Time Use and Consumption

General Information

Time Use and Consumption
Project Number
The survey focuses on time use and consumption expenditures.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Study
Begin date
End date
Jim Been (Leiden University)
© 2022 Centerdata

List of Measures

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Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave


Consumptiegedrag bij dalende huizenprijzen: analyse op basis van een enquête Universiteit van Amsterdam, Econometrie; Van Vliet, Kasper
De consumptie van huishoudens bij dalende huizenprijzen Universiteit van Amsterdam, Econometrie; Walschot, Ruben
Do Preferences over Consumption Depend on Household Composition? Research Master in Economics and Business, University of Groningen; van Leeuwen, B.J.
The Retirement Savings Puzzle: the Role of Gains in Housing Wealth and Home Production University of Groningen, Department of Economics, Econometrics & Finance; Kruijver, W.E.
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Inferring Inequality with Home Production Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Working Paper 746; Boerma, J., et al.
Social Security Wealth and Household Consumption: Evidence from recent pension reforms in the Netherlands University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business; Dieteren, L.M.
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The marriage market, inequality and the progressivity of the income tax Collaborative Research Center Transregio 224, Discussion Paper No. 109; Obermeier, T.
Intertemporal and intratemporal consumption smoothing at retirement Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, Design paper 09/2020-025; Been, J., et al.
From mancession to shecession: Women's employment in regular and pandemic recessions NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2021, Working paper No. 28632, first published online April, 2021; Alon, T., et al.
A new closed form multiple discrete-continuous extreme value (MDCEV) choice model with multiple linear constraints Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 147, 42-66; Mondala, A., et al.
Household composition and preferences: A collective approach to household consumption Review of Income and Wealth, 67(3), 591-615; van Leeuwen, B., et al.
Consumption and time use responses to unemployment Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, Design paper No. 187; Been, J., et al.
Consumption and happiness Erasmus University Rotterdam; Facchini, A.
Prolonged work life among older workers: Spillover effects on grandchildren Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, first published online September 29, 2021; Been, J., et al.
Prolonged worklife among grandfathers: Spillover effects on grandchildren’s educational outcomes Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, Design paper No. 05/2022-035; Been, J., et al.
Parental childcare with process benefits Economica, 90(357), 339–371; Cosaert, S., et al.
Togetherness in the household American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 15(1), 529-579; Cosaert, S., et al.
Child penalties and the gender gap in home production and the labor market IZA Institute of Labor Economics, Discussion Papers, No. 16871; Koopmans, P., et al.