Changing images of older workers
General Information
Changing images of older workers
Project Number
The aim of this research is to describe attitudes towards older workers and to study selection decisions with respect to older workers.
The study consists of four parts:
- part 1 consists of a few questions for the whole panel; this part was fielded in January 2013 (and repeated in February for non-respondents)
- part 2 consists of a questionnaire for managers; this part was fielded in January 2013 (and repeated in February for non-respondents)
Following comments by respondents in January, question if13a004 was reformulated and again presented to the entire panel in March 2013.
- part 3 consists of a few questions for the whole panel; this part was fielded in April 2013
- part 4 consists of a vignette study for managers; the associated questionnaire was fielded in April 2013
The study consists of four parts:
- part 1 consists of a few questions for the whole panel; this part was fielded in January 2013 (and repeated in February for non-respondents)
- part 2 consists of a questionnaire for managers; this part was fielded in January 2013 (and repeated in February for non-respondents)
Following comments by respondents in January, question if13a004 was reformulated and again presented to the entire panel in March 2013.
- part 3 consists of a few questions for the whole panel; this part was fielded in April 2013
- part 4 consists of a vignette study for managers; the associated questionnaire was fielded in April 2013
Longitudinal Type
Begin date
End date
Van Dalen, Harry, Henkens, Kène
© 2014 CentERdata
List of Studies
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Single Wave Study
Single Wave Study
Single Wave Study
Single Wave Study
Single Wave Study
Do stereotypes about older workers change? A panel study on changing attitudes of managers International Journal of Manpower, 41(5), 535-550; van Dalen, H. P.,
et al.
Why demotion of older workers is a no-go area for managers The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(15), 2303-2329; van Dalen, H. P.,
et al.
Werkgevers is positiever over productiviteit oudere werknemer Economisch Statistische Berichten, 103(4759), 139-141; van Dalen, H. P.
et al.
Income growth & disparity of education backgrounds Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ducheine, N.