Vignette Experiment on Paradata > Part 1
Single Wave Study
General Information
Part 1
Project Number
This study focuses on general attitudes regarding privacy, confidentiality, and trust, and attitudes toward survey organizations.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Singer, Eleanor, Couper, Mick P.
© 2011 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
English version
Dutch (original) version
Data Files
English SPSS version
English STATA version
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of household member encrypted | preloaded |
ae08a_m | Year and month of field work period | constructed |
ae08a001 | Randomization answer categories | constructed |
ae08a002 | In general, how worried are you about your personal privacy? | directly measured |
ae08a003 | In general, how worried are you about your personal privacy? | directly measured |
ae08a004 | Please indicate whether or not you ever feel your privacy is violated by the following: banks and credit card companies when they ask about finances | directly measured |
ae08a005 | Please indicate whether or not you ever feel your privacy is violated by the following: the government when it collects tax returns | directly measured |
ae08a006 | Please indicate whether or not you ever feel your privacy is violated by the following: the government when it conducts surveys | directly measured |
ae08a007 | Please indicate whether or not you ever feel your privacy is violated by the following: computers that store a lot of information about you | directly measured |
ae08a008 | Please indicate whether or not you ever feel your privacy is violated by the following: people who ask questions on public opinion surveys | directly measured |
ae08a009 | Do you feel that different government agencies can get information about you if they try to? | directly measured |
ae08a010 | Different private and public organizations have personal information about us. How concerned are you about whether or not they keep this information confidential? | directly measured |
ae08a011 | Different private and public organizations have personal information about us. How concerned are you about whether or not they keep this information confidential? | directly measured |
ae08a012 | How much do you trust each of the following to keep the information they collect from you confidential: public opinion research companies | directly measured |
ae08a013 | How much do you trust each of the following to keep the information they collect from you confidential: market research companies | directly measured |
ae08a014 | How much do you trust each of the following to keep the information they collect from you confidential: government agencies, like Statistics Netherlands | directly measured |
ae08a015 | Did you find it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
ae08a016 | Were the questions clear to you? | directly measured |
ae08a017 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking? | directly measured |
ae08a018 | Did you find the topic interesting? | directly measured |
ae08a019 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
ae08a020 | Starting date of the interview | constructed |
ae08a021 | Starting time of the interview | constructed |
ae08a022 | End date of the interview | constructed |
ae08a023 | End time of the interview | constructed |
ae08a024 | duration in seconds | derived |
Response Information
Response Overview
Response: Selected number of household members: 8.606 (100%)Non-response: 2.839 (33%)
Actual response: 5.767 (67%)
Complete: 5.753
Incomplete: 14
Collection Events
07-07-2008 to 30-07-2008
LISS panel members aged 16 years and older
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
a reminder was sent twice to non-respondents
Waarden & Welbevinden Master thesis, Faculteit Gedragswetenschappen, Universiteit Twente; Oonk, L.
Learning about a class of belief-dependent preferences without information on beliefs Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) Discussion Paper No. 5957; Bellemare, C.
et al.
Ethical considerations in internet surveys In: M. Das, P. Ester & L. Kaczmirek (Eds.), Social and Behavioral Research and the Internet: Advances in Applied Methods and Research Strategies, pp. 133-164; Singer, E.
et al.