Victims in Modern Society > Victims in Modern Society 2020 – Follow-up measurement
Longitudinal Wave
General Information
Victims in Modern Society 2020 – Follow-up measurement
Project Number
The questionnaire is about experiences with victimization and social support.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Peter van der Velden (Centerdata)
© 2023 Centerdata
Funding Organization
Fonds Slachtofferhulp
OCW (Domeinplan SSH)
Fonds Slachtofferhulp
OCW (Domeinplan SSH)
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in English
Note: Version 1.1 of the codebook: Textual change in oo20d150.
Codebook in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
English CSV file
Note: Version 1.1 of the dataset: Incorrect values in variable oo20d002 corrected.
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of the household member encrypted | preloaded |
oo20d_m | Year and month of the field work period | constructed |
oo20d001 | Random number 1 – 1000 | constructed |
oo20d002 | Answer given at 1) oo20d037 - oo20d058 if only 1 answer is ‘yes’. 2) oo20d060 or oo20d061 (if more experiences are answered with ‘yes’ at questions oo20d037 - oo20d058). | constructed |
oo20d003 | Number of traumatic experiences oo20d037 – oo20d051 | constructed |
oo20d004 | Number of traumatic experiences oo20d052 – oo20d057 | constructed |
oo20d005 | Number of traumatic experiences oo20d037 – oo20d057 | constructed |
oo20d006 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: ask you for advice | directly measured |
oo20d007 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: give you a lift | directly measured |
oo20d008 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: perk you up or cheer you up | directly measured |
oo20d009 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: lend you a friendly ear | directly measured |
oo20d010 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: give you a nudge in the right direction | directly measured |
oo20d011 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: give you good advice | directly measured |
oo20d012 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: pay you a compliment | directly measured |
oo20d013 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: confide in you | directly measured |
oo20d014 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: ask you for help | directly measured |
oo20d015 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: tell you to persevere | directly measured |
oo20d016 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: comfort you | directly measured |
oo20d017 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: take your advice | directly measured |
oo20d018 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: help you to clarify your problems | directly measured |
oo20d019 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: emphasise your strong points | directly measured |
oo20d020 | What is your opinion about the extent to which people: reassure you | directly measured |
oo20d021 | Physical problems | directly measured |
oo20d022 | Psychological problems | directly measured |
oo20d023 | Problems relating to religion | directly measured |
oo20d024 | Problems at work | directly measured |
oo20d025 | Problems in the family/with your partner | directly measured |
oo20d026 | Financial problems | directly measured |
oo20d027 | Problems with administration | directly measured |
oo20d028 | Legal problems | directly measured |
oo20d029 | Physical problems | directly measured |
oo20d030 | Psychological problems | directly measured |
oo20d031 | Problems relating to religion | directly measured |
oo20d032 | Problems at work | directly measured |
oo20d033 | Problems in the family/with your partner | directly measured |
oo20d034 | Financial problems | directly measured |
oo20d035 | Problems with administration | directly measured |
oo20d036 | Legal problems | directly measured |
oo20d037 | Serious threat(s), without the use of physical violence (not via the internet) | directly measured |
oo20d038 | Serious threat(s) online, without the use of physical violence (via the internet) | directly measured |
oo20d039 | Sexual violence/sexual abuse (not via the internet) | directly measured |
oo20d040 | Online sexual violence/sexual abuse (via the internet) | directly measured |
oo20d041 | Robbery | directly measured |
oo20d042 | Traffic accident | directly measured |
oo20d043 | Airplane accident | directly measured |
oo20d044 | Company accident | directly measured |
oo20d045 | Fire | directly measured |
oo20d046 | Burglary | directly measured |
oo20d047 | Physical violence, not by your own partner | directly measured |
oo20d048 | Physical violence by your own partner | directly measured |
oo20d049 | Theft/fraud (not via the internet) | directly measured |
oo20d050 | Online theft/fraud (via the internet) | directly measured |
oo20d051 | Medical accident/error | directly measured |
oo20d052 | Contraction of a serious infection (e.g. HIV, AIDS) | directly measured |
oo20d053 | Development of a serious physical ailment (e.g. cancer, heart attack) | directly measured |
oo20d054 | Death of a loved one (e.g. partner, family member, friend), expected | directly measured |
oo20d055 | Death of a loved one (e.g. partner, family member, friend), unexpected | directly measured |
oo20d056 | Death of a colleague, expected | directly measured |
oo20d057 | Death of a colleague, unexpected | directly measured |
oo20d058 | Other drastic or traumatic event | directly measured |
oo20d059 | What other drastic or traumatic event do you mean? | directly measured |
oo20d060 | Which of the events below did you find to be the most drastic or traumatic? | directly measured |
oo20d061 | Which of the events below did you find to be the most drastic or traumatic? | directly measured |
oo20d062 | When did this event ([oo20d002]) occur? | directly measured |
oo20d063 | When you think back on this event ([oo20d002]), how much tension or stress did it cause you (at the time that it happened, so not at the present moment)? | directly measured |
oo20d064 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo20d002]), talk to or have any contact with... Family/friends/neighbors/acquaintances | directly measured |
oo20d065 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo20d002]), talk to or have any contact with... Family doctor/Medical specialist | directly measured |
oo20d066 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo20d002]), talk to or have any contact with... Police | directly measured |
oo20d067 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo20d002]), talk to or have any contact with... Your children’s school | directly measured |
oo20d068 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo20d002]), talk to or have any contact with... Chaplain (e.g. pastor, priest, rabbi, imam) | directly measured |
oo20d069 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo20d002]), talk to or have any contact with... Employer/manager | directly measured |
oo20d070 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo20d002]), talk to or have any contact with... Colleagues/class or fellow students | directly measured |
oo20d071 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo20d002]), talk to or have any contact with... Therapist, psychiatrist, psychologist | directly measured |
oo20d072 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo20d002]), talk to or have any contact with... Public prosecutor | directly measured |
oo20d073 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo20d002]), talk to or have any contact with... Lawyer | directly measured |
oo20d074 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo20d002]), talk to or have any contact with... Judge | directly measured |
oo20d075 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo20d002]), talk to or have any contact with... Victim support | directly measured |
oo20d076 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo20d002]), talk to or have any contact with... Fellow sufferer/people who had the same experience | directly measured |
oo20d077 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo20d002]), talk to or have any contact with... Veilig Thuis (organization to counter domestic violence) | directly measured |
oo20d078 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo20d002]), talk to or have any contact with... Social work | directly measured |
oo20d079 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo20d002]), talk to or have any contact with... Public health service/city government | directly measured |
oo20d080 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo20d002]), talk to or have any contact with... Alternative therapy sector | directly measured |
oo20d081 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo20d002]), talk to or have any contact with... Other organization | directly measured |
oo20d082 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo20d002]), talk to or have any contact with... Other people than listed above | directly measured |
oo20d083 | Did you, regarding this event ([oo20d002]), talk to or have any contact with... I did not speak to or have contact with anyone about the event | directly measured |
oo20d084 | Does anyone know that you experienced this stressful event ([oo20d002])? | directly measured |
oo20d085 | Dealing with the impact that the traumatic experience has had on my life | directly measured |
oo20d086 | Carrying on with my everyday life | directly measured |
oo20d087 | Talking about the traumatic experience | directly measured |
oo20d088 | Dealing with frightening images or dreams about the input traumatic experience | directly measured |
oo20d089 | Being optimistic since the traumatic experience | directly measured |
oo20d090 | Seeking help from other people because of what happened | directly measured |
oo20d091 | Being emotionally strong | directly measured |
oo20d092 | Repeated, disturbing, and unwanted memories of the stressful experience | directly measured |
oo20d093 | Feeling very upset when something reminded you of the stressful experience | directly measured |
oo20d094 | Avoiding memories, thoughts, or feelings related to the stressful experience | directly measured |
oo20d095 | Avoiding external reminders of the stressful experience (for example, people, places, conversations, activities, objects, or situations) | directly measured |
oo20d096 | Having strong negative beliefs about yourself, other people, or the world (for example, having thoughts such as: I am bad, there is something seriously wrong with me, no one can be trusted, the world is completely dangerous) | directly measured |
oo20d097 | Loss of interest in activities that you used to enjoy | directly measured |
oo20d098 | Feeling jumpy or easily startled | directly measured |
oo20d099 | Having difficulty concentrating | directly measured |
oo20d100 | Most people cannot understand what I went through | directly measured |
oo20d101 | Somehow I am no longer a normal member of society since the incident | directly measured |
oo20d102 | There is not enough sympathy for what happened to me | directly measured |
oo20d103 | The only people who really understand me are those who have been through something similar | directly measured |
oo20d104 | Most people cannot imagine how difficult it is simply to continue with 'normal' daily life | directly measured |
oo20d105 | The reactions of my acquaintances were helpful | directly measured |
oo20d106 | Many people offered their help in the first few days after the incident | directly measured |
oo20d107 | My friends feel sympathy for what happened to me | directly measured |
oo20d108 | The people where I live with respect me more since the incident | directly measured |
oo20d168 | I do not feel taken seriously (anymore) by the hospital or medical institute | directly measured |
oo20d169 | The involved physician or nurse has clearly expressed remorse | directly measured |
oo20d109 | My boss/superior showed full understanding for any absence from work | directly measured |
oo20d110 | My family showed a lot of understanding form my state after the incident | directly measured |
oo20d111 | My family feels that they have to protect me | directly measured |
oo20d112 | My family finds my reaction to the incident to be exaggerated | directly measured |
oo20d113 | My experiences are underestimated in my family | directly measured |
oo20d114 | My family feel uncomfortable talking about my experiences | directly measured |
oo20d115 | If the experience was generally known: important figures of public life in my place of residence (e.g. mayor, priest) expressed their sympathy | directly measured |
oo20d116 | During the past month...I was very nervous | directly measured |
oo20d117 | During the past month...I felt so down that nothing could cheer me up | directly measured |
oo20d118 | During the past month...I felt calm and peaceful | directly measured |
oo20d119 | During the past month...I felt gloomy and depressed | directly measured |
oo20d120 | During the past month...I felt happy | directly measured |
oo20d158 | serious threat | directly measured |
oo20d159 | traffic accident | directly measured |
oo20d160 | other accident, calamity or disaster | directly measured |
oo20d161 | physical violence (not by the (former) partner of the person concerned | directly measured |
oo20d162 | physical violence, by the (former) partner of the person concerned | directly measured |
oo20d163 | sexual violence/rape/sexual abuse | directly measured |
oo20d164 | sexual harassment/sexual abuse via the internet | directly measured |
oo20d165 | theft/fraud (via the internet or not) | directly measured |
oo20d166 | burglary in the home | directly measured |
oo20d167 | medical accident/error | directly measured |
oo20d145 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
oo20d146 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
oo20d147 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
oo20d148 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
oo20d149 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
oo20d150 | Did you find the questionnaire burdensome? | directly measured |
oo20d151 | Starting date questionnaire | constructed |
oo20d152 | Starting time questionnaire | constructed |
oo20d153 | End date questionnaire | constructed |
oo20d154 | End time questionnaire | constructed |
oo20d155 | Duration in seconds | derived |
Questionnaire: Victims in Modern Society 2020 – Follow-up measurement
The questionnaire was administered in Dutch
Browse Victims in Modern Society 2020 – Follow-up measurementResponse Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 6,568 (100.0%)Non-response: 795 (12.1%)
Response: 5,773 (87.9%)
Complete: 5,761 (87.7%)
Incomplete: 12 (0.2%)
Collection Events
02-03-2020 to 31-03-2020
All panel members aged 18 years and older
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents
06-04-2020 to 28-04-2020
Non-respondents of the first measurement
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents