Work and Schooling > Wave 9
Longitudinal Wave
General Information
Wave 9
Project Number
This is the ninth wave of the LISS Core Study module called
Work and Schooling. The survey focuses on labour market participation,
job characteristics, pensions, schooling and courses.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Natalia Kieruj (CentERdata)
© 2016 CentERdata
Funding Organization
Datasets and documentation
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Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
Note: Variable cw16i530 was deleted from the dataset.
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of household member encrypted | preloaded |
cw16i_m | Year and month of the field work period | constructed |
cw16i000 | work: respondent has paid work according to household box data | preloaded |
cw16i525 | primary occupation | preloaded |
cw16i001 | Does respondent have paid work? | derived |
cw16i523 | work_student | constructed |
cw16i522 | long_time_unemployed | constructed |
cw16i002 | respondent's year of birth | preloaded |
cw16i003 | respondent's age | preloaded |
cw16i004 | We first would like to hear how satisfied you are with the schooling that you have followed (so far) | directly measured |
cw16i005 | What is the highest level of education that you have completed with diploma or certificate? | directly measured |
cw16i006 | What then is the highest level of education that you have completed with diploma or certificate? | directly measured |
cw16i007 | What then is the highest level of education that you have completed (with diploma or certificate)? | directly measured |
cw16i008 | What is the highest level of education that you have attended and for which you have or have not obtained a diploma or certificate? | directly measured |
cw16i009 | What then is the highest level of education that you have completed with or without diploma or certificate? | directly measured |
cw16i010 | What then is the highest level of education that you have completed with or without obtaining a diploma or certificate? | directly measured |
cw16i011 | In what field did you complete your highest level of education? -General or no specific field | directly measured |
cw16i012 | In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Teacher training or education | directly measured |
cw16i013 | In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Art | directly measured |
cw16i014 | In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Humanities (modern or classical languages, history, theology, etc.) | directly measured |
cw16i015 | In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Social and behavioral studies (including organization studies, media, culture, sports and leisure studies, etc.) | directly measured |
cw16i016 | In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Economics, management, business administration, accountancy | directly measured |
cw16i017 | In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Law, public administration | directly measured |
cw16i018 | In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Mathematics, physics, IT | directly measured |
cw16i019 | In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Technology (including architecture, industry, crafts, construction, etc.) | directly measured |
cw16i020 | In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Agriculture, forestry, environment | directly measured |
cw16i021 | In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Medical, health services, nursing, etc. | directly measured |
cw16i022 | In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Personal care services ([wave 1-3:home economics, hair dressing school, etc.; wave 4: Sociale dienstverlening en verzorging (huishoudkunde, kappersopleiding, etc.]) | directly measured |
cw16i023 | In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Catering, recreation | directly measured |
cw16i024 | In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Transport, logistics | directly measured |
cw16i025 | In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Telecommunication | directly measured |
cw16i026 | In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Public order and safety (police, army, fire brigade, etc.) | directly measured |
cw16i027 | In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - Other area | directly measured |
cw16i028 | In what field did you complete your highest level of education? - I don't know | directly measured |
cw16i029 | What other area do you mean? | directly measured |
cw16i030 | Please indicate on a scale from 0 to 10 how your highest level of education suits the work that you now perform. | directly measured |
cw16i031 | Which of these statements best describes your situation? My education... | directly measured |
cw16i032 | Please indicate on a scale from 0 to 10 how your knowledge and skills suit the work you do. | directly measured |
cw16i033 | Which of the statements below best describes your situation? My knowledge and skills… | directly measured |
cw16i034 | Can you indicate on a scale from 0 to 10 whether your knowledge and skills create any problems in fulfilling your position? | directly measured |
cw16i035 | Have you, in the past 12 months, followed any educational programs or courses or are you presently following one or more educational programs or courses? | directly measured |
cw16i036 | How many of such programs or courses are you following or have you followed over the past 12 months? | directly measured |
cw16i037 | Can you provide an indication of the type, the discipline and, if applicable, the level of this education? | directly measured |
cw16i038 | All things considered, can you indicate on a scale from 0 to 10 how satisfied you are with this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i039 | What kind of educational program or course is it? | directly measured |
cw16i040 | Where do (or did) you follow this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i041 | Where do (or did) you follow this program or course, then? | directly measured |
cw16i042 | What is the official duration of this program or course? - amount | directly measured |
cw16i043 | What is the official duration of this program or course? - period | directly measured |
cw16i044 | How many hours do or did you spend in total on this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i045 | How many hours per week do or did you spend (on average) on this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i046 | Did you complete the program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i047 | What was your main reason to start following this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i048 | What other reason do you mean? | directly measured |
cw16i049 | When do (or did) you follow this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i050 | Who pays (or paid) for the costs of the program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i051 | How are (or were) the costs of the program or course paid, then? | directly measured |
cw16i052 | What is the amount of your contribution to the costs of this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i053 | Please indicate on a scale from 0 to 10 how important this course is for your current work? | directly measured |
cw16i531 | Do you expect to start following a program or course in the next 12 months? | directly measured |
cw16i054 | Can you provide an indication of the type, the discipline and, if applicable, the level of this education? | directly measured |
cw16i055 | All things considered - can you indicate on a scale from 0 to 10 how satisfied you are with this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i056 | What kind of educational program or course is it? | directly measured |
cw16i057 | Where do (or did) you follow this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i058 | Where do (or did) you follow this program or course, then? | directly measured |
cw16i059 | What is the official duration of this program or course? - amount | directly measured |
cw16i060 | What is the official duration of this program or course? - period | directly measured |
cw16i061 | How many hours do or did you spend in total on this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i062 | How many hours per week do or did you spend (on average) on this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i063 | Did you complete the program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i064 | What was your main reason to start following this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i065 | What other reason do you mean? | directly measured |
cw16i066 | When do (or did) you follow this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i067 | Who pays (or paid) for the costs of the program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i068 | How are (or were) the costs of the program or course paid, then? | directly measured |
cw16i069 | What is the amount of your contribution to the costs of this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i070 | Please indicate on a scale from 0 to 10 how important this course is for your current work? | directly measured |
cw16i071 | Can you provide an indication of the type, the discipline and, if applicable, the level of this education? | directly measured |
cw16i072 | All things considered, can you indicate on a scale from 0 to 10 how satisfied you are with this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i073 | What kind of educational program or course is it? | directly measured |
cw16i074 | Where do (or did) you follow this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i075 | Where do (or did) you follow this program or course, then? | directly measured |
cw16i076 | What is the official duration of this program or course? - amount | directly measured |
cw16i077 | What is the official duration of this program or course? - period | directly measured |
cw16i078 | How many hours do or did you spend in total on this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i079 | How many hours per week do or did you spend (on average) on this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i080 | Did you complete the program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i081 | What was your main reason to start following this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i082 | What other reason do you mean? | directly measured |
cw16i083 | When do (or did) you follow this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i084 | Who pays (or paid) for the costs of the program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i085 | How are (or were) the costs of the program or course paid, then? | directly measured |
cw16i086 | What is the amount of your contribution to the costs of this program or course? | directly measured |
cw16i087 | Please indicate on a scale from 0 to 10 how important this course is for your current work? | directly measured |
cw16i088 | Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I perform paid work (even if is it just for one or several hours per week or for a brief period) | directly measured |
cw16i089 | Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I am not working now, but have performed paid work in the past | directly measured |
cw16i090 | Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I perform unpaid work while retaining my benefit or allowance | directly measured |
cw16i091 | Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I am looking for work following the loss of my previous job | directly measured |
cw16i092 | Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I have performed paid work, but am released from the obligation to find a new job following the loss of my previous job | directly measured |
cw16i093 | Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I am a first-time job seeker | directly measured |
cw16i094 | Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I am seeking work following a lengthy interruption | directly measured |
cw16i095 | Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I am a pupil / student | directly measured |
cw16i096 | Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I take care of the household | directly measured |
cw16i097 | Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I live off private means | directly measured |
cw16i098 | Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I have taken early retirement or “functioneel leeftijdsontslag” (FLO) | directly measured |
cw16i099 | Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I am a pensioner | directly measured |
cw16i100 | Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I am partly or wholly disabled for work | directly measured |
cw16i101 | Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I perform voluntary work | directly measured |
cw16i102 | Please indicate which of the following statements apply to your situation. Try to be as thorough as you can. - I perform paid work, but am looking for more or other work | directly measured |
cw16i103 | Have you ever performed paid work in the past (even if it was only for one or several hours per week or for a brief period)? | directly measured |
cw16i104 | You gave several answers to the previous question. Please indicate here which of these answers best describes your situation? | directly measured |
cw16i105 | On account of what diagnosis where you pronounced disabled for work? - neoplasms (cancer) | directly measured |
cw16i106 | On account of what diagnosis where you pronounced disabled for work? - psychological | directly measured |
cw16i107 | On account of what diagnosis where you pronounced disabled for work? - nervous system | directly measured |
cw16i108 | On account of what diagnosis where you pronounced disabled for work? - heart and coronary disease | directly measured |
cw16i109 | On account of what diagnosis where you pronounced disabled for work? - musculoskeletal system | directly measured |
cw16i110 | On account of what diagnosis where you pronounced disabled for work? - other | directly measured |
cw16i111 | On account of what diagnosis where you pronounced disabled for work? - I don't know | directly measured |
cw16i112 | On account of what diagnosis where you pronounced disabled for work, then? | directly measured |
cw16i534 | For what percentage have you been pronounced disabled for work? | directly measured |
cw16i114 | For what reason did you take early retirement? - poor health | directly measured |
cw16i115 | For what reason did you take early retirement? - reorganization in the business or organization | directly measured |
cw16i116 | For what reason did you take early retirement? - because I wanted to and it was possible | directly measured |
cw16i117 | For what reason did you take early retirement? - because the employer wanted me to | directly measured |
cw16i511 | For what reason did you take early retirement? - obliged, due to functioneel leeftijdsontslag (FLO) | directly measured |
cw16i118 | For what reason did you take early retirement? - another reason | directly measured |
cw16i535 | At what age did you retire or take (early) retirement or FLO?- age in years | directly measured |
cw16i536 | At what age did you retire or take (early) retirement or FLO?- months | directly measured |
cw16i120 | From the moment that you stopped working, has your retirement been primarily a relief or a worry? | directly measured |
cw16i121 | Are (/In your last job) (/were) you an employee in permanent or temporary employment, an on-call employee or temp-staffer, or are (/were) you a self-employed/freelance worker, or an independent professional? | directly measured |
cw16i537 | Is this temporary contract the first, second or third in a row? | directly measured |
cw16i538 | Do you expect this employer (in the future) to give you a permanent contract? | directly measured |
cw16i122 | In what type of organization do (did) you work (in your last job)? | directly measured |
cw16i123 | In what type of organization did you work in your very first job? (Please enter 'not applicable' if your current job is your first job.) | directly measured |
cw16i124 | Do (did) you participate in a partnership (Dutch: maatschap or vennootschap onder firma, VOF) (in your last job)? | directly measured |
cw16i125 | Are (were) you self-employed or do (did) you work in a family business, or are (were) you a freelancer? | directly measured |
cw16i126 | How many hours per week are (were) you employed in your (last) job, according to your employment contract? | directly measured |
cw16i127 | How many hours per week do (did) you actually work on average in your (last) job? | directly measured |
cw16i128 | We would like to know how satisfied you are with your work and with certain aspects of your work.- We would first like to know how satisfied you are with your wages or salary or profit earnings. | directly measured |
cw16i129 | We would like to know how satisfied you are with your work and with certain aspects of your work.- How satisfied are you with your working hours? | directly measured |
cw16i130 | We would like to know how satisfied you are with your work and with certain aspects of your work.- How satisfied are you with the type of work that you do? | directly measured |
cw16i131 | We would like to know how satisfied you are with your work and with certain aspects of your work.- How satisfied are you with the general atmosphere among your colleagues? | directly measured |
cw16i132 | We would like to know how satisfied you are with your work and with certain aspects of your work.- How satisfied are you with your career so far? | directly measured |
cw16i133 | We would like to know how satisfied you are with your work and with certain aspects of your work.- How satisfied are you with your current work? | directly measured |
cw16i134 | In which year did you enter into employment with your current employer? | directly measured |
cw16i135 | And in which month did you start your current job? | directly measured |
cw16i136 | How many minutes do you usually need to travel between your home and your work (one way)? | directly measured |
cw16i527 | crow distance between home of household member and place of work of household member in kilometers. | constructed |
cw16i137 | How many kilometers do you usually need to travel to get from home to work? If your traveling distance varies, please indicate an average distance. | directly measured |
cw16i138 | Does your job often require you to work outside regular office hours, that is, during hours other than between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.? | directly measured |
cw16i139 | During the course of the week, do you sometimes work in the evening between 6 p.m. and midnight? If so, how often does this happen? | directly measured |
cw16i140 | During the course of the week, do you sometimes work at night (after midnight)? If so, how often does that happen? | directly measured |
cw16i141 | Do you ever work during the weekend, and if so, how often does this happen? | directly measured |
cw16i142 | Do you have a (partial) 'working-at-home day'? | directly measured |
cw16i143 | Do (did) you have other jobs (a second work place) or sideline jobs or do (did) you earn extra money in some other way at the moment you became unemployed or stopped working? | directly measured |
cw16i144 | How many hours per week do (did) you usually work in this sideline job or second work setting? | directly measured |
cw16i145 | How many hours per week in total would you like to work? | directly measured |
cw16i146 | Did you receive an overview from a pension fund (or overviews from more than one pension fund) in 2015 or 2016? | directly measured |
cw16i147 | From how many pension funds (or insurers) did you receive an overview? | directly measured |
cw16i148 | What is the name of the pension fund/ the insurer? | directly measured |
cw16i149 | Is the pension overview about the situation on December 31th 2014 or December 31th 2015? | directly measured |
cw16i150 | How many years of pension credit do you have, according to the overview? | directly measured |
cw16i151 | What will be your gross pension benefit per year from the old age pension age onwards, according to your overview? | directly measured |
cw16i152 | What is the name of the pension fund/ the insurer? | directly measured |
cw16i153 | Is the pension overview about the situation on December 31th 2014 or December 31th 2015? | directly measured |
cw16i154 | How many years of pension credit do you have, according to the overview? | directly measured |
cw16i155 | What will be your gross pension benefit per year from the old age pension age onwards, according to your overview? | directly measured |
cw16i156 | What is the name of the pension fund/ the insurer? | directly measured |
cw16i157 | Is the pension overview about the situation on December 31th 2014 or December 31th 2015? | directly measured |
cw16i158 | How many years of pension credit do you have, according to the overview? | directly measured |
cw16i159 | What will be your gross pension benefit per year from the old age pension age onwards, according to your overview? | directly measured |
cw16i160 | What is the name of the pension fund/ the insurer? | directly measured |
cw16i161 | Is the pension overview about the situation on December 31th 2014 or December 31th 2015? | directly measured |
cw16i162 | How many years of pension credit do you have, according to the overview? | directly measured |
cw16i163 | What will be your gross pension benefit per year from the old age pension age onwards, according to your overview? | directly measured |
cw16i164 | What is the name of the pension fund/ the insurer? | directly measured |
cw16i165 | Is the pension overview about the situation on December 31th 2014 or December 31th 2015? | directly measured |
cw16i166 | How many years of pension credit do you have, according to the overview? | directly measured |
cw16i167 | What will be your gross pension benefit per year from the old age pension age onwards, according to your overview? | directly measured |
cw16i168 | What is the name of the pension fund/ the insurer? | directly measured |
cw16i169 | Is the pension overview about the situation on December 31th 2014 or December 31th 2015? | directly measured |
cw16i170 | How many years of pension credit do you have, according to the overview? | directly measured |
cw16i171 | What will be your gross pension benefit per year from the old age pension age onwards, according to your overview? | directly measured |
cw16i172 | What is the name of the pension fund/ the insurer? | directly measured |
cw16i173 | Is the pension overview about the situation on December 31th 2014 or December 31th 2015? | directly measured |
cw16i174 | How many years of pension credit do you have, according to the overview? | directly measured |
cw16i175 | What will be your gross pension benefit per year from the old age pension age onwards, according to your overview? | directly measured |
cw16i176 | What is the name of the pension fund/ the insurer? | directly measured |
cw16i177 | Is the pension overview about the situation on December 31th 2014 or December 31th 2015? | directly measured |
cw16i178 | How many years of pension credit do you have, according to the overview? | directly measured |
cw16i179 | What will be your gross pension benefit per year from the old age pension age onwards, according to your overview? | directly measured |
cw16i180 | What is the name of the pension fund/ the insurer? | directly measured |
cw16i181 | Is the pension overview about the situation on December 31th 2014 or December 31th 2015? | directly measured |
cw16i182 | How many years of pension credit do you have, according to the overview? | directly measured |
cw16i183 | What will be your gross pension benefit per year from the old age pension age onwards, according to your overview? | directly measured |
cw16i184 | What is the name of the pension fund/ the insurer? | directly measured |
cw16i185 | Is the pension overview about the situation on December 31th 2014 or December 31th 2015? | directly measured |
cw16i186 | How many years of pension credit do you have, according to the overview? | directly measured |
cw16i187 | What will be your gross pension benefit per year from the old age pension age onwards, according to your overview? | directly measured |
cw16i188 | Have you accumulated pension rights at (other) pension funds or pension insurers in the past, but did not receive a pension overview from these in 2015 or 2016? | directly measured |
cw16i189 | From how many pension funds / pension insurers did you not receive an overview? | directly measured |
cw16i190 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - ABP | directly measured |
cw16i191 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Zorg en Welzijn (previously PGGM) | directly measured |
cw16i192 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Metaal en Techniek | directly measured |
cw16i193 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Bouwnijverheid | directly measured |
cw16i194 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Detailhandel | directly measured |
cw16i195 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Schoonmaak en Glazenwassersbedrijf | directly measured |
cw16i196 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - STipp (temp-staffers, posted workers, payrollers) | directly measured |
cw16i197 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Pensioenfonds Vervoer | directly measured |
cw16i198 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Horeca & catering | directly measured |
cw16i199 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Metalektro (PME) | directly measured |
cw16i201 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Werk en Reintegratie | directly measured |
cw16i202 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Landbouw | directly measured |
cw16i203 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Levensmiddelen | directly measured |
cw16i204 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Flexsecurity | directly measured |
cw16i205 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Rabobank | directly measured |
cw16i206 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - PostNL | directly measured |
cw16i207 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Grafische bedrijven | directly measured |
cw16i208 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Schilders- Afwerkings- en Glaszetbedrijven | directly measured |
cw16i209 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Wonen | directly measured |
cw16i210 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - ING | directly measured |
cw16i211 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Bakkersbedrijven | directly measured |
cw16i212 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Woningcorporaties | directly measured |
cw16i213 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Spoorwegpensioenfonds | directly measured |
cw16i214 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Philips | directly measured |
cw16i215 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - AHOLD | directly measured |
cw16i217 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - ABN AMRO | directly measured |
cw16i218 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Apotheken | directly measured |
cw16i219 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - UWV | directly measured |
cw16i220 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - KPN | directly measured |
cw16i221 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - Meubelindustrie en Meubileringsbedrijven | directly measured |
cw16i222 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - none of the above pension funds / insurers | directly measured |
cw16i223 | Can you indicate the name of the pension funds or pension insurers from which you did not receive an overview in 2015 or 2016? - I don’t know | directly measured |
cw16i224 | Can you indicate the name (or names) here? | directly measured |
cw16i225 | Can you indicate the name (or names) here? | directly measured |
cw16i226 | Can you indicate the name (or names) here? | directly measured |
cw16i227 | Can you indicate the name (or names) here? | directly measured |
cw16i228 | Can you indicate the name (or names) here? | directly measured |
cw16i229 | Can you indicate the name (or names) here? | directly measured |
cw16i230 | Can you indicate the name (or names) here? | directly measured |
cw16i231 | Can you indicate the name (or names) here? | directly measured |
cw16i232 | Can you indicate the name (or names) here? | directly measured |
cw16i233 | Can you indicate the name (or names) here? | directly measured |
cw16i234 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - ABP | directly measured |
cw16i235 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Zorg en Welzijn (previously PGGM) | directly measured |
cw16i236 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Metaal and Techniek | directly measured |
cw16i237 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Bouwnijverheid | directly measured |
cw16i238 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Detailhandel | directly measured |
cw16i239 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Schoonmaak en Glazenwassersbedrijf | directly measured |
cw16i240 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - STipp (temp-staffers, posted workers, payrollers) | directly measured |
cw16i241 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Pensioenfonds vervoer | directly measured |
cw16i242 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Horeca & catering | directly measured |
cw16i243 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Metalektro (PME) | directly measured |
cw16i245 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Werk and Reintegratie | directly measured |
cw16i246 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Landbouw | directly measured |
cw16i247 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Levensmiddelen | directly measured |
cw16i248 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Flexsecurity | directly measured |
cw16i249 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Rabobank | directly measured |
cw16i250 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - PostNL | directly measured |
cw16i251 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Grafische bedrijven | directly measured |
cw16i252 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Schilders- Afwerkings- en Glaszetbedrijven | directly measured |
cw16i253 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Wonen | directly measured |
cw16i254 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - ING | directly measured |
cw16i255 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Bakkersbedrijven | directly measured |
cw16i256 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Woningcorporaties | directly measured |
cw16i257 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Spoorwegpensioenfonds | directly measured |
cw16i258 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Philips | directly measured |
cw16i259 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - AHOLD | directly measured |
cw16i261 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - ABN AMRO | directly measured |
cw16i262 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Apotheken | directly measured |
cw16i263 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - UWV | directly measured |
cw16i264 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - KPN | directly measured |
cw16i265 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - Meubelindustrie en Meubileringsbedrijven | directly measured |
cw16i266 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 1 | directly measured |
cw16i267 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 2 | directly measured |
cw16i268 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 3 | directly measured |
cw16i269 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 4 | directly measured |
cw16i270 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 5 | directly measured |
cw16i271 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 6 | directly measured |
cw16i272 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 7 | directly measured |
cw16i273 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 8 | directly measured |
cw16i274 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 9 | directly measured |
cw16i275 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 10 | directly measured |
cw16i276 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 11 | directly measured |
cw16i277 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 12 | directly measured |
cw16i278 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 13 | directly measured |
cw16i279 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 14 | directly measured |
cw16i280 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 15 | directly measured |
cw16i281 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 16 | directly measured |
cw16i282 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 17 | directly measured |
cw16i283 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 18 | directly measured |
cw16i284 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 19 | directly measured |
cw16i285 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - name of the pension fund / the insurer 20 | directly measured |
cw16i286 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - I did not participate in a pension fund in 2015 | directly measured |
cw16i287 | With which of the listed pension funds or pension insurers did you have an arrangement in 2015, as a working person? - I don’t know | directly measured |
cw16i288 | If you were able to choose for yourself, at which age would you want (or have wanted) to stop working? | directly measured |
cw16i289 | At what age do you expect to retire or take early retirement or to stop working? | directly measured |
cw16i290 | If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, do you expect to receive early pension benefits then (until you reach the old age pension age anyway)? | directly measured |
cw16i291 | If you were to stop working before the old age pension age , for what reason or reasons would that be? - for health reasons | directly measured |
cw16i292 | If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - I believe I have worked long enough | directly measured |
cw16i293 | If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - more or less forced to by my employer | directly measured |
cw16i294 | If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - I would like to do something different | directly measured |
cw16i295 | If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - I want to take it a bit easier | directly measured |
cw16i296 | If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - I don’t really like my work activities | directly measured |
cw16i297 | If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - the work is (becoming) too heavy | directly measured |
cw16i298 | If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - due to impending layoffs or discontinuation of the job (following a reorganization, downsizing, closure, etc.) | directly measured |
cw16i299 | If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - because of the atmosphere on the job/at the department | directly measured |
cw16i300 | If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - for health reasons of my partner, children, parents (in-law) | directly measured |
cw16i301 | If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - partner stops working | directly measured |
cw16i302 | If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - partner starts working | directly measured |
cw16i303 | If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - partner starts working more | directly measured |
cw16i304 | If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - partner starts working less | directly measured |
cw16i305 | If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - due to (changed) family situation at home | directly measured |
cw16i306 | If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - other reason | directly measured |
cw16i307 | If you were to stop working before the old age pension age, for what reason or reasons would that be? - I don’t know | directly measured |
cw16i308 | If it were to be possible, would you first wish to continue working part-time, or would you immediately stop working altogether, or does it not matter to you? | directly measured |
cw16i309 | How many hours per week would you want to continue working, then? | directly measured |
cw16i310 | Do you think that your partner will stop working at (more or less) the same time as you? | directly measured |
cw16i311 | Does the company where you currently work have a scheme for retirement before the old age pension age (pre-pension or flex pension)? | directly measured |
cw16i312 | Do you know what percentage of your wages you will receive, if you were (to be able to) take early retirement or pre-pension? | directly measured |
cw16i313 | Do you have any idea how high your total income will be after your old age pension age? | directly measured |
cw16i314 | How high do you think your total net income will be per month, on average, when you reach the old age pension age? | directly measured |
cw16i315 | What do you think that your net monthly income at the old age pension age will be? | directly measured |
cw16i316 | Do you expect that this net income will be sufficient to make ends meet? | directly measured |
cw16i317 | For what reason do you think that your monthly net income will not be sufficient to make ends meet? | directly measured |
cw16i318 | How much do you plan to eat into your accumulated capital per year? | directly measured |
cw16i319 | In what year did you stop working? If you have taken early retirement, this will generally be the year that you took early retirement, though not necessarily so. | directly measured |
cw16i320 | And in what month? | directly measured |
cw16i321 | If you could have chosen freely, in what year would you have wanted to stop working? | directly measured |
cw16i322 | As per what period did you receive wages in your last job? If you are self-employed, please enter 'per year’ as period. | directly measured |
cw16i323 | How high was the net wage (per week/per 4 weeks/per month/per year) in your last job? - amount | directly measured |
cw16i324 | How high was the net wage (per week/per 4 weeks/per month/per year) in your last job? - currency | directly measured |
cw16i325 | How high was the net wage (per week/per 4 weeks/per month/per year) in your last job? - I don’t know | directly measured |
cw16i512 | I prefer not to say | directly measured |
cw16i326 | For what reason did you stop working? | directly measured |
cw16i327 | You have indicated that you are seeking work. Can you indicate which of these statements best describes your situation? / Are you currently looking for a (or another) job? | directly measured |
cw16i328 | For what reason are you not looking for paid work? | directly measured |
cw16i329 | For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - I will (probably) lose my current job | directly measured |
cw16i330 | For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - I see my current job as temporary | directly measured |
cw16i331 | For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - I want to earn more | directly measured |
cw16i332 | For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - I want a job with better working conditions | directly measured |
cw16i333 | For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - I want a sideline job to earn some extra money | directly measured |
cw16i334 | For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - I want to work less hours | directly measured |
cw16i335 | For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - I want to work more hours | directly measured |
cw16i336 | For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - I don’t like my current job | directly measured |
cw16i337 | For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - I want a job that offers more security | directly measured |
cw16i338 | For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - due to changed circumstances at home | directly measured |
cw16i339 | For what reason(s) are you looking for another job? - other | directly measured |
cw16i340 | Since what year have (had) you been looking for (other) work? | directly measured |
cw16i341 | And since what month? | directly measured |
cw16i342 | In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - responded to job vacancies | directly measured |
cw16i343 | In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - placed personal advertisements | directly measured |
cw16i344 | In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - personally inquired at employers | directly measured |
cw16i345 | In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - through friends and relations | directly measured |
cw16i346 | In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - through job agencies (UWV) | directly measured |
cw16i347 | In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - through temp-staffing agencies | directly measured |
cw16i348 | In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - placed/updated CV on the internet | directly measured |
cw16i349 | In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - active accompaniment by job coach | directly measured |
cw16i350 | In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - tracked job vacancy adverts | directly measured |
cw16i351 | In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - in another way | directly measured |
cw16i352 | In what way have you been seeking work over the past two months? - I did not seek work over the past two months | directly measured |
cw16i353 | How often have you applied for a job over the past 2 months (in writing, by telephone or internet)? | directly measured |
cw16i354 | What is the main reason that you did not make any effort to find work over the past two months? | directly measured |
cw16i355 | Suppose a suitable job was available, would you be able to start within 2 weeks? | directly measured |
cw16i356 | How many hours per week do you want to work in the (a) new job? | directly measured |
cw16i357 | How many hours per week do you expect to have to work in the (a) new job? | directly measured |
cw16i358 | Within what period do you expect to find the kind of job you’re looking for? | directly measured |
cw16i359 | What net wages do you expect to receive in the (a) new job? - amount | directly measured |
cw16i360 | What net wages do you expect to receive in the (a) new job? - period | directly measured |
cw16i361 | What net wages do you expect to receive in the (a) new job? - I don’t know | directly measured |
cw16i513 | What net wages do you expect to receive in the (a) new job - I prefer not to say | directly measured |
cw16i362 | What would then be the minimum net wage for that amount of hours that this person would need to offer, for you to accept the job? - amount (Please give your answer in whole euros) | directly measured |
cw16i363 | What would then be the minimum net wage for that amount of hours that this person would need to offer, for you to accept the job? - period | directly measured |
cw16i364 | What would then be the minimum net wage for that amount of hours that this person would need to offer, for you to accept the job? - I don't know | directly measured |
cw16i514 | What would then be the minimum net wage for that amount of hours that this person would need to offer, for you to accept the job? - I prefer not to say | directly measured |
cw16i365 | You have indicated that you are wholly or partly disabled for work. Despite this disability, would you be able to perform paid work? | directly measured |
cw16i371 | You currently receive an old age pension, or you took FLO or early retirement, or you are living off private means - Would you want and be able to perform paid work?-with fully retain - old age benefit/ pension payments you possibly receive? | directly measured |
cw16i372 | Suppose someone offers you a full-time job. Assume that you can fully retain the state old age benefit and the (early) pension payments that you possibly receive. Would you want to work full-time, then? | directly measured |
cw16i373 | Suppose you were offered a full-time job, what would then be the minimum net wage that they would have to offer you, for you to accept that job? | directly measured |
cw16i374 | Suppose someone offers you a part-time job. Assume that you can fully retain the state old age benefit and the (early) pension payments that you possibly receive. Would you want to start working, then? | directly measured |
cw16i375 | How many hours per would you want to work, then, on average? | directly measured |
cw16i376 | Suppose you were offered a job for (...number of) hours per week (on average), what would then be the minimum net wage that they would have to offer you, for you to accept that new job? | directly measured |
cw16i377 | Suppose someone offers you a full-time job. Would you want and be able to start working, then? | directly measured |
cw16i378 | Suppose you were offered a full-time job, what then would be the minimum net wage that they would have to offer you, for you to accept that new job? | directly measured |
cw16i379 | Suppose someone offers you a part-time job. Would you want to start working, then? | directly measured |
cw16i380 | How many hours per week (on average) would you want to work, then? | directly measured |
cw16i381 | Suppose you were offered a job for (....number of) hours per week (on average), what then would be the minimum net wage that they would have to offer you, for you to accept that new job? | directly measured |
cw16i382 | Could you then estimate the net wages that such a person will earn on average, if he or she works full-time? - average net wage to be earned | directly measured |
cw16i383 | Could you then estimate the net wages that such a person will earn on average, if he or she works full-time? - minimum net wage to be earned | directly measured |
cw16i384 | Could you then estimate the net wages that such a person will earn on average, if he or she works full-time? - maximum net wage to be earned | directly measured |
cw16i385 | Could you then estimate the net wages that such a person will earn on average, if he or she works full-time? - period | directly measured |
cw16i515 | Could you then estimate the net wages that such a person will earn on average, if he or she works full-time? - I prefer not to say | directly measured |
cw16i517 | What is the minimum net wage for that amount of hours that they would have to offer you, for you to accept that new job? - amount | directly measured |
cw16i518 | What is the minimum net wage for that amount of hours that they would have to offer you, for you to accept that new job? - period | directly measured |
cw16i519 | What is the minimum net wage for that amount of hours that they would have to offer you, for you to accept that new job? - I don't know | directly measured |
cw16i520 | What is the minimum net wage for that amount of hours that they would have to offer you, for you to accept that new job? - I would never do that | directly measured |
cw16i521 | What is the minimum net wage for that amount of hours that they would have to offer you, for you to accept that new job? - I prefer not to say | directly measured |
cw16i526 | You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - a fulltime job in my company amounts to less than 36 hours | directly measured |
cw16i390 | You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - I am (was) not able to work more hours at my current (last) employer | directly measured |
cw16i391 | You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - due to a (changing) family situation at home | directly measured |
cw16i392 | You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - due to the health of my partner/children/grandchildren/parents (in law) | directly measured |
cw16i393 | You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - due to other activities at home | directly measured |
cw16i394 | You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - due to other activities outside home | directly measured |
cw16i395 | You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - for health reasons | directly measured |
cw16i396 | You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - I am partly disabled for work | directly measured |
cw16i397 | You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - I have partly taken early retirement | directly measured |
cw16i398 | You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - I view a reduction in hours as a form of (partial) early retirement | directly measured |
cw16i399 | You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - I want to take it a bit easier | directly measured |
cw16i400 | You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - because I want to have more leisure time | directly measured |
cw16i401 | You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - other reason(s) | directly measured |
cw16i510 | You work(ed) for less than 36 hours. Can you indicate for what reason(s)? - not applicable; I am working 36 hours or more | directly measured |
cw16i402 | In what sector do you work? (/In what sector did you work in your last job)? | directly measured |
cw16i404 | What is your current profession? | directly measured |
cw16i405 | What profession did you exercise in your first job? | directly measured |
cw16i528 | How many people work (/worked) (approximately) in the branch/location where you mainly work (/worked) in your last job? | directly measured |
cw16i409 | Do (/Did) your supervise other employees in your profession or position? | directly measured |
cw16i410 | How many? Please include employees that you supervise (/supervised) through others. | directly measured |
cw16i411 | Does (or did) your current job (last job) offer the option of continuing to work, full-time or part-time, after the old age pension age? | directly measured |
cw16i412 | Can you work at your own pace? | directly measured |
cw16i413 | Does the work mean getting dirty? | directly measured |
cw16i414 | Is your work dangerous? | directly measured |
cw16i415 | Do you work with hazardous substances? | directly measured |
cw16i416 | Is your work physically demanding? | directly measured |
cw16i417 | Do you need to lift heavy objects? | directly measured |
cw16i418 | Do you need to kneel or stoop? | directly measured |
cw16i419 | Is your work tiring? | directly measured |
cw16i420 | Does your work require mental effort? | directly measured |
cw16i421 | Do you need to work with a lot of concentration? | directly measured |
cw16i422 | Does your work ever get too busy? | directly measured |
cw16i423 | Do you need to be able to relate well to other people? | directly measured |
cw16i424 | Are you expected to work overhours? | directly measured |
cw16i425 | Do you work irregular hours? | directly measured |
cw16i426 | Everything considered, I am satisfied with my job. | directly measured |
cw16i427 | My job is physically demanding. | directly measured |
cw16i428 | Because of a heavy work burden, I am continually under time pressure. | directly measured |
cw16i429 | There is very little freedom for me to determine how to do my work. | directly measured |
cw16i430 | I have the opportunity to learn new skills. | directly measured |
cw16i431 | I get sufficient support in difficult situations. | directly measured |
cw16i432 | I get the appreciation I deserve for my work. | directly measured |
cw16i433 | My salary/income is sufficient, given my effort and performance. | directly measured |
cw16i434 | My prospects of career advancement/promotion in my job are poor. | directly measured |
cw16i435 | It is uncertain whether my job will continue to exist. | directly measured |
cw16i436 | Do you have children and/or grandchildren? - children | directly measured |
cw16i437 | Do you have children and/or grandchildren? - grandchildren | directly measured |
cw16i438 | Do you have children and/or grandchildren? - no children or grandchildren | directly measured |
cw16i439 | Do you have children younger than 8 years? | directly measured |
cw16i440 | Are you currently on parental leave? | directly measured |
cw16i539 | Is this parental leave (partially) paid for by your employer? | directly measured |
cw16i441 | Since when have you been on parental leave and until when do you intend to remain on this leave? - month parental leave began | directly measured |
cw16i442 | Since when have you been on parental leave and until when do you intend to remain on this leave? - year parental leave began | directly measured |
cw16i443 | Since when have you been on parental leave and until when do you intend to remain on this leave? - month parental leave ends | directly measured |
cw16i529 | Since when have you been on parental leave and until when do you intend to remain on this leave? - year parental leave ends | directly measured |
cw16i445 | For how many hours per week is the parental leave? | directly measured |
cw16i446 | Are you currently working less hours in order to care for your children and/or grandchildren? | directly measured |
cw16i447 | For how many of your children and/or grandchildren do you care during the hours that you started working less? - number of children | directly measured |
cw16i448 | For how many of your children and/or grandchildren do you care during the hours that you started working less? - number of grandchildren | directly measured |
cw16i449 | How many hours per week are you working less on account of the care for your (grand) children? | directly measured |
cw16i450 | Do you provide informal care? | directly measured |
cw16i451 | Are you currently working less hours or did you stop working because you provide informal care? | directly measured |
cw16i452 | number of hours worked less: | directly measured |
cw16i453 | How many hours per week have you started working less because of this informal care, and since when? - month | directly measured |
cw16i454 | How many hours per week have you started working less because of this informal care, and since when? - year | directly measured |
cw16i455 | To whom are you providing informal care? - parents | directly measured |
cw16i456 | To whom are you providing informal care? - parents-in-law | directly measured |
cw16i457 | To whom are you providing informal care? - other family members | directly measured |
cw16i458 | To whom are you providing informal care? - other persons | directly measured |
cw16i540 | Monthly expenditures for your own personal consumption - food and drinks outside the house | directly measured |
cw16i541 | Monthly expenditures for your own personal consumption - cigarettes and other tobacco products | directly measured |
cw16i542 | Monthly expenditures for your own personal consumption - clothing | directly measured |
cw16i543 | Monthly expenditures for your own personal consumption - personal care products and services | directly measured |
cw16i544 | Monthly expenditures for your own personal consumption - medical care and health costs NOT covered by insurance | directly measured |
cw16i545 | Monthly expenditures for your own personal consumption - leisure time expenditure | directly measured |
cw16i546 | Monthly expenditures for your own personal consumption - (further)schooling | directly measured |
cw16i547 | Monthly expenditures for your own personal consumption - donations and gifts | directly measured |
cw16i548 | Monthly expenditures for your own personal consumption - other | directly measured |
cw16i496 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
cw16i497 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
cw16i498 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
cw16i499 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
cw16i500 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
cw16i501 | Starting date of the questionnaire | constructed |
cw16i502 | Starting time of the questionnaire | constructed |
cw16i503 | End date of the questionnaire | constructed |
cw16i504 | End time of the questionnaire | constructed |
cw16i505 | Duration in seconds | derived |
Questionnaire: Work and Schooling, wave 9
This questionnaire was administered in Dutch.
Browse Work and Schooling, wave 9Response Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 6,640 (100%)Non-response: 808 (12.2%)
Response: 5,832 (87.8%)
Complete: 5,601 (84.3%)
Incomplete: 231 (3.5%)
Collection Events
04-04-2016 to 26-04-2016
Panel members aged 16 years or older.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents
02-05-2016 to 31-05-2016
Non-respondents of the first measurement
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents