Work and Schooling
General Information
Work and Schooling
Project Number
This questionnaire is part of the LISS Core Study, a longitudinal survey delivering a broad range of social core information about the panel members.
The survey focuses on labour market participation, job characteristics, pensions, schooling and courses.
The survey focuses on labour market participation, job characteristics, pensions, schooling and courses.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Study
Changes regarding to the previous wave are specified in the Introduction of the codebook.
List of concepts:
Employment / activity status, Employment history, Hours of paid work, Characteristics current or last job, Average pay job, Second jobs, Work aspirations, Satisfaction, Employment conditions, Commuting, Pensions, Non-working, non-pension, Job search
Satisfaction education, Highest qualification, Highest education, Qualifications for job, Education and training in last year
List of concepts:
Employment / activity status, Employment history, Hours of paid work, Characteristics current or last job, Average pay job, Second jobs, Work aspirations, Satisfaction, Employment conditions, Commuting, Pensions, Non-working, non-pension, Job search
Satisfaction education, Highest qualification, Highest education, Qualifications for job, Education and training in last year
Maarten Streefkerk (Centerdata)
© 2024 Centerdata
List of Measures
Please select a wave to access the metadata and download datasets for that wave.
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
The impact of attitudes and work preferences on Dutch mothers' employment patterns ; Ruitenberg, J.
et al.
Alcohol en Inkomen Bachelor Thesis; Goijen, Rutger
Long-term Impact of Recessions on Individuals Tilburg University, the Netherlands; Dai, M.
The Scope for Increasing Total Hours Worked De Economist, 161(2), 157-174; Loog, B.
et al.
The influence of personality on career success: An empirical study ; de Gruijter, L.B.
Does working irregular hours make employees less healthy? Tilburg School of Economics and Management, Tilburg University; Verschuuren, E.
Informing panel members about study results: effects of traditional and innovative forms of feedback on participation In: M. Callegaro, R. Baker, J. Bethlehem, A. S. Göritz, J. A. Krosnick and P. J. Lavrakas (Eds.). Online Panel Research: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Wiley. ; Scherpenzeel, Annette and Toepoel, Vera
Labour market disadvantage, political orientations and voting: how adverse labour market experiences translate into electoral behaviour Socioecon Rev first published online March 2, 2015; Emmenegger, P.,
et al.
Het inkomensverschil van immigranten van de eerste en tweede generatie ten opzichte van autochtonen in Nederland Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde, Amsterdam School of Economics
Bachelorscriptie Econometrie; Romme, G.
The wage return to education during the recent economic crisis - An application to the Netherlands Erasmus University Rotterdam; van Trigt, K.
The two way relationship between an employee's job satisfaction and mental health University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business, MscBA, specialization Human Resource Management; Terlaak, R.G.
The effect of attitudes towards gender roles and work values on the number of hours worked by women in the Netherlands University of Groningen; Fakkert, S.W.M.
Education and Smoking Cessation: The Role of Skills Explained Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Roest, A.M.T.
Wages and the Big Five personality traits of natives and immigrants Erasmus School of Economics, Economics of Management and Organisation; Ramlal, T.S.D.
How Unemployment Experience Affects Support for the Welfare State: A Real Panel Approach European Sociological Review (2016), 32 (1): 81-92 ; Naumann, E.,
et al.
Relations between mental health, income and the labor market position in the Netherlands: University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam School of Economics; Keizer, S.
Assimilation in the Dutch labour market: a comparison of the native-immigrant wage gap between generations University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business; Hovius, Maurits
Substance use after trauma: Tilburg University; Bogaerd, P.M.H.M. van den
Cultureel startkapitaal, een blijvend voordeel? Mens en Maatschappij (2017), 92(2), 125-152; Veerman, F.,
et al.
Estimating the private returns to education in the Netherlands for different education cohorts using panel data; pre and post the 2007 ‘Qualification Law’. Tilburg University, Economics; Kollias, G.
Meer of minder werken: Heterogeniteit onder werkende vrouwen TPEdigitaal, 5(4), pp. 50-63; Loog, B.
et al.
The Impact of Matching Mission Preferences on Well-Being at Work Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper No. 036/I ; Zoutenbier, R.
Bouwstenen voor een wettelijke regeling van 'zware beroepen' Master thesis, Nederlands Recht, Tilburg University; Wentink, S.A.A.M.
Levenstevredenheid na pensionering Bachelor thesis, Department of Sociology, University of Amsterdam; Splinter, M.
Opgroeien aan de onderkant van de samenleving Master thesis, Departement Bestuurskunde & Organisatiewetenschap, Universiteit Utrecht. ; Akdag, E.
Family characteristics and entrepreneurship among immigrants in the Netherlands Master thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus School of Economics; Grigorian, A.A.
Exploring the Social Origins of Dutch Mothers’ Ideal Family Lives Sex Roles, 70(7-8), pp 315-328 ; Ruitenberg, J.
et al.
Entrepreneurship and family composition Bachelor thesis, Erasmus Research Institute of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Kok, C.
The social origins of general and personal gender attitudes of Dutch mothers Working paper ; Ruitenberg, J.
et al.
Unemployment, Trust in Government, and Satisfaction with Democracy: An Empirical Investigation Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, volume 4; Bauer, P.C.
Education and mental health: The effect of dropping out of high school University of Groningen; Hoeksema, M.
Learning opportunities and job satisfaction: The mediating role of perceived qualification Erasmus University Rotterdam; Barhorst, C.
Does a mismatch in working hours negatively influence the job satisfaction of Dutch fathers? Rijksuniversiteit Groningen; de Jager, M.
The effect of gender on overtime hours in the Netherlands Tilburg University; van Heeswijk, D.
Risk aversion and job mobility Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 164, 91-106; van Huizen, T.,
et al.
Individual consumption, time use and their distribution for the Dutch population University of Groningen; van Leeuwen, B. J.
On the effect of business and economic university education on political ideology: An empirical note Journal of Business Ethics, 155(3), 809-822; Delis, M. D.,
et al.
Partner relationship quality under pressing work conditions Radboud University Nijmegen; Blom, N.
Individuals’ risk propensity and job search activity Linnaeus University; Wrååk, J.
The educational gradient in trust in politicians in the Netherlands: A status-based cultural conflict The Sociological Quarterly, 60(3), 439-456; Noordzij, K.,
et al.
Opening the black box of joint household production: Child welfare and parental leisure Working paper, first published online March 7, 2019; Cosaert, S.,
et al.
Factors influencing job matches: A mixed methods analysis of the Dutch labour market Maastricht University; Shankar, A. V.
Temporary employment of first-generation migrants in the Netherlands Leiden University; Boffi, G.
Intervening to reduce satisficing behaviors in web surveys: Evidence from two experiments on how it works Social Science Computer Review, 36(1), 57-81; Zhang, C.,
et al.
Three facets of planning and postponement of parenthood in the Netherlands Demographic Research, 43(23), 659–672; Verweij, R.,
et al.
Analyse des Einflusses von CoViD-19 auf den Renteneintritt in den Niederlanden unter Betrachtung verschiedener Gesichtspunkte, insbesondere Frührente University of Bonn; Melchior, T. O.
Are all politics masculine? Gender socialised personality traits and diversity in political engagement European Journal of Politics and Gender, 4(1), 113-133 ; Coffé, H.,
et al.
Investigating response patterns across surveys: Do respondents show consistency in undesirable answer behaviour over multiple surveys? Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique, 147–148(1-2), 150–16; Bais, F.,
et al.
Gender, parenthood, and hiring intentions in sex-typical jobs: Insights from a survey experiment Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 65(100464), 1-9; Mari, G.,
et al.
Couples’ job insecurity and relationship satisfaction in the Netherlands Journal of Marriage and Family, 82(3), 875-891; Blom, N.,
et al.
Learning to love cosmopolitanism? Testing the socialisation effect of educational field of study on cosmopolitan attitudes in the Netherlands SocArXiv, first published online July 07, 2020; Kunst, S.
Gender and the effect of working hours on firm-sponsored training Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 125, 192-211 ; Picchio, M.,
et al.
Health disparities: The role of spirituality and religiosity in health outcomes within and between socioeconomic groups in the Netherlands. University of Groningen; Pierey, L.
