Social Integration and Leisure > Wave 3
Longitudinal Wave
General Information
Wave 3
Project Number
This is the third wave of the LISS Core Study module called 'Social Integration and Leisure'.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Marika de Bruijne (CentERdata)
© 2009 CentERdata
Funding Organization
MESS Project
MESS Project
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook, in English
Codebook, in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of household member encrypted | preloaded |
cs10c_m | Year and month of field work period | constructed |
cs10c001 | How satisfied are you with the amount of leisure time that you have? | directly measured |
cs10c002 | How satisfied are you with the way in which you spend your leisure time? | directly measured |
cs10c003 | a sports club or club for outdoor activities, no connection | directly measured |
cs10c004 | a sports club or club for outdoor activities, donated money | directly measured |
cs10c005 | a sports club or club for outdoor activities, participated in an activity | directly measured |
cs10c006 | a sports club or club for outdoor activities, member | directly measured |
cs10c007 | a sports club or club for outdoor activities, performed voluntary work | directly measured |
cs10c008 | a cultural association or hobby club, no connection | directly measured |
cs10c009 | a cultural association or hobby club, donated money | directly measured |
cs10c010 | a cultural association or hobby club, participated in an activity | directly measured |
cs10c011 | a cultural association or hobby club, member | directly measured |
cs10c012 | a cultural association or hobby club, performed voluntary work | directly measured |
cs10c013 | a trade union, no connection | directly measured |
cs10c014 | a trade union, donated money | directly measured |
cs10c015 | a trade union, participated in an activity | directly measured |
cs10c016 | a trade union, member | directly measured |
cs10c017 | a trade union, performed voluntary work | directly measured |
cs10c018 | a business, professional or agrarian organization, no connection | directly measured |
cs10c019 | a business, professional or agrarian organization, donated money | directly measured |
cs10c020 | a business, professional or agrarian organization, participated in an activity | directly measured |
cs10c021 | a business, professional or agrarian organization, member | directly measured |
cs10c022 | a business, professional or agrarian organization, performed voluntary work | directly measured |
cs10c023 | a consumers’ organization or automobile club, no connection | directly measured |
cs10c024 | a consumers’ organization or automobile club, donated money | directly measured |
cs10c025 | a consumers’ organization or automobile club, participated in an activity | directly measured |
cs10c026 | a consumers’ organization or automobile club, member | directly measured |
cs10c027 | a consumers’ organization or automobile club, performed voluntary work | directly measured |
cs10c028 | an organization for humanitarian aid, human rights, minorities or migrants, no connection | directly measured |
cs10c029 | an organization for humanitarian aid, human rights, minorities or migrants, donated money | directly measured |
cs10c030 | an organization for humanitarian aid, human rights, minorities or migrants, participated in an activity | directly measured |
cs10c031 | an organization for humanitarian aid, human rights, minorities or migrants, lid | directly measured |
cs10c032 | an organization for humanitarian aid, human rights, minorities or migrants, performed voluntary work | directly measured |
cs10c033 | an organization for environmental protection, peace organization or animal rights organization, no connection | directly measured |
cs10c034 | an organization for environmental protection, peace organization or animal rights organization, donated money | directly measured |
cs10c035 | an organization for environmental protection, peace organization or animal rights organization, participated in an activity | directly measured |
cs10c036 | an organization for environmental protection, peace organization or animal rights organization, member | directly measured |
cs10c037 | an organization for environmental protection, peace organization or animal rights organization, performed voluntary work | directly measured |
cs10c038 | a religious or church organization, no connection | directly measured |
cs10c039 | a religious or church organization, donated money | directly measured |
cs10c040 | a religious or church organization, participated in an activity | directly measured |
cs10c041 | a religious or church organization, member | directly measured |
cs10c042 | a religious or church organization, performed voluntary work | directly measured |
cs10c043 | a political party, no connection | directly measured |
cs10c044 | a political party, donated money | directly measured |
cs10c045 | a political party, participated in an activity | directly measured |
cs10c046 | a political party, member | directly measured |
cs10c047 | a political party, performed voluntary work | directly measured |
cs10c048 | a science, education, teachers’ or parents’ association; no connection | directly measured |
cs10c049 | a science, education, teachers’ or parents’ association; donated money | directly measured |
cs10c050 | a science, education, teachers’ or parents’ association; participated in an activity | directly measured |
cs10c051 | a science, education, teachers’ or parents’ association; member | directly measured |
cs10c052 | a science, education, teachers’ or parents’ association; performed voluntary work | directly measured |
cs10c053 | a social society; an association for youth, pensioners/senior citizens, women; or friends’ clubs: no connection | directly measured |
cs10c054 | a social society; an association for youth, pensioners/senior citizens, women; or friends’ clubs: donated money | directly measured |
cs10c055 | a social society; an association for youth, pensioners/senior citizens, women; or friends’ clubs: participated in an activity | directly measured |
cs10c056 | a social society; an association for youth, pensioners/senior citizens, women; or friends’ clubs: member | directly measured |
cs10c057 | a social society; an association for youth, pensioners/senior citizens, women; or friends’ clubs: performed voluntary work | directly measured |
cs10c058 | other organizations that you can freely join: no connection | directly measured |
cs10c059 | other organizations that you can freely join: donated money | directly measured |
cs10c060 | other organizations that you can freely join: participated in an activity | directly measured |
cs10c061 | other organizations that you can freely join: member | directly measured |
cs10c062 | other organizations that you can freely join: performed voluntary work | directly measured |
cs10c063 | Did you perform any informal care over the past 12 months? | directly measured |
cs10c064 | How were you related to this person? The person to whom I provided informal care over the past 12 months was my: | directly measured |
cs10c065 | How were you related to this person? The person to whom I provided informal care over the past 12 months was my: | directly measured |
cs10c066 | How many hours of informal care did you provide per week, on average? | directly measured |
cs10c067 | housekeeping help (e.g. cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping) | directly measured |
cs10c068 | personal care (e.g. bathing, showering, dressing) | directly measured |
cs10c069 | personal support (e.g. arranging affairs, offering solace, listening) | directly measured |
cs10c070 | Did you personally receive informal care over the past 12 months on account of a disease or other affliction? | directly measured |
cs10c071 | How were you related to this person? …The person from whom I received informal care over the past 12 months was my: | directly measured |
cs10c072 | How were you related to this person? The person from whom I received informal care over the past 12 months was my: | directly measured |
cs10c073 | How many hours of help did you receive per week, on average? | directly measured |
cs10c074 | housekeeping help (e.g. cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping) | directly measured |
cs10c075 | personal care (e.g. bathing, showering, dressing) | directly measured |
cs10c076 | personal support (e.g. arranging affairs, offering solace, listening) | directly measured |
cs10c077 | Did you perform any other voluntary work over the past 12 months, other than indicated above? | directly measured |
cs10c078 | What kind of voluntary work did you perform? | directly measured |
cs10c079 | Considered all together, how much time do you spend on voluntary work per week, on average? (including hours that you possibly spend on informal care) | directly measured |
cs10c080 | a theatre performance | directly measured |
cs10c081 | a cabaret performance | directly measured |
cs10c082 | a concert of classical music | directly measured |
cs10c083 | an opera or operetta | directly measured |
cs10c084 | a concert of popular music, pop, jazz, musical or pop opera | directly measured |
cs10c085 | a 'dance' event, houseparty | directly measured |
cs10c086 | a ballet performance | directly measured |
cs10c087 | the cinema | directly measured |
cs10c088 | a film house | directly measured |
cs10c089 | an art gallery | directly measured |
cs10c090 | a museum | directly measured |
cs10c091 | a theatre performance | directly measured |
cs10c092 | a cabaret performance | directly measured |
cs10c093 | a concert of classical music | directly measured |
cs10c094 | an opera or operetta | directly measured |
cs10c095 | a concert of popular music, pop, jazz, musical or pop opera | directly measured |
cs10c096 | a 'dance' event, houseparty | directly measured |
cs10c097 | a ballet performance | directly measured |
cs10c098 | the cinema | directly measured |
cs10c099 | a film house | directly measured |
cs10c100 | an art gallery | directly measured |
cs10c101 | a museum | directly measured |
cs10c102 | How often did you take a holiday within the Netherlands over the past 12 months? | directly measured |
cs10c103 | How often did you take a holiday abroad over the past 12 months? | directly measured |
cs10c104 | Do you practice sports? | directly measured |
cs10c105 | How many hours do you spend on sports per week, on average? | directly measured |
cs10c106 | soccer | directly measured |
cs10c107 | hockey | directly measured |
cs10c108 | handball | directly measured |
cs10c109 | volleyball | directly measured |
cs10c110 | badminton | directly measured |
cs10c111 | squash | directly measured |
cs10c112 | gymnastics | directly measured |
cs10c113 | indoor soccer | directly measured |
cs10c114 | jogging/running | directly measured |
cs10c115 | inline skating | directly measured |
cs10c116 | swimming | directly measured |
cs10c117 | tennis | directly measured |
cs10c118 | cycling | directly measured |
cs10c119 | walking | directly measured |
cs10c120 | golf | directly measured |
cs10c121 | fitness | directly measured |
cs10c122 | other sport(s) | directly measured |
cs10c123 | What other sport(s) do you mean? | directly measured |
cs10c124 | How many days do you watch television per week, on average? If you do not watch television, enter a zero (0). | directly measured |
cs10c125 | hours | directly measured |
cs10c126 | minutes | directly measured |
cs10c379 | watching television, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c127 | How many days do you listen to the radio per week, on average? | directly measured |
cs10c128 | listening to the radio, average time expenditure on days that apply: hours | directly measured |
cs10c129 | listening to the radio, average time expenditure on days that apply: minutes | directly measured |
cs10c380 | listening to the radio, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c130 | Did you read one or more books from beginning to end over the past month (30 days), either for study or for pleasure? | directly measured |
cs10c131 | How many books did you read from beginning to end over the past month (30 days), for study or for pleasure? | directly measured |
cs10c132 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: playing a musical instrument | directly measured |
cs10c133 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: singing/choir/singing group | directly measured |
cs10c134 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: small jobs in and around the house | directly measured |
cs10c135 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: model building | directly measured |
cs10c136 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: handicrafts, painting, drawing, clay modeling, ceramics, etc. | directly measured |
cs10c137 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: photography | directly measured |
cs10c138 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: caring for plants/animals | directly measured |
cs10c139 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: handwork | directly measured |
cs10c140 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: watching DVD/video | directly measured |
cs10c141 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: reading | directly measured |
cs10c142 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: collecting stamps | directly measured |
cs10c143 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: collecting other things | directly measured |
cs10c144 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: following a course | directly measured |
cs10c145 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: drama, musical, ballet | directly measured |
cs10c146 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: equestrian sport | directly measured |
cs10c147 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: car/motor sport | directly measured |
cs10c148 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: mechanical work on car, motorcycle | directly measured |
cs10c149 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: card games | directly measured |
cs10c150 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: billiards, pool, snooker, darts | directly measured |
cs10c151 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: pigeons | directly measured |
cs10c152 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: going out, cinema, theatre, dining out, terrace lounging | directly measured |
cs10c153 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: cooking | directly measured |
cs10c154 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: listening to music | directly measured |
cs10c155 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: fishing | directly measured |
cs10c156 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: shopping | directly measured |
cs10c157 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: traveling | directly measured |
cs10c158 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: dancing | directly measured |
cs10c159 | last 12 months, spent time on a regular basis on: boating | directly measured |
cs10c160 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: playing a musical instrument | directly measured |
cs10c161 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: singing/choir/singing group | directly measured |
cs10c162 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: small jobs in and around the house | directly measured |
cs10c163 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: model building | directly measured |
cs10c164 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: handicrafts, painting, drawing, clay modeling, ceramics, etc. | directly measured |
cs10c165 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: photography | directly measured |
cs10c166 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: caring for plants/animals | directly measured |
cs10c167 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: handwork | directly measured |
cs10c168 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: watching DVD/video | directly measured |
cs10c169 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: reading | directly measured |
cs10c170 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: collecting stamps | directly measured |
cs10c171 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: collecting other things | directly measured |
cs10c172 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: following a course | directly measured |
cs10c173 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: drama, musical, ballet | directly measured |
cs10c174 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: equestrian sport | directly measured |
cs10c175 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: car/motor sport | directly measured |
cs10c176 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: mechanical work on car/motorcycle | directly measured |
cs10c177 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: card games | directly measured |
cs10c178 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: billiards, pool, snooker, darts | directly measured |
cs10c179 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: pigeons | directly measured |
cs10c180 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: going out, cinema, theatre, dining out, terrace lounging | directly measured |
cs10c181 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: cooking | directly measured |
cs10c182 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: listening to music | directly measured |
cs10c183 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: fishing | directly measured |
cs10c184 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: shopping | directly measured |
cs10c185 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: dancing' | directly measured |
cs10c186 | average number of days per week that time is spent on: boating' | directly measured |
