Mixed Mode Experiment
General Information
Mixed Mode Experiment
Project Number
This study is divided into three parts and combines mixed-mode experiments with other experiments that were incorporated in the questionnaires.
- In Mixed Mode 1, the results of telephone interviews (CATI) are compared to those of an Internet questionnaire (CAWI).
- Mixed Mode 2 also consisted of CATI and CAWI versions, but only the internet survey can, for the moment, be disseminated.
- Mixed Mode 3 is a repeated measure of the internet version of Mixed Mode 1.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Study
De Leeuw, E.D., Hox, J.J.
© 2011 CentERdata
List of Measures
Please select a wave to access the metadata and download datasets for that wave.
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Emulating interviewers in an online survey: Experimental manipulation of ‘do-not-know’ over the phone and on the web JSM Proceedings, Survey Research Methods Section, pp. 6305-6314; De Leeuw, E.
et al.
Mode Effect or Question Wording? Measurement Error in Mixed Mode Surveys JSM Proceedings, Survey Research Methods Section, pp. 5959-5967.; De Leeuw, E.
et al.
Handling Do-Not-Know Answers: Exploring New Approaches in Online and Mixed-Mode Surveys Social Science Computer Review, 34(1), pp. 116-132; De Leeuw, E.D.
et al.
Mode effects versus question format effects: An experimental investigation of measurement error implemented in a probability-based online panel In P. J. Lavrakas, M. W. Traugott, C. Kennedy, A. L. Holbrook, E. D. de Leeuw & B. T. West (Eds.), Experimental methods in survey research. Techniques that combine random sampling with random assignment (pp. 151–165); de Leeuw, E. D.,
et al.