De effecten van de Participatiewet en Wet banenafspraak voor mensen met een arbeidsbeperking Erasmus University Rotterdam; Jacobs, C. F. W.
Family-work conflict and its implication for job performance in the Dutch health care sector Utrecht University; Marsen, L.
Gender Norms and the Labour Market Participation of Dutch Women Maastricht University; Kerkhofs, P.
Mental health over the lifecycle: An economic perspective University of Groningen; Dijk, H.
From mancession to shecession: Women's employment in regular and pandemic recessions NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2021, Working paper No. 28632, first published online April, 2021; Alon, T.,
et al.
De kracht en zwakte van generatiepactregelingen Tijdschrift voor Pensioenvraagstukken, 12(2), 15-19; van Dalen, H. P.
et al.
Girl power! Laughing all the way to the bank Leiden University; van Dijk, J.
Het effect van subjectief welzijn op inkomen Erasmus University Rotterdam; van den Berg, M.
How attitudes towards immigrants are shaped by residential context: The role of ethnic diversity dynamics and immigrant visibility Urban Studies, 56(2), 317–334; van Heerden, S.,
et al.
How attitudes towards immigrants are shaped by residential context: The role of ethnic diversity dynamics and immigrant visibility Urban Studies, 56(2), 317-334; van Heerden, S.,
et al.
Contacts with benefits: How social networks affect benefit receipt dynamics in the Netherlands Utrecht University; Kristiansen, M. H.
Personality traits and job satisfaction among police officers Tilburg University; Keramari, A.
Does unemployment make you less healthy? Lund University; Persson, A.,
et al.
Job loss expectations, durable consumption and household finances: Evidence from linked survey data SAFE, Working Paper No. 249; Pettinicchi, Y.
et al.
Household composition and preferences: A collective approach to household consumption Review of Income and Wealth, 67(3), 591-615; van Leeuwen, B.,
et al.
Consumption responses to unemployment shocks Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, Design paper No. 01/2020-005; Been, J.,
et al.
Consumer transportation costs and the value of e-commerce: Evidence from the Dutch apparel industry SSRN, first published online December 8, 2021; Huang, Y.,
et al.
Politiek & Participatie University of Groningen; Brouwer, B.
Elke stem telt University of Groningen; van Ee, A. C. M.
Politieke segregatie door verschillen in opleidingsniveau? University of Groningen; de Vries, J.
Vertrouwen in instituties vormt het politiek participeren University of Groningen; de Witte, F.
De invloed van de groeiende online wereld op het vertrouwen in politieke instituties University of Groningen; IJkema, R.
Politiek leiden of lijden? University of Groningen; Spoor, D.
Door kennis meer invloed? University of Groningen; Vissers, A.
De straat op of naar de stembus? University of Groningen; Ouwendijk, A.
The effect of training on workers’ perceived job match quality Empirical Economics, 60(5), 2477–2498; Zhang, Y.,
et al.
The effects of educational mismatch and skill mismatch on wages, a panel data study in the Netherlands University of Groningen; Crol, T. S.
Social media and job satisfaction; A challenge or hindrance stressor? Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; de Vries, S.,
et al.
A panel study of attitudes toward ethnic minorities and the role of changes in individuals’ economic situations International Journal of Public Opinion Studies, 34(1), 1-20; Hendriks, I.,
et al.
Preservation of employees’ job perspectives in the fourth industrial revolution Maastricht University; Weickel, J. K.
In need of opportunities: A within-person investigation of opposing pathways in the relationship between job insecurity and participation in development activities Journal of Vocational Behavior, 140, 1-17; Van Hootegem, A.,
et al.
The transition to grandparenthood: No consistent evidence for change in the Big Five personality traits and life satisfaction European Journal of Personality, first published online August 16, 2022; Krämer, M. D.,
et al.
Unraveling the complex relationship between work transitions and self-esteem and life satisfaction Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 123(3), 597–620; Reitz, A. K.,
et al.
Job search during a pandemic recession: Survey evidence from the Netherlands Labour Economics, 75, 1-21; Balgova, M.,
et al.
Job search during a pandemic recession: Survey evidence from the Netherlands IZA Institute of Labor Economics, Discussion paper No. 14180; Balgova, M.,
et al.
Can survey participation affect the partaking in career-relevant education of the labour force Tilburg University; Mujezinovic, A.
The wage penalty for informal caregivers from a life course perspective Advances in Life Course Research, 53, 1-10; Raiber, K.,
et al.
The parental involvement behavior of Dutch and migrant parents Erasmus University Rotterdam; Beckers, S.
The difference in labor supply between partnered people and singles: Selection or specialization. Tilburg University; Lourens, Y.
Les déterminants du salaire ; Cesselin, M.,
et al.
Een onderzoek naar de effecten van de gezinssamenstelling en de woonsituatie op de werktevredenheid van thuiswerkenden gedurende de coronacrisis Leiden University ; Lolcama, T.
Intersectionele sekse- en herkomstverschillen in nietwerken: Een verklaring op basis van sociaal kapitaal Mens & Maatschappij, 97(4), 372-401; Roeleven, J.,
et al.
Equality of opportunity through education? A research to the differences in obtaining future cultural, social and economic capital through education between students from different socioeconomic backgrounds. Utrecht University; van Hoogstraten, R.
Traditional or egalitarian? Parenthood, gender attitudes, and part-time work among Dutch men Erasmus University Rotterdam; Schut, J.
What makes or breaks political trust: A fixed effects regression analysis of changes in political trust within individuals in the Netherlands between 2008 and 2018. Radboud University; van Gorp, M. T. L.
Differences in pay-satisfaction between single and cohabiting women in the Netherlands, moderated by gender norms Utrecht University; Visser, C.
Job insecurity and mental health Utrecht University; van der Meer, P. D.
Attitudes: The little things that make big differences the impact of attitudes on the education and labour decisions of women in the Netherlands Utrecht University; Nikoloski, M.
Three essays in macroeconomics University of Wisconsin-Madison; Kaiser, R.
The welfare effect of temporary work: A Dutch case study using LISS panel-data Utrecht University; de Leeuw, D.
De invloed van houding en normen ten aanzien van werk op werkloosheid Utrecht University; Kreima, C.
Wat maakt hoogopgeleide werknemers in de private sector tevreden met hun werk? Utrecht University; Thodé, M.
Latent change score models for the study of development and dynamics in organizational research Organizational Research Methods, 24(4), 772-801; Matusik, J. G.,
et al.
Methodological and conceptual issues in studying effort-reward fit Journal of Managerial Psychology, 37(5), 498-512; Lang, J. W. B.,
et al.
Opening the black box: Uncovering the leader trait paradigm through machine learning The Leadership Quarterly, 33(5), 1-12; Doornenbal, B. M.,
et al.
Zijn er geslachts- en leeftijdsverschillen in het effect van menselijk kapitaal op het subjectief welzijn? Utrecht University; Linthorst, X.
A remote revolution? The influence of remote working arrangements on the gendered labor supply in the Netherlands Leiden University; Geerdink, B.
Employer incentives in disability insurance: Theory and evidence University of Groningen; Jansen, L.
No Bees, No Honey: An empirical study on the relationship between working conditions and working hours in the intensive margin on the Dutch labour market between 2008-2021 Utrecht University; van Rijnbach, J.
Can survey item characteristics relevant to measurement error be coded reliably? A case study on 11 Dutch general population surveys Sociological Methods & Research, 48(2), 263-295; Bais, F.,
et al.
Constructing behaviour profiles for answer behaviour across surveys Utrecht University; Bais, F.
Is undesirable answer behaviour consistent across surveys? An investigation into respondent characteristics Survey Methodology, 48(1), 191-224; Bais, F.,
et al.
Are some people more consistent? Examining the stability and underlying processes of personality profile consistency. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52(3), 1409-1417; Wright, A. J.
et al.
Working from home during the corona-crisis is associated with higher subjective well-being for women with long (pre-corona) commutes Transportation Research Part A, 156, 14-23; Kroesen, M.
Parental childcare with process benefits Economica, 90(357), 339–371; Cosaert, S.,
et al.
Rapport Perspectief & Initiatief, Deelproject 1: inventarisatie TNO/Universiteit van Amsterdam, October 31, 2022; Koen, J.,
et al.
Socialisatieproces of machtspositie? Een onderzoek naar het relatieve belang van het cultureel kapitaal van de moeder en de vader voor het opleidingsniveau van het kind. Mens & Maatschappij, 98(1), 3-28; van de Veen, M.,
et al.
The correlation between personality traits and earnings of high-ranking managers University of Amsterdam; Hoost, S.
Verhoging van minimumloon en bijstand als wondermiddel voor welvaart en welbevinden van de lage inkomensgroep? Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau, February 15, 2023; Geppert, C.,
et al.
Dutch households and sustainable home improvements Tilburg University; de Bruin, G.
The link between personality, global, and domain-specific satisfaction across the adult lifespan Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, first published online March 20, 2023; Olaru, G.,
et al.
The General Factor of Personality (GFP) is associated with higher salary, having a leadership position, and working in a social job Acta Psychologica, 234, 1-7; van der Linden, D.,
et al.
Is working from home during COVID-19 associated with increased sports participation? Contexts of sports, sports location and socioeconomic inequality International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(16), 1-12; Grubben, M.,
et al.
How has the practice of working from home influenced job satisfaction over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands? Erasmus University College; Luijendijk, G.
Does the financial sector cause stock market participation? Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ramnér, L. A. T.
Informal caregivers and life satisfaction: Empirical evidence from the Netherlands Journal of Happiness Studies, first published online May 8, 2023; Blaise, M.,
et al.
Parental leave and life satisfaction: The Dutch case Working paper No. 2019–26; Dillenseger, L.,
et al.
The rise and effects of non-standard labour contracts in the Netherlands Utrecht University; Tulkens, T.
Christelijke vrouwen op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt Erasmus University Rotterdam; Koning, C.
The effects of an increase in paternity leave on household work division VU Amsterdam; Fontanelli, L.
Does work experience change your political attitudes? Gender gaps and class in panel data University of Oxford; Magin, J.
The permeation of loneliness into the workplace: An examination of robustness and persistence over time Applied Psychology, first published online October 8, 2023; Lowman, G. H.,
et al.
Flexwerk en Werkzekerheid in Tijden van Crisis Economisch Statistische Berichten, 96(4602), pp. 54-57; Muffels, R.
et al.
Reminders in Web-Based Data Collection : Increasing Response at the Price of retention? American Journal of Evaluation, 33(2), 240-250; Göritz, Anja S.
et al.
Language proficiency of migrants: The relation with job satisfaction and matching IZA Discussion Paper No. 7366; Bloemen, H.G.
Can the relationship between higher education and cosmopolitanism be explained by field of study? University of North Carolina, first published online October 12, 2020
; Maxwell, R.
Tax Incentives to Promote Active Ageing: The Introduction of the Doorwerkbonus in the Netherlands Master Thesis, Economics and Finance of Aging, Tilburg University; Da Silva Soca, María Luisa
Assessing mediators in the relationship between commute time and subjective well being: a structural equation analysis submitted for the Transportation Research Board congres, January 2014 ; Kroesen, M.
Economies of scope in data aggregation: Evidence from health data TILEC, Discussion Paper No. 020, 2022
; Höcük, S.,
et al.
Togetherness in the household American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 15(1), 529-579; Cosaert, S.,
et al.
Populist partner: The influence of partner characteristics on populist radical right voting European Sociological Review, first published online November 15, 2023; Sipma, T.,
et al.
COVID-19 pandemic impact on urban-rural differences in behavioral determinants of health Erasmus University Rotterdam; van der Stelt, L.
COVID-19 vaccination: Lower intention and coverage among entrepreneurs compared to employees International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 29(11), 312-336; Wismans, A.,
et al.
Wat doet je moeder? De invloed van moeders beroepsstatus op de onderwijsuitkomsten van haar kinderen en hoe die zich verhoudt tot vaders invloed Mens & Maatschappij, 98(1), 60-90; van Empel, M.,
et al.
Welbevinden ten tijde van corona. Eerste bevindingen op basis van een bevolkingsenquête uit juli 2020 Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau, September 9, 2020; de Klerk, M.,
et al.
Een jaar met corona Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau, March 3, 2021; de Klerk, M.,
et al.
Tijdstrends in de uitstroom van bijstandsgerichtigden, met een oog op de participatiewet Leiden University ; Al-Mahmoedi, N.
Gender differences in work commute and the Dutch gender wage gap University of Groningen; Gadre, A.
The role of social participation in promoting mental health: Exploring the benefits of social support networks Utrecht University; van der Molen, N.
Job satisfaction and the ‘great resignation’: An exploratory machine learning analysis Social Indicators Research, 170(3), 1097-1118; Celbiş, M. G.,
et al.
Morally motivated public service: an empirical examination of the moral theory of public service motivation International Public Management Journal, first published online April 13, 2023.; Wang, T.,
et al.
Achter de gezondheidskloof: de rol van bestaansonzekerheid en statusangst University of Groningen; van den Berg, J.
De horizontale mismatch op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt Leiden University; Magielse, I.
Elderly Dutch citizens’ individual characteristics and their impact on yearly GP visits: A baseline for an estimation model of primary healthcare utilization Erasmus University Rotterdam; Garcia, R. L.
Does unemployment erode trust in politicians? An empirical analysis within the Netherlands from 2008 to 2022 Erasmus University Rotterdam; Hanley, P.
Exploring gender disparities in the obesity-related wage effect: A study in the Netherlands University of Groningen; Zwiggelaar, K.
Association between life satisfaction and smoking behavior in the Netherlands Leiden University; Meershoek, N.
Do changes in personality predict life outcomes? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology:
Personality Processes and Individual Differences, 125(6), 1495-1518; Wright, A. J.,
et al.
The associations between life events and person-centered personality consistency Journal of Personality, 92(1), 162–179; Wright, A. J.,
et al.
Longitudinal within-person variability around personality trajectories Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, first published online 2024; Wright, A. J.,
et al.
Community as a socioeconomic safety net? Erasmus University Rotterdam; Clerkx, N.
The pink euro: Wage disparities across sexual orientation VU Amsterdam; Waite, L.
The mental health employment gap Erasmus University Rotterdam; Cuijpers, L. E. A.
Role of work ethic in the work–life satisfaction relationship Journal of Managerial Psychology, 39(1), 52-66; Jing, E. L.,
et al.
The effect of working from home on job satisfaction: A case study in the Netherlands University of Amsterdam; van den Broek, S.
The relationship between field of study and stock market participation in the Netherlands Radboud University; Aerts, T.
The dynamics of remote work: Productivity and work-life balance before, during, and after COVID-19 Erasmus University Rotterdam; Huizenga, J.
The effect of graphic warning labels on tobacco packages Erasmus University Rotterdam; Chazan, A.
From silence to support: Predictors of victimisation disclosure among LGBA+ people in the Netherlands Utrecht University; Melse, M.
Consequences of self-employment after displacement: A trap, or a stepping stone? Leiden University; Eledeissy, H. A. M. E.
Employment contract, occupation and well-being Erasmus University Rotterdam; Lemmen, M.
Part-time parental leave and life satisfaction: Evidence from the Netherlands Applied Research in Quality of Life, 18(5), 1-23; Dillenseger, L.,
et al.
Household fertility forecasting in the Netherlands: Data-driven predictions Utrecht University; Haverhoek, V.
The effect of wage satisfaction on individual labour supply Erasmus University Rotterdam; El Khamloussy, O.
Dynamic shifts in work ethic: Examining COVID-19 pandemic induced changes in the workplace University of Groningen; Müllers, H.
Predicting fertility (as a part of the PreFer data challenge) Utrecht University; Chakroun, N.
A hidden voting gap?: How the interaction between income and depression affects voting. Uppsala University; Danielsson, K.
Helping others to help yourself: The effect of volunteering on life satisfaction and the moderating role of employment status. University of Groningen; van Aalst, F.
Assessing the wage penalty and heterogeneity in the wage penalty experienced by informal caregivers in the Netherlands over time Erasmus University Rotterdam; Hartemink, R.
From insecurity to hate exploring the impact of aversion to change on prejudiced sentiments among young males: How different are they Tilburg University; Hermans, M.
Care for thy neighbor. A study of neighbors’ caregiving intentions by likelihood of reciprocity and previous caregiving experience in the Netherlands. Working paper, first published online December 19, 2024; Ramaekers, M.,
et al.