Victims in Modern Society > Victims in Modern Society 2021 – Follow-up measurement
Longitudinal Wave
General Information
Victims in Modern Society 2021 – Follow-up measurement
Project Number
The questionnaire is about experiences with victimization and social support.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Peter van der Velden (Centerdata)
© 2023 Centerdata
Funding Organization
Fonds Slachtofferhulp
OCW (Domeinplan SSH)
Fonds Slachtofferhulp
OCW (Domeinplan SSH)
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in English
Note: Version 2.0 of the codebook: Previously removed question added to the data file after cleaning for privacy sensitive information: oo21e059.
Version 2.1 of the codebook: Textual change in oo21e150.
Version 2.1 of the codebook: Textual change in oo21e150.
Codebook in Dutch
Note: Version 2.0 of the codebook: Previously removed question added to the data file after cleaning for privacy sensitive information: oo21e059.
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
English CSV file
Note: Version 2.0 of the data file: Previously removed question added to the data file after cleaning for privacy sensitive information: oo21e059.
Version 2.1 of the dataset: Incorrect values in variable oo21e002 corrected.
Version 2.1 of the dataset: Incorrect values in variable oo21e002 corrected.
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of the household member encrypted | preloaded |
oo21e_m | Year and month of the field work period | constructed |
oo21e001 | Random number 1 – 1000 | constructed |
oo21e002 | Answer given at 1) oo21e037 - oo21e058 if only 1 answer is ‘yes’. 2) oo21e060 or oo21e061 (if more experiences are answered with ‘yes’ at questions oo21e037 - oo21e058). | constructed |
oo21e003 | Number of traumatic experiences oo21e037 – oo21e051 | constructed |
oo21e004 | Number of traumatic experiences oo21e052 – oo21e057 | constructed |
oo21e005 | Number of traumatic experiences oo21e037 – oo21e057 | constructed |
oo21e006 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: ask you for advice | directly measured |
oo21e007 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: give you a lift | directly measured |
oo21e008 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: perk you up or cheer you up | directly measured |
oo21e009 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: lend you a friendly ear | directly measured |
oo21e010 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: give you a nudge in the right direction | directly measured |
oo21e011 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: give you good advice | directly measured |
oo21e012 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: pay you a compliment | directly measured |
oo21e013 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: confide in you | directly measured |
oo21e014 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: ask you for help | directly measured |
oo21e015 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: tell you to persevere | directly measured |
oo21e016 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: comfort you | directly measured |
oo21e017 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: take your advice | directly measured |
oo21e018 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: help you to clarify your problems | directly measured |
oo21e019 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: emphasise your strong points | directly measured |
oo21e020 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: reassure you | directly measured |
oo21e021 | Physical problems | directly measured |
oo21e022 | Psychological problems | directly measured |
oo21e023 | Problems relating to religion | directly measured |
oo21e024 | Problems at work | directly measured |
oo21e025 | Problems in the family/with your partner | directly measured |
oo21e026 | Financial problems | directly measured |
oo21e027 | Problems with administration | directly measured |
oo21e028 | Legal problems | directly measured |
oo21e029 | Physical problems | directly measured |
oo21e030 | Psychological problems | directly measured |
oo21e031 | Problems relating to religion | directly measured |
oo21e032 | Problems at work | directly measured |
oo21e033 | Problems in the family/with your partner | directly measured |
oo21e034 | Financial problems | directly measured |
oo21e035 | Problems with administration | directly measured |
oo21e036 | Legal problems | directly measured |
oo21e037 | Serious threat(s), without the use of physical violence (not via the internet) | directly measured |
oo21e038 | Serious threat(s) online, without the use of physical violence (via the internet) | directly measured |
oo21e039 | Sexual violence/sexual abuse (not via the internet) | directly measured |
oo21e040 | Online sexual violence/sexual abuse (via the internet) | directly measured |
oo21e041 | Robbery | directly measured |
oo21e042 | Traffic accident | directly measured |
oo21e043 | Airplane accident | directly measured |
oo21e044 | Company accident | directly measured |
oo21e045 | Fire | directly measured |
oo21e046 | Burglary | directly measured |
oo21e047 | Physical violence, not by your own partner | directly measured |
oo21e048 | Physical violence by your own partner | directly measured |
oo21e049 | Theft/fraud (not via the internet) | directly measured |
oo21e050 | Online theft/fraud (via the internet) | directly measured |
oo21e051 | Medical accident/error | directly measured |
oo21e052 | Contraction of a serious infection (e.g. HIV, AIDS, with the exception of corona*) | directly measured |
oo21e053 | Development of a serious physical ailment (e.g. cancer, heart attack) | directly measured |
oo21e054 | Death of a loved one (e.g. partner, family member, friend), expected (not because of corona*) | directly measured |
oo21e055 | Death of a loved one (e.g. partner, family member, friend), unexpected (not because of corona*) | directly measured |
oo21e056 | Death of a colleague, expected (not because of corona*) | directly measured |
oo21e057 | Death of a colleague, unexpected (not because of corona*) | directly measured |
oo21e058 | Other drastic or traumatic event | directly measured |
oo21e059 | What other drastic or traumatic event do you mean? | directly measured |
oo21e060 | Which of the events below did you find to be the most drastic or traumatic? | directly measured |
oo21e061 | Which of the events below did you find to be the most drastic or traumatic? | directly measured |
oo21e062 | When did this event ([oo21e002]) occur? | directly measured |
oo21e063 | When you think back on this event ([oo21e002]), how much tension or stress did it cause you (at the time that it happened, so not at the present moment)? | directly measured |
oo21e064 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo21e002]), talk to or have any contact with... Family/friends/neighbors/acquaintances | directly measured |
oo21e065 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo21e002]), talk to or have any contact with... Family doctor/Medical specialist | directly measured |
oo21e066 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo21e002]), talk to or have any contact with... Police | directly measured |
oo21e067 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo21e002]), talk to or have any contact with... Your children’s school | directly measured |
oo21e068 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo21e002]), talk to or have any contact with... Chaplain (e.g. pastor, priest, rabbi, imam) | directly measured |
oo21e069 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo21e002]), talk to or have any contact with... Employer/manager | directly measured |
oo21e070 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo21e002]), talk to or have any contact with... Colleagues/class or fellow students | directly measured |
oo21e071 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo21e002]), talk to or have any contact with... Therapist, psychiatrist, psychologist | directly measured |
oo21e072 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo21e002]), talk to or have any contact with... Public prosecutor | directly measured |
oo21e073 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo21e002]), talk to or have any contact with... Lawyer | directly measured |
oo21e074 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo21e002]), talk to or have any contact with... Judge | directly measured |
oo21e075 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo21e002]), talk to or have any contact with... Victim support | directly measured |
oo21e076 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo21e002]), talk to or have any contact with... Fellow sufferer/people who had the same experience | directly measured |
oo21e077 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo21e002]), talk to or have any contact with... Veilig Thuis (organization to counter domestic violence) | directly measured |
oo21e078 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo21e002]), talk to or have any contact with... Social work | directly measured |
oo21e079 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo21e002]), talk to or have any contact with... Public health service/city government | directly measured |
oo21e080 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo21e002]), talk to or have any contact with... Alternative therapy sector | directly measured |
oo21e081 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo21e002]), talk to or have any contact with... Other organization | directly measured |
oo21e082 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo21e002]), talk to or have any contact with... Other people than listed above | directly measured |
oo21e083 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo21e002]), talk to or have any contact with... I did not speak to or have contact with anyone about the event | directly measured |
oo21e084 | Does anyone know that you experienced this stressful event ([oo21e002])? | directly measured |
oo21e085 | Dealing with the impact that the traumatic experience has had on my life | directly measured |
oo21e086 | Carrying on with my everyday life | directly measured |
oo21e087 | Talking about the traumatic experience | directly measured |
oo21e088 | Dealing with frightening images or dreams about the input traumatic experience | directly measured |
oo21e089 | Being optimistic since the traumatic experience | directly measured |
oo21e090 | Seeking help from other people because of what happened | directly measured |
oo21e091 | Being emotionally strong | directly measured |
oo21e092 | Repeated, disturbing, and unwanted memories of the stressful experience | directly measured |
oo21e093 | Feeling very upset when something reminded you of the stressful experience | directly measured |
oo21e094 | Avoiding memories, thoughts, or feelings related to the stressful experience | directly measured |
oo21e095 | Avoiding external reminders of the stressful experience (for example, people, places, conversations, activities, objects, or situations) | directly measured |
oo21e096 | Having strong negative beliefs about yourself, other people, or the world (for example, having thoughts such as: I am bad, there is something seriously wrong with me, no one can be trusted, the world is completely dangerous) | directly measured |
oo21e097 | Loss of interest in activities that you used to enjoy | directly measured |
oo21e098 | Feeling jumpy or easily startled | directly measured |
oo21e099 | Having difficulty concentrating | directly measured |
oo21e100 | Most people cannot understand what I went through | directly measured |
oo21e101 | Somehow I am no longer a normal member of society since the incident | directly measured |
oo21e102 | There is not enough sympathy for what happened to me | directly measured |
oo21e103 | The only people who really understand me are those who have been through something similar | directly measured |
oo21e104 | Most people cannot imagine how difficult it is simply to continue with 'normal' daily life | directly measured |
oo21e105 | The reactions of my acquaintances were helpful | directly measured |
oo21e106 | Many people offered their help in the first few days after the incident | directly measured |
oo21e107 | My friends feel sympathy for what happened to me | directly measured |
oo21e108 | The people where I live with respect me more since the incident | directly measured |
oo21e168 | I do not feel taken seriously (anymore) by the hospital or medical institute | directly measured |
oo21e169 | The involved physician or nurse has clearly expressed remorse | directly measured |
oo21e109 | My boss/superior showed full understanding for any absence from work | directly measured |
oo21e110 | My family showed a lot of understanding form my state after the incident | directly measured |
oo21e111 | My family feels that they have to protect me | directly measured |
oo21e112 | My family finds my reaction to the incident to be exaggerated | directly measured |
oo21e113 | My experiences are underestimated in my family | directly measured |
oo21e114 | My family feel uncomfortable talking about my experiences | directly measured |
oo21e115 | If the experience was generally known: important figures of public life in my place of residence (e.g. mayor, priest) expressed their sympathy | directly measured |
oo21e116 | During the past month...I was very nervous | directly measured |
oo21e117 | During the past month...I felt so down that nothing could cheer me up | directly measured |
oo21e118 | During the past month...I felt calm and peaceful | directly measured |
oo21e119 | During the past month...I felt gloomy and depressed | directly measured |
oo21e120 | During the past month...I felt happy | directly measured |
oo21e158 | serious threat | directly measured |
oo21e159 | traffic accident | directly measured |
oo21e160 | other accident, calamity or disaster | directly measured |
oo21e161 | physical violence (not by the (former) partner of the person concerned | directly measured |
oo21e162 | physical violence, by the (former) partner of the person concerned | directly measured |
oo21e163 | sexual violence/rape/sexual abuse | directly measured |
oo21e164 | sexual harassment/sexual abuse via the internet | directly measured |
oo21e165 | theft/fraud (via the internet or not) | directly measured |
oo21e166 | burglary in the home | directly measured |
oo21e167 | medical accident/error | directly measured |
oo21e170 | Are you (or have you been) infected with coronavirus? Please choose the answer that best applies to you. | directly measured |
oo21e171 | In which month or months did this happen? | directly measured |
oo21e172 | Looking back on it now, how much tension or stress did this event create for you (at the time of the event, so not at the present moment)? | directly measured |
oo21e173 | Have one or more people in your own family (partner, father, mother, siblings, children) been infected with coronavirus, and did they become ill and/or die because of it? | directly measured |
oo21e174 | How many people in your own family (partner, father, mother, siblings, children) became ill with coronavirus (without being hospitalized because of it)? | directly measured |
oo21e175 | How much tension or stress did that create for you (at the time when you heard that he/she was infected, so not at the present moment)? | directly measured |
oo21e176 | The last time someone in your family turned out to be infected, how much tension or stress did that create for you (at the time when you heard that he/she was infected, so not at the present moment)? | directly measured |
oo21e177 | How many people in your own family (partner, father, mother, siblings, children) have been hospitalized because of coronavirus, without being admitted to IC? | directly measured |
oo21e178 | How much tension or stress did the hospitalization because of coronavirus create for you (at the time when he/she was hospitalized, so not at the present moment)? | directly measured |
oo21e179 | The last time someone in your family was hospitalized because of coronavirus, how much tension or stress did that create for you (at the time when he/she was hospitalized, so not at the present moment)? | directly measured |
oo21e180 | How many people in your family (partner, father, mother, siblings, children) have been admitted to the hospital’s IC because of coronavirus? | directly measured |
oo21e181 | How much tension or stress did the admission to IC because of coronavirus create for you (at the time when he/she was admitted to IC, so not at the present moment)? | directly measured |
oo21e182 | The last time someone in your family was admitted to IC because of coronavirus, how much tension or stress did that create for you (at the time when he/she was admitted to IC, so not at the present moment)? | directly measured |
oo21e183 | How many people in your family (partner, father, mother, siblings children) have died because of coronavirus? | directly measured |
oo21e184 | How much tension or stress did it create for you when he/she died (at the time of the event, so not at the present moment)? | directly measured |
oo21e185 | The last time someone in your family died because of coronavirus, how much tension or stress did that create for you (at the time of the death, so not at the present moment)? | directly measured |
oo21e145 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
oo21e146 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
oo21e147 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
oo21e148 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
oo21e149 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
oo21e150 | Did you find the questionnaire burdensome? | directly measured |
oo21e151 | Starting date questionnaire | constructed |
oo21e152 | Starting time questionnaire | constructed |
oo21e153 | End date questionnaire | constructed |
oo21e154 | End time questionnaire | constructed |
oo21e155 | Duration in seconds | derived |
Questionnaire: Victims in Modern Society 2021 – Follow-up measurement
The questionnaire was administered in Dutch
Browse Victims in Modern Society 2021 – Follow-up measurementResponse Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 6,452 (100.0%)Non-response: 844 (13.1%)
Response: 5,608 (86.9%)
Complete: 5,594 (86.7%)
Incomplete: 14 (0.2%)
Collection Events
01-03-2021 to 30-03-2021
All panel members aged 18 years and older
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents
05-04-2021 to 27-04-2021
Non-respondents of the first measurement
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents