Risk Perception
Single Wave Study
General Information
Risk Perception
Project Number
This questionnaire is about risk perception, trust in the government and expectations about how the government communicates with regard to a terrorist threat.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Marieke Liem, Jessica Sciarone
© 2020 CentERdata
Funding Organization
Leiden University
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of the household member encrypted | preloaded |
pk17a_m | Year and month of the field work period | constructed |
pk17a001 | Position of events in pk17a071 – pk17a078 – which event was in position 1? | constructed |
pk17a002 | Position of events in pk17a071 – pk17a078 – which event was in position 2? | constructed |
pk17a003 | Position of events in pk17a071 – pk17a078 – which event was in position 3? | constructed |
pk17a004 | Position of events in pk17a071 – pk17a078 – which event was in position 4? | constructed |
pk17a005 | Position of events in pk17a071 – pk17a078 – which event was in position 5? | constructed |
pk17a006 | Position of events in pk17a071 – pk17a078 – which event was in position 6? | constructed |
pk17a007 | Position of events in pk17a071 – pk17a078 – which event was in position 7? | constructed |
pk17a008 | Position of events in pk17a071 – pk17a078 – which event was in position 8? | constructed |
pk17a009 | To what extent are you worried that…you or your family might be affected by a terrorist attack? | directly measured |
pk17a010 | To what extent are you worried that…a terrorist attack might happen in your town or city? | directly measured |
pk17a011 | To what extent are you worried that…a terrorist attack might happen somewhere else in the Netherlands? | directly measured |
pk17a012 | To what extent are you worried that…a terrorist attack might happen in another country? | directly measured |
pk17a013 | Which other country or countries do you mean? | directly measured |
pk17a014 | And to what extent are you worried about... the potential consequences of a terrorist attack in the Netherlands? (e.g. political instability, economic damage) | directly measured |
pk17a015 | And to what extent are you worried about... the potential consequences of a terrorist attack in another country? (e.g. political instability, economic damage) | directly measured |
pk17a016 | What would you do if a terrorist attack happened in the Netherlands? - Remain extra alert | directly measured |
pk17a017 | What would you do if a terrorist attack happened in the Netherlands? - Avoid busy places around your place of work, home or holiday venue | directly measured |
pk17a018 | What would you do if a terrorist attack happened in the Netherlands? - Follow the news extra closely | directly measured |
pk17a019 | What would you do if a terrorist attack happened in the Netherlands? - Take out cancellation insurance (e.g. for a holiday or business trip | directly measured |
pk17a020 | What would you do if a terrorist attack happened in the Netherlands? - Consult travel advice | directly measured |
pk17a021 | What would you do if a terrorist attack happened in the Netherlands? - Deliberately avoid a specific travel destination in the Netherlands | directly measured |
pk17a022 | What would you do if a terrorist attack happened in the Netherlands? - Deliberately avoid a specific travel destination in another country | directly measured |
pk17a023 | What would you do if a terrorist attack happened in the Netherlands? - Cancel a trip, regardless of the destination | directly measured |
pk17a024 | What would you do if a terrorist attack happened in the Netherlands? - Cancel a trip to a higher-risk destination | directly measured |
pk17a025 | What would you do if a terrorist attack happened in the Netherlands? - Improve my self-defense capability (e.g. buy a weapon or take martial arts lessons) | directly measured |
pk17a026 | What do you currently already do because of the threat of terrorist attacks in the Netherlands? | directly measured |
pk17a027 | To what extent do you think that… the Dutch government is capable of preventing a terrorist attack? | directly measured |
pk17a028 | To what extent do you think that… the Dutch government is doing enough to prevent a terrorist attack? | directly measured |
pk17a029 | To what extent do you think that… the Dutch government is capable of ensuring that the consequences of a terrorist attack are minimal? | directly measured |
pk17a030 | To what extent are you aware of the following? - How to turn off the gas, power and mechanical or other ventilation in your house. | directly measured |
pk17a031 | To what extent are you aware of the following? - The evacuation plan at your workplace or in other buildings that you regularly spend time in. | directly measured |
pk17a032 | To what extent are you aware of the following? - The fact that the government distributes information about counterterrorism. | directly measured |
pk17a033 | To what extent are you aware of the following? - The website www.crisis.nl, which has information about what you can do in the event of an emergency or crisis, such as a terrorist attack. | directly measured |
pk17a034 | To what extent are you aware of the following? - The activities of the Nationaal Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding en Veiligheid (NCTV; National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism). | directly measured |
pk17a035 | To what extent are you aware of the following? - Dreigingsbeeld Terrorisme Nederland (DTN; National Terrorist Threat Assessment) | directly measured |
pk17a036 | To what extent are you aware of the following? - The current threat level. | directly measured |
pk17a037 | What is the current threat level as determined by the government right now, according to you? | directly measured |
pk17a038 | How much confidence do you currently have in the following institutions in the Netherlands? - The newspapers | directly measured |
pk17a039 | How much confidence do you currently have in the following institutions in the Netherlands? - The trade unions | directly measured |
pk17a040 | How much confidence do you currently have in the following institutions in the Netherlands? - Television | directly measured |
pk17a041 | How much confidence do you currently have in the following institutions in the Netherlands? - The legal system | directly measured |
