General Information
Project Number
This survey is part of the LISS Core Study, a longitudinal study delivering a broad range of social core information about the panel members. The questionnaire focuses on health, health perception and health related to job situation.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Study
Changes regarding to the previous wave are specified in the Introduction of the codebook.
List of concepts:
Subjective health, Relative health, Life expectancy, Mental Health Inventory, Length, weight, Chronic problems, Impediment in activities, Mobility Index, Health problems, Impediment in labour participation, Tobacco, Alcohol, Drug use, Medication use, Physical activities, Health improving behaviour, Preventive health care, Use of health care, Sight and hearing
List of concepts:
Subjective health, Relative health, Life expectancy, Mental Health Inventory, Length, weight, Chronic problems, Impediment in activities, Mobility Index, Health problems, Impediment in labour participation, Tobacco, Alcohol, Drug use, Medication use, Physical activities, Health improving behaviour, Preventive health care, Use of health care, Sight and hearing
Natalia Kieruj (Centerdata)
© 2022 Centerdata
List of Measures
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Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
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Alcohol en Inkomen Bachelor Thesis; Goijen, Rutger
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The Impact of Non-Coverage in Web Surveys Faculty of Social Sciences, Psychology, Utrecht University
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Can receiving a serious health update help individuals suffering from tobacco addiction? An examination into the Dutch population’s behavioural reactions to health shocks. Erasmus School of Economics; Mudd, Andrea
Does house lock hurt? Tilburg University, Economics; Verkoeijen, E.
A(nother) piece of cake? Erasmus University Rotterdam; Lammers, C.S.
The Influence of Health on Household Portfolio Allocation Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management; Laura van Zutphen
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Determinanten der Teilnahme von Privatinvestoren am Aktienmarkt Institut für Banken und Finanzierung, Leibniz Universität Hannover; Cambier, Myriam
Education and Smoking Cessation: The Role of Skills Explained Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Roest, A.M.T.
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The Effect of Debt Assistance on Employment and Health Status in the Netherlands Tilburg University, department of Economics; Huijbregts, P.A.
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Risk Vulnerability in Dutch Health Insurance: The Effect of Background Risk on Deductible Choices Bachelor thesis, Department of Economics and Business Economics, University of Groningen; Dewever, K.A.
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Social inhibition, sense of belonging and vulnerability to internalizing problems Journal of Affective Disorders (2018), 225, 207-213; Moor, E.L. de,
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Estimating the private returns to education in the Netherlands for different education cohorts using panel data; pre and post the 2007 ‘Qualification Law’. Tilburg University, Economics; Kollias, G.
Can biomarkers be collected in an Internet survey? A pilot study in the LISS panel In: M. Das, P. Ester, & L. Kaczmirek (Eds.), Social and Behavioral Research and the Internet: Advances in Applied Methods and Research Strategies, pp. 371-412; Avendano, M.
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Levenstevredenheid na pensionering Bachelor thesis, Department of Sociology, University of Amsterdam; Splinter, M.
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Health in homes: An investigation of the Dutch rental housing market School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University; Vranckaerts, M.
Does working less pay off? A study on the effect of part-time work on mental and physical health of Dutch women Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus School of Economics; Eggert, K.
The impact of pre-event and trauma related factors on post-event perceived loneliness Tilburg University, Victimology and Criminal Justice; Pijnappel, B.
Education and mental health: The effect of dropping out of high school University of Groningen; Hoeksema, M.
Exposure to potentially traumatic events, physical and emotional disabilities, mental health and their effect on media usage Tilburg University; Weijters, K.
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The impact of educational attainment on health and risky health behaviour in the Netherlands University of Groningen; Dabrowska, D.
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The stability and latent profiles of mental health problems among Dutch young adults in the past decade: A comparison of three cohorts from a national sample Psychiatry Research, 282, 1-7; van der Velden, P. G.,
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The spirit of happiness: The relationship between depression and spirituality in the Netherlands Georgetown University; Kahng Lim, D.
Is active travel part of a healthy lifestyle? Results from a latent class analysis Journal of Transport & Health, 12, 42-49; Kroesen, M.
Moral hazard and selection for voluntary deductibles Health economics, 29(10), 1251-1269; Alessie, R. J.,
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Personality and Headaches Psychosomatic Medicine, 83(2), 118-124; Stephan, Y.,
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Personality development during emerging adulthood and its bidirectional relation with mental health Radboud University; de Segovia Vicente, D.
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Risk preference and health insurance voluntary deductible choice in the Netherlands University of Groningen; Geerts, M.
The effect of deductibles on 'free' general practitioner consultations: The policy instrument contradicts the policy aim Utrecht University; van Oorsouw, I.G.A.P.
Big Five personality as a predictor of health: shortening the questionnaire through the elastic net Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 9(2), 159-164; Doornenbal, B. M.
Health disparities: The role of spirituality and religiosity in health outcomes within and between socioeconomic groups in the Netherlands. University of Groningen; Pierey, L.
How age, gender, net income and education influence the relationship between financial risk tolerance and the decision to opt for a voluntary deductible Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Faber, R.
Family-work conflict and its implication for job performance in the Dutch health care sector Utrecht University; Marsen, L.
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Mental health over the lifecycle: An economic perspective University of Groningen; Dijk, H.
The effect of crises on mental health University of Groningen; Botter, D.
Het effect van subjectief welzijn op inkomen Erasmus University Rotterdam; van den Berg, M.
Ex-ante moral hazard effects: The influence of the Dutch voluntary deductible on lifestyle. Examining excessive smokers and drinkers University of Groningen; Marsman, W. A.
Anxiety and depression symptoms, the recovery from symptoms, and loneliness before and after the COVID-19 outbreak among the general population: Findings from a Dutch population-based longitudinal study PLOS ONE, 16(1), 1-17; van der Velden, P. G.,
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Contacts with benefits: How social networks affect benefit receipt dynamics in the Netherlands Utrecht University; Kristiansen, M. H.
What a drag it is getting old? Mental health and loneliness beyond age 50 Applied Economics, 53(31), 3563-3576; van Ours, J. C.
Bayes factor testing of equality and order constraints on measures of association in social research Journal of Applied Statistics, first published online October 27, 2021; Mulder, J.,
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Unraveling resilience: Personality predicts exposure and reaction to stressful life events Personality Science, 2, 1-29; Asselmann, E.,
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The relation between social network site usage and loneliness and mental health in community-dwelling older adults International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 30(9):942-949; Sil Aarts,
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Homeownership and life satisfaction in the Netherlands. Evidence from self-reported wellbeing indicators in the LISS panel 2015 - 2019 Tilburg University; Eastmond, S.
The asymmetric relationship between smoking and sleep: Longitudinal findings from Dutch panel data Population Medicine, 3(26), 1-5; Doornenbal, B. M.,
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Daughters and divorce The Economic Journal, 131(637), 2144–2170; Kabátek, J.,
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Anxiety and depression symptoms, and lack of emotional support among the general population before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. A prospective national study on prevalence and risk factors Journal of Affective Disorders, 277, 540-548; van der Velden, P. G.,
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The longitudinal effect of social recognition on PTSD symptomatology and vice versa: Evidence from a population-based study Psychiatry Research, 279, 287-294; van der Velden, P. G.,
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Assessing avoidance behavior due to concerns about falling: Psychometric properties of the FES-IAB in a sample of older adults of an online panel Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 97, 1-7; Kruisbrink, M.,
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Information asymmetry in Dutch health insurance: The use of private information in the selection of a voluntary deductible Erasmus University Rotterdam; van der Ham, G.
Uncertain inference in random intercept cross-lagged panel models: An example involving need for cognition and anxiety and depression symptoms Personality and Individual Differences, 201, 1-7; Sorjonen, K.,
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Personality and fatigue: Meta-analysis of seven prospective studies Scientific Reports, 12, 1-8; Stephan, Y.,
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The Psychological Inventory of Financial Scarcity (PIFS): A psychometric evaluation Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 101, 1-11; van Dijk, W. W.,
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Unraveling the complex relationship between work transitions and self-esteem and life satisfaction Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 123(3), 597–620; Reitz, A. K.,
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On inequalities in well-being and human capital formation VU Amsterdam; van de Kraats, C. W. A.
Housing unaffordability and mental health: Dynamics across age and tenure International Journal of Housing Policy, first published online September 4, 2022; Arundel, R.,
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Predicting life satisfaction from social leisure University of Groningen; Nonkes, J.
Formal leisure time and health outcomes of Dutch participants University of Groningen; Blaauw, M.
De invloed van BMI op het inkomen University of Groningen; de Lange, S.
Population health, not individual health, drives support for populist parties PNAS Nexus, 1(3), 1–9; Oude Groenigera, J.,
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Gender equality in mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic and leisure time Utrecht University; Overeem, A. A. M.
Unequal homes, unequal wellbeing Utrecht University; Blekkink, W.
Changes in alcohol use in the Netherlands before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: Exploring the effects of personality, loneliness and gender University of Twente; Völler, M.
Self-medication hypothesis: Influence of mood on substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic University of Twente; Voigt, M.
Ideal weight and satisfaction with weight: A study of life course trajectories and intercohort change SocArXiv, first published online July 11, 2022; Leopold, L.
Intermediate stable states in substance use Addictive Behaviors, 129, 1-8; Epskamp, S.,
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Mental health problems among Dutch adolescents of the general population before and 9 months after the COVID-19 outbreak: A longitudinal cohort study Psychiatry Research, 311, 1-6; van der Velden, P. G.,
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Job insecurity and mental health Utrecht University; van der Meer, P. D.
Personality and health: Disentangling their between-person and within-person relationship in three longitudinal studies Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 122(3), 493–522; Luo, J.,
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Mental health over the life course: Evidence for a U-shape? Health Economics, 32(1), 155-174; Dijk, H.,
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Essays in applied microeconomics University of Mannheim; Paffenholz, M.
Determinants of singlehood satisfaction Michigan State University; Oh, J.
The effects of unemployment on mental health Utrecht University; van der Vliet, R. R.
A mega-analysis of personality predictions: Robustness and boundary conditions Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 122(3), 523–553; Beck, E. D.,
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Methodological and conceptual issues in studying effort-reward fit Journal of Managerial Psychology, 37(5), 498-512; Lang, J. W. B.,
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Chronic mental health problems and use of mental health services among adults with and without adverse childhood experiences: A 6-year longitudinal population-based study Journal of Mental Health, 31(5), 683–691; van der Velden, P. G.,
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The effect of mental health on drug use: Evidence from the Dutch population Erasmus University Rotterdam; Krans, C.
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Towards enhanced management of fear of falling in older people. Unravelling interventions and measuring related avoidance of activity Maastricht University; Kruisbrink, M.
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Constructing behaviour profiles for answer behaviour across surveys Utrecht University; Bais, F.
Is undesirable answer behaviour consistent across surveys? An investigation into respondent characteristics Survey Methodology, 48(1), 191-224; Bais, F.,
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Psychological symptoms in primary immunodeficiencies: a common comorbidity? Journal of Clinical Immunology, 42(3), 695–698; Manusama, O. R.,
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Urban noise, sleep disruption and health Applied Economics, 54(50), 5782–5799; Fan, Y.,
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Curiosity helps: Growth in need for cognition bidirectionally predicts future reduction in anxiety and depression symptoms across 10 years Journal of Affective Disorders, 296, 642-652; Zainal, N. H.,
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Social class differences in dietary intake are mediated by the relationship between health and taste: Findings from a cross-sectional and longitudinal study Food Quality and Preference, first published online July 2023; Pivecka, N.,
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The prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms (ADS), persistent and chronic ADS among the adult general population and specific subgroups before and during the COVID-19 pandemic until December 2021 Journal of Affective Disordorders, 338, 393-401; van der Velden, P. G.,
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The role of the general factor of psychopathology and high-risk personality traits in predicting the development of psychopathological symptoms in adolescents and adults University of New York in Prague; Dreyfus, E.
The role of financial stress in mental health changes during COVID-19 Npj Mental Health Ressearch, 1(15), 1-10; Simonse, O.,
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Informal caregivers and life satisfaction: Empirical evidence from the Netherlands Journal of Happiness Studies, first published online May 8, 2023; Blaise, M.,
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Biedt bestaansonzekerheid een verklaring voor gezondheidsverschillen tussen lager en hoger opgeleiden? University of Groningen; Sagel, M.
Keeping up with the Jansens: An analysis of the age-contingent relative income effect on happiness in the Netherlands University of Groningen; Bieleman, M.
Living space size and well-being Erasmus University Rotterdam; Weekenborg, B.
The effect of mental health on political behavior: A study of young adults in the Netherlands Erasmus University Rotterdam; den Boer, I.
Eat healthy, feel better: Are differences in employees’ longitudinal healthy-eating trajectories reflected in better well-being? University of Mannheim; Sonnentag, S.,
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The prevalence, incidence, and risk factors of mental health problems and mental health service use before and 9 months after the COVID-19 outbreak among the general Dutch population. A 3-wave prospective study PLoS ONE, 17(11), 1-19; van der Velden, P. G.,
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Reminders in Web-Based Data Collection : Increasing Response at the Price of retention? American Journal of Evaluation, 33(2), 240-250; Göritz, Anja S.
