Vignette Experiment on Paradata
General Information
This study consists of two measures. In July 2008, the LISS panel was presented a questionnaire on how the panel members feel about privacy in general; about the extent to which they feel that their privacy is violated by various organizations; and about their trust in research institutes. This questionnaire was fielded ahead of an experiment on the collection of paradata.
In August 2008, the LISS panel was presented a questionnaire on the collection of paradata. The panel members were presented a fictitious invitation to participate in a study, after which they were asked to indicate the probability of their participation. Depending on the condition to which panel members were assigned, the type of research institute that issued the invitation, the topic of the study, and the extent to which the invitation mentioned the collection of so-called paradata (the recording of data pertaining to e.g. browser features, user's behavior, keystrokes, time indications, and so on) all varied.