Family and Household
General Information
Family and Household
Project Number
This survey is part of the LISS Core Study, a longitudinal study delivering a broad range of social core information about the panel members. The questionnaire focuses on family and household.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Study
Changes regarding to the previous wave are specified in the Introduction of the codebook.
List of concepts:
Parental relations, Partnership, Marriage, Marital history, Children, Partnership and childbirth intentions, Infertility, Parental support, Parent support, Quality of relationship, Division of domestic tasks, Perceived burden domestic tasks, Perceived burden child care, Perceived fairness division tasks, Child education: Supervision, Childcare
List of concepts:
Parental relations, Partnership, Marriage, Marital history, Children, Partnership and childbirth intentions, Infertility, Parental support, Parent support, Quality of relationship, Division of domestic tasks, Perceived burden domestic tasks, Perceived burden child care, Perceived fairness division tasks, Child education: Supervision, Childcare
Marije Oudejans (Centerdata)
© 2021 Centerdata
List of Measures
Please select a wave to access the metadata and download datasets for that wave.
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Wave
Relationships Between Fathers and Adult Children: The Cumulative Effects of Divorce and Repartnering Journal of Family Issues XX(X) 1–23, published online 17 July 2013; Kalmijn, M.
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Depressed feelings after trauma Tilburg University; Heijmans, R.
Ambition effects on the marriage market outcomes: a gender comparison study ; Kalmaitytė, Barbora
Family characteristics and entrepreneurship among immigrants in the Netherlands Master thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus School of Economics; Grigorian, A.A.
Partner relationship quality under pressing work conditions Radboud University Nijmegen; Blom, N.
Opening the black box of joint household production: Child welfare and parental leisure Working paper, first published online March 7, 2019; Cosaert, S.,
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Temporary employment of first-generation migrants in the Netherlands Leiden University; Boffi, G.
Three facets of planning and postponement of parenthood in the Netherlands Demographic Research, 43(23), 659–672; Verweij, R.,
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Household consumption when the marriage is stable American Economic Review, 107(6), 1507-1534; Cherchye, L.,
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Guilt in adult mother–child relationships: Connections to intergenerational ambivalence and support Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 75(4), 879–888; Kalmijn, M.
Couples’ job insecurity and relationship satisfaction in the Netherlands Journal of Marriage and Family, 82(3), 875-891; Blom, N.,
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Feelings of guilt in the family: The case of divorced parents In D. Mortelmans (Eds.) Divorce in Europe. European Studies of Population (pp. 271-289); Kalmijn, M.
Economic insecurity and populist radical right voting Radboud University; Sipma, T.
Family-work conflict and its implication for job performance in the Dutch health care sector Utrecht University; Marsen, L.
Gender Norms and the Labour Market Participation of Dutch Women Maastricht University; Kerkhofs, P.
Een verkenning naar de preventieve inzet van familieondersteuning voor radicaal- en extreemrechtse jongeren Utrecht University; Schoenmaeckers, M.
Girl power! Laughing all the way to the bank Leiden University; van Dijk, J.
Het effect van subjectief welzijn op inkomen Erasmus University Rotterdam; van den Berg, M.
Does it pay to be gay? The sexual orientation wage gap in the Netherlands Erasmus University Rotterdam; Schuitemaker, B.
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Vertrouwen in instituties vormt het politiek participeren University of Groningen; de Witte, F.
Politiek leiden of lijden? University of Groningen; Spoor, D.
Door kennis meer invloed? University of Groningen; Vissers, A.
The asymmetric relationship between smoking and sleep: Longitudinal findings from Dutch panel data Population Medicine, 3(26), 1-5; Doornenbal, B. M.,
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Daughters and divorce The Economic Journal, 131(637), 2144–2170; Kabátek, J.,
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Daughters, sons and gender role attitudes: Reverse socialization? University of Vienna; Graf, E.
Satisfying singlehood as a function of age and cohort: Satisfaction with being single increases with age after midlife Psychology and Aging, 37(5), 626–636; Park, Y.,
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The wage penalty for informal caregivers from a life course perspective Advances in Life Course Research, 53, 1-10; Raiber, K.,
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The difference in labor supply between partnered people and singles: Selection or specialization. Tilburg University; Lourens, Y.
Unequal homes, unequal wellbeing Utrecht University; Blekkink, W.
Traditional or egalitarian? Parenthood, gender attitudes, and part-time work among Dutch men Erasmus University Rotterdam; Schut, J.
Higher education level, higher gender equality in the division of care tasks? Utrecht University; van Egmond, E.
Spillover effects of old-age pension across generations: Family labor supply and child outcomes CESifo, Working paper No. 9813; Kaufmann, K.,
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Determinants of singlehood satisfaction Michigan State University; Oh, J.
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A mega-analysis of personality predictions: Robustness and boundary conditions Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 122(3), 523–553; Beck, E. D.,
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Informal volunteering and socialization effects: Examining modelling and encouragement by parents and partner VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 33(2), 347–361; Ramaekers, M. J. M.,
et al.
A remote revolution? The influence of remote working arrangements on the gendered labor supply in the Netherlands Leiden University; Geerdink, B.
The working hour mismatch and job satisfaction. Gender differences and the role of children University of Groningen; Huizen, W.
Can survey item characteristics relevant to measurement error be coded reliably? A case study on 11 Dutch general population surveys Sociological Methods & Research, 48(2), 263-295; Bais, F.,
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Constructing behaviour profiles for answer behaviour across surveys Utrecht University; Bais, F.
Is undesirable answer behaviour consistent across surveys? An investigation into respondent characteristics Survey Methodology, 48(1), 191-224; Bais, F.,
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Parental childcare with process benefits Economica, 90(357), 339–371; Cosaert, S.,
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Dutch households and sustainable home improvements Tilburg University; de Bruin, G.
Informal caregivers and life satisfaction: Empirical evidence from the Netherlands Journal of Happiness Studies, first published online May 8, 2023; Blaise, M.,
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De relatie tussen de transitie naar het ouderschap en zelfvertrouwen: De rol van relatiekwaliteit Tilburg University; van Wijk, E. J. M.
Christelijke vrouwen op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt Erasmus University Rotterdam; Koning, C.
Living space size and well-being Erasmus University Rotterdam; Weekenborg, B.
The effects of an increase in paternity leave on household work division VU Amsterdam; Fontanelli, L.
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Economies of scope in data aggregation: Evidence from health data TILEC, Discussion Paper No. 020, 2022
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Togetherness in the household American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 15(1), 529-579; Cosaert, S.,
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COVID-19 pandemic impact on urban-rural differences in behavioral determinants of health Erasmus University Rotterdam; van der Stelt, L.
The role of social participation in promoting mental health: Exploring the benefits of social support networks Utrecht University; van der Molen, N.
Stable marriage, children, and intrahousehold allocations First published online February 20, 2023; Freer, M.,
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Societal pessimism and the transition to parenthood: A future too bleak to have children? Population and Development Review, first published online 21 March, 2024; Ivanova, K.,
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Association between life satisfaction and smoking behavior in the Netherlands Leiden University; Meershoek, N.
Do changes in personality predict life outcomes? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology:
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The associations between life events and person-centered personality consistency Journal of Personality, 92(1), 162–179; Wright, A. J.,
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Longitudinal within-person variability around personality trajectories Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, first published online 2024; Wright, A. J.,
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Community as a socioeconomic safety net? Erasmus University Rotterdam; Clerkx, N.
The dynamics of remote work: Productivity and work-life balance before, during, and after COVID-19 Erasmus University Rotterdam; Huizenga, J.
The impact of mental health on income University of Groningen; Dijkstra, L.
The effect of graphic warning labels on tobacco packages Erasmus University Rotterdam; Chazan, A.
The association between loneliness and financial well-being: mixed econometric findings Erasmus University Rotterdam; Kroezen, A.
From silence to support: Predictors of victimisation disclosure among LGBA+ people in the Netherlands Utrecht University; Melse, M.
Pouring love Tilburg University; van Mierlo, A.
Part-time parental leave and life satisfaction: Evidence from the Netherlands Applied Research in Quality of Life, 18(5), 1-23; Dillenseger, L.,
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Household fertility forecasting in the Netherlands: Data-driven predictions Utrecht University; Haverhoek, V.
How social support can influence pro-social neighbourly acts, across ages Utrecht University; Sarač, D.
Predicting fertility (as a part of the PreFer data challenge) Utrecht University; Chakroun, N.
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From insecurity to hate exploring the impact of aversion to change on prejudiced sentiments among young males: How different are they Tilburg University; Hermans, M.
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