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Tax Incentives to Promote Active Ageing: The Introduction of the Doorwerkbonus in the Netherlands Master Thesis, Economics and Finance of Aging, Tilburg University; Da Silva Soca, María Luisa
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Estimating multilevel models on data streams Psychometrika, 84(1), 41–64; Ippel, L.,
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Joining hands: A study on the effect of citizen participation on political trust in the Netherlands Utrecht University; Kouwenhoven, M.
Economies of scope in data aggregation: Evidence from health data TILEC, Discussion Paper No. 020, 2022
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Corrigendum: Curiosity does help to protect against anxiety and depression symptoms but not conversely Journal of Affective Disorders, 323, 894-897; Zainal, N. H.,
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COVID-19 pandemic impact on urban-rural differences in behavioral determinants of health Erasmus University Rotterdam; van der Stelt, L.
COVID-19 vaccination: Lower intention and coverage among entrepreneurs compared to employees International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 29(11), 312-336; Wismans, A.,
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Welbevinden ten tijde van corona: oktober 2020. Signalement Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, December 4, 2020; Plaisier, I.,
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Welbevinden ten tijde van corona. Eerste bevindingen op basis van een bevolkingsenquête uit juli 2020 Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau, September 9, 2020; de Klerk, M.,
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Een jaar met corona Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau, March 3, 2021; de Klerk, M.,
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Smoking and financial stress Erasmus University Rotterdam; Kooimans, D.
Exploring the association between bedtime procrastination and future depression development Erasmus University Rotterdam; Wilmink, M. Q.
Exploring the connection: Overweight, dietary knowledge, and urban-rural disparities in The Netherlands Erasmus University Rotterdam; Stofbergen, D.
Does the election winner–loser gap extend to subjective health and well-being? Political Studies Review, 21(4), 783-800; Toshkov, D.,
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Postponed healthcare in The Netherlands during the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on self-reported health Frontiers in Health services, 3; Visscher, K.,
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The role of social participation in promoting mental health: Exploring the benefits of social support networks Utrecht University; van der Molen, N.
An empirical analysis of ESG and time preferences Radboud University; Otte, K.
Time to get attention: The effect of temporal focus on health, income and happiness ; Zheng, Y.,
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Who is taking drugs and what are the consequences?: Understanding influences of psychological and demographic factors on drug consumption and its impact on health, labour market performance and financial wealth First published online in 2023; Zheng, Y.,
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Grit, discounting, & time inconsistency Economics and Statistics, first published online July 25, 2023; König-Kersting, C.,
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Measuring multidimensional well-being when preferences differ: a non-parametric approach First published online 2023; Burone, S.,
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Achter de gezondheidskloof: de rol van bestaansonzekerheid en statusangst University of Groningen; van den Berg, J.
Income, education and nicotine use: Investigating the role of socioeconomic status in electronic and conventional cigarette usage Erasmus University Rotterdam; Widyanto, A.
A Model of Individual BMI Trajectories Mathematical Medicine and Biology: A Journal of the IMA; Bogaardt, L.,
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The development of political trust during the COVID-19 pandemic Erasmus University; Bouwmeester, S.
Elderly Dutch citizens’ individual characteristics and their impact on yearly GP visits: A baseline for an estimation model of primary healthcare utilization Erasmus University Rotterdam; Garcia, R. L.
Exploring gender disparities in the obesity-related wage effect: A study in the Netherlands University of Groningen; Zwiggelaar, K.
Pre-event attachment anxiety and avoidance predict posttraumatic stress symptom severity – Results from a longitudinal population-based study Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 101, 1-9; Wittmann, L.,
et al.
Association between life satisfaction and smoking behavior in the Netherlands Leiden University; Meershoek, N.
Financial uncertainty and health insurance choices: The effect of job and income uncertainty on the uptake of voluntary deductibles and supplemental health insurance Tilburg University; Schoppenhauer, K. J. M.
Stress-related growth in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from a panel study Personality and Individual Differences, 222, 1-6; Manole, E. C.,
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Nostalgia and health: A longitudinal network analysis of different nostalgic experiences Personality and SocialPsychology Bulletin, first published online January 30, 2024; Huang, K. -J.,
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Positive and negative health events and trust Empirica, 51, 459–479; Umer, H.,
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Causal effects of time-varying exposures: A comparison of structural equation modeling and marginal structural models in cross-lagged panel research Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 31(4), 575-591 ; Mulder, J. D.,
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Do changes in personality predict life outcomes? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology:
Personality Processes and Individual Differences, 125(6), 1495-1518; Wright, A. J.,
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The associations between life events and person-centered personality consistency Journal of Personality, 92(1), 162–179; Wright, A. J.,
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Longitudinal within-person variability around personality trajectories Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, first published online 2024; Wright, A. J.,
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Predicting life satisfaction of the Dutch population: A supervised machine learning approach Tilburg University; Bijen, L.
Community as a socioeconomic safety net? Erasmus University Rotterdam; Clerkx, N.
From social media to stock market: The effect of online social interaction on stock market participation Erasmus University Rotterdam; de Waal, T.
The mental health employment gap Erasmus University Rotterdam; Cuijpers, L. E. A.
Quantifying reciprocal relationships between poverty and health: Combining a causal loop diagram with longitudinal structural equation modelling International Journal for Equity in Health, 23(1), 1-17; Reumers, L.,
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An investigation of the longitudinal bidirectional associations between interactive versus passive social media behaviors and youth internalizing difficulties. A within-person approach Journal of Youth and Adolescence, first published online October 12, 2024; Tibbs, M.,
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Effects of refugee settlement on citizens: A prospective longitudinal study of associations between perceived intergroup threat and mental health Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 28(1), 50-66; Feddes, A. R.,
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The impact of mental health on income University of Groningen; Dijkstra, L.
The effect of graphic warning labels on tobacco packages Erasmus University Rotterdam; Chazan, A.
The association between loneliness and financial well-being: mixed econometric findings Erasmus University Rotterdam; Kroezen, A.
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Changes in neighborhood physical and social environments matter for change in mental health: Longitudinal evidence from Dutch panel data Environmental Pollution, 337, 1-9; Sui, Y.,
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The influence of creative activities on well-Being: A longitudinal study Erasmus University Rotterdam; Rajki, G.
Pouring love Tilburg University; van Mierlo, A.
‘Wet maatschappelijke ondersteuning 2015’: A Relief or an Increased Burden for Informal Caregivers? An Analysis of Care Intensity, Mental Health and Alcohol Consumption Leiden University; Paanakker, J.
Employment contract, occupation and well-being Erasmus University Rotterdam; Lemmen, M.
Subjective well-being and populist voting in the Netherlands Journal of Happiness Studies, 24(7), 2331–2352; Burger, M. J.,
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Part-time parental leave and life satisfaction: Evidence from the Netherlands Applied Research in Quality of Life, 18(5), 1-23; Dillenseger, L.,
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Unraveling the relationship between sports engagement and life satisfaction: A study for all ages University of Groningen; Bakker, E.
Household fertility forecasting in the Netherlands: Data-driven predictions Utrecht University; Haverhoek, V.
Development and cross-validation of a short questionnaire to evaluate self-reported positive health; A cross sectional panel study of structural validity among a general dutch population medRXIV, first published online August 26, 2024; Nahar - van Venrooij, L. M. W.,
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The influence of the big five personality factors on mental health before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A prospective study Psychological Reports, first published online November 21, 2024; van der Velden, P. G.,
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Predicting fertility (as a part of the PreFer data challenge) Utrecht University; Chakroun, N.
The dependence of the effect of increased cost sharing on chronic conditions: Evidence from the LISS Panel Tilburg University; Pijnenburg, S.
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Helping others to help yourself: The effect of volunteering on life satisfaction and the moderating role of employment status. University of Groningen; van Aalst, F.
Ideal weight and weight discrepancy: A study of life course trajectories and intercohort change in the Netherlands International Journal of Public Health, 69, 1-11; Leopold, L.
Financial stress by design: Examining barriers to social welfare take-up University of Leiden; Simonse, O.
Noise annoyance, personality, and health: A longitudinal analysis Proceedings of the 30th International Congress on Sound and Vibration Article 707; Cassens, L.,
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Eat healthy, feel better: Are differences in employees’ longitudinal healthy-eating trajectories reflected in better psychological well-being? Applied Psychology: Health and Well-being, first published online January 27, 2024.; Koch, T. J. S.,
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Care for thy neighbor. A study of neighbors’ caregiving intentions by likelihood of reciprocity and previous caregiving experience in the Netherlands. Working paper, first published online December 19, 2024; Ramaekers, M.,
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