Work and Schooling > Wave 13

Longitudinal Wave

General Information

Wave 13
Project Number
This is the thirteenth wave of the LISS Core Study module called Work and Schooling. The survey focuses on labour market participation, job characteristics, pensions, schooling and courses.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Maarten Streefkerk (Centerdata)
© 2022 Centerdata
Funding Organization
OCW (Domeinplan SSH)

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Note: Version 1.1 of the codebook: Textual changes in cw20m611.
Codebook in Dutch
Note: Version 1.1 of the codebook: Textual changes in cw20m611.

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of household member encryptedpreloaded
cw20m_mYear and month of the field work periodconstructed
cw20m000Respondent has paid work (according to household box data)preloaded
cw20m525primary occupationpreloaded
cw20m002Respondent’s year of birthpreloaded
cw20m003Respondent's agepreloaded
cw20m001Does respondent have paid work?derived
cw20m005What is the highest level of education that you have completed with diploma or certificate?directly measured
cw20m006What then is the highest level of education that you have completed with diploma or certificate?directly measured
cw20m008What is the highest level of education that you have attended and for which you have or have not obtained a diploma or certificate?directly measured
cw20m009What then is the highest level of education that you have completed with or without diploma or certificate?directly measured
cw20m011In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - General or no specific fielddirectly measured
cw20m012In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Teacher training or educationdirectly measured
cw20m013In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Artdirectly measured
cw20m014In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Humanities (modern or classical languages, history, theology, etc.)directly measured
cw20m015In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Social and behavioral studies (including organization studies, media, culture, sports and leisure studies, etc.)directly measured
cw20m016In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Economics, management, business administration, accountancydirectly measured
cw20m017In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Law, public administrationdirectly measured
cw20m018In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Mathematics, physics, ITdirectly measured
cw20m019In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Technology (including architecture, industry, crafts, construction, etc.)directly measured
cw20m020In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Agriculture, forestry, environmentdirectly measured
cw20m021In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Medical, health services, nursing, etc.directly measured
cw20m022In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Personal care services (home economics, hair dressing school, etc.)directly measured
cw20m023In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Catering, recreationdirectly measured
cw20m024In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Transport, logisticsdirectly measured
cw20m025In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Telecommunicationdirectly measured
cw20m026In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Public order and safety (police, army, fire brigade, etc.)directly measured
cw20m027In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Other areadirectly measured
cw20m029What other area do you mean?directly measured
cw20m031Which of these statements best describes your situation? My education …directly measured
cw20m549My knowledge and skills... - are approximately at the level required by my workdirectly measured
cw20m550My knowledge and skills… - are higher than the level required by my workdirectly measured
cw20m551My knowledge and skills… - are lower than the level required by my workdirectly measured
cw20m552My knowledge and skills… - are for another kind of work than for my current workdirectly measured
cw20m553My knowledge and skills… - have become outdated because the work has changeddirectly measured
cw20m554My knowledge and skills… - have no relation at all to my current workdirectly measured
cw20m555My knowledge and skills… - are insufficiently geared to the work practicedirectly measured
cw20m033Which of the statements below best describes your situation? My knowledge and skills…directly measured
cw20m035Have you, in the past 12 months, followed any educational programs or courses or are you presently following one or more educational programs or courses?directly measured
cw20m040Where do (or did) you follow this program or course?directly measured
cw20m042What is the official duration of this program or course? - amountdirectly measured
cw20m043What is the official duration of this program or course? - perioddirectly measured
cw20m044How many hours do or did you spend in total on this program or course?directly measured
cw20m045How many hours per week do or did you spend (on average) on this program or course?directly measured
cw20m046Did you complete the program or course?directly measured
cw20m047What was your main reason to start following this program or course?directly measured
cw20m049When do (or did) you follow this program or course?directly measured
cw20m050Who pays (or paid) for the costs of the program or course?directly measured
cw20m052What is the amount of your contribution to the costs of this program or course?directly measured
cw20m053Please indicate on a scale from 0 to 10 how important this course is for your current work?directly measured
cw20m088Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I perform paid work (even if is it just for one or several hours per week or for a brief period)directly measured
cw20m089Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I am not working now, but have performed paid work in the pastdirectly measured
cw20m090Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I perform unpaid work while retaining my benefit or allowancedirectly measured
cw20m091Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I am looking for work following the loss of my previous jobdirectly measured
cw20m102Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I perform paid work, but am looking for more or other workdirectly measured
cw20m092Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I have performed paid work, but am released from the obligation to find a new job following the loss of my previous jobdirectly measured
cw20m093Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I am a first-time job seekerdirectly measured
cw20m094Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I am seeking work following a lengthy interruptiondirectly measured
cw20m095Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I am a pupil / studentdirectly measured
cw20m096Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I take care of the householddirectly measured
cw20m097Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I live off private meansdirectly measured
cw20m098Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I have taken early retirement or “functioneel leeftijdsontslag” (FLO)directly measured
cw20m099Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I am a pensionerdirectly measured
cw20m100Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I am partly or wholly disabled for workdirectly measured
cw20m101Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I perform voluntary workdirectly measured
cw20m103Have you ever performed paid work in the past (even if it was only for one or several hours per week or for a brief period)?directly measured
cw20m104You gave several answers to the previous question. Please indicate here which of these answers best describes your situation?directly measured
cw20m105On account of what diagnosis where you pronounced disabled for work? - neoplasms (cancer)directly measured
cw20m106On account of what diagnosis where you pronounced disabled for work? - psychologicaldirectly measured
cw20m107On account of what diagnosis where you pronounced disabled for work? - nervous systemdirectly measured
cw20m108On account of what diagnosis where you pronounced disabled for work? - heart and coronary diseasedirectly measured
cw20m109On account of what diagnosis where you pronounced disabled for work? - musculoskeletal systemdirectly measured
cw20m110On account of what diagnosis where you pronounced disabled for work? - otherdirectly measured
cw20m112On account of what diagnosis where you pronounced disabled for work, then?directly measured
cw20m534For what percentage have you been pronounced disabled for work?directly measured
cw20m114For what reason did you take early retirement? - poor healthdirectly measured
cw20m115For what reason did you take early retirement? - reorganization in the business or organizationdirectly measured
cw20m116For what reason did you take early retirement? - because I wanted to and it was possibledirectly measured
cw20m117For what reason did you take early retirement? - because the employer wanted me todirectly measured
cw20m511For what reason did you take early retirement? - obliged, due to job-related early retirement (FLO)directly measured
cw20m118For what reason did you take early retirement? - another reasondirectly measured
cw20m535At what age did you retire or take (early) retirement or FLO?- age in yearsdirectly measured
cw20m536At what age did you retire or take (early) retirement or FLO?- monthsdirectly measured
cw20m120From the moment that you stopped working, has your retirement been primarily a relief or a worry?directly measured
cw20m319In what year did you stop working? directly measured
cw20m320And in what month?directly measured
cw20m321If you could have chosen freely, in what year would you have wanted to stop working?directly measured
cw20m121Are (/In your last job) (/were) you an employee in permanent or temporary employment, an on-call employee or temp-staffer, or are (/were) you a self-employed/freelance worker, or an independent professional?directly measured
cw20m537[Is/Was] this temporary contract the first, second or third in a row?directly measured
cw20m538Do you expect this employer (in the future) to give you a permanent contract?directly measured
cw20m122In what type of organization do (did) you work (in your last job)?directly measured
cw20m123In what type of organization did you work in your very first job? (Please enter 'not applicable' if your current job is your first job.)directly measured
cw20m124Do (did) you participate in a partnership (Dutch: maatschap or vennootschap onder firma, VOF) (in your last job)?directly measured
cw20m125Are (were) you self-employed or do (did) you work in a family business, or are (were) you a freelancer?directly measured
cw20m126How many hours per week are (were) you employed in your (last) job, according to your employment contract?directly measured
cw20m127How many hours per week do (did) you actually work on average in your (last) job?directly measured
cw20m128We would like to know how satisfied you are with your work and with certain aspects of your work.- We would first like to know how satisfied you are with your wages or salary or profit earnings.directly measured
cw20m129We would like to know how satisfied you are with your work and with certain aspects of your work.- How satisfied are you with your working hours?directly measured
cw20m130We would like to know how satisfied you are with your work and with certain aspects of your work.- How satisfied are you with the type of work that you do?directly measured
cw20m131We would like to know how satisfied you are with your work and with certain aspects of your work.- How satisfied are you with the general atmosphere among your colleagues?directly measured
