Health > Wave 15
Longitudinal Wave
General Information
Wave 15
Project Number
This is the fifteenth wave of the Health module of the LISS Core Study. The survey focuses on health, health perception and health related to job situation.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Natalia Kieruj (Centerdata)
© 2023 Centerdata
Funding Organization
OCW (Domeinplan SSH)
OCW (Domeinplan SSH)
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
English CSV file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of the respondent encrypted | preloaded |
ch22o_m | Year and month of the fieldwork period | constructed |
ch22o001 | preloaded variable: gender | preloaded |
ch22o002 | preloaded variable: age | preloaded |
ch22o003 | preloaded variable: paid job or not | preloaded |
ch22o004 | How would you describe your health, generally speaking? | directly measured |
ch22o005 | Is your health poorer or better, compared to last year? | directly measured |
ch22o006 | How would you rate your chance of living to be 75 years old or older? | directly measured |
ch22o007 | How would you rate your chance of living to be 80 years old or older? | directly measured |
ch22o008 | How would you rate your chance of living to be 85 years old or older? | directly measured |
ch22o009 | How would you rate your chance of living to be 90 years old or older? | directly measured |
ch22o010 | How would you rate your chance of living to be 95 years old or older? | directly measured |
ch22o011 | I felt very anxious | directly measured |
ch22o012 | I felt so down that nothing could cheer me up | directly measured |
ch22o013 | I felt calm and peaceful | directly measured |
ch22o014 | I felt depressed and gloomy | directly measured |
ch22o015 | I felt happy | directly measured |
ch22o016 | How tall are you? | directly measured |
ch22o017 | How much do you weigh, without clothes and shoes? | directly measured |
ch22o018 | Do you suffer from a long-standing disease, affliction or handicap, or do you suffer from the consequences of an accident? | directly measured |
ch22o020 | To what extent did your physical health or emotional problems hinder your daily activities over the past month? | directly measured |
ch22o021 | To what extent did your physical health or emotional problems hinder your social activities over the past month? | directly measured |
ch22o022 | To what extent did your physical health or emotional problems hinder your work over the past month, for instance in your job, the housekeeping, doing volunteer work, or in school? | directly measured |
ch22o023 | walking 100 meters | directly measured |
ch22o024 | sitting for around two hours | directly measured |
ch22o025 | getting up from a chair in which you sat for some time | directly measured |
ch22o026 | walking several stairs without resting in between | directly measured |
ch22o027 | walking up a staircase without resting | directly measured |
ch22o028 | crouching, kneeling, crawling on all fours | directly measured |
ch22o029 | reaching above shoulder height or stretching your arms above shoulder height | directly measured |
ch22o030 | moving large objects such as a diningroom chair | directly measured |
ch22o031 | lifting or carrying a weight of 5 kilos, such as a heavy bag of groceries | directly measured |
ch22o032 | picking up a small coin lying on the table | directly measured |
ch22o033 | dressing and undressing, including shoes and socks | directly measured |
ch22o034 | walking across the room | directly measured |
ch22o035 | bathing or showering | directly measured |
ch22o036 | eating, such as cutting your food into small bits | directly measured |
ch22o037 | getting in and out of bed | directly measured |
ch22o038 | using the toilet, including sitting down and standing up | directly measured |
ch22o039 | reading a map to find your way in an unfamiliar area | directly measured |
ch22o040 | preparing a hot meal | directly measured |
ch22o041 | shopping | directly measured |
ch22o042 | telephoning | directly measured |
ch22o043 | taking medicines | directly measured |
ch22o044 | performing housekeeping work or maintaining the garden | directly measured |
ch22o045 | taking care of financial affairs, such as paying bills and keeping track of expenditure | directly measured |
ch22o070 | back-, knee-, hip-pain or pain in any other joint | directly measured |
ch22o071 | heart complaints or angina, pain in the chest due to exertion | directly measured |
ch22o072 | short of breath, problems with breathing | directly measured |
ch22o073 | coughing, a stuffy nose and/or flu-related complaints | directly measured |
ch22o074 | stomach or intestinal problems | directly measured |
ch22o075 | headache | directly measured |
ch22o076 | fatigue | directly measured |
ch22o077 | sleeping problems | directly measured |
ch22o078 | other recurrent complaints | directly measured |
ch22o079 | no recurrent complaints | directly measured |
ch22o080 | angina, pain in the chest | directly measured |
ch22o081 | a heart attack including infarction or coronary thrombosis or another heart problem including heart failure | directly measured |
ch22o082 | high blood pressure or hypertension | directly measured |
ch22o083 | high cholesterol content in blood | directly measured |
ch22o084 | a stroke or brain infarction or a disease affecting the blood vessels | directly measured |
ch22o085 | diabetes or a too high blood sugar level | directly measured |
ch22o086 | chronic lung disease such as chronic bronchitis or emphysema | directly measured |
ch22o087 | asthma | directly measured |
ch22o088 | arthritis, including osteoarthritis, or rheumatism, bone decalcification | directly measured |
ch22o089 | cancer or malignant tumor, including leukemia or lymphoma | directly measured |
ch22o090 | a gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer | directly measured |
ch22o091 | Parkinson’s disease | directly measured |
ch22o092 | cataract | directly measured |
ch22o093 | a broken hip or thigh bone | directly measured |
ch22o094 | another fracture | directly measured |
ch22o095 | Alzheimer, dementia, organic brain syndrome, senility | directly measured |
ch22o096 | benign tumor (skin tumor, polyps, angioma) | directly measured |
ch22o269 | COVID-19 (new corona virus) | directly measured |
ch22o097 | other diseases / problems not yet mentioned | directly measured |
ch22o098 | no diseases / problems | directly measured |
ch22o099 | How many days during the last month were you unable to go to work, perform housekeeping work or attend school, due to disease? | directly measured |
ch22o100 | At this moment, do you go to work as normal, or do you not or only partly go to work on account of your health? | directly measured |
ch22o268 | For how long have you not been working: number of years | directly measured |
ch22o101 | For how long have you not been working: number of months | directly measured |
ch22o102 | For how long have you not been working: number of weeks | directly measured |
ch22o103 | For how long have you not been working: number of days | directly measured |
ch22o104 | Can you indicate what kind of health problems or what kind of affliction you are suffering from? | directly measured |
ch22o105 | To what extent does your health trouble you in your work? | directly measured |
ch22o106 | Is there (other) paid work you could do that would cause you less or no trouble? | directly measured |
ch22o107 | For how long have you been suffering from your health problems: number of years | directly measured |
ch22o108 | For how long have you been suffering from your health problems: number of months | directly measured |
ch22o109 | For how long have you been suffering from your health problems: number of weeks | directly measured |
ch22o110 | For how long have you been suffering from your health problems: number of days | directly measured |
ch22o111 | Were your health problems caused by your current job, the work-related activities of a former job or are they not related to your work activities at all? | directly measured |
ch22o112 | Does your employer take your health problems into account | directly measured |
ch22o113 | In what way does your employer help you? - adaptation of my function | directly measured |
ch22o114 | In what way does your employer help you? - help in performing activities | directly measured |
ch22o115 | In what way does your employer help you? - adjusted working hours | directly measured |
ch22o116 | In what way does your employer help you? - more breaks | directly measured |
ch22o117 | In what way does your employer help you? - (help with) retraining | directly measured |
ch22o118 | In what way does your employer help you? - acquisition of special equipment | directly measured |
ch22o119 | In what way does your employer help you? - special means of transportation | directly measured |
ch22o120 | In what way does your employer help you? - other | directly measured |
ch22o121 | In what other way does your employer help you? | directly measured |
ch22o125 | Have you ever smoked (even if it was long ago)? | directly measured |
ch22o126 | Do you smoke now? | directly measured |
ch22o127 | cigarettes (including rolling tobacco) | directly measured |
ch22o128 | pipe | directly measured |
ch22o129 | cigars or cigarillos | directly measured |
ch22o265 | e-cigarettes | directly measured |
ch22o130 | How many cigarettes (including rolling tobacco) [did/do] you smoke on average per day? | directly measured |
ch22o131 | How many pipes [did/do] you smoke on average per day? | directly measured |
ch22o132 | How many cigars or cigarillos [did/do] you smoke on average per day? | directly measured |
ch22o266 | How many milliliters of liquid [do/did] you vaporize on average per day when using the e-cigarette? | directly measured |
ch22o133 | How often did you have a drink containing alcohol over the last 12 months? | directly measured |
ch22o134 | Did you have a drink containing alcohol during the last seven days (without today)? | directly measured |
ch22o135 | On how many of the past seven days did you have a drink containing alcohol? | directly measured |
ch22o136 | beer of regular strength with less than 6% alcohol | directly measured |
ch22o137 | strong beer with 6% alcohol or more | directly measured |
ch22o138 | strong spirits or liquors | directly measured |
ch22o139 | sherry or martini | directly measured |
ch22o140 | wine (including champagne) | directly measured |
ch22o141 | premixes, alcohol pops, blasters and shooters | directly measured |
ch22o142 | other types of drinks containing alcohol | directly measured |
ch22o143 | other type of alcoholic drink | directly measured |
ch22o144 | other type of alcoholic drink | directly measured |
ch22o145 | number of glasses (count large glasses as 2) | directly measured |
ch22o146 | number of half liter glasses (pints) | directly measured |
ch22o147 | number of half liter cans or bottles | directly measured |
ch22o148 | number of small cans or bottles | directly measured |
ch22o149 | number of glasses (count large glasses as 2) | directly measured |
ch22o150 | number of half liter glasses (pints) | directly measured |
ch22o151 | number of half liter cans or bottles | directly measured |
ch22o152 | number of small cans or bottles | directly measured |
ch22o153 | strong spirits or liquor, such as gin, whisky, rum, brandy, vodka or cocktails | directly measured |
ch22o154 | sherry or martini (including port, vermouth, Cinzano, Dubonnet) | directly measured |
ch22o155 | wine (including champagne) | directly measured |
ch22o156 | Can you indicate below how many small cans or bottles of premixes, alcohol pops, blasters and shooters | directly measured |
ch22o157 | Can you indicate below how many glasses [ch22o143] you drank that day? (Count large glasses as 2) | directly measured |
ch22o158 | Can you indicate below how many glasses [ch22o144] you drank that day? (Count large glasses as 2) | directly measured |
ch22o159 | sedatives (such as valium) | directly measured |
ch22o160 | soft drugs (such as hashish, marijuana) | directly measured |
ch22o161 | XTC (such as MDMA) | directly measured |
ch22o162 | hallucinogens (such as LSD, magic mushrooms) | directly measured |
ch22o163 | hard drugs (such as stimulants, cocaine, heroin) | directly measured |
ch22o270 | laughing gas | directly measured |
ch22o164 | sedatives (such as valium) | directly measured |
ch22o165 | soft drugs (such as hashish, marijuana) | directly measured |
ch22o166 | XTC (such as MDMA) | directly measured |
ch22o167 | hallucinogens (such as LSD, magic mushrooms) | directly measured |
ch22o168 | hard drugs (such as stimulants, cocaine, heroin) | directly measured |
ch22o271 | laughing gas | directly measured |
ch22o169 | high blood cholesterol | directly measured |
ch22o170 | high blood pressure | directly measured |
ch22o171 | heart or brain infarction | directly measured |
ch22o172 | other heart diseases | directly measured |
ch22o173 | asthma | directly measured |
ch22o174 | diabetes | directly measured |
ch22o175 | joint pain or joint infection | directly measured |
ch22o176 | other pains (such as headache, backache, etc.) | directly measured |
ch22o177 | sleeping problems | directly measured |
ch22o178 | anxiety or depression | directly measured |
ch22o179 | osteoporosis (hormonal) | directly measured |
ch22o180 | osteoporosis (non-hormonal) | directly measured |
ch22o181 | heartburn | directly measured |
ch22o182 | chronic bronchitis | directly measured |
ch22o183 | other complaints or diseases not yet mentioned | directly measured |
ch22o184 | I do not take any medicine | directly measured |
ch22o206 | family physician | directly measured |
ch22o207 | psychiatrist/psychologist/psychotherapist | directly measured |
ch22o208 | medical specialist at a hospital | directly measured |
ch22o209 | physiotherapist | directly measured |
ch22o210 | dentist | directly measured |
ch22o211 | homecare | directly measured |
ch22o212 | homeopath | directly measured |
ch22o213 | acupuncturist | directly measured |
ch22o214 | alternative medical practitioner | directly measured |
ch22o215 | magnetist | directly measured |
ch22o216 | paranormal healer | directly measured |
ch22o217 | other alternative healer | directly measured |
ch22o267 | dental hygienist | directly measured |
ch22o218 | internist | directly measured |
ch22o219 | gynaecologist | directly measured |
ch22o220 | heart specialist (cardiologist) | directly measured |
ch22o221 | neurologist | directly measured |
ch22o222 | ophthalmologist | directly measured |
ch22o223 | throat, nose and ear specialist | directly measured |
ch22o224 | surgeon | directly measured |
ch22o225 | orthopedic surgeon | directly measured |
ch22o226 | psychiatrist | directly measured |
ch22o227 | other specialist | directly measured |
ch22o228 | no specialist | directly measured |
ch22o229 | Did you spend any time in hospital or a clinic over the past 12 months? | directly measured |
ch22o230 | How long did you spend in hospital the last time? | directly measured |
ch22o231 | Did you have an operation during this hospitalization? | directly measured |
ch22o232 | Do you usually wear (reading) glasses, computer glasses or contact lenses? | directly measured |
ch22o233 | Is your eyesight [with (reading)glasses, computer glasses or contact lenses]... | directly measured |
ch22o234 | Do you usually wear a hearing aid? | directly measured |
ch22o235 | Is your hearing [with hearing aid]... | directly measured |
ch22o239 | Did you take out a complementary health insurance in 2022? | directly measured |
ch22o260 | How much is your voluntary own risk in 2022? | directly measured |
ch22o263 | Did you apply for a health care allowance in 2022? | directly measured |
ch22o264 | How much is the health care allowance per month? | directly measured |
ch22o250 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
ch22o251 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
ch22o252 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
ch22o253 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
ch22o254 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
ch22o255 | Starting date of the questionnaire | constructed |
ch22o256 | Starting time of the questionnaire | constructed |
ch22o257 | End date of the questionnaire | constructed |
ch22o258 | End time of the questionnaire | constructed |
ch22o259 | Duration in seconds | derived |
Response Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 7,000 (100.0%)Non-response: 1,168 (16.7%)
Response: 5,832 (83.3%)
Complete: 5,802 (82.9%)
Incomplete: 30 (0.4%)
Collection Events
07-11-2022 to 29-11-2022
Panel members aged 16 years or older.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.
05-12-2022 to 31-12-2022
Non-respondents of the first measurement.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.