Tonic immobility in response to trauma: Prevalence and consequences > Wave 1 - Part 2

Single Wave Study

General Information

Wave 1 - Part 2
Project Number
In August 2011, a questionnaire on traumatic experiences was administered to the LISS panel. This study consisted of several scales measuring personality traits in relation to traumatisation. This is part two of two questionnaires on traumatic experiences.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Hagenaars, M.A., Hagenaars, J.A.
© 2013 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of household member encryptedpreloaded
ft11a_mYear and month of the field work periodconstructed
ft11a001Please indicate how you feel, generally speaking. - I feel gooddirectly measured
ft11a002Please indicate how you feel, generally speaking. - I feel nervous and restlessdirectly measured
ft11a003Please indicate how you feel, generally speaking. - I feel contentdirectly measured
ft11a004Please indicate how you feel, generally speaking. - I find it very difficult to come to terms with a setbackdirectly measured
ft11a005Please indicate how you feel, generally speaking. - I feel like a failure overalldirectly measured
ft11a006Please indicate how you feel, generally speaking. - I feel well resteddirectly measured
ft11a007Please indicate how you feel, generally speaking. - I feel calm and controlleddirectly measured
ft11a008Please indicate how you feel, generally speaking. - I can feel the troubles piling up to an extent that I can no longer copedirectly measured
ft11a009Please indicate how you feel, generally speaking. - I worry too much about things that are not very importantdirectly measured
ft11a010Please indicate how you feel, generally speaking. - I am happydirectly measured
ft11a011Please indicate how you feel, generally speaking. - I am plagued by disruptive thoughtsdirectly measured
ft11a012Please indicate how you feel, generally speaking. - I lack self-confidencedirectly measured
ft11a013Please indicate how you feel, generally speaking. - I feel safedirectly measured
ft11a014Please indicate how you feel, generally speaking. - I feel at easedirectly measured
ft11a015Please indicate how you feel, generally speaking. - My mood is steadydirectly measured
ft11a016Please indicate how you feel, generally speaking. - I am contentdirectly measured
ft11a017Please indicate how you feel, generally speaking. - There are thoughts that I find very hard to let go ofdirectly measured
ft11a018Please indicate how you feel, generally speaking. - Disappointments affect me so strongly that I cannot get over themdirectly measured
ft11a019Please indicate how you feel, generally speaking. - I am a calm persondirectly measured
ft11a020Please indicate how you feel, generally speaking. - I get very tense and agitated when I think about my troubles in recent timesdirectly measured
ft11a021Even if something bad is about to happen to me, I rarely feel frightened or nervousdirectly measured
ft11a022I make a lot of effort to achieve what I want to achievedirectly measured
ft11a023I am always willing to try something new if I think it will be fundirectly measured
ft11a024Being criticized or scolded really gets to medirectly measured
ft11a025If there’s something I want, I usually do all I can to get itdirectly measured
ft11a026I often do things for no other reason than that it might be fun to dodirectly measured
ft11a027If I see an opportunity to get what I want, I go for it right awaydirectly measured
ft11a028I feel pretty worried or upset if I think or know that someone is mad at medirectly measured
ft11a029I often do things on a whimdirectly measured
ft11a030If I think that something very annoying is about to happen, I usually get pretty stresseddirectly measured
ft11a031I worry when I think I performed badlydirectly measured
ft11a032I very much long for excitement and new experiencesdirectly measured
ft11a033If I want to pursue something, then I really give it all I’ve gotdirectly measured
ft11a034I have very few anxieties compared to my friendsdirectly measured
ft11a035I worry about making mistakesdirectly measured
ft11a036Some people... - ...suddenly realize, while driving their car or on their way to somewhere, that they don’t exactly know what happened along the waydirectly measured
ft11a037Some people... - ...suddenly realize, while listening to someone, that they didn’t hear part or all of what that person just saiddirectly measured
ft11a038Some people... - ...suddenly find themselves in some place, without any idea of how they got theredirectly measured
ft11a039Some people... - ...suddenly find themselves wearing clothes that they cannot remember putting ondirectly measured
ft11a040Some people... - ...suddenly find new things among their possessions which they cannot remember having boughtdirectly measured
ft11a041Some people... - ...sometimes find that they are approached by strangers who address them by a different name or who persistently claim that they have met beforedirectly measured
ft11a042Some people... - ...sometimes have the feeling of standing outside themselves or of seeing themselves do something; they see themselves as if they were seeing someone elsedirectly measured
ft11a043Some people... - ...are sometimes told that they don’t recognize their friends or family membersdirectly measured
ft11a044Some people... - ...notice that they have no memories of certain important events in their life (such as their wedding day or attaining a diploma)directly measured
ft11a045Some people... - ...are sometimes accused of lying, while they personally don’t think that they lieddirectly measured
ft11a046Some people... - ...sometimes have the experience of not recognizing themselves when looking in the mirrordirectly measured
ft11a047Some people... - ...sometimes have the feeling that other people, things and the world around are not realdirectly measured
ft11a048Some people... - ...get a feeling as if their body does not belong to themdirectly measured
ft11a049Some people... - ...sometimes recall an event from the past with such liveliness that it’s as if they are reliving that eventdirectly measured
ft11a050Some people... - ...are sometimes not sure whether things they remember really happened or whether they were part of a dreamdirectly measured
ft11a051Some people... - ...sometimes visit a place that is familiar to them, but then it seems strange and unfamiliar to themdirectly measured
ft11a052Some people... - ...can sometimes be so engrossed in watching a film or television program that they are no longer aware of what is happening around themdirectly measured
ft11a053Some people... - ...can sometimes be so engrossed in a fantasy or daydream that it feels to them as if it’s really happeningdirectly measured
ft11a054Some people... - ...notice that they are sometimes able to not feel paindirectly measured
ft11a055Some people... - ...sometimes find themselves staring into space without thinking anything, without any awareness of the passing of timedirectly measured
ft11a056Some people... - ...notice that, when they are alone, they sometimes talk out loud to themselvesdirectly measured
ft11a057Some people... - ...sometimes find that they behave so completely differently in one situation than in another situation, that they almost feel like they’re two different peopledirectly measured
ft11a058Some people... - ...notice that in some situations they are able to do things, which they normally find difficult to do, very spontaneously and with surprising ease (e.g. in sports, work or social situations)directly measured
ft11a059Some people... - ...sometimes find that they cannot remember whether they did something or only thought about doing it (e.g. no longer knowing whether you actually mailed a letter or only thought about mailing it)directly measured
ft11a060Some people... - ...sometimes find evidence that they did things which they cannot remember having donedirectly measured
ft11a061Some people... - ...sometimes find memos, drawings or notes that they must have made, but which they cannot remember having madedirectly measured
ft11a062Some people... - ...sometimes notice that they hear voices in their head telling them what to do or commenting on what they are doingdirectly measured
ft11a063Some people... - ...sometimes have the feeling of looking at the world as through a fog, so that people and things seem distant and vaguedirectly measured
ft11a064Please indicate to what extent you ‘froze up’ or felt paralyzed during your most recent experience.directly measured
ft11a065Please indicate to what extent you were unable to move, even though you were not restrained by anyone or anything.directly measured
ft11a066Please indicate to what extent your body shivered or trembled during the event.directly measured
ft11a067Please indicate to what extent you were unable to call out or scream during the event.directly measured
ft11a068Please indicate to what extent you felt numb or immune to pain during the event.directly measured
ft11a069Please indicate to what extent you felt cold during the event.directly measured
ft11a070Please indicate to what extent you had feelings of fear or panic during the event.directly measured
ft11a071Please indicate to what extent you feared for your life or thought that you would die during the event.directly measured
ft11a072Please indicate to what extent you felt estranged from yourself or separated from yourself during the event (for instance free from your body).directly measured
ft11a073Please indicate to what extent you felt estranged from your surroundings or had a sense of being distant from your surroundings during the event (for instance that you mentally went to some other place).directly measured
ft11a074I often find it difficult to switch between two different tasksdirectly measured
ft11a075If I try to focus my attention on something, I quickly get distracteddirectly measured
ft11a076After a break or distraction I can easily refocus my attention on what I was doingdirectly measured
ft11a077It’s difficult for me to concentrate when I’m feeling tensedirectly measured
ft11a078It’s difficult for me to keep my attention focused on something when I feel happy or excited about something that’s about to happendirectly measured
ft11a079How often in the past week... - ...did you have painful thoughts or images about the trauma, while you didn’t want to think about it?directly measured
ft11a080How often in the past week... - ...did you have unpleasant dreams or nightmares about the traumatic experience?directly measured
ft11a081How often in the past week... - ...did you have the experience that the traumatic event was happening again, or that you acted or felt the way you did then?directly measured
ft11a082How often in the past week... - ...did it happen that you became emotionally distraught when you were reminded of the traumatic event?directly measured
ft11a083How often in the past week... - ...did you have physical complaints (such as heart palpitations or breaking out in a sweat) when you were reminded of the traumatic event?directly measured
ft11a084How often in the past week... - ...did you try not to think about the traumatic experience or tried not to feel the associated feelings?directly measured
ft11a085How often in the past week did you try to avoid activities, places or things that remind you of the traumatic event?directly measured
ft11a086To what extent did you have trouble, in the past week, remembering important parts of what happened (during the traumatic event)?directly measured
ft11a087In the past week, were you less interested in things that you usually find important or fun to do (such as hobbies, social activities)?directly measured
ft11a088In the past week, did you feel distant from or cut off from other people?directly measured
ft11a089In the past week, did you feel emotionally numb (like not being able to weep, not reacting, not feeling any affection)?directly measured
ft11a090To what extent did you have the feeling, in the past week, that your plans or desires for the future have been run into the ground as a consequence of the traumatic experience?directly measured
ft11a091How often in the past week did you have trouble falling asleep or remaining asleep?directly measured
ft11a092How often in the past week did you suffer from being quickly irritated or from fits of anger?directly measured
ft11a093How often in the past week did you have trouble concentrating (e.g. losing track of a conversation, unable to follow a program on television, no longer knowing what you just read)?directly measured
ft11a094In the past week, were you cautious or wary (e.g. checking whether anyone is around, feeling uneasy when lacking oversight)?directly measured
ft11a095In the past week, were you very much on edge/easily frightened?directly measured
ft11a096Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
ft11a097Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
ft11a098Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
ft11a099Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
ft11a100Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
ft11a101Starting date questionnaireconstructed
ft11a102Starting time questionnaireconstructed
ft11a103End date questionnaireconstructed
ft11a104End time questionnaireconstructed
ft11a105Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: Wave 1 - Part 2

The questionnaire was administered in Dutch.

Browse Wave 1 - Part 2

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members 6777 (100.0%)
Non-response: 1944 (28.7%)
Response: 4833 (71.3%)
Complete: 4788 (70.7%)
Incomplete: 45 (0.7%)
Collection Events
01-08-2011 to 31-08-2011
Panel members aged 16 years or older.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.