cs10c187 | playing a musical instrument, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c188 | playing a musical instrument, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c381 | playing a musical instrument, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c189 | singing/choir/singing group, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c190 | singing/choir/singing group, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c382 | singing/choir/singing group, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c191 | small jobs in and around the house, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c192 | small jobs in and around the house, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c383 | small jobs in and around the house, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c193 | model building, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c194 | model building, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c384 | model building, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c195 | handicrafts, painting, drawing, clay modeling,ceramics, etc., average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c196 | handicrafts, painting, drawing, painting, claymodeling, ceramics, etc., average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c385 | handicrafts, painting, drawing, clay modeling, ceramics, etc., average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c197 | photography, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c198 | photography, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c386 | photography, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c199 | caring for plants/animals, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c200 | caring for plants/animals, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c387 | caring for plants/animals, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c201 | handwork, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c202 | handwork, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c388 | handwork, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c203 | watching DVD/video, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c204 | watching DVD/video, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c389 | watching DVD/video, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | directly measured |
cs10c205 | reading, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c206 | reading, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c390 | reading, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c207 | collecting stamps, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c208 | collecting stamps, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c391 | collecting stamps, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c209 | collecting other things, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c210 | collecting other things, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c392 | collecting other things, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c211 | following a course, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c212 | following a course, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c393 | following a course, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c213 | drama, musical, ballet, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c214 | drama, musical, ballet, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c394 | drama, musical, ballet, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c215 | equestrian sport, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c216 | equestrian sport, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c395 | equestrian sport, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c217 | car/motor sport, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c218 | car/motor sport, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c396 | auto/motor sport, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c219 | mechanical work on car/motorcycle, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c220 | mechanical work on car/motorcycle, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c397 | mechanical work on car/motorcycle, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c221 | card games, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c222 | card games, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c398 | card games, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c223 | billiards, pool, snooker, darts, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c224 | billiards, pool, snooker, darts, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c399 | billiards, pool, snooker, darts, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c225 | pigeons, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c226 | pigeons, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c400 | pigeons, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c227 | going out, cinema, theatre, dining out, terrace lounging; average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c228 | going out, cinema, theatre, dining out, terrace lounging; average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c401 | going out, cinema, theatre, dining out, terrace lounging, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c229 | cooking, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c230 | cooking, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c402 | cooking, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c231 | listening to music, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c232 | listening to music, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c403 | listening to music, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c233 | fishing, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c234 | fishing, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c404 | fishing, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c235 | shopping, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c236 | shopping, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c405 | shopping, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c237 | dancing, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c238 | dancing, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c406 | dancing, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c239 | boating, average time expenditure on days that apply, hours | directly measured |
cs10c240 | boating, average time expenditure on days that apply, minutes | directly measured |
cs10c407 | boating, average time expenditure on days that apply, total, in minutes | derived |
cs10c241 | Do you sometimes use a computer, besides when completing the questionnaires of this panel? | directly measured |
cs10c242 | computer use, average number of hours per week: at home | directly measured |
cs10c243 | computer use, average number of hours per week: at work | directly measured |
cs10c244 | computer use, average number of hours per week: in school | directly measured |
cs10c245 | computer use, average number of hours per week: somewhere else (e.g. a community center, Internet café) | directly measured |
cs10c246 | Do you sometimes make use of the Internet, besides when completing the questionnaires of this panel? | directly measured |
cs10c247 | Internet use, average number of hours per week: at home | directly measured |
cs10c248 | Internet use, average number of hours per week: at work | directly measured |
cs10c249 | Internet use, average number of hours per week: in school | directly measured |
cs10c250 | Internet use, average number of hours per week: somewhere else (e.g. a community center, Internet café | directly measured |
cs10c251 | ever spend time on: email | directly measured |
cs10c252 | ever spend time on: searching for information on the Internet (e.g. about hobbies, work, opening hours, daytrips, etc.) | directly measured |
cs10c253 | ever spend time on: searching for and comparing products/product information on the Internet | directly measured |
cs10c254 | ever spend time on: purchasing items via the Internet | directly measured |
cs10c255 | ever spend time on: watching short films (e.g. via YouTube) | directly measured |
cs10c256 | ever spend time on: watching online films or TV programs | directly measured |
cs10c257 | ever spend time on: downloading software | directly measured |
cs10c258 | ever spend time on: downloading music or films | directly measured |
cs10c259 | ever spend time on: visiting gambling sites | directly measured |
cs10c260 | ever spend time on: Internet banking | directly measured |
cs10c261 | ever spend time on: playing Internet games/online gaming | directly measured |
cs10c262 | ever spend time on: reading online news and magazines | directly measured |
cs10c263 | ever spend time on: newsgroups | directly measured |
cs10c264 | ever spend time on: chatting/MSN | directly measured |
cs10c265 | ever spend time on: visiting forums and Internet communities | directly measured |
cs10c266 | ever spend time on: other activities on the Internet | directly measured |
cs10c267 | average number of hours per week spent on: email | directly measured |
cs10c268 | average number of hours per week spent on: searching for information on the Internet (e.g. about hobbies, work, opening hours, daytrips, etc.) | directly measured |
cs10c269 | average number of hours per week spent on: searching for and comparing products/product information on the Internet | directly measured |
cs10c270 | average number of hours per week spent on: purchasing items via the Internet | directly measured |
cs10c271 | average number of hours per week spent on: watching short films (e.g. via YouTube) | directly measured |
cs10c272 | average number of hours per week spent on: watching online films or TV programs | directly measured |
cs10c273 | average number of hours per week spent on: downloading software | directly measured |
cs10c274 | average number of hours per week spent on: downloading music or films | directly measured |
cs10c275 | average number of hours per week spent on: visiting gambling sites | directly measured |
cs10c276 | average number of hours per week spent on: Internet banking | directly measured |
cs10c277 | average number of hours per week spent on: playing Internet games/online gaming | directly measured |
cs10c278 | average number of hours per week spent on: reading online news and magazines | directly measured |
cs10c279 | average number of hours per week spent on: newsgroups | directly measured |
cs10c280 | average number of hours per week spent on: chatting/MSN | directly measured |
cs10c281 | average number of hours per week spent on: visiting forums and Internet communities | directly measured |
cs10c282 | average number of hours per week spent on: other activities on the Internet | directly measured |
cs10c283 | How satisfied are you with your social contacts? | directly measured |
cs10c284 | I have a sense of emptiness around me | directly measured |
cs10c285 | there are enough people I can count on in case of a misfortune | directly measured |
cs10c286 | I know a lot of people that I can fully rely on | directly measured |
cs10c287 | there are enough people to whom I feel closely connected | directly measured |
cs10c288 | I miss having people around me | directly measured |
cs10c289 | I often feel deserted | directly measured |
cs10c290 | How often do you do the following? Spend an evening with family (other than members of your own household) | directly measured |
cs10c291 | How often do you do the following? Spend an evening with someone from the neighborhood | directly measured |
cs10c292 | How often do you do the following? Spend an evening with friends outside your neighborhood | directly measured |
cs10c293 | How often do you do the following? Visit a bar or café | directly measured |
cs10c294 | Name entered for person 1? | derived |
cs10c295 | Name entered for person 2? | derived |
cs10c296 | Name entered for person 3? | derived |
cs10c297 | Name entered for person 4? | derived |
cs10c298 | Name entered for person 5? | derived |
cs10c299 | Are all these people equally dear to you? | directly measured |
cs10c300 | Which of these people are very dear to you? person 1: | directly measured |
cs10c301 | Which of these people are very dear to you? person 2: | directly measured |
cs10c302 | Which of these people are very dear to you? person 3: | directly measured |
cs10c303 | Which of these people are very dear to you? person 4: | directly measured |
cs10c304 | Which of these people are very dear to you? person 5: | directly measured |
cs10c305 | How close are these people to each other? person 1 and person 2: | directly measured |
cs10c306 | How close are these people to each other? person 1 and person 3: | directly measured |
cs10c307 | How close are these people to each other? person 1 and person 4: | directly measured |
cs10c308 | How close are these people to each other? person 1 and person 5: | directly measured |
cs10c309 | How close are these people to each other? person 2 and person 3: | directly measured |
cs10c310 | How close are these people to each other? person 2 and person 4 | directly measured |
cs10c311 | How close are these people to each other? person 2 and person 5: | directly measured |
cs10c312 | How close are these people to each other? person 3 and person 4: | directly measured |
cs10c313 | How close are these people to each other? person 3 and person 5: | directly measured |
cs10c314 | How close are these people to each other? person 4 and person 5: | directly measured |
cs10c315 | What is the gender of person 1? | directly measured |
cs10c316 | What is the gender of person 2? | directly measured |
cs10c317 | What is the gender of person 3? | directly measured |
cs10c318 | What is the gender of person 4? | directly measured |
cs10c319 | What is the gender of person 5? | directly measured |
cs10c320 | Of what origin is person 1? | directly measured |
cs10c321 | How do you do know person 1? He/she is my... | directly measured |
cs10c322 | How do you do know person 1? | directly measured |
cs10c323 | How often do you talk to person 1? | directly measured |
cs10c324 | How often do you discuss political issues with person 1? | directly measured |
cs10c325 | How long have you known person 1? | directly measured |
cs10c326 | What is the highest level of education that person 1 completed? | directly measured |
cs10c327 | Does person 1 work full-time, part-time, or not at all? | directly measured |
cs10c328 | What kind of profession does person 1 have? | directly measured |
cs10c329 | What age is person 1, approximately? | directly measured |
cs10c330 | What is the home situation of person 1? | directly measured |
cs10c331 | Of what origin is person 2? | directly measured |
cs10c332 | How do you do know person 2? He/she is my... | directly measured |
cs10c333 | How do you do know person 2? | directly measured |
cs10c334 | How often do you talk to person 2? | directly measured |
cs10c335 | How often do you discuss political issues with person 2? | directly measured |
cs10c336 | How long have you known person 2? | directly measured |
cs10c337 | What is the highest level of education that person 2 completed? | directly measured |
cs10c338 | Does person 2 work full-time, part-time, or not at all? | directly measured |
cs10c339 | What kind of profession does person 2 have? | directly measured |
cs10c340 | What age is person 2, approximately? | directly measured |
cs10c341 | What is the home situation of person 2? | directly measured |
cs10c342 | Of what origin is person 3? | directly measured |
cs10c343 | How do you do know person 3? He/she is my... | directly measured |
cs10c344 | How do you do know person 3? | directly measured |
cs10c345 | How often do you talk to person 3? | directly measured |
cs10c346 | How often do you discuss political issues with person 3? | directly measured |
cs10c347 | How long have you known person 3? | directly measured |
cs10c348 | What is the highest level of education that person 3 completed? | directly measured |
cs10c349 | Does person 3 work full-time, part-time, or not at all? | directly measured |
cs10c350 | What kind of profession does person 3 have? | directly measured |
cs10c351 | What age is person 3, approximately? | directly measured |
cs10c352 | What is the home situation of person 3? | directly measured |
cs10c353 | Of what origin is person 4? | directly measured |
cs10c354 | How do you do know person 4? He/she is my... | directly measured |
cs10c355 | How do you do know person 4? | directly measured |
cs10c356 | How often do you talk to person 4? | directly measured |
cs10c357 | How often do you discuss political issues with person 4? | directly measured |
cs10c358 | How long have you known person 4? | directly measured |
cs10c359 | What is the highest level of education that person 4 completed? | directly measured |
cs10c360 | Does person 4 work full-time, part-time, or not at all? | directly measured |
cs10c361 | What kind of profession does person 4 have? | directly measured |
cs10c362 | What age is person 4, approximately? | directly measured |
cs10c363 | What is the home situation of person 4? | directly measured |
cs10c364 | Of what origin is person 5? | directly measured |
cs10c365 | How do you do know person 5? He/she is my... | directly measured |
cs10c366 | How do you do know person 5? | directly measured |
cs10c367 | How often do you talk to person 5? | directly measured |
cs10c368 | How often do you discuss political issues with person 5? | directly measured |
cs10c369 | How long have you known person 5? | directly measured |
cs10c370 | What is the highest level of education that person 5 completed? | directly measured |
cs10c371 | Does person 5 work full-time, part-time, or not at all? | directly measured |
cs10c372 | What kind of profession does person 5 have? | directly measured |
cs10c373 | What age is person 5, approximately? | directly measured |
cs10c374 | What is the home situation of person 5? | directly measured |
cs10c410 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
cs10c411 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
cs10c412 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
cs10c413 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
cs10c414 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
cs10c375 | Questionnaire starting date | constructed |
cs10c376 | Questionnaire starting time | constructed |
cs10c377 | Questionnaire end date | constructed |
cs10c378 | Questionnaire end time | constructed |
Questionnaire: Social Integration and Leisure, wave 3
The survey was administered in Dutch.
Browse Social Integration and Leisure, wave 3Response Information
Response Overview
Response:Selected number of household members: 9398 (100%)
(age: 16 years and older)
Nonresponse: 2984 (31.8%)
Response: 6415 (68.3%)
Complete: 5812 (61.8%)
Incomplete: 604 (6.4%)
Collection Events
01-02-2010 to 24-02-2010
panel members aged 16 years and older
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
a reminder was twice sent to nonrespondents
01-03-2010 to 28-03-2010
nonrespondents of the first measurement
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
a reminder was twice sent to nonrespondents