Emotional Expressiveness > Part 1

Single Wave Study

General Information

Part 1
In January 2012, the Immigrant panel was presented a questionnaire about how people deal with their emotions during conversations with familiar and unfamiliar people.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date


Stupar, Snezana, Van De Vijver, F.J.R.
© 2012 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project
Cross-Cultural Psychology at Tilburg University
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of the respondent encryptedpreloaded
fx12a_mYear and month of the field work periodconstructed
fx12a001Think about a conversation with someone you know very well, during which you felt JOY. How did you deal with this feeling?directly measured
fx12a002Think about a conversation with someone you know very well, during which you felt JOY. How did you deal with this feeling? I reacted in another manner, namely...directly measured
fx12a003Now think about a conversation with someone you know very well, during which you felt SATISFACTION. How did you deal with this feeling?directly measured
fx12a004Now think about a conversation with someone you know very well, during which you felt SATISFACTION. How did you deal with this feeling? I reacted in another manner, namely...directly measured
fx12a005Now think about a conversation with someone you know very well, during which you felt GUILT. How did you deal with this feeling?directly measured
fx12a006Now think about a conversation with someone you know very well, during which you felt GUILT. How did you deal with this feeling? I reacted in another manner, namely...directly measured
fx12a007Now think about a conversation with someone you know very well, during which you felt ANGER. How did you deal with this feeling?directly measured
fx12a008Now think about a conversation with someone you know very well, during which you felt ANGER. How did you deal with this feeling? I reacted in another manner, namely...directly measured
fx12a009Now think about a conversation with someone you know very well, during which you felt HAPPINESS. How did you deal with this feeling?directly measured
fx12a010Now think about a conversation with someone you know very well, during which you felt HAPPINESS. How did you deal with this feeling? I reacted in another manner, namely...directly measured
fx12a011Now think about a conversation with someone you know very well, during which you felt WARMTH. How did you deal with this feeling?directly measured
fx12a012Now think about a conversation with someone you know very well, during which you felt WARMTH. How did you deal with this feeling? I reacted in another manner, namely...directly measured
fx12a013Now think about a conversation with someone you know very well, during which you felt ANXIETY. How did you deal with this feeling?directly measured
fx12a014Now think about a conversation with someone you know very well, during which you felt ANXIETY. How did you deal with this feeling? I reacted in another manner, namely...directly measured
fx12a015Now think about a conversation with someone you know very well, during which you felt SADNESS. How did you deal with this feeling?directly measured
fx12a016Now think about a conversation with someone you know very well, during which you felt SADNESS. How did you deal with this feeling? I reacted in another manner, namely...directly measured
fx12a017Think about a conversation with someone you don\'t know well or not at all, in which you felt JOY. How did you deal with this feeling?directly measured
fx12a018Think about a conversation with someone you don\'t know well or not at all, in which you felt JOY. How did you deal with this feeling? I reacted in another manner, namely...directly measured
fx12a019Now think about a conversation with someone you don\'t know well or not at all, in which you felt SATISFACTION. How did you deal with this feeling?directly measured
fx12a020Now think about a conversation with someone you don\'t know well or not at all, in which you felt SATISFACTION. How did you deal with this feeling? I reacted in another manner, namely...directly measured
fx12a021Now think about a conversation with someone you don\'t know well or not at all, in which you felt GUILT. How did you deal with this feelingdirectly measured
fx12a022Now think about a conversation with someone you don\'t know well or not at all, in which you felt GUILT. How did you deal with this feeling? I reacten in another manner, namely...directly measured
fx12a023Now think about a conversation with someone you don\'t know well or not at all, in which you felt ANGER. How did you deal with this feeling?directly measured
fx12a024Now think about a conversation with someone you don\'t know well or not at all, in which you felt ANGER. How did you deal with this feeling? I reacted in another manner, namely...directly measured
fx12a025Now think about a conversation with someone you don\'t know well or not at all, in which you felt HAPPINESS. How did you deal with this feeling?directly measured
fx12a026Now think about a conversation with someone you don\'t know well or not at all, in which you felt HAPPINESS. How did you deal with this feeling? I reacted in another manner, namely...directly measured
fx12a027Now think about a conversation with someone you don\'t know well or not at all, in which you felt WARMTH. How did you deal with this feeling?directly measured
fx12a028Now think about a conversation with someone you don\'t know well or not at all, in which you felt WARMTH. How did you deal with this feeling? I reacted in another manner, namely...directly measured
