Wiv Referendum 2018
General Information
Wiv Referendum 2018
Project Number
In this research Stichting Kiezersonderzoek Nederland (SKON) is investigating the effects of the referendum on the new law on intelligence and security services. This referendum was held on March 21st 2018, at the same time as the municipality elections.
Longitudinal Type
Begin date
End date
Kristof Jacobs
© 2019 CentERdata
List of Studies
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Longitudinal Study
Single Wave Study
Populist attitudes, political trust, and external political efficacy: old wine in new bottles? Political Studies, 68(1), 247-267; Geurkink, B.,
et al.
The levels of political and civic participation between different types of citizens based on their local media use University of Twente; Gerrits, M.
Cues or content: Explaining vote choice in the Dutch 2018 referendum on the Intelligence and Security Services Act Radboud University Nijmegen; Heikens, S.
‘You can't always get what you want’: The effects of winning and losing in a referendum on citizens' referendum support Electoral Studies, 65(102155), 1-11; Brummel, L.
From preferences to policy: Turnout, accountability and policy responsiveness in Dutch local government University of Groningen; Rienks, H.
Political participation profiles West European Politics, 46(1), 1-23; Jeroense, T.,
et al.
Do local circumstances affect attitudes towards local social policies? Exploring the role of economic, political and demographic conditions International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 41(9/10), 993-1011; Broekema, B.,
et al.
Are populists sore losers? Explaining populist citizens' preferences for and reactions to referendums British Journal of Political Science, 52(3), 1409–1417; Werner, H.,
et al.
Populist democrats? Unpacking the relationship between populism and (liberal) democracy at the citizen level Political Studies, first published online May 25, 2023; Zaslove, A.,
et al.