Motives for greed and self-interest
Single Wave Study
General Information
Motives for greed and self-interest
Project Number
The survey is about the relationship between the motives of greed and self-interest in relation to antecedents and indicators of socioeconomic success
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Seger Breugelmans, Marcel Zeelenberg, Karlijn Hoyer
© 2020 CentERdata
Funding Organization
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of the household member encrypted | preloaded |
pe19a_m | Year and month of the field work period | constructed |
pe19a001 | Random allocation to group 1 or 2; determines whether the greed questions (pe19a002 – pe19a008) were shown at the beginning or end of the questionnaire. | constructed |
pe19a002 | I always want more. | directly measured |
pe19a003 | Actually, I’m kind of greedy. | directly measured |
pe19a004 | One can never have too much money. | directly measured |
pe19a005 | As soon as I have acquired something, I start to think about the next thing I want. | directly measured |
pe19a006 | It doesn’t matter how much I have. I’m never completely satisfied. | directly measured |
pe19a007 | My life motto is ‘more is better’. | directly measured |
pe19a008 | I can’t imagine having too many things. | directly measured |
pe19a009 | People should be willing to help others who are less fortunate. | directly measured |
pe19a010 | Personally assisting people in trouble is very important to me. | directly measured |
pe19a011 | These days people need to look after themselves and not overly worry about others. | directly measured |
pe19a012 | Please choose from the following distributions. | directly measured |
pe19a013 | Please choose from the following distributions. | directly measured |
pe19a014 | Please choose from the following distributions. | directly measured |
pe19a015 | Please choose from the following distributions. | directly measured |
pe19a016 | Please choose from the following distributions. | directly measured |
pe19a017 | Please choose from the following distributions. | directly measured |
pe19a018 | In most ways my life is close to my ideal. | directly measured |
pe19a019 | The conditions of my life are excellent. | directly measured |
pe19a020 | I am satisfied with my life. | directly measured |
pe19a021 | So far I have gotten the important things I want in life. | directly measured |
pe19a022 | If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing. | directly measured |
pe19a023 | How long did your longest (love) relationship last [in years and months]? - Year(s) | directly measured |
pe19a024 | How long did your longest (love) relationship last [in years and months]? - Months | directly measured |
pe19a025 | How many sexual partners have you had? | directly measured |
pe19a026 | Do you have brothers or sisters? Also include deceased brothers or sisters. | directly measured |
pe19a027 | How many brothers and/or sisters do you have? Please also include deceased brothers or sisters. - Older brother(s) | directly measured |
pe19a028 | How many brothers and/or sisters do you have? Please also include deceased brothers or sisters. - Younger brother(s) | directly measured |
pe19a029 | How many brothers and/or sisters do you have? Please also include deceased brothers or sisters. - Older sister(s) | directly measured |
pe19a030 | How many brothers and/or sisters do you have? Please also include deceased brothers or sisters. - Younger sister(s) | directly measured |
pe19a031 | Do you have children? Please also include any deceased children. : Yes, biological children | directly measured |
pe19a032 | Do you have children? Please also include any deceased children. : Yes, stepchildren | directly measured |
pe19a033 | Do you have children? Please also include any deceased children. : Yes, adopted children | directly measured |
pe19a034 | Do you have children? Please also include any deceased children. : Yes, foster children | directly measured |
pe19a035 | Do you have children? Please also include any deceased children. : No, I don't have children | directly measured |
pe19a036 | Do you have children? Please also include any deceased children. : Other, namely: | directly measured |
pe19a037 | Other, namely: | directly measured |
pe19a038 | How many children do you have? biological children | directly measured |
pe19a039 | How many children do you have? stepchildren | directly measured |
pe19a040 | How many children do you have? adopted children | directly measured |
pe19a041 | How many children do you have? foster children | directly measured |
pe19a042 | How many children do you have? [pe19a037] | directly measured |
pe19a043 | My family usually had enough money for things when I was growing up. | directly measured |
pe19a044 | I grew up in a relatively wealthy neighborhood. | directly measured |
pe19a045 | I felt relatively wealthy compared to the other kids in my school. | directly measured |
pe19a046 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
pe19a047 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
pe19a048 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
pe19a049 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
pe19a050 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
pe19a051 | Starting date questionnaire | constructed |
pe19a052 | Starting time questionnaire | constructed |
pe19a053 | End date questionnaire | constructed |
pe19a054 | End time questionnaire | constructed |
pe19a055 | Duration in seconds | derived |
Questionnaire: Motives for greed and self-interest
The questionnaire was administered in Dutch
Browse Motives for greed and self-interestResponse Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 3,406 (100%)Non-response: 989 (29.0%)
Response: 2,417 (71.0%)
Complete: 2,367 (69.5%)
Incomplete: 50 (1.5%)
Collection Events
06-05-2019 to 28-05-2019
Random sample of panel members age 16 or older
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents
Insatiable desires: How dispositional greed affects everyday life Tilburg University; Hoyer, K.
Further tests of the scarcity and luxury hypotheses in dispositional greed: Evidence from two large-scale Dutch and American samples Current Psychology, 42, 12045-12054; Hoyer, K.,
et al.
Greed: What is it good for? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 50(4), 597-612.; Hoyer, K.,
et al.