fx12a029Now think about a conversation with someone you don\'t know well or not at all, in which you felt ANXIETY. How did you deal with this feeling?directly measured
fx12a030Now think about a conversation with someone you don\'t know well or not at all, in which you felt ANXIETY. How did you deal with this feeling? I reacted in another manner, namely...directly measured
fx12a031Now think about a conversation with someone you don\'t know well or not at all, in which you felt SADNESS. How did you deal with this feeling?directly measured
fx12a032Now think about a conversation with someone you don\'t know well or not at all, in which you felt SADNESS. How did you deal with this feeling? I reacted in another manner, namely...directly measured
fx12a033Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Saddirectly measured
fx12a034Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: In a bad mooddirectly measured
fx12a035Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Worn outdirectly measured
fx12a036Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Activedirectly measured
fx12a037Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Nervousdirectly measured
fx12a038Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Helplessdirectly measured
fx12a039Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Annoyeddirectly measured
fx12a040Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Alertdirectly measured
fx12a041Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Panickydirectly measured
fx12a042Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Sorrowfuldirectly measured
fx12a043Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Rebelliousdirectly measured
fx12a044Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Tireddirectly measured
fx12a045Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Livelydirectly measured
fx12a046Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Tensedirectly measured
fx12a047Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Lonelydirectly measured
fx12a048Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Completely draineddirectly measured
fx12a049Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Unhappydirectly measured
fx12a050Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Furiousdirectly measured
fx12a051Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Lifelessdirectly measured
fx12a052Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Full of energydirectly measured
fx12a053Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Restlessdirectly measured
fx12a054Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Unworthydirectly measured
fx12a055Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Irritabledirectly measured
fx12a056Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Exhausteddirectly measured
fx12a057Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Light-hearteddirectly measured
fx12a058Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Anxiousdirectly measured
fx12a059Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Despondentdirectly measured
fx12a060Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Angrydirectly measured
fx12a061Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Tireddirectly measured
fx12a062Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Insecuredirectly measured
fx12a063Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Desperatedirectly measured
fx12a064Please read each word carefully and then select the answer that best describes how you\'re feeling at this moment: Grumpydirectly measured
fx12a065When I want to feel more positive emotions (such as joy or amusement), I change what I\'m thinking about.directly measured
fx12a066I keep my emotions to myself.directly measured
fx12a067When I want to feel less negative emotions (such as sadness or anger), I change what I\'m thinking about.directly measured
fx12a068When I am feeling positive emotions, I am careful not to express them.directly measured
fx12a069When I\'m faced with a stressful situation, I make myself think about it in a way that helps me stay calm.directly measured
fx12a070I control my emotions by not expressing them.directly measured
fx12a071When I want to feel more positive emotions, I change the way I\'m thinking about the situation.directly measured
fx12a072I control my emotions by changing the way I think about the situation I\'m in.directly measured
fx12a073When I am feeling negative emotions, I make sure not to express them.directly measured
fx12a074When I want to feel less negative emotions, I change the way I\'m thinking about the situation.directly measured
fx12a075Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
fx12a076Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
fx12a077Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
fx12a078Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
fx12a079Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
fx12a080Starting date questionnaireconstructed
fx12a081Starting time questionnaireconstructed
fx12a082End date questionnaireconstructed
fx12a083End time questionnaireconstructed
fx12a084Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: Emotional Expressiveness - Part 1

The questionnaire was originally conducted in Dutch.

Browse Emotional Expressiveness - Part 1

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 2,441 (100%)
Non-response: 706 (28.9%)
Actual response:
complete: 1,723 (70.6%)
incomplete: 12 ( 0.5%)
Collection Events
02-01-2012 to 31-01-2012
Panel members aged 16 years or older.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents