Election Survey Ukraine referendum
General Information
Election Survey Ukraine referendum
Project Number
This research project aims to examine voting
behavior in connection with the referendum on the Association Agreement between
the European Union and Ukraine.
A questionnaire was fielded twice during the campaign period in March (containing the same questions), followed by a post-referendum questionnaire on Thursday 7 April 2016, the day after the referendum.
A questionnaire was fielded twice during the campaign period in March (containing the same questions), followed by a post-referendum questionnaire on Thursday 7 April 2016, the day after the referendum.
Longitudinal Type
Begin date
End date
Kristof Jacobs
© 2017 CentERdata
List of Studies
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Single Wave Study
Single Wave Study
Single Wave Study
The voice of populist people? Referendum preferences, practices and populist attitudes Acta Politica, 53(4), 517-541; Jacobs, K.,
et al.
Voting in the Dutch ‘Ukraine-referendum’: A panel study on the dynamics of party preference, EU-attitudes, and referendum-specific considerations Acta Politica, 53(4), 496-516; van der Brug, W.,
et al.
‘You can't always get what you want’: The effects of winning and losing in a referendum on citizens' referendum support Electoral Studies, 65(102155), 1-11; Brummel, L.
Power to the people? Populism, democracy, and political participation: a citizen's perspective West European Politics, 44(4), 727-751; Zaslove, A.,
et al.
Homonationalism and voting for the populist radical right: Addressing unanswered questions by zooming in on the Dutch case International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 33(1), 171–182; Spierings, N.
Public opinion on Twitter? How vote choice and arguments on Twitter comply with patterns in survey data, evidence from the 2016 Ukraine referendum in the Netherlands Acta Politica, 56(3), 436–455; van Klingeren, M.,
et al.
Populist democrats? Unpacking the relationship between populism and (liberal) democracy at the citizen level Political Studies, first published online May 25, 2023; Zaslove, A.,
et al.