First and second measurement > First measurement
Longitudinal Wave
General Information
First measurement
Project Number
In this research Stichting Kiezersonderzoek Netherlands (SKON) is investigating the effects of the referendum on the new law on intelligence and security services. This referendum was held on March 21st 2018, at the same time as the municipality elections. This codebook and data set concern the first wave of a total of three waves.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Kristof Jacobs
© 2019 CentERdata
Funding Organization
Radboud University
Radboud University
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of the household member encrypted | preloaded |
oe18a_m | Year and month of the field work period | constructed |
oe18a001 | A national referendum will be held on 21 March 2018. Have you heard of this? | directly measured |
oe18a002 | What do you think the referendum is about? | directly measured |
oe18a003 | How likely is it that you will vote in this referendum, on a scale from 0 to 10? | directly measured |
oe18a004 | Suppose the referendum about the Intelligence and Security Act would take place today. What would you vote? | directly measured |
oe18a005 | What is currently the most important reason why you would [vote in favor/vote against/cast a blank or invalid vote/not vote]? | directly measured |
oe18a006 | In your opinion, what should the government do if the majority of voters votes “no” in the referendum? | directly measured |
oe18a007 | What percentage of the people who are allowed to vote do you think will actually vote in the referendum on the Intelligence and Security Services Act? | directly measured |
oe18a008 | What percentage do you think will vote against the act? | directly measured |
oe18a009 | To what extent do you think it is a good or a bad thing that a referendum will be held about the Intelligence and Security Services Act? | directly measured |
oe18a010 | Have you talked about the referendum in the past week, for example with family, friends or colleagues? | directly measured |
oe18a011 | How often in the past weeks have you read something in the newspaper or on a website, heard something on the radio or seen something on television about… - the referendum about the Intelligence and Security Services Act? | directly measured |
oe18a012 | How often in the past weeks have you read something in the newspaper or on a website, heard something on the radio or seen something on television about… - those opposing the Intelligence and Security Services Act? | directly measured |
oe18a013 | How often in the past weeks have you read something in the newspaper or on a website, heard something on the radio or seen something on television about… - those supporting the Intelligence and Security Services Act? | directly measured |
oe18a014 | To what extent do you trust each of the following bodies? The Dutch government | directly measured |
oe18a015 | To what extent do you trust each of the following bodies? The Tweede Kamer (Lower House) | directly measured |
oe18a016 | To what extent do you trust each of the following bodies? The legal system | directly measured |
oe18a017 | The economy | directly measured |
oe18a018 | Security and criminality | directly measured |
oe18a019 | Healthcare and other care | directly measured |
oe18a020 | Privacy protection | directly measured |
oe18a021 | Migration and integration | directly measured |
oe18a022 | Do you know any of the following organizations or persons? The AIVD | directly measured |
oe18a023 | Do you know any of the following organizations or persons? Amnesty International | directly measured |
oe18a024 | Do you know any of the following organizations or persons? Arjen Lubach | directly measured |
oe18a025 | To what extent do you trust that [organization/person]? The AIVD | directly measured |
oe18a026 | To what extent do you trust that [organization/person]? Amnesty International | directly measured |
oe18a027 | To what extent do you trust that [organization/person]? Arjen Lubach | directly measured |
oe18a028 | Do you know what that [organization/person] thinks about the Intelligence and Security Services Act? The AIVD | directly measured |
oe18a029 | Do you know what that [organization/person] thinks about the Intelligence and Security Services Act? Amnesty International | directly measured |
oe18a030 | Do you know what that [organization/person] thinks about the Intelligence and Security Services Act? Arjen Lubach | directly measured |
oe18a031 | Is that [organization/person] in favor of or against the Intelligence and Security Services Act? The AIVD | directly measured |
oe18a032 | Is that [organization/person] in favor of or against the Intelligence and Security Services Act? Amnesty International | directly measured |
oe18a033 | Is that [organization/person] in favor of or against the Intelligence and Security Services Act? Arjen Lubach | directly measured |
oe18a034 | Citizens themselves should vote about certain decisions that are important for our country by way of a referendum. | directly measured |
oe18a035 | Politicians talk too much and do too little. | directly measured |
oe18a036 | The political differences between the elite and normal citizens are larger than between the citizens themselves. | directly measured |
oe18a037 | I would rather be represented by a normal citizen than by a career politician. | directly measured |
oe18a038 | I am interested in the Intelligence and Security Services Act. | directly measured |
oe18a039 | The Dutch intelligence service should be given more powers to combat terrorism and criminality. | directly measured |
oe18a040 | There are enough guarantees in the act to prevent the large-scale wiretapping of innocent civilians. | directly measured |
oe18a041 | The Intelligence and Security Services Act is harmful to the privacy of civilians. | directly measured |
oe18a042 | The intelligence service currently has enough options for intercepting communications via internet cables and other cables and breaking into computers and other devices. | directly measured |
oe18a043 | Do you know whether the following political parties are in favor of or against the Intelligence and Security Services Act? VVD | directly measured |
oe18a044 | Do you know whether the following political parties are in favor of or against the Intelligence and Security Services Act? PvdA | directly measured |
oe18a045 | Do you know whether the following political parties are in favor of or against the Intelligence and Security Services Act? PVV | directly measured |
oe18a046 | Do you know whether the following political parties are in favor of or against the Intelligence and Security Services Act? SP | directly measured |
oe18a047 | Do you know whether the following political parties are in favor of or against the Intelligence and Security Services Act? CDA | directly measured |
oe18a048 | Do you know whether the following political parties are in favor of or against the Intelligence and Security Services Act? D66 | directly measured |
oe18a049 | Do you know whether the following political parties are in favor of or against the Intelligence and Security Services Act? GroenLinks | directly measured |
oe18a050 | Do you know whether the following political parties are in favor of or against the Intelligence and Security Services Act? Forum voor Democratie | directly measured |
oe18a051 | Do you know whether the following political parties are in favor of or against the Intelligence and Security Services Act? Another party that is important to me, namely: | directly measured |
oe18a052 | Can you indicate whether this party is in favor of or against the Intelligence and Security Services Act? [Party named at oe18a051] | directly measured |
oe18a053 | The most important political decisions should be made by the people, not by politicians. | directly measured |
oe18a054 | Politicians in the Tweede Kamer (Lower House) should be guided by the opinion of the people. | directly measured |
oe18a055 | In politics, compromising is often just another word for betraying your principles. | directly measured |
oe18a056 | If Tweede Kamer (Lower House) elections were to be held today, which party would you vote for? | directly measured |
oe18a057 | Another party, namely: | directly measured |
oe18a058 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
oe18a059 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
oe18a060 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
oe18a061 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
oe18a062 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
oe18a063 | Starting date questionnaire | constructed |
oe18a064 | Starting time questionnaire | constructed |
oe18a065 | End date questionnaire | constructed |
oe18a066 | End time questionnaire | constructed |
oe18a067 | Duration in seconds | derived |
Questionnaire: Wiv Referendum 2018 - First measurement
The questionnaire was administered in Dutch
Browse Wiv Referendum 2018 - First measurementResponse Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 2,885 (100%)Non-response: 769 (26.7%)
Response: 2,116 (73.3%)
Complete: 2,095 (72.6%)
Incomplete: 21 (0.7%)
Collection Events
05-02-2018 to 27-02-2018
The total sample comprised of 2885 panel members, of which 1000 respondents participated in the Ukraine Referendum survey.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents