Family and Household > Wave 2

Longitudinal Wave

General Information

Wave 2
Project Number
The study focuses on family and household. The questionnaire is part of a second wave of the LISS Core Study.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Marije Oudejans (CentERdata)
© 2011 CentERdata
Funding Organization
MESS Project

Datasets and documentation

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Codebook in English
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Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of household member encryptedpreloaded
cf09b_mYear and month of field work periodconstructed
cf09b001Randomly chosen childconstructed
cf09b002Year of birth of randomly chosen childpreloaded
cf09b003Gender respondentpreloaded
cf09b004Age respondentpreloaded
cf09b005What is the year of birth of your father?directly measured
cf09b006Can you perhaps indicate the period in which your biological father was born?directly measured
cf09b007Is your father still alive?directly measured
cf09b008In what year did your father pass away?directly measured
cf09b009What is the year of birth of your mother?directly measured
cf09b010Can you perhaps indicate the period in which your biological mother was born?directly measured
cf09b011Is your mother still alive?directly measured
cf09b012In what year did your mother pass away?directly measured
cf09b401Are your own parents still together? This concerns your biological father and biological mother.directly measured
cf09b013Did your own parents ever divorce?directly measured
cf09b014How old were you when your parents separated?directly measured
cf09b015Is your father currently living together with a partner?directly measured
cf09b016Is your mother currently living together with a partner?directly measured
cf09b017Do you know the postal code of your parents' address?directly measured
cf09b398Constructed variable: distance between panel member and parents' place of residence in metersconstructed
cf09b018Do you know the postal code of your father's address?directly measured
cf09b399Constructed variable: distance between panel member and father's place of residence in metersconstructed
cf09b019Do you know the postal code of your mother's address?directly measured
cf09b400Constructed variable: distance between panel member of mother's place of residence in metersconstructed
cf09b020How often did you see your father over the past 12 months?directly measured
cf09b021How often did you have contact with your father over the past 12 months, by telephone, in writing or by email?directly measured
cf09b022How often did you see your mother over the past 12 months?directly measured
cf09b023How often did you have contact with your mother over the past 12 months, by telephone, in writing or by email?directly measured
cf09b024Do you currently have a partner?directly measured
cf09b402Is this partner the same partner you entered in the questionnaire last year?directly measured
cf09b403Last year you indicated that you had a different partner. Did you separate from your previous partner, or did your previous partner pass away?directly measured
cf09b404Last year you indicated having a partner at the time. Did you separate, or did your partner pass away?directly measured
cf09b025Do you live together with this partner?directly measured
cf09b026What is his or her year of birth?directly measured
cf09b027In which country was your partner born?directly measured
cf09b028In what year did the relationship with your partner begin?directly measured
cf09b029In what year did you start living together with your partner?directly measured
cf09b030Are you married to this partner?directly measured
cf09b031In what year did you marry?directly measured
cf09b032What is your partner's gender?directly measured
cf09b033Were you married to another partner before?directly measured
cf09b034Did you separate or did your previous partner pass away?directly measured
cf09b405Has this number changed since last year?directly measured
cf09b035Have you had any children?directly measured
cf09b036How many children have you had in total?directly measured
cf09b037Birth year first childdirectly measured
cf09b038Birth year second childdirectly measured
cf09b039Birth year third childdirectly measured
cf09b040Birth year fourth childdirectly measured
cf09b041Birth year fifth childdirectly measured
cf09b042Birth year sixth childdirectly measured
cf09b043Birth year seventh childdirectly measured
cf09b044Birth year eighth childdirectly measured
cf09b045Birth year ninth childdirectly measured
cf09b046Birth year tenth childdirectly measured
cf09b047Birth year eleventh childdirectly measured
cf09b048Birth year twelfth childdirectly measured
cf09b049Birth year thirteenth childdirectly measured
cf09b050Birth year fourteenth childdirectly measured
cf09b051Birth year fifteenth childdirectly measured
cf09b052Are all your children still alive?directly measured
cf09b406Are all these children still alive?directly measured
cf09b053Passed away: first childdirectly measured
cf09b054Passed away: second childdirectly measured
cf09b055Passed away: third childdirectly measured
cf09b056Passed away: fourth childdirectly measured
cf09b057Passed away: fifth childdirectly measured
cf09b058Passed away: sixth childdirectly measured
cf09b059Passed away: seventh childdirectly measured
cf09b060Passed away: eighth childdirectly measured
cf09b061Passed away: ninth childdirectly measured
cf09b062Passed away: tenth childdirectly measured
cf09b063Passed away: eleventh childdirectly measured
cf09b064Passed away: twelfth childdirectly measured
cf09b065Passed away: thirteenth childdirectly measured
cf09b066Passed away: fourteenth childdirectly measured
cf09b067Passed away: fifteenth childdirectly measured
cf09b068Gender: first childdirectly measured
cf09b069Gender: second childdirectly measured
cf09b070Gender: third childdirectly measured
cf09b071Gender: fourth childdirectly measured
cf09b072Gender: fifth childdirectly measured
cf09b073Gender: sixth childdirectly measured
cf09b074Gender: seventh childdirectly measured
cf09b075Gender: eighth childdirectly measured
cf09b076Gender: ninth childdirectly measured
cf09b077Gender: tenth childdirectly measured
cf09b078Gender: eleventh childdirectly measured
cf09b079Gender: twelfth childdirectly measured
cf09b080Gender: thirteenth childdirectly measured
cf09b081Gender: fourteenth childdirectly measured
cf09b082Gender: fifteenth childdirectly measured
cf09b083Living at home or living independently: first childdirectly measured
cf09b084Living at home or living independently: second childdirectly measured
cf09b085Living at home or living independently: third childdirectly measured
cf09b086Living at home or living independently: fourth childdirectly measured
cf09b087Living at home or living independently: fifth childdirectly measured
cf09b088Living at home or living independently: sixth childdirectly measured
cf09b089Living at home or living independently: seventh childdirectly measured
cf09b090Living at home or living independently: eighth childdirectly measured
cf09b091Living at home or living independently: ninth childdirectly measured
cf09b092Living at home or living independently: tenth childdirectly measured
cf09b093Living at home or living independently: eleventh childdirectly measured
cf09b094Living at home or living independently: twelfth childdirectly measured
cf09b095Living at home or living independently: thirteenth childdirectly measured
cf09b096Living at home or living independently: fourteenth childdirectly measured
cf09b097Living at home or living independently: fifteenth childdirectly measured
cf09b098Kind of parent: first childdirectly measured
cf09b099Kind of parent: second childdirectly measured
cf09b100Kind of parent: third childdirectly measured
cf09b101Kind of parent: fourth childdirectly measured
cf09b102Kind of parent: fifth childdirectly measured
cf09b103Kind of parent: sixth childdirectly measured
cf09b104Kind of parent: seventh childdirectly measured
cf09b105Kind of parent: eighth childdirectly measured
cf09b106Kind of parent: ninth childdirectly measured
cf09b107Kind of parent: tenth childdirectly measured
cf09b108Kind of parent: eleventh childdirectly measured
cf09b109Kind of parent: twelfth childdirectly measured
cf09b110Kind of parent: thirteenth childdirectly measured
cf09b111Kind of parent: fourteenth childdirectly measured
cf09b112Kind of parent: fifteenth childdirectly measured
cf09b113Current partner biological parent: first childdirectly measured
cf09b114Current partner biological parent: second childdirectly measured
cf09b115Current partner biological parent: third childdirectly measured
cf09b116Current partner biological parent: fourth childdirectly measured
cf09b117Current partner biological parent: fifth childdirectly measured
cf09b118Current partner biological parent: sixth childdirectly measured
cf09b119Current partner biological parent: seventh childdirectly measured
cf09b120Current partner biological parent: eighth childdirectly measured
cf09b121Current partner biological parent: ninth childdirectly measured
cf09b122Current partner biological parent: tenth childdirectly measured
cf09b123Current partner biological parent: eleventh childdirectly measured
cf09b124Current partner biological parent: twelfth childdirectly measured
cf09b125Current partner biological parent: thirteenth childdirectly measured
cf09b126Current partner biological parent: fourteenth childdirectly measured
cf09b127Current partner biological parent: fifteenth childdirectly measured
cf09b128Do you think you will have children in the future?directly measured
cf09b129How many children do you think you will have in the future?directly measured
cf09b130Within how many years do you hope to have your (first-next) child?directly measured
cf09b407Do you consider yourself as childless by choice, or would you have liked to have children?directly measured
cf09b408Do you consider it a loss not having had children, or does it not matter much, or are you content with it?directly measured
cf09b131Did you receive any help from your father over the past 3 months in doing household work, such as preparing food, cleaning, grocery shopping, or doing the laundry?directly measured
cf09b132Did you receive any help from your mother over the past 3 months in doing household work, such as preparing food, cleaning, grocery shopping, or doing the laundry?directly measured
cf09b133Did you receive any help from your father over the past 3 months in tending to the children, such as child- or babysitting, caring or transport?directly measured
cf09b134Did you receive any help from your mother over the past 3 months in tending to the children, such as child- or babysitting, caring or transport?directly measured
cf09b135Did you receive any help from your father over the past 3 months in practical matters, such as odd jobs around the house, borrowing things, being taken somewhere, or transporting things?directly measured
cf09b136Did you receive any help from your mother over the past 3 months in practical matters, such as odd jobs around the house, borrowing things, being taken somewhere, or transporting things?directly measured
cf09b137Did you receive any valuable items or a sum of money from your father, over the past 12 months?directly measured
cf09b138Did you receive any valuable items or a sum of money from your mother, over the past 12 months?directly measured
cf09b139Did you receive any valuable items or a sum of money from your father and your mother, over the past 12 months?directly measured
cf09b140Did that sum amount to more or to less than 500 euros? - your fatherdirectly measured
cf09b141Did that sum amount to more or to less than 500 euros? - your motherdirectly measured
cf09b142Did that sum amount to more or to less than 500 euros? - your father and mother togetherdirectly measured
cf09b143Has your father displayed any interest in your personal life, over the past 3 months?directly measured
cf09b144Has your mother displayed any interest in your personal life, over the past 3 months?directly measured
cf09b145Did you receive any counsel or advice from your father, over the past 3 months?directly measured
cf09b146Did you receive any counsel or advice from your mother, over the past 3 months?directly measured
cf09b147Did you provide any help to your father over the past 3 months in doing household work, such as preparing food, cleaning, grocery shopping, or doing the laundry?directly measured
cf09b148Did you provide any help to your mother over the past 3 months in doing household work, such as preparing food, cleaning, grocery shopping, or doing the laundry?directly measured
cf09b149Did you provide any help to your father over the past 3 months in practical matters, such as odd jobs around the house, borrowing things, being taken somewhere, or transporting things?directly measured
cf09b150Did you provide any help to your mother over the past 3 months in practical matters, such as odd jobs around the house, borrowing things, being taken somewhere, or transporting things?directly measured
cf09b151Did you give any valuable items or a sum of money to your father, over the past 12 months?directly measured
cf09b152Did you give any valuable items or a sum of money to your mother, over the past 12 months?directly measured
cf09b153Did you give any valuable items or a sum of money to your father and mother together, over the past 12 months?directly measured
cf09b154Did that sum amount to more or to less than 500 euros? - your fatherdirectly measured
cf09b155Did that sum amount to more or to less than 500 euros? - your motherdirectly measured
cf09b156Did that sum amount to more or to less than 500 euros? - your father and your mother togetherdirectly measured
cf09b157Did you display any interest in the personal life of your father, over the past 3 months?directly measured
cf09b158Did you display any interest in the personal life of your mother, over the past 3 months?directly measured
cf09b159Did you give any counsel or advice to your father over the past 3 months?directly measured
cf09b160Did you give any counsel or advice to your mother over the past 3 months?directly measured
cf09b161How would you describe your overall relationship with your mother?directly measured
cf09b162How would you describe your overall relationship with your father?directly measured
cf09b163Are the friends that you have mainly your own friends, or are they mainly friends that you share with your partner?directly measured
cf09b164How often per week does it happen, generally speaking, that you engage in some activity in your leisure time, without your partner?directly measured
cf09b165How often per week does it happen, generally speaking, that your partner engages in some activity in his or her leisure time, without you?directly measured
cf09b166How satisfied are you with your situation as a single?directly measured
cf09b180How satisfied are you with your current relationship?directly measured
cf09b181How satisfied are you with your family life?directly measured
cf09b182Can you indicate whether you and your partner had any differences of opinion regarding the following issues, over the past year? - money expendituredirectly measured
cf09b183Can you indicate whether you and your partner had any differences of opinion regarding the following issues, over the past year? - raising the childrendirectly measured
cf09b184Can you indicate whether you and your partner had any differences of opinion regarding the following issues, over the past year? - who does what in terms of household workdirectly measured
cf09b185Can you indicate whether you and your partner had any differences of opinion regarding the following issues, over the past year? - leisure time expendituredirectly measured
cf09b186Can you indicate whether you and your partner had any differences of opinion regarding the following issues, over the past year? - working (too much)directly measured
cf09b187How is the household work divided between you and your partner? - preparing fooddirectly measured
cf09b188How is the household work divided between you and your partner? - laundry, ironingdirectly measured
cf09b189How is the household work divided between you and your partner? - house cleaningdirectly measured
cf09b190How is the household work divided between you and your partner? - odd jobs in and around the housedirectly measured
cf09b191How is the household work divided between you and your partner? - financial administrationdirectly measured
cf09b192How is the household work divided between you and your partner? - grocery shoppingdirectly measured
cf09b193Did your eldest living-at-home child help with the following household tasks, over the past week? - preparing fooddirectly measured
cf09b194Did your eldest living-at-home child help with the following household tasks, over the past week? - laundry, ironingdirectly measured
cf09b195Did your eldest living-at-home child help with the following household tasks, over the past week? - house cleaningdirectly measured
cf09b196Did your eldest living-at-home child help with the following household tasks, over the past week? - odd jobs in and around the housedirectly measured
cf09b197Did your eldest living-at-home child help with the following household tasks, over the past week? - grocery shoppingdirectly measured
cf09b198How have you and your partner arranged the work of raising and caring for the children? - storyreading, playing games, other forms of playdirectly measured
cf09b199How have you and your partner arranged the work of raising and caring for the children? - bringing to/fetching from daycare or school, attending sports activities, clubs, etc.directly measured
cf09b200How have you and your partner arranged the work of raising and caring for the children? - talking about problems in school or about mannersdirectly measured
cf09b201How have you and your partner arranged the work of raising and caring for the children? - small outings, as to the cinema, zoo, etc.directly measured
cf09b202Below we list a number of care-related tasks. Can you indicate which of you performs these, you or your partner? - changing diapersdirectly measured
cf09b203Below we list a number of care-related tasks. Can you indicate which of you performs these, you or your partner? - getting up from bed during the nightdirectly measured
cf09b204Below we list a number of care-related tasks. Can you indicate which of you performs these, you or your partner? - washing the childdirectly measured
cf09b205Below we list a number of care-related tasks. Can you indicate which of you performs these, you or your partner? - taking the child to the doctor when unwelldirectly measured
cf09b206Below we list a number of care-related tasks. Can you indicate which of you performs these, you or your partner? - staying at home with the child when unwelldirectly measured
cf09b207In the period that your children were younger than 12 years old, did you and your current partner mostly care for the children together?directly measured
cf09b208How did you and your partner arrange the work of raising and caring for the children? - storyreading, playing games, other forms of playdirectly measured
cf09b209How did you and your partner arrange the work of raising and caring for the children? - bringing to/fetching from daycare or school, attending sports activities, clubs, etc.directly measured
cf09b210How did you and your partner arrange the work of raising and caring for the children? - talking about problems in school or about mannersdirectly measured
cf09b211How did you and your partner arrange the work of raising and caring for the children? - small outings, as to the cinema, zoo, etc.directly measured
cf09b212In the period that your children were younger than 4 years old, did you and your current partner mostly care for the children together?directly measured
cf09b213Below we list a number of care-related tasks. Can you indicate which of you performs these, you or your partner? This concerns the period in which the children were younger than 4 years old. - changing diapersdirectly measured
cf09b214Below we list a number of care-related tasks. Can you indicate which of you performs these, you or your partner? This concerns the period in which the children were younger than 4 years old. - getting up from bed during the nightdirectly measured
cf09b215Below we list a number of care-related tasks. Can you indicate which of you performs these, you or your partner? This concerns the period in which the children were younger than 4 years old. - washing the childdirectly measured
cf09b216Below we list a number of care-related tasks. Can you indicate which of you performs these, you or your partner? This concerns the period in which the children were younger than 4 years old. - taking the child to the doctor when unwelldirectly measured
cf09b217Below we list a number of care-related tasks. Can you indicate which of you performs these, you or your partner? This concerns the period in which the children were younger than 4 years old. - staying at home with the child when unwelldirectly measured
cf09b409Today there is too much emphasis on children being obedient / Parents today too often let children do what they want to dodirectly measured
cf09b410Children need more freedom to make their own decisions than they have at present / Children need more supervision from their parents than they have at present.directly measured
cf09b411I find it more important than most of the parents I know that my child obeys me / I find it less important than most of the parents I know that my child obeys medirectly measured
cf09b412I try to stop my child from making mistakes by imposing rules in his/her own best interest / I try to allow my child the freedom to make mistakes and to learn from them.directly measured
cf09b413If you impose too many rules on children, they will grow up to be dissatisfied adults / It is important to set rules and make children keep those rules, so that they will grow up to be satisfied adultsdirectly measured
cf09b218How much do you know about: who your child's friends aredirectly measured
cf09b219How much do you know about: who the parents of your child's friends aredirectly measured
cf09b220How much do you know about: what your child spends his/her money ondirectly measured
cf09b221How much do you know about: where your child is after school hoursdirectly measured
cf09b222How much do you know about: where your child goes when he/she goes outdirectly measured
cf09b223How much do you know about: what your child does in his/her leisure timedirectly measured
cf09b224How much do you know about: what grades your child gets in schooldirectly measured
cf09b225Behavior of your child over the past three months: your child is too quarrelsomedirectly measured
cf09b226Behavior of your child over the past three months: your child has trouble concentrating, cannot keep his/her attention focused on something for longdirectly measured
cf09b227Behavior of your child over the past three months: your child is easily confused, seems to have trouble understanding thingsdirectly measured
cf09b228Behavior of your child over the past three months: your child has trouble relating to other childrendirectly measured
cf09b229Behavior of your child over the past three months: your child feels worthless or inferiordirectly measured
cf09b230Behavior of your child over the past three months: your child is not liked by other childrendirectly measured
cf09b231Behavior of your child over the past three months: your child is headstrong, sullen or irritabledirectly measured
cf09b232Behavior of your child over the past three months: your child is unhappy, sad or depresseddirectly measured
cf09b233Behavior of your child over the past three months: your child clings to adultsdirectly measured
cf09b234Behavior of your child over the past three months: your child is too dependent on othersdirectly measured
cf09b235Behavior of your child over the past three months: your child is disobedient in schooldirectly measured
cf09b236Behavior of your child over the past three months: your child has trouble relating to teachersdirectly measured
cf09b237If you would like to explain your answers concerning your child's behavior, please use the space below.directly measured
cf09b238For your living-at-home children born from 2004 onwards, do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options? - toddler playgroup, nursery schooldirectly measured
cf09b239For your living-at-home children born from 2004 onwards, do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options? - child daycare center ('kindergarten' – also half-day childcare)directly measured
cf09b240For your living-at-home children born from 2004 onwards, do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options? - pre-school childcaredirectly measured
cf09b241For your living-at-home children born from 2004 onwards, do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options? - after-school childcaredirectly measured
cf09b242For your living-at-home children born from 2004 onwards, do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options? - host parent where the child goes to (arranged through a host parent agency)directly measured
cf09b243For your living-at-home children born from 2004 onwards, do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options? - paid childsitter, where the child goes todirectly measured
cf09b244For your living-at-home children born from 2004 onwards, do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options? - paid childsitter, that comes to your homedirectly measured
cf09b245For your living-at-home children born from 2004 onwards, do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options? - unpaid childsitter (for instance family/friends/neighbors/acquaintances)directly measured
cf09b246For your living-at-home children born from 2004 onwards, do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options? - other childcaredirectly measured
cf09b247For your living-at-home children born from 2004 onwards, do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options? - no, no childcaredirectly measured
cf09b248Who is generally this unpaid childsitter?directly measured
cf09b249How many part-days per week do you make use of this childcare, in total?directly measured
cf09b250How many hours per week do you make use of this childcare, in total?directly measured
cf09b251How much do you pay per month, in total, for the childcare?directly measured
cf09b252Does child 1 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend school?directly measured
cf09b253Does child 2 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend school?directly measured
cf09b254Does child 3 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend school?directly measured
cf09b255Does child 4 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend school?directly measured
cf09b256Does child 5 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend school?directly measured
cf09b257Does child 6 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend school?directly measured
cf09b258Does child 7 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend school?directly measured
cf09b259Does child 8 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend school?directly measured
cf09b260Does child 9 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend school?directly measured
cf09b261Does child 10 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend school?directly measured
cf09b262Does child 11 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend school?directly measured
cf09b263Does child 12 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend school?directly measured
cf09b264Does child 13 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend school?directly measured
cf09b265Does child 14 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend school?directly measured
cf09b266Does child 15 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend school?directly measured
cf09b267What school does child 1 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend?directly measured
cf09b268What school does child 2 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend?directly measured
cf09b269What school does child 3 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend?directly measured
cf09b270What school does child 4 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend?directly measured
cf09b271What school does child 5 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend?directly measured
cf09b272What school does child 6 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend?directly measured
cf09b273What school does child 7 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend?directly measured
cf09b274What school does child 8 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend?directly measured
cf09b275What school does child 9 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend?directly measured
cf09b276What school does child 10 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend?directly measured
cf09b277What school does child 11 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend?directly measured
cf09b278What school does child 12 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend?directly measured
cf09b279What school does child 13 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend?directly measured
cf09b280What school does child 14 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend?directly measured
cf09b281What school does child 15 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) attend?directly measured
cf09b282What is the denominational nature or direction of the school of child 1 (born in the years 1990 through 2003)?directly measured
cf09b283What is the denominational nature or direction of the school of child 2 (born in the years 1990 through 2003)?directly measured
cf09b284What is the denominational nature or direction of the school of child 3 (born in the years 1990 through 2003)?directly measured
cf09b285What is the denominational nature or direction of the school of child 4 (born in the years 1990 through 2003)?directly measured
cf09b286What is the denominational nature or direction of the school of child 5 (born in the years 1990 through 2003)?directly measured
cf09b287What is the denominational nature or direction of the school of child 6 (born in the years 1990 through 2003)?directly measured
cf09b288What is the denominational nature or direction of the school of child 7 (born in the years 1990 through 2003)?directly measured
cf09b289What is the denominational nature or direction of the school of child 8 (born in the years 1990 through 2003)?directly measured
cf09b290What is the denominational nature or direction of the school of child 9 (born in the years 1990 through 2003)?directly measured
cf09b291What is the denominational nature or direction of the school of child 10 (born in the years 1990 through 2003)?directly measured
cf09b292What is the denominational nature or direction of the school of child 11 (born in the years 1990 through 2003)?directly measured
cf09b293What is the denominational nature or direction of the school of child 12 (born in the years 1990 through 2003)?directly measured
cf09b294What is the denominational nature or direction of the school of child 13 (born in the years 1990 through 2003)?directly measured
cf09b295What is the denominational nature or direction of the school of child 14 (born in the years 1990 through 2003)?directly measured
cf09b296What is the denominational nature or direction of the school of child 15 (born in the years 1990 through 2003)?directly measured
cf09b297Does the school of child 1 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) have a continuous schedule?directly measured
cf09b298Does the school of child 2 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) have a continuous schedule?directly measured
cf09b299Does the school of child 3 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) have a continuous schedule?directly measured
cf09b300Does the school of child 4 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) have a continuous schedule?directly measured
cf09b301Does the school of child 5 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) have a continuous schedule?directly measured
cf09b302Does the school of child 6 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) have a continuous schedule?directly measured
cf09b303Does the school of child 7 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) have a continuous schedule?directly measured
cf09b304Does the school of child 8 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) have a continuous schedule?directly measured
cf09b305Does the school of child 9 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) have a continuous schedule?directly measured
cf09b306Does the school of child 10 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) have a continuous schedule?directly measured
cf09b307Does the school of child 11 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) have a continuous schedule?directly measured
cf09b308Does the school of child 12 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) have a continuous schedule?directly measured
cf09b309Does the school of child 13 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) have a continuous schedule?directly measured
cf09b310Does the school of child 14 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) have a continuous schedule?directly measured
cf09b311Does the school of child 15 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) have a continuous schedule?directly measured
cf09b312Is child 1 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) tended to in school during the lunch break?directly measured
cf09b313Is child 2 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) tended to in school during the lunch break?directly measured
cf09b314Is child 3 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) tended to in school during the lunch break?directly measured
cf09b315Is child 4 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) tended to in school during the lunch break?directly measured
cf09b316Is child 5 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) tended to in school during the lunch break?directly measured
cf09b317Is child 6 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) tended to in school during the lunch break?directly measured
cf09b318Is child 7 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) tended to in school during the lunch break?directly measured
cf09b319Is child 8 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) tended to in school during the lunch break?directly measured
cf09b320Is child 9 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) tended to in school during the lunch break?directly measured
cf09b321Is child 10 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) tended to in school during the lunch break?directly measured
cf09b322Is child 11 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) tended to in school during the lunch break?directly measured
cf09b323Is child 12 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) tended to in school during the lunch break?directly measured
cf09b324Is child 13 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) tended to in school during the lunch break?directly measured
cf09b325Is child 14 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) tended to in school during the lunch break?directly measured
cf09b326Is child 15 (born in the years 1990 through 2003) tended to in school during the lunch break?directly measured
cf09b327Do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options for your living-at-home children born from 1995 onwards? - pre-school childcaredirectly measured
cf09b328Do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options for your living-at-home children born from 1995 onwards? - after-school childcaredirectly measured
cf09b329Do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options for your living-at-home children born from 1995 onwards? - between-school childcaredirectly measured
cf09b330Do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options for your living-at-home children born from 1995 onwards? - host parent where the child goes to (arranged through a host parent agency)directly measured
cf09b331Do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options for your living-at-home children born from 1995 onwards? - paid childsitter, where the child goes todirectly measured
cf09b332Do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options for your living-at-home children born from 1995 onwards? - paid childsitter, that comes to your homedirectly measured
cf09b333Do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options for your living-at-home children born from 1995 onwards? - unpaid childcare (for instance family/friends/neighbors/acquaintances)directly measured
cf09b334Do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options for your living-at-home children born from 1995 onwards? - other childcaredirectly measured
cf09b335Do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options for your living-at-home children born from 1995 onwards? - no childcaredirectly measured
cf09b336Who is generally this unpaid childsitter?directly measured
cf09b337How many part-days per week do you make use of this childcare, in total?directly measured
cf09b338How many hours per week do you make use of this childcare, in total?directly measured
cf09b339How much do you pay in total for the childcare of your living-at-home children born from 1995 onwards that do not attend secondary school?directly measured
cf09b340Please indicate whether child 1 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attends school full-time, part-time, or not at all.directly measured
cf09b341Please indicate whether child 2 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attends school full-time, part-time, or not at all.directly measured
cf09b342Please indicate whether child 3 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attends school full-time, part-time, or not at all.directly measured
cf09b343Please indicate whether child 4 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attends school full-time, part-time, or not at all.directly measured
cf09b344Please indicate whether child 5 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attends school full-time, part-time, or not at all.directly measured
cf09b345Please indicate whether child 6 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attends school full-time, part-time, or not at all.directly measured
cf09b346Please indicate whether child 7 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attends school full-time, part-time, or not at all.directly measured
cf09b347Please indicate whether child 8 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attends school full-time, part-time, or not at all.directly measured
cf09b348Please indicate whether child 9 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attends school full-time, part-time, or not at all.directly measured
cf09b349Please indicate whether child 10 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attends school full-time, part-time, or not at all.directly measured
cf09b350Please indicate whether child 11 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attends school full-time, part-time, or not at all.directly measured
cf09b351Please indicate whether child 12 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attends school full-time, part-time, or not at all.directly measured
cf09b352Please indicate whether child 13 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attends school full-time, part-time, or not at all.directly measured
cf09b353Please indicate whether child 14 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attends school full-time, part-time, or not at all.directly measured
cf09b354Please indicate whether child 15 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attends school full-time, part-time, or not at all.directly measured
cf09b355What type of school does child 1 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attend?directly measured
cf09b356What type of school does child 2 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attend?directly measured
cf09b357What type of school does child 3 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attend?directly measured
cf09b358What type of school does child 4 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attend?directly measured
cf09b359What type of school does child 5 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attend?directly measured
cf09b360What type of school does child 6 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attend?directly measured
cf09b361What type of school does child 7 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attend?directly measured
cf09b362What type of school does child 8 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attend?directly measured
cf09b363What type of school does child 9 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attend?directly measured
cf09b364What type of school does child 10 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attend?directly measured
cf09b365What type of school does child 11 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attend?directly measured
cf09b366What type of school does child 12 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attend?directly measured
cf09b367What type of school does child 13 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attend?directly measured
cf09b368What type of school does child 14 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attend?directly measured
cf09b369What type of school does child 15 (born from 1990 onwards and no longer attend primary school) attend?directly measured
cf09b370Do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options for your living-at-home children born from 1990 onwards? - after-school childcaredirectly measured
cf09b371Maakt u voor uw thuiswonende kinderen geboren vanaf 1990 die niet naar de basisschool gaan gebruik van naschoolse opvang?directly measured
cf09b372Do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options for your living-at-home children born from 1990 onwards? - host parent, where the child goes to (arranged through a host parent agency)directly measured
cf09b373Do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options for your living-at-home children born from 1990 onwards? - paid childsitter, where the child goes todirectly measured
cf09b374Do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options for your living-at-home children born from 1990 onwards? - paid childsitter, that comes to your homedirectly measured
cf09b375Do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options for your living-at-home children born from 1990 onwards? - unpaid childsitter (for instance family/friends/neighbors/acquaintances)directly measured
cf09b376Do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options for your living-at-home children born from 1990 onwards? - other childcaredirectly measured
cf09b377Do you make regular use, that is at least once a week, of the following childcare options for your living-at-home children born from 1990 onwards? - no childcaredirectly measured
cf09b378Who is generally this unpaid childsitter?directly measured
cf09b379How many part-days per week do you make use of this childcare, in total?directly measured
cf09b380How many hours per week do you make use of this childcare, in total?directly measured
cf09b381How much do you pay in total for the childcare of your living-at-home children born from 1990 onwards that do not attend primary school?directly measured
cf09b382Do you know what the total costs of the childcare are, for all living-at-home children combined?directly measured
cf09b383Do you receive (aside from, possibly, the childcare supplement) a subsidy or for instance a contribution from an employer or other entity, to assist with the costs for the childcare?directly measured
cf09b384What is the total amount of the subsidy and/or the contribution per month, on average (aside from the possible childcare supplement)?directly measured
cf09b385Have you received any childcare supplement from the tax authority?directly measured
cf09b386Do you receive the childcare supplement every month, or did you receive one amount to cover the whole year?directly measured
cf09b387How much childcare supplement did you receive from the tax authority (in march 2008/this year)?directly measured
cf09b414Please indicate how many hours you spend per week on the following housekeeping chores - cooking mealsdirectly measured
cf09b415Please indicate how many hours you spend per week on the following housekeeping chores - doing the laundry, ironingdirectly measured
cf09b416Please indicate how many hours you spend per week on the following housekeeping chores - house cleaningdirectly measured
cf09b417Please indicate how many hours you spend per week on the following housekeeping chores - odd jobs in and around the housedirectly measured
cf09b418Please indicate how many hours you spend per week on the following housekeeping chores - doing the financial administrationdirectly measured
cf09b419Please indicate how many hours you spend per week on the following housekeeping chores - grocery shoppingdirectly measured
cf09b420There are so many housekeeping chores to be done that I often don't have enough time to do them all.directly measured
cf09b421I find it monotonous to do housekeeping work. directly measured
cf09b422I am free to choose when and how I do the housekeeping work.directly measured
cf09b423I find that my housekeeping work gives me stress.directly measured
cf09b424in the area of housekeeping choresdirectly measured
cf09b425in the area of paid workdirectly measured
cf09b426in the area of caring for the childrendirectly measured
cf09b427All in all, caring for my child is not such a burden.directly measured
cf09b428Caring for my child demands too much of me.directly measured
cf09b429Caring for my child is very taxing for me.directly measured
cf09b430Caring for my child costs so much energy, that others (e.g. partner or children) sometimes get too little attention.directly measured
cf09b431My child is very easy to care for.directly measured
cf09b388Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
cf09b389Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
cf09b390Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
cf09b391Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
cf09b392Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
cf09b393Starting date of the questionnaireconstructed
cf09b394Starting time of the questionnaireconstructed
cf09b395End date of the questionnaireconstructed
cf09b396End time of the questionnaireconstructed
cf09b397Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: Family and Household, Wave 2

This questionnaire was administered in Dutch.

Browse Family and Household, Wave 2

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 8,102 (100%)
Nonresponse: 2,390 (29.5%)
Response: 5,712 (70.5%)
Complete: 5,688 (70.2%)
Incomplete: 24 (0.3%)
Collection Events
02-03-2009 to 25-03-2010
panel members aged 16 years or older
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
a reminder was twice sent to the non-respondents

06-04-2009 to 29-04-2009
non-respondents of the first measure
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
a reminder was twice sent to the non-respondents