legally residing foreigners should be entitled to the same social security as Dutch citizensdirectly measured
cv11d120There are too many people of foreign origin or descent in the Netherlandsdirectly measured
cv11d121People of foreign origin or descent are not accepted in the Netherlandsdirectly measured
cv11d122Some sectors of the economy can only continue to function because people of foreign origin or descent work theredirectly measured
cv11d123It does not help a neighborhood if many people of foreign origin or descent move indirectly measured
cv11d124Married people are generally happier than unmarried peopledirectly measured
cv11d125People that want to have children should get marrieddirectly measured
cv11d126A single parent can raise a child just as well as two parents togetherdirectly measured
cv11d127It is perfectly fine for a couple to live together without marriage intentionsdirectly measured
cv11d128For a couple that wants to get married, it is good to first start living togetherdirectly measured
cv11d129A divorce is generally the best solution if a married couple cannot solve their marital problemsdirectly measured
cv11d130It is all right for a married couple with children to get divorceddirectly measured
cv11d131Children ought to care for their sick parentsdirectly measured
cv11d132When parents reach old age, they should be able to live with their childrendirectly measured
cv11d133Children that live close by ought to visit their parents at least once a weekdirectly measured
cv11d134Children ought to take unpaid leave in order to care for their sick parentsdirectly measured
cv11d143If she has a baby (a child younger than 1 year)directly measured
cv11d144If she has a child that does not yet attend schooldirectly measured
cv11d145After the youngest child starts primary schooldirectly measured
cv11d146After the youngest child starts secondary schooldirectly measured
cv11d151A woman is more suited to rearing young children than a mandirectly measured
cv11d152It is actually less important for a girl than for a boy to get a good educationdirectly measured
cv11d153Generally speaking, boys can be reared more liberally than girlsdirectly measured
cv11d154It is unnatural for women in firms to have control over mendirectly measured
cv11d155Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
cv11d156Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
cv11d157Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
cv11d158Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
cv11d159Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
cv11d161Starting date of the interviewconstructed
cv11d162Starting time of the interviewconstructed
cv11d163End date of the interviewconstructed
cv11d164End time of the interviewconstructed
cv11d165Duration of the interviewderived


Questionnaire: Politics and Values, wave 4

The survey was originally conducted in Dutch.

Browse Politics and Values, wave 4

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 7328 (100.0%)
Nonresponse: 1934 ( 26.4%)
Response: 5394 (73.6%)
Complete: 5287 (72.1%)
Incomplete: 107 (1.5%)
Collection Events
06-12-2010 to 29-12-2010
panel members aged 16 years and older
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
a reminder was twice sent to non-respondents

03-01-2011 to 30-01-2011
non-respondents of the first measurement
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
a reminder was twice sent to non-respondents