pk17a042 | How much confidence do you currently have in the following institutions in the Netherlands? - Large corporations | directly measured |
pk17a043 | How much confidence do you currently have in the following institutions in the Netherlands? - The government | directly measured |
pk17a044 | How much confidence do you currently have in the following institutions in the Netherlands? - The Tweede Kamer (Second Chamber) | directly measured |
pk17a045 | In what way would you most like to be informed about the following matters by the government... what you should personally do in the event of a terrorist attack? | directly measured |
pk17a046 | In what way would you most like to be informed about the following matters by the government... how you personally can best contribute to preventing terrorist attacks? | directly measured |
pk17a047 | In what way would you most like to be informed about the following matters by the government... the government’s efforts to prevent terrorist attacks? | directly measured |
pk17a048 | In what way would you most like to be informed about the following matters by the government... the likelihood of a terrorist attack occurring in the Netherlands, and any changes in that likelihood? | directly measured |
pk17a049 | In what way would you most like to be informed about the following matters by the government... the threat level as determined by the government, and any changes to the threat level? | directly measured |
pk17a050 | How do you usually follow the news? - Television | directly measured |
pk17a051 | How do you usually follow the news? - Radio | directly measured |
pk17a052 | How do you usually follow the news? - Social media | directly measured |
pk17a053 | How do you usually follow the news? - Teletext | directly measured |
pk17a054 | How do you usually follow the news? - Newspaper | directly measured |
pk17a055 | How do you usually follow the news? - Government websites | directly measured |
pk17a056 | How do you usually follow the news? - Other websites | directly measured |
pk17a057 | How do you usually follow the news? - Don’t know / no opinion | directly measured |
pk17a058 | How do you usually follow the news? - I don’t follow the news | directly measured |
pk17a059 | Which social media do you use? - Facebook | directly measured |
pk17a060 | Which social media do you use? - Twitter | directly measured |
pk17a061 | Which social media do you use? - Snapchat | directly measured |
pk17a062 | Which social media do you use? - YouTube | directly measured |
pk17a063 | Which social media do you use? - Instagram | directly measured |
pk17a064 | Which social media do you use? - LinkedIn | directly measured |
pk17a065 | Which social media do you use? - WhatsApp | directly measured |
pk17a066 | Which social media do you use? - Other, namely | directly measured |
pk17a067 | Which social media do you use? - I don't use social media | directly measured |
pk17a068 | Other, namely: | directly measured |
pk17a069 | In what way and how often do you use social media to stay up to date on the news? - through posts and status updates from other people and organizations (e.g. government bodies) on social media. | directly measured |
pk17a070 | In what way and how often do you use social media to stay up to date on the news? - via links to other websites posted on social media. | directly measured |
pk17a071 | How concerned are you that the following will take place in the Netherlands? - A devastating earthquake | directly measured |
pk17a072 | How concerned are you that the following will take place in the Netherlands? - A devastating tornado | directly measured |
pk17a073 | How concerned are you that the following will take place in the Netherlands? - A devastating flood | directly measured |
pk17a074 | How concerned are you that the following will take place in the Netherlands? - A major and long-lasting power failure | directly measured |
pk17a075 | How concerned are you that the following will take place in the Netherlands? - The collapse of the economy | directly measured |
pk17a076 | How concerned are you that the following will take place in the Netherlands? - A major epidemic | directly measured |
pk17a077 | How concerned are you that the following will take place in the Netherlands? - The Netherlands becoming involved in a new world war | directly measured |
pk17a078 | How concerned are you that the following will take place in the Netherlands? - A nuclear attack | directly measured |
pk17a079 | What would you vote if national elections were to be held right now? | directly measured |
pk17a080 | Other, namely: | directly measured |
pk17a081 | Which sector do you primarily work in? | directly measured |
pk17a082 | In this sector, do you primarily work in paid employment, or are you self-employed? | directly measured |
pk17a083 | Are you religious? | directly measured |
pk17a084 | What is your religion? | directly measured |
pk17a085 | How old is your youngest child? | directly measured |
pk17a086 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
pk17a087 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
pk17a088 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
pk17a089 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
pk17a090 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
pk17a091 | Starting date questionnaire | constructed |
pk17a092 | Starting time questionnaire | constructed |
pk17a093 | End date questionnaire | constructed |
pk17a094 | End time questionnaire | constructed |
pk17a095 | Duration questionnaire in seconds | derived |
Response Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 1,400 (100 %)Non-response: 323 (23.1%)
Response: 1,077 (76.9%)
Complete: 1,071 (76.5%)
Incomplete: 6 (0.4%)
Collection Events
06-11-2017 to 28-11-2017
1,400 panel members were randomly selected to reach a net response of at least 1,000 panel members.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents
Terroristische dreiging in Nederland Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum, May 9, 2018; Liem, M. C. A.,
et al.
Does terrorism dominate citizens’ hearts or minds? The relationship between fear of terrorism and trust in government. Terrorism and Political Violence, 33(6), 1276-1294; Van Der Does, R.,
et al.
Divergent shifts in fear of terrorism Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, first published online June 24, 2022; Kantorowicz, J.,
et al.