Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 2021
General Information
Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 2021
Project Number
This survey is part of the Dutch Parliamentary Elections Study 2021.
Longitudinal Type
Begin date
End date
The datasets only concern the data collected in the LISS panel in the context of the "Nationaal Kiezersonderzoek" (Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies).
For the complete dataset of the NKO, we refer to DANS: https://easy.dans.knaw.nl/ui/datasets/id/easy-dataset:34410
Take Sipma (Radboud University); Tom van der Meer (University of Amsterdam)
© 2022 Centerdata
Populist attitudinal similarities between the populist radical right and mainstream voters in the Netherlands VU Amsterdam; Bottenberg, C. J.
Understanding factual belief polarization: the role of trust, political sophistication, and affective polarization Acta Politica, first published online October 20, 2022; Rekker, R.,
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Stemmen op een nieuwe partij; Polarisatie als oorzaak? Radboud University; van Hees, K.J.
Tussen emotie en tactiek - Polarisatie en onoprecht kiesgedrag in het Nederlandse evenredige kiesstelsel Leiden University; Boele, K.
How attitudes on gender identity, sexuality, and core populist radical right values combine in diverging ideological constellations among populist radical right-inclined voters Political Studies, 1-21; Linders, N.,
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