Victims in Modern Society
General Information
Victims in Modern Society
Project Number
The questionnaire is about experiences with victimization and social support.
Longitudinal Type
Peter van der Velden (Centerdata)
© 2023 Centerdata
List of Studies
Please select a study to access the metadata and download datasets for that study
Longitudinal Study
Anxiety and depression symptoms, the recovery from symptoms, and loneliness before and after the COVID-19 outbreak among the general population: Findings from a Dutch population-based longitudinal study PLOS ONE, 16(1), 1-17; van der Velden, P. G.,
et al.
The use of professional help and predictors of unmet needs for dealing with mental health to legal problems among victims of violence, accidents, theft and threat, and nonvictims in the general population PLOS ONE, 16(11), 1-17; van der Velden, P. G.,
et al.
Anxiety and depression symptoms, and lack of emotional support among the general population before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. A prospective national study on prevalence and risk factors Journal of Affective Disorders, 277, 540-548; van der Velden, P. G.,
et al.
Does pre-event lack of emotional support increase the risk of post-event PTSD, anxiety, depression symptoms and lack of support? A comparative population-based study among victims of threat and violence Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 75, 1-8; van der Velden, P. G.,
et al.
Pre-outbreak determinants of perceived risks of corona infection and preventive measures taken. A prospective population-based study PLoS ONE, 15(7), 1-15; van der Velden, P. G.,
et al.
Which groups affected by Potentially Traumatic Events (PTEs) are most at risk for a lack of social support? A prospective population-based study on the 12-month prevalence of PTEs and risk factors for a lack of post-event social support PLOS ONE, 15(5), 1-19; van der Velden, P. G.,
et al.
Victims of medical errors and the problems they face: A prospective comparative study among the Dutch population European Journal of Public Health, 30(6), 1062–1066; van der Velden, P. G.,
et al.
From health to financial problems: Multiproblems among victims of partner and non-partner physical violence, and matched nonvictims Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(21-22), 10527–
10545; van der Velden, P. G.,
et al.
The longitudinal effect of social recognition on PTSD symptomatology and vice versa: Evidence from a population-based study Psychiatry Research, 279, 287-294; van der Velden, P. G.,
et al.
VICTIMS-studie 2018 - 2020 Fonds Slachtofferhulp, January, 2021; van der Velden, P.
Invloed financiële problemen op angst- en depressieklachten De Psycholoog, 11, 32-42; Van der Velden, P.,
et al.
Differences in mental health problems, coping self-efficacy and social support between adults victimised before and adults victimised after the COVID-19 outbreak: population-based prospective study British Journal of Psychiatry, 220(5), 265-271; van der Velden, P. G.,
et al.
The prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms (ADS), persistent and chronic ADS among the adult general population and specific subgroups before and during the COVID-19 pandemic until December 2021 Journal of Affective Disordorders, 338, 393-401; van der Velden, P. G.,
et al.
The impact of pre- and post-trauma financial problems on posttraumatic stress symptoms, anxiety and depression symptoms, and emotional support: A prospective population-based comparative study Journal of Anxiety Disorders, first published online May, 2023; van der Velden, P. G.,
et al.
To what extent do post-traumatic mental health and other problems reflect pre-existing problems? Findings from the prospective comparative population-based VICTIMS-study International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 69, 841-852; van der Velden, P. G.,
et al.
Psychische, sociale, financiële, juridische en religieuze problemen bij slachtoffers van seksueel geweld en niet- slachtoffers. Lessen uit de VICTIMS-studie Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie, 47, 3-13; van der Velden, P. G.,
et al.
Een studie naar aangiftebereidheid onder slachtoffers van criminaliteit: Een integrale toetsing van beïnvloedende factoren Leiden University; Zwaans, N.
De rol van bestaande psychische problemen: Lessen uit de prospectieve VICTIMS-studie In J. van Doorn, J. Brands, M.J.J. Kunst, E.R. Muller, A. Pemberton & L. van Reemst (red.), Slachtoffers: Onderzoek, beleid en praktijk (pp. 777-789); van der Velden, P. G.,
et al.
Data of the multi-wave population-based prospective Victims in Modern Society (VICTIMS) study on potential traumatic events, social support, mental health, coping self-efficacy and services use Data in Brief, 54, 1-13; van der Velden, P. G.,
et al.
The effects of potentially traumatic events on the recovery from pre-existing anxiety and depression symptomatology and the risk of PTSD Wiley Online Library; van der Velden, P. G.,
et al.
From silence to support: Predictors of victimisation disclosure among LGBA+ people in the Netherlands Utrecht University; Melse, M.
Verandering van angst- en depressiesymptomen door verkeers- of bedrijfsongelukken en de rol van sociale erkenning Tilburg University; Baken, V.
The influence of the big five personality factors on mental health before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A prospective study Psychological Reports, first published online November 21, 2024; van der Velden, P. G.,
et al.