cw20m133We would like to know how satisfied you are with your work and with certain aspects of your work.- How satisfied are you with your current work?directly measured
cw20m134In which year did you enter into employment with your current employer?directly measured
cw20m135And in which month did you start your current job?directly measured
cw20m136How many minutes do you usually need to travel between your home and your work (one way)?directly measured
cw20m138Does your job often require you to work outside regular office hours, that is, during hours other than between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.?directly measured
cw20m139During the course of the week, do you sometimes work in the evening between 6 p.m. and midnight? If so, how often does this happen?directly measured
cw20m140During the course of the week, do you sometimes work at night (after midnight)? If so, how often does that happen?directly measured
cw20m141Do you ever work during the weekend, and if so, how often does this happen?directly measured
cw20m610From the [cw20m126] hours you work on average per week, how many hours did you work at home in a normal working week?directly measured
cw20m142Do you have a (partial) 'working-at-home day'?directly measured
cw20m143Do (did) you have other jobs (a second work place) or sideline jobs or do (did) you earn extra money in some other way at the moment you became unemployed or stopped working?directly measured
cw20m144How many hours per week do (did) you usually work in this sideline job or second work setting?directly measured
cw20m145How many hours per week in total would you like to work?directly measured
cw20m146Did you receive an overview from a pension fund (or overviews from more than one pension fund) in 2019 or 2020?directly measured
cw20m147From how many pension funds (or insurers) did you receive an overview?directly measured
cw20m148What is the name of the pension fund/ the insurer?directly measured
cw20m149Is the pension overview about the situation on December 31th 2018 or December 31th 2019?directly measured
cw20m150How many years of pension credit do you have, according to the overview?directly measured
cw20m151What will be your gross pension benefit per year from the old age pension age onwards, according to your overview?directly measured
cw20m152What is the name of the pension fund/ the insurer?directly measured
cw20m153Is the pension overview about the situation on December 31th 2018 or December 31th 2019?directly measured
cw20m154How many years of pension credit do you have, according to the overview?directly measured
cw20m155What will be your gross pension benefit per year from the old age pension age onwards, according to your overview?directly measured
cw20m156What is the name of the pension fund/ the insurer?directly measured
cw20m157Is the pension overview about the situation on December 31th 2018 or December 31th 2019?directly measured
cw20m158How many years of pension credit do you have, according to the overview?directly measured
cw20m159What will be your gross pension benefit per year from the old age pension age onwards, according to your overview?directly measured
cw20m160What is the name of the pension fund/ the insurer?directly measured
cw20m161Is the pension overview about the situation on December 31th 2018 or December 31th 2019?directly measured
cw20m162How many years of pension credit do you have, according to the overview?directly measured
cw20m163What will be your gross pension benefit per year from the old age pension age onwards, according to your overview?directly measured
cw20m164What is the name of the pension fund/ the insurer?directly measured
cw20m165Is the pension overview about the situation on December 31th 2018 or December 31th 2019?directly measured
cw20m166How many years of pension credit do you have, according to the overview?directly measured
cw20m167What will be your gross pension benefit per year from the old age pension age onwards, according to your overview?directly measured
cw20m168What is the name of the pension fund/ the insurer?directly measured
cw20m169Is the pension overview about the situation on December 31th 2018 or December 31th 2019?directly measured
cw20m170How many years of pension credit do you have, according to the overview?directly measured
cw20m171What will be your gross pension benefit per year from the old age pension age onwards, according to your overview?directly measured
cw20m172What is the name of the pension fund/ the insurer?directly measured
cw20m173Is the pension overview about the situation on December 31th 2018 or December 31th 2019?directly measured
cw20m174How many years of pension credit do you have, according to the overview?directly measured
cw20m175What will be your gross pension benefit per year from the old age pension age onwards, according to your overview?directly measured
cw20m176What is the name of the pension fund/ the insurer?directly measured
cw20m177Is the pension overview about the situation on December 31th 2018 or December 31th 2019?directly measured
cw20m178How many years of pension credit do you have, according to the overview?directly measured
cw20m179What will be your gross pension benefit per year from the old age pension age onwards, according to your overview?directly measured
cw20m180What is the name of the pension fund/ the insurer?directly measured
cw20m181Is the pension overview about the situation on December 31th 2018 or December 31th 2019?directly measured
cw20m182How many years of pension credit do you have, according to the overview?directly measured
cw20m183What will be your gross pension benefit per year from the old age pension age onwards, according to your overview?directly measured
cw20m184What is the name of the pension fund/ the insurer?directly measured
cw20m185Is the pension overview about the situation on December 31th 2018 or December 31th 2019?directly measured
cw20m186How many years of pension credit do you have, according to the overview?directly measured
cw20m187What will be your gross pension benefit per year from the old age pension age onwards, according to your overview?directly measured
cw20m188Have you accumulated pension rights at (other) pension funds or pension insurers in the past, but did not receive a pension overview from these in 2018 or 2019?directly measured
cw20m189From how many pension funds / pension insurers did you not receive an overview?directly measured
cw20m190Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - ABPdirectly measured
cw20m191Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - Zorg en Welzijn (previously PGGM)directly measured
cw20m192Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - Metaal en Techniekdirectly measured
cw20m193Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - Bouwnijverheid (BPF Bouw)directly measured
cw20m194Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - Detailhandeldirectly measured
cw20m195Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - Schoonmaak en Glazenwassersbedrijfdirectly measured
cw20m196Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - StiPP)directly measured
cw20m197Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - Pensioenfonds Vervoerdirectly measured
cw20m198Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - Horeca en cateringdirectly measured
cw20m199Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - Metalektro (PME)directly measured
cw20m201Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - Pensioenfonds Werk en (re)Integratie (PWRI)directly measured
cw20m202Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - BPL (agrarische en groene sector)directly measured
cw20m203Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - Levensmiddelendirectly measured
cw20m204Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - Flexsecuritydirectly measured
cw20m205Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - Rabobankorganisatie (Rabobank)directly measured
cw20m206Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - TNT Expressdirectly measured
cw20m207Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - PGBdirectly measured
cw20m208Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - Schilders- Afwerkings- en Glaszetbedrijvendirectly measured
cw20m209Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - Wonendirectly measured
cw20m210Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - INGdirectly measured
cw20m212Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - Woningcorporatiesdirectly measured
cw20m213Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - Spoorwegpensioenfondsdirectly measured
cw20m214Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - Philipsdirectly measured
cw20m215Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - AHOLDdirectly measured
cw20m217Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - ABN AMROdirectly measured
cw20m218Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - Apothekendirectly measured
cw20m219Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - UWVdirectly measured
cw20m220Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - KPNdirectly measured
cw20m221Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - Meubelindustrie en Meubileringsbedrijvendirectly measured
cw20m222Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2018 or 2019? - none of the above pension funds / insurersdirectly measured
cw20m224What is the name of the pension funds / insurers?directly measured
cw20m225What is the name of the pension funds / insurers?directly measured
cw20m226What is the name of the pension funds / insurers?directly measured
cw20m227What is the name of the pension funds / insurers?directly measured
cw20m228What is the name of the pension funds / insurers?directly measured
cw20m229What is the name of the pension funds / insurers?directly measured
cw20m230What is the name of the pension funds / insurers?directly measured
cw20m231What is the name of the pension funds / insurers?directly measured
cw20m232What is the name of the pension funds / insurers?directly measured
cw20m233What is the name of the pension funds / insurers?directly measured
cw20m234With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - ABPdirectly measured
cw20m235With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - Zorg en Welzijn (PFZW)directly measured
cw20m236With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - Metaal en Techniekdirectly measured
cw20m237With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - Bouwnijverheid (BPF Bouw)directly measured
cw20m238With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - Detailhandeldirectly measured
cw20m239With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - Schoonmaak en Glazenwassersbedrijfdirectly measured
cw20m240With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - StiPPdirectly measured
cw20m241With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - Pensioenfonds vervoerdirectly measured
cw20m242With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - Horeca en cateringdirectly measured
cw20m243With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - Metalektro (PME)directly measured
cw20m245With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - Pensioenfonds Werk en (re)Integratie (PWRI)directly measured
cw20m246With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - BPL (agrarische en groene sector)directly measured
cw20m247With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - Levensmiddelendirectly measured
cw20m248With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - Flexsecuritydirectly measured
cw20m249With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - Rabobankorganisatie (Rabobank)directly measured
cw20m250With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - TNT Expresdirectly measured
cw20m251With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - PGBdirectly measured
cw20m252With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - Schilders- Afwerkings- en Glaszetbedrijvendirectly measured
cw20m253With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - Wonendirectly measured
cw20m254With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - INGdirectly measured
cw20m256With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - Woningcorporatiesdirectly measured
cw20m257With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - Spoorwegpensioenfondsdirectly measured
cw20m258With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - Philipsdirectly measured
cw20m259With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - AHOLDdirectly measured
cw20m261With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - ABN AMROdirectly measured
cw20m262With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - Apothekendirectly measured
cw20m263With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - UWVdirectly measured
cw20m264With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - KPNdirectly measured
cw20m265With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - Meubelindustrie en Meubileringsbedrijvendirectly measured
cw20m266With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 1directly measured
cw20m267With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 2directly measured
cw20m268With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 3directly measured
cw20m269With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 4directly measured
cw20m270With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 5directly measured
cw20m271With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 6directly measured
cw20m272With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 7directly measured
cw20m273With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 8directly measured
cw20m274With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 9directly measured
cw20m275With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 10directly measured
cw20m276With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 11directly measured
cw20m277With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 12directly measured
cw20m278With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 13directly measured
cw20m279With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 14directly measured
cw20m280With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 15directly measured
cw20m281With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 16 directly measured
cw20m282With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 17directly measured
cw20m283With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 18directly measured
cw20m284With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 19directly measured
cw20m285With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 20directly measured
cw20m286With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2019, as a working person? - I did not participate in a pension fund in 2019directly measured
cw20m288If you were able to choose for yourself, at which age would you [want/have wanted] to stop working? - Agedirectly measured
cw20m289At what age do you expect [to retire or take early retirement or] to stop working? - Agedirectly measured
cw20m290If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, do you expect to receive early pension benefits then (until you reach the old age pension age anyway)?directly measured
cw20m291If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - for health reasonsdirectly measured
cw20m292If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - I believe I have worked long enoughdirectly measured
cw20m293If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - more or less forced to by my employerdirectly measured
cw20m294If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - I would like to do something differentdirectly measured
cw20m295If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - I want to take it a bit easierdirectly measured
cw20m296If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - I don’t really like my work activitiesdirectly measured
cw20m297If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - the work is (becoming) too heavydirectly measured
cw20m298If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - due to impending layoffs or discontinuation of the job (following a reorganization, downsizing, closure, etc.)directly measured
cw20m299If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - because of the atmosphere on the job/at the departmentdirectly measured
cw20m300If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - for health reasons of my partner, (grand)children, parents (in-law)directly measured
cw20m301If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - partner stops workingdirectly measured
cw20m302If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - partner starts workingdirectly measured
cw20m303If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - partner starts working moredirectly measured
cw20m304If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - partner starts working lessdirectly measured
cw20m305If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - due to (changed) family situation at homedirectly measured
cw20m306If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - other reasondirectly measured
cw20m308If it were to be possible, would you first wish to continue working part-time, or would you immediately stop working altogether, or does it not matter to you?directly measured
cw20m309How many hours per week would you want to continue working, then?directly measured
cw20m310Do you think that your partner will stop working at (more or less) the same time as you?directly measured
cw20m311Does the company where you currently work have a scheme for retirement before the old age pension age (pre-pension or flex pension)?directly measured
cw20m313Do you have any idea how high your total income will be after your old age pension age?directly measured
cw20m314How high do you think your total net income will be per month, on average, when you reach the old age pension age? - Amount in eurosdirectly measured
cw20m315What do you think that your net monthly income at the old age pension age will be?directly measured
cw20m316Do you expect that this net income will be sufficient to make ends meet?directly measured
cw20m318How much do you plan to eat into your accumulated capital per year? - Amount in euros directly measured
cw20m322As per what period did you receive wages in your last job?directly measured
cw20m323How high was the net wage (per week/per 4 weeks/per month/per year) in your last job? - Amount in whole euros or guildersdirectly measured
cw20m324How high was the net wage [per week/per 4 weeks/per month/per year] in your last job? - Currency: euros or guildersdirectly measured
cw20m326For what reason did you stop working?directly measured
cw20m327[You have indicated that you are seeking work. Can you indicate which of these statements best describes your situation? / Are you currently looking for a (or another) job?]directly measured
cw20m328For what reason are you not looking for paid work?directly measured
cw20m329For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - I will (probably) lose my current jobdirectly measured
cw20m330For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - I see my current job as temporarydirectly measured
cw20m331For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - I want to earn moredirectly measured
cw20m332For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - I want a job with better working conditionsdirectly measured
cw20m333For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - I want a sideline job to earn some extra moneydirectly measured
cw20m334For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - I want to work less hoursdirectly measured
cw20m335For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - I want to work more hoursdirectly measured
cw20m336For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - I don’t like my current jobdirectly measured
cw20m337For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - I want a job that offers more securitydirectly measured
cw20m338For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - due to changed circumstances at homedirectly measured
cw20m339For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - otherdirectly measured
cw20m340Since what year have (had) you been looking for (other) work?directly measured
cw20m341And since what month?directly measured
cw20m342In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - responded to job vacanciesdirectly measured
cw20m343In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - placed personal advertisementsdirectly measured
cw20m344In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - personally inquired at employersdirectly measured
cw20m345In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - through friends and relationsdirectly measured
cw20m346In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - through job agencies (UWV)directly measured
cw20m347In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - through temp-staffing agenciesdirectly measured
cw20m348In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - placed/updated CV on the internetdirectly measured
cw20m349In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - active accompaniment by (job) coachdirectly measured
cw20m350In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - tracked job vacancy advertsdirectly measured
cw20m351In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - in another waydirectly measured
cw20m352In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - I did not seek work over the past two monthsdirectly measured
cw20m353How often have you applied for a job over the past 2 months (in writing, by telephone by e-mail or internet)?directly measured
cw20m354What is the main reason that you did not make any effort to find work over the past two months?directly measured
cw20m355Suppose a suitable job was available, would you be able to start within 2 weeks?directly measured
cw20m356How many hours per week do you want to work in [the/a] new job?directly measured
cw20m357How many hours per week do you expect to have to work in [the/a] new job?directly measured
cw20m358Within what period do you expect to find the kind of job you’re looking for?directly measured
cw20m359What net wages do you expect to receive in [the/a] new job? - Amount in whole eurosdirectly measured
cw20m360What net wages do you expect to receive in [the/a] new job? - Perioddirectly measured
cw20m362What would then be the minimum net wage for that amount of hours that this person would need to offer, for you to accept the job? - Amount in whole eurosdirectly measured
cw20m363What would then be the minimum net wage for that amount of hours that this person would need to offer, for you to accept the job? - Perioddirectly measured
cw20m526You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - a fulltime job in my company amounts to less than 36 hoursdirectly measured
cw20m390You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - I am (was) not able to work more hours at my current (last) employerdirectly measured
cw20m391You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - due to a (changing) family situation at homedirectly measured
cw20m392You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - due to the health of my partner/children/grandchildren/parents (in law)directly measured
cw20m393You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - due to other activities at homedirectly measured
cw20m394You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - due to other activities outside homedirectly measured
cw20m395You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - for health reasonsdirectly measured
cw20m396You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - I am (was) partly disabled for workdirectly measured
cw20m397You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - I have (had) partly taken early retirementdirectly measured
cw20m398You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - I view(ed) a reduction in hours as a form of (partial) early retirementdirectly measured
cw20m399You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - I want(ed) to take it a bit easierdirectly measured
cw20m400You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - because I want to have more leisure timedirectly measured
cw20m401You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - other reason(s)directly measured
cw20m510You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - not applicable; I am working 36 hours or moredirectly measured
cw20m402[In what sector do you work?/In what sector did you work in your last job?]directly measured
cw20m611ISCO 08 coding of professionconstructed
cw20m404[What is your current profession?/What profession did you exercise in your last job?]directly measured
cw20m405What profession did you exercise in your first job?directly measured
cw20m528How many people [work/worked] (approximately) in the branch/location where you mainly [work/worked] in your last job?directly measured
cw20m409[Do/Did] your supervise other employees in your profession or position?directly measured
cw20m410How many? Please include employees that you [supervise/supervised] through others.directly measured
cw20m411Does (or did) your current job (last job) offer the option of continuing to work, full-time or part-time, after the old age pension age?directly measured
cw20m412[Can/could] you work at your own pace?directly measured
cw20m413[Does/did] the work mean getting dirty?directly measured
cw20m414[Is/was] your work dangerous?directly measured
cw20m415[Do/did] you work with hazardous substances?directly measured
cw20m416[Is/was] your work physically demanding?directly measured
cw20m417[Do/did] you need to lift heavy objects?directly measured
cw20m418[Do/did] you need to kneel or stoop?directly measured
cw20m419[Is/was] your work tiring?directly measured
cw20m420[Does/did] your work require mental effort?directly measured
cw20m421[Do/did] you need to work with a lot of concentration?directly measured
cw20m422[Does/did] your work ever get too busy?directly measured
cw20m423[Do/did] you need to be able to relate well to other people?directly measured
cw20m424[Are/were] you expected to work overhours?directly measured
cw20m425[Do/did] you work irregular hours?directly measured
cw20m426Everything considered, I [am/was] satisfied with my job.directly measured
cw20m427My job [is/was] physically demanding.directly measured
cw20m428Because of a heavy work burden, I [am/was] continually under time pressure.directly measured
cw20m429There [is/was] very little freedom for me to determine how to do my work.directly measured
cw20m430I [have/had] the opportunity to learn new skills.directly measured
cw20m431I [get/got] sufficient support in difficult situations.directly measured
cw20m432I [get/got] the appreciation I deserve for my work.directly measured
cw20m433My salary/income [is/was] sufficient, given my effort and performance.directly measured
cw20m434My prospects of career advancement/promotion in my job [are/were] poor.directly measured
cw20m435It [is/was] uncertain whether my job [will/would] continue to exist.directly measured
cw20m436Do you have children and/or grandchildren? - yes, I have childrendirectly measured
cw20m437Do you have children and/or grandchildren? - yes, I have grandchildrendirectly measured
cw20m438Do you have children and/or grandchildren? - nodirectly measured
cw20m439Do you have children younger than 8 years?directly measured
cw20m440Are you currently on parental leave?directly measured
cw20m539Is this parental leave (partially) paid for by your employer?directly measured
cw20m441Since when have you been on parental leave and until when do you intend to remain on this leave? - from monthdirectly measured
cw20m442Since when have you been on parental leave and until when do you intend to remain on this leave? - yeardirectly measured
cw20m443Since when have you been on parental leave and until when do you intend to remain on this leave? - until monthdirectly measured
cw20m529Since when have you been on parental leave and until when do you intend to remain on this leave? - year directly measured
cw20m445For how many hours per week is the parental leave?directly measured
cw20m446Are you currently working less hours in order to care for your children and/or grandchildren?directly measured
cw20m447For how many of your children and/or grandchildren do you care during the hours that you started working less? - number of childrendirectly measured
cw20m448For how many of your children and/or grandchildren do you care during the hours that you started working less? - number of grandchildrendirectly measured
cw20m449How many hours per week are you working less on account of the care for your (grand) children?directly measured
cw20m450Do you provide informal care?directly measured
cw20m451Are you currently working less hours or did you stop working because you provide informal care?directly measured
cw20m452How many hours per week have you started working less because of this informal care, and since when? - number of hours worked less:directly measured
cw20m453How many hours per week have you started working less because of this informal care, and since when? - monthdirectly measured
cw20m454How many hours per week have you started working less because of this informal care, and since when? - yeardirectly measured
cw20m557To whom are you providing informal care? - partnerdirectly measured
cw20m558To whom are you providing informal care? - (step, foster) child living at home directly measured
cw20m559To whom are you providing informal care? - (in-law, step, foster) parent outside of the householddirectly measured
cw20m560To whom are you providing informal care? - sister or brother outside of the householddirectly measured
cw20m561To whom are you providing informal care? - live-in (in-law, step, foster) parentdirectly measured
cw20m562To whom are you providing informal care? - grandparent outside of the householddirectly measured
cw20m563To whom are you providing informal care? - live-in sister of brotherdirectly measured
cw20m564To whom are you providing informal care? - child outside of the householddirectly measured
cw20m565To whom are you providing informal care? - live-in grandparentdirectly measured
cw20m566To whom are you providing informal care? - other family members outside of the householddirectly measured
cw20m567To whom are you providing informal care? - live-in, other roommatedirectly measured
cw20m568To whom are you providing informal care? - acquaintance, friend, outside of the householddirectly measured
cw20m569To whom are you providing informal care? - colleague (from work)directly measured
cw20m570To whom are you providing informal care? - neighbor (no family)directly measured
cw20m572The household head lives together with a partner (wedded or unwedded)preloaded
cw20m576Current income per month, based on values from the Core Questionnaire Incomederived
cw20m577What were your gross wages per month in the job you currently have, including usual bonuses?directly measured
cw20m578What were your gross wages per month in the part-time job or second job you currently have? directly measured
cw20m579What were your gross wages earned per month before you became unemployed, including usual bonuses?directly measured
cw20m580What is the chance that you will earn at least the same as you earn now in total in a year’s time, ie € [cw20m576] per month?directly measured
cw20m581What is the chance that you will earn at least € [1.1*cw20m576] per month in a year’s time? directly measured
cw20m582Reason for this increased earnings - A pay rise directly measured
cw20m583Reason for this increased earnings - A higher bonusdirectly measured
cw20m584Reason for this increased earnings - A change of employerdirectly measured
cw20m585Reason for this increased earnings - Working more hours in the main jobdirectly measured
cw20m586Reason for this increased earnings - Another job / working more hours in the side jobdirectly measured
cw20m587What is the chance that you will earn less than € [0.9*cw20m576] per month in a year’s time? directly measured
cw20m588Reason for this lower earnings - A salary decreasedirectly measured
cw20m589Reason for this lower earnings - Lower bonusdirectly measured
cw20m590Reason for this lower earnings - Retirement (early) directly measured
cw20m591Reason for this lower earnings - Disability benefit (or increase in disability percentage)directly measured
cw20m592Reason for this lower earnings - Parental leavedirectly measured
cw20m593Reason for this lower earnings - Providing informal caredirectly measured
cw20m594Reason for this lower earnings - Retired or changed jobs with a lower salarydirectly measured
cw20m595Reason for this lower earnings - Fired / temporary contract expiresdirectly measured
cw20m596Reason for this lower earnings - Working fewer hours in the main jobdirectly measured
cw20m597Reason for this lower earnings - Fewer hours working in the side job, fewer side jobs or stopped with the side jobdirectly measured
cw20m598What is the chance that you lose your main job in the next 12 months?directly measured
cw20m599What is the chance that you will quit your main job in the next 12 months?directly measured
cw20m600Suppose you become unemployed in June 2020. What is the chance that you will find a job before December 2020? directly measured
cw20m601Does your partner currently have a paid job?directly measured
cw20m602Suppose your partner lost his / her job, but not for health reasons. To make up for this, would you try to increase your own income? directly measured
cw20m603What is the chance that you can increase your gross wages by at least € [0.1*cw20m576] per month?directly measured
cw20m604Suppose you lost your job, but not for health reasons. To make up for that, would your partner increase his / her income?directly measured
cw20m605What is the chance that you will be able to find work before October 2020 that will earn you at least the same amount as before you became unemployed, ie € [cw20m576] per month?directly measured
cw20m606What is the chance that you will be able to find work before October 2020 that will earn you at least € [1.1*cw20m576] per month? directly measured
cw20m607What is the chance that you will be able to find work before October 2020 that will earn you at least € [0.9*cw20m576] per month?directly measured
cw20m608Does your partner currently have a paid job?directly measured
cw20m609Did your partner start working or did he / she increase his / her income because you became unemployed? directly measured
cw20m496Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
cw20m497Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
cw20m498Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
cw20m499Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
cw20m500Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
cw20m501Starting date of the questionnaireconstructed
cw20m502Starting time of the questionnaireconstructed
cw20m503End date of the questionnaireconstructed
cw20m504End time of the questionnaireconstructed
cw20m505Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: Work and Schooling, wave 13

The questionnaire was administered in Dutch

Browse Work and Schooling, wave 13

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 6,890 (100.0%)
Non-response: 1,244 (18.1%)
Response: 5,646 (81.9%)
Complete: 5,493 (79.7%)
Incomplete: 153 (2.2%)
Collection Events
13-04-2020 to 28-04-2020
Panel members aged 16 years or older
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents

04-05-2020 to 26-05-2020
Non-respondents of the first measurement
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents