Election Survey Ukraine referendum > Measurement 3

Single Wave Study

General Information

Measurement 3
Project Number
This concerns the third questionnaire on the Ukraine referendum.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Kristof Jacobs
© 2017 CentERdata
Funding Organization
Dutch Foundation for Electoral Research (SKON)

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of the household member encryptedpreloaded
mj16a_mYear and month of the field work period constructed
mj16a001Did the respondent participate in part 1 and part 2?constructed
mj16a002A national referendum was held on 6 April 2016. Were you aware of this?directly measured
mj16a003The referendum of 6 April was an advisory referendum. Do you know what an advisory referendum is?directly measured
mj16a004Yes, namely…directly measured
mj16a005Did you vote in the referendum of 6 April on the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine?directly measured
mj16a006At what time of the day did you vote?directly measured
mj16a007How did you vote on 6 April?directly measured
mj16a008What was the most important reason for you to vote for the Association Agreement?directly measured
mj16a009What was the most important reason for you to vote against the Association Agreement?directly measured
mj16a010What was the most important reason for you to cast a blank or invalid vote?directly measured
mj16a011What was the most important reason for you not to vote?directly measured
mj16a012If you had been obliged to cast a vote in the referendum, how would you have voted?directly measured
mj16a013What do you think the government should do, if the majority of votes in the referendum are against the Association Agreement?directly measured
mj16a014Were you aware of this participation quorum?directly measured
mj16a015Do you think that this participation quorum of 30%...directly measured
mj16a016How high did you expect voter turnout to be on 6 April?directly measured
mj16a017Did you have any difficulties reaching your voting station?directly measured
mj16a018Yes, namely…directly measured
mj16a019Do you think that this amount of 30 million euros...directly measured
mj16a020Do you think that your municipality should open more, as many or fewer voting stations in the event of a national referendum, compared to general elections?directly measured
mj16a021Are you familiar with one or more voting guides on the internet, designed to help people find out to what extent they are for or against the Association Agreement?directly measured
mj16a022Did you seriously fill out one or more voting guides, prior to the referendum?directly measured
mj16a023What advice did the voting guide give you the first time?directly measured
mj16a024Did you read, hear or see any information about the referendum in the past week, on: Televisiondirectly measured
mj16a025Did you read, hear or see any information about the referendum in the past week, on: Radiodirectly measured
mj16a026Did you read, hear or see any information about the referendum in the past week, on: Newspaperdirectly measured
mj16a027Did you read, hear or see any information about the referendum in the past week, on: Websitesdirectly measured
mj16a028Did you read, hear or see any information about the referendum in the past week, on: Social mediadirectly measured
mj16a029Other media, namely...directly measured
mj16a030How often in the past weeks did you read, see or hear anything about...the referendum on the Association Agreement with Ukraine?directly measured
mj16a031How often in the past weeks did you read, see or hear anything about...people who are against the Association Agreement?directly measured
mj16a032How often in the past weeks did you read, see or hear anything about...people who are in favor of the Association Agreement?directly measured
mj16a033I learned a lot about the Association Agreement during the campaign period.directly measured
mj16a034There was sufficient information available about the Association Agreement.directly measured
mj16a035The available information about the Association Agreement was reliable.directly measured
mj16a036There was too much mud-slinging during the campaign.directly measured
mj16a037I am not interested in the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine.directly measured
mj16a038The Association Agreement will help the Dutch economy.directly measured
mj16a039The Association Agreement will cause tensions with Russia.directly measured
mj16a040The Association Agreement will help to combat corruption in Ukraine.directly measured
mj16a041The Association Agreement will lead to EU membership for Ukraine.directly measured
mj16a042The Association Agreement was a suitable subject for a referendum.directly measured
mj16a043Russia poses a threat to peace in Europe.directly measured
mj16a044The economic sanctions against Russia need to be lifted.directly measured
mj16a045Russia is responsible for the unrest in Ukraine.directly measured
mj16a046The Netherlands should tighten its political and cultural ties with Russia.directly measured
mj16a047The institutions of the European Union have too much power.directly measured
mj16a048The European Union should enter into a free trade agreement with as many countries as possible.directly measured
mj16a049European integration has gone too far.directly measured
mj16a050Turkey must be able to join the European Union one day.directly measured
mj16a051Do you welcome the (possible) EU membership of the following countries? The Netherlandsdirectly measured
mj16a052Do you welcome the (possible) EU membership of the following countries? Denmarkdirectly measured
mj16a053Do you welcome the (possible) EU membership of the following countries? Serbiadirectly measured
mj16a054Do you welcome the (possible) EU membership of the following countries? Ukrainedirectly measured
mj16a055Do you welcome the (possible) EU membership of the following countries? Spaindirectly measured
mj16a056Do you welcome the (possible) EU membership of the following countries? Bulgariadirectly measured
mj16a057Do you welcome the (possible) EU membership of the following countries? Great Britaindirectly measured
mj16a058Do you welcome the (possible) EU membership of the following countries? Icelanddirectly measured
mj16a059Do you welcome the (possible) EU membership of the following countries? Greecedirectly measured
mj16a060How much trust you personally have in: European Uniondirectly measured
mj16a061How much trust you personally have in: Russiadirectly measured
mj16a062How much trust you personally have in: Ukrainedirectly measured
mj16a063How much trust you personally have in: The Dutch governmentdirectly measured
mj16a064How much trust you personally have in: The Dutch House of Representatives directly measured
mj16a065How much trust you personally have in: VVD (Liberal party)directly measured
mj16a066How much trust you personally have in: PvdA (Labor party)directly measured
mj16a067How much trust you personally have in: PVV (Freedom party)directly measured
mj16a068How much trust you personally have in: SP (Socialist party)directly measured
mj16a069How much trust you personally have in: CDA (Christian Democrat party)directly measured
mj16a070How much trust you personally have in: D66 (Liberal Democrat party)directly measured
mj16a071How much trust you personally have in: ChristenUnie (Christian Union party)directly measured
mj16a072How much trust you personally have in: GroenLinks (Green-left party)directly measured
mj16a073Other party important to me, namely...directly measured
mj16a074How much trust you personally have in: Other partydirectly measured
mj16a075Which position do you think the following political parties took with respect to the Association Agreement? VVDdirectly measured
mj16a076Which position do you think the following political parties took with respect to the Association Agreement? PvdAdirectly measured
mj16a077Which position do you think the following political parties took with respect to the Association Agreement? PVVdirectly measured
mj16a078Which position do you think the following political parties took with respect to the Association Agreement? SPdirectly measured
mj16a079Which position do you think the following political parties took with respect to the Association Agreement? CDAdirectly measured
mj16a080Which position do you think the following political parties took with respect to the Association Agreement? D66directly measured
mj16a081Which position do you think the following political parties took with respect to the Association Agreement? ChristenUniedirectly measured
mj16a082Which position do you think the following political parties took with respect to the Association Agreement? GroenLinksdirectly measured
mj16a083Other party important to me, namely...directly measured
mj16a084Which position do you think the following political parties took with respect to the Association Agreement? Other partydirectly measured
mj16a085Are you familiar with: Stem voor Nederland (with people like Joshua Livestro, Michiel van Hulten)directly measured
mj16a086Are you familiar with: Forum voor Democratie (with people like Thierry Baudet)directly measured
mj16a087Are you familiar with: Burgercomité EU (with people like Pepijn van Houwelingen)directly measured
mj16a088Are you familiar with: GeenPeil (with people like Jan Roos, Bart Nijman)directly measured
mj16a089How much do you personally appreciate: Stem voor Nederland (with people like Joshua Livestro, Michiel van Hulten)directly measured
mj16a090How much do you personally appreciate: Forum voor Democratie (with people like Thierry Baudet) directly measured
mj16a091How much do you personally appreciate: Burgercomité EU (with people like Pepijn van Houwelingen)directly measured
mj16a092How much do you personally appreciate: GeenPeil (with people like Jan Roos, Bart Nijman)directly measured
mj16a093Politicians in the House of Representatives should heed the opinion of the people.directly measured
mj16a094The most important political decisions should be made by the people and not by politicians.directly measured
mj16a095I would rather be represented by an everyday citizen than by a professional politician.directly measured
mj16a096The political divisions are greater between the elite and everyday citizens than between citizens.directly measured
mj16a097Politicians talk too much and do too little.directly measured
mj16a098In politics, reaching a compromise is often another way of describing a betrayal of principles.directly measured
mj16a099Democracy is the best political system.directly measured
mj16a100It is important that a country is governed on the basis of democratic principles.directly measured
mj16a101The government does too little for people like me.directly measured
mj16a102For most people in the Netherlands, life is getting harder rather than better.directly measured
mj16a103The way things are now, it is difficult to be hopeful about the future of the world.directly measured
mj16a104I have the feeling that some groups are given undue advantage over people like me.directly measured
mj16a105Some of the decisions that are important for our country need to be voted on directly by the electorate, by means of a referendum.directly measured
mj16a106The result of a referendum should be binding.directly measured
mj16a107Referendums are too expensive.directly measured
mj16a108Mayors should be elected directly by the residents of the municipality.directly measured
mj16a109If I had the opportunity to participate in a meeting where citizens discuss important issues with regard to the community and/or local politics, then I would certainly do so.directly measured
mj16a110My municipality should make it possible to organize referendums on municipal issues.directly measured
mj16a111Do you think that, overall, cultural life in the Netherlands is undermined or enriched by people from other countries that have come to live here?directly measured
mj16a112Do you think that, overall, it is bad or good for the Dutch economy that people from other countries come to live here?directly measured
mj16a113To what extent do you feel that the Netherlands should permit Muslims from other countries to come live and work in the Netherlands?directly measured
mj16a114Do you think that, in the past 12 months, the Dutch economy improved, remained the same, or deteriorated?directly measured
mj16a115Overall, how do think the Netherlands is faring? Do you think that things are heading in the wrong direction or in the right direction?directly measured
mj16a116If general elections were held today, for what party would you vote?directly measured
mj16a117Other party, namely...directly measured
mj16a118Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
mj16a119Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
mj16a120Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
mj16a121Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
mj16a122Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
mj16a123Starting date questionnaireconstructed
mj16a124Starting time questionnaireconstructed
mj16a125End date questionnaireconstructed
mj16a126End time questionnaireconstructed
mj16a127Duration of the questionnaire in secondsderived


Questionnaire: Election Survey Ukraine referendum - Measurement 3

The questionnaire was administered in Dutch

Browse Election Survey Ukraine referendum - Measurement 3

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 2,888 (100%)
Non-response: 363 (12.6%)
Response: 2,525 (87.4%)
Complete: 2,502 (86.6%)
Incomplete: 23 (0.8%)
Collection Events
07-04-2016 to 26-04-2016
selection of 2,024 panel members who also participated in part 1 and part 2, and 864 ‘fresh’ panel members who did not participate in part 1 and part 2.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents