Victims in Modern Society > Victims in Modern Society 2018

Longitudinal Wave

General Information

Victims in Modern Society 2018
Project Number
The questionnaire is about experiences with victimization and social support.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Peter van der Velden (Centerdata)
© 2023 Centerdata
Funding Organization
Fonds Slachtofferhulp

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Note: Version 1.2 of the codebook: Textual change in oo18a150.
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file
English CSV file
Note: Version 1.2 of the dataset: Textual change in an answer of question oo18a002.
Version 1.3 of the dataset: Incorrect values in variable oo18a002 corrected.


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of the household member encryptedpreloaded
oo18a_mYear and month of the field work periodconstructed
oo18a001Random number 1 – 1000constructed
oo18a002Answer given at oo18a060 or oo18a061constructed
oo18a003Number of traumatic experiences oo18a037 – oo18a051constructed
oo18a004Number of traumatic experiences oo18a052 – oo18a057constructed
oo18a005Number of traumatic experiences oo18a037 – oo18a057constructed
oo18a006What is your opinion about the extent to which people: ask you for advicedirectly measured
oo18a007What is your opinion about the extent to which people: give you a liftdirectly measured
oo18a008What is your opinion about the extent to which people: perk you up or cheer you updirectly measured
oo18a009What is your opinion about the extent to which people: lend you a friendly eardirectly measured
oo18a010What is your opinion about the extent to which people: give you a nudge in the right directiondirectly measured
oo18a011What is your opinion about the extent to which people: give you good advicedirectly measured
oo18a012What is your opinion about the extent to which people: pay you a complimentdirectly measured
oo18a013What is your opinion about the extent to which people: confide in youdirectly measured
oo18a014What is your opinion about the extent to which people: ask you for helpdirectly measured
oo18a015What is your opinion about the extent to which people: tell you to perseveredirectly measured
oo18a016What is your opinion about the extent to which people: comfort youdirectly measured
oo18a017What is your opinion about the extent to which people: take your advicedirectly measured
oo18a018What is your opinion about the extent to which people: help you to clarify your problemsdirectly measured
oo18a019What is your opinion about the extent to which people: emphasise your strong pointsdirectly measured
oo18a020What is your opinion about the extent to which people: reassure youdirectly measured
oo18a021Physical problemsdirectly measured
oo18a022Psychological problemsdirectly measured
oo18a023Problems relating to religiondirectly measured
oo18a024Problems at workdirectly measured
oo18a025Problems in the family/with your partnerdirectly measured
oo18a026Financial problemsdirectly measured
oo18a027Problems with administrationdirectly measured
oo18a028Legal problemsdirectly measured
oo18a029Physical problemsdirectly measured
oo18a030Psychological problemsdirectly measured
oo18a031Problems relating to religiondirectly measured
oo18a032Problems at workdirectly measured
oo18a033Problems in the family/with your partnerdirectly measured
oo18a034Financial problemsdirectly measured
oo18a035Problems with administrationdirectly measured
oo18a036Legal problemsdirectly measured
oo18a037Serious threat(s), without the use of physical violence (not via the internet)directly measured
oo18a038Serious threat(s) online, without the use of physical violence (via the internet)directly measured
oo18a039Sexual violence/sexual abuse (not via the internet)directly measured
oo18a040Online sexual violence/sexual abuse (via the internet)directly measured
oo18a041Robberydirectly measured
oo18a042Traffic accidentdirectly measured
oo18a043Airplane accidentdirectly measured
oo18a044Company accidentdirectly measured
oo18a045Firedirectly measured
oo18a046Burglarydirectly measured
oo18a047Physical violence, not by your own partnerdirectly measured
oo18a048Physical violence by your own partnerdirectly measured
oo18a049Theft/fraud (not via the internet)directly measured
oo18a050Online theft/fraud (via the internet)directly measured
oo18a051Medical accident/errordirectly measured
oo18a052Contraction of a serious infection (e.g. HIV, AIDS)directly measured
oo18a053Development of a serious physical ailment (e.g. cancer, heart attack)directly measured
oo18a054Death of a loved one (e.g. partner, family member, friend), expecteddirectly measured
oo18a055Death of a loved one (e.g. partner, family member, friend), unexpecteddirectly measured
oo18a056Death of a colleague, expecteddirectly measured
oo18a057Death of a colleague, unexpecteddirectly measured
oo18a058Other drastic or traumatic eventdirectly measured
oo18a059What other drastic or traumatic event do you mean?directly measured
oo18a060Which of the events below did you find to be the most drastic or traumatic?directly measured
oo18a061Which of the events below did you find to be the most drastic or traumatic?directly measured
oo18a062When did this event ([oo18a002]) occur?directly measured
oo18a063When you think back on this event ([oo18a002]), how much tension or stress did it cause you (at the time that it happened, so not at the present moment)?directly measured
oo18a064Did you, regarding this event ([oo18a002]), talk to or have any contact with... Family/friends/neighbors/acquaintancesdirectly measured
oo18a065Did you, regarding this event ([oo18a002]), talk to or have any contact with... Family doctor/Medical specialistdirectly measured
oo18a066Did you, regarding this event ([oo18a002]), talk to or have any contact with... Policedirectly measured
oo18a067Did you, regarding this event ([oo18a002]), talk to or have any contact with... Your children’s schooldirectly measured
oo18a068Did you, regarding this event ([oo18a002]), talk to or have any contact with... Chaplain (e.g. pastor, priest, rabbi, imam)directly measured
oo18a069Did you, regarding this event ([oo18a002]), talk to or have any contact with... Employer/managerdirectly measured
oo18a070Did you, regarding this event ([oo18a002]), talk to or have any contact with... Colleagues/class or fellow studentsdirectly measured
oo18a071Did you, regarding this event ([oo18a002]), talk to or have any contact with... Therapist, psychiatrist, psychologistdirectly measured
oo18a072Did you, regarding this event ([oo18a002]), talk to or have any contact with... Public prosecutordirectly measured
oo18a073Did you, regarding this event ([oo18a002]), talk to or have any contact with... Lawyerdirectly measured
oo18a074Did you, regarding this event ([oo18a002]), talk to or have any contact with... Judgedirectly measured
oo18a075Did you, regarding this event ([oo18a002]), talk to or have any contact with... Victim supportdirectly measured
oo18a076Did you, regarding this event ([oo18a002]), talk to or have any contact with... Fellow sufferer/people who had the same experiencedirectly measured
oo18a077Did you, regarding this event ([oo18a002]), talk to or have any contact with... Veilig Thuis (organization to counter domestic violence)directly measured
oo18a078Did you, regarding this event ([oo18a002]), talk to or have any contact with... Social workdirectly measured
oo18a079Did you, regarding this event ([oo18a002]), talk to or have any contact with... Public health service/city governmentdirectly measured
oo18a080Did you, regarding this event ([oo18a002]), talk to or have any contact with... Alternative therapy sectordirectly measured
oo18a081Did you, regarding this event ([oo18a002]), talk to or have any contact with... Other organizationdirectly measured
oo18a082Did you, regarding this event ([oo18a002]), talk to or have any contact with... Other people than listed abovedirectly measured
oo18a083Did you, regarding this event ([oo18a002]), talk to or have any contact with... I did not speak to or have contact with anyone about the eventdirectly measured
oo18a084Does anyone know that you experienced this stressful event ([oo18a002])?directly measured
oo18a085Dealing with the impact that the traumatic experience has had on my lifedirectly measured
oo18a086Carrying on with my everyday lifedirectly measured
oo18a087Talking about the traumatic experiencedirectly measured
oo18a088Dealing with frightening images or dreams about the input traumatic experiencedirectly measured
oo18a089Being optimistic since the traumatic experiencedirectly measured
oo18a090Seeking help from other people because of what happeneddirectly measured
oo18a091Being emotionally strongdirectly measured
oo18a092Repeated, disturbing, and unwanted memories of the stressful experiencedirectly measured
oo18a093Feeling very upset when something reminded you of the stressful experiencedirectly measured
oo18a094Avoiding memories, thoughts, or feelings related to the stressful experiencedirectly measured
oo18a095Avoiding external reminders of the stressful experience (for example, people, places, conversations, activities, objects, or situations)directly measured
oo18a096Having strong negative beliefs about yourself, other people, or the world (for example, having thoughts such as: I am bad, there is something seriously wrong with me, no one can be trusted, the world is completely dangerous)directly measured
oo18a097Loss of interest in activities that you used to enjoydirectly measured
oo18a098Feeling jumpy or easily startleddirectly measured
oo18a099Having difficulty concentratingdirectly measured
oo18a100Most people cannot understand what I went throughdirectly measured
oo18a101Somehow I am no longer a normal member of society since the incidentdirectly measured
oo18a102There is not enough sympathy for what happened to medirectly measured
oo18a103The only people who really understand me are those who have been through something similardirectly measured
oo18a104Most people cannot imagine how difficult it is simply to continue with 'norma' daily lifedirectly measured
oo18a105The reactions of my acquaintances were helpfuldirectly measured
oo18a106Many people offered their help in the first few days after the incidentdirectly measured
oo18a107My friends feel sympathy for what happened to medirectly measured
oo18a108The people where I live with respect me more since the incidentdirectly measured
oo18a109My boss/superior showed full understanding for any absence from workdirectly measured
oo18a110My family showed a lot of understanding form y state after the incidentdirectly measured
oo18a111My family feels that they have to protect medirectly measured
oo18a112My family finds my reaction to the incident to be exaggerateddirectly measured
oo18a113My experiences are underestimated in my familydirectly measured
oo18a114My family feel uncomfortable talking about my experiencesdirectly measured
oo18a115If the experience was generally known: important figures of public life in my place of residence (e.g. mayor, priest) expressed their sympathydirectly measured
oo18a116During the past month...I was very nervousdirectly measured
oo18a117During the past month...I felt so down that nothing could cheer me updirectly measured
oo18a118During the past month...I felt calm and peacefuldirectly measured
oo18a119During the past month...I felt gloomy and depresseddirectly measured
oo18a120During the past month...I felt happydirectly measured
oo18a121Have any of the people who you interact with (so all of your family members, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, colleagues, and so on) experienced one or more traumatic events in the past 12 months? directly measured
oo18a122What did [he/she/they] experience? Violence/burglary/robbery/sexual violence or abusedirectly measured
oo18a123What did [he/she/they] experience? Accident/fire/disasterdirectly measured
oo18a124What did [he/she/they] experience? Serious sickness/serious infection/medical errordirectly measured
oo18a125What did [he/she/they] experience? Fraud/internet frauddirectly measured
oo18a126What did [he/she/they] experience? Death of a loved one (e.g. partner, family, friend, colleague)directly measured
oo18a127What did [he/she/they] experience? Otherdirectly measured
oo18a128Victims mainly need support and assistance from family members/close friends directly measured
oo18a129Victims can best be supported by professional/trained care providersdirectly measured
oo18a130give them advicedirectly measured
oo18a131give them a liftdirectly measured
oo18a132perk or cheer them updirectly measured
oo18a133lend them a friendly eardirectly measured
oo18a134give them a nudge in the right directiondirectly measured
oo18a135give them good advicedirectly measured
oo18a136pay them a complimentdirectly measured
oo18a137confide in themdirectly measured
oo18a138offer them helpdirectly measured
oo18a139tell them to perseveredirectly measured
oo18a140comfort themdirectly measured
oo18a141follow their advicedirectly measured
oo18a142help them to clarify their problemsdirectly measured
oo18a143emphasise their strong pointsdirectly measured
oo18a144reassure themdirectly measured
oo18a145Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
oo18a146Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
oo18a147Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
oo18a148Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
oo18a149Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
oo18a150Did you find the questionnaire burdensome?directly measured
oo18a151Starting date questionnaireconstructed
oo18a152Starting time questionnaireconstructed
oo18a153End date questionnaireconstructed
oo18a154End time questionnaireconstructed
oo18a155Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: Victims in Modern Society 2018

The questionnaire was administered in Dutch

Browse Victims in Modern Society 2018

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 7,292 (100%)
Non-response: 1,280 (17.6%)
Response: 6,012 (82.4%)
Complete: 5,989 (82.1%)
Incomplete: 23 (0.3%)
Collection Events
05-03-2018 to 24-04-2018
All panel members aged 16 years and older
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents