Economic Situation: Income > Wave 12
Longitudinal Wave
General Information
Wave 12
Project Number
This is the twelfth wave of the LISS Core Study module Economic Situation: Income.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Evi de Cock (CentERdata)
© 2019 CentERdata
Funding Organization
OCW (Domeinplan SSH)
OCW (Domeinplan SSH)
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of household member encrypted | preloaded |
ci19l_m | Year and month of the field work period | constructed |
ci19l001 | Position in the household | preloaded |
ci19l002 | Age respondent | preloaded |
ci19l326 | Year of birth respondent | preloaded |
ci19l003 | The household head lives together with a partner (wedded or unwedded). | preloaded |
ci19l383 | Primary occupation | preloaded |
ci19l005 | If you imagine a ‘ladder of life’, where the first step represents the worst possible life, and the tenth (top) step the best possible life, on what step would you place yourself? | directly measured |
ci19l006 | How satisfied are you with your financial situation? | directly measured |
ci19l007 | How satisfied are you with the current economic situation in the Netherlands? | directly measured |
ci19l008 | Did you receive income as employee in 2018? Note: this only concerns income received through paid work in employment, not income from internships. | directly measured |
ci19l009 | How many employers have you had (as employee) in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l372 | How much were your gross wages in total in 2018 [if ci19l009=1: at your employer / if ci19l009>1: at all of your employers]? | directly measured |
ci19l373 | Can you indicate, then, to what category your total gross wages belonged in 2018 at [if ci19l009=1: your employer / if ci19l009>1: all of your employers]? | directly measured |
ci19l037 | Which work situation as described below in 2018 applied to you (or for a part of 2018)? - you worked as an entrepreneur or as a freelancer | directly measured |
ci19l038 | Which work situation as described below in 2018 applied to you (or for a part of 2018)? - you worked as an entrepreneur or as a freelancer alongside a job | directly measured |
ci19l039 | Which work situation as described below in 2018 applied to you (or for a part of 2018)? - you are self-employed in a one-person business | directly measured |
ci19l040 | Which work situation as described below in 2018 applied to you (or for a part of 2018)? - you are a company owner | directly measured |
ci19l041 | Which work situation as described below in 2018 applied to you (or for a part of 2018)? - you participate in a partnership (Dutch: maatschap) | directly measured |
ci19l042 | Which work situation as described below in 2018 applied to you (or for a part of 2018)? - you are a partner in a partnership (Dutch: vennootschap onder firma, VOF) | directly measured |
ci19l043 | Which work situation as described below in 2018 applied to you (or for a part of 2018)? - you own a private limited liability company or limited partnership (Dutch: Commanditaire Vennootschap, CV) | directly measured |
ci19l044 | Which work situation as described below in 2018 applied to you (or for a part of 2018)? - you make profit (or losses) through enterprise in some other way (not: as spouse or partner cooperating in the business). | directly measured |
ci19l045 | Which work situation as described below in 2018 applied to you (or for a part of 2018)? - none of these | directly measured |
ci19l046 | Do you already know what the fiscal profit (or possible loss) is over 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l047 | Is the fiscal profit (or gross income minus entrepreneur or freelancer expenses) positive or negative over 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l049 | How much was the fiscal profit (or the gross income minus entrepreneur or freelancer costs) over 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l048 | Do you expect the fiscal profit (or the gross income minus entrepreneur or freelancer expenses) to be positive or negative over 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l050 | Can you give an estimate of the fiscal profit (or the gross income minus entrepreneur or freelancer expenses) over 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l051 | Can you indicate, then, to what category your fiscal profit or loss (or the gross income minus entrepreneur or freelancer expenses) belongs (approximately) in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l052 | What source did you use to enter the details concerning the fiscal profit (or the gross income minus entrepreneur or freelancer expenses)? - tax form | directly measured |
ci19l053 | What source did you use to enter the details concerning the fiscal profit (or the gross income minus entrepreneur or freelancer expenses)? - other | directly measured |
ci19l054 | What source did you use to enter the details concerning the fiscal profit (or the gross income minus entrepreneur or freelancer expenses)? - none | directly measured |
ci19l055 | What source do you mean with 'other'? | directly measured |
ci19l059 | Did you (also) work in self-employment in 2017? | directly measured |
ci19l060 | Was the fiscal profit over 2017 positive or negative? | directly measured |
ci19l061 | How much was the (estimated) fiscal profit over 2017? | directly measured |
ci19l062 | Can you indicate, then, to what category your fiscal profit or loss belonged (approximately) in 2017? | directly measured |
ci19l065 | Were you on early retirement in 2018 or for a part of 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l363 | Which of the old age pensions or life annuities listed below did you receive in 2018? - early retirement (Dutch: prepensioen) | directly measured |
ci19l067 | Which of the old age pensions or life annuities listed below did you receive in 2018? - state old age pension (Dutch: AOW) | directly measured |
ci19l068 | Which of the old age pensions or life annuities listed below did you receive in 2018? - other pensions | directly measured |
ci19l069 | Which of the old age pensions or life annuities listed below did you receive in 2018? - life annuity | directly measured |
ci19l070 | Which of the old age pensions or life annuities listed below did you receive in 2018? - none of the above | directly measured |
ci19l364 | How much is the gross amount that you received as prepensioen (early retirement) in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l365 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount of prepensioen (early retirement) belongs that you received in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l076 | How much is the gross amount that you received as state pension (AOW) in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l367 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount of AOW belongs that you received in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l080 | How much is the gross amount that you received in 2018 as other pensions (/AOW and other pensions)? | directly measured |
ci19l081 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2018 as other pensions? | directly measured |
ci19l084 | How much is the gross amount that you received as life annuities in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l100 | Did you receive one or more of the following benefits or allowances in 2018? - healthcare benefit, paid through the Tax Administration (Dutch: zorgtoeslag) | directly measured |
ci19l327 | Did you receive one or more of the following benefits or allowances in 2018? - kindgebonden budget (child budget, paid through the Tax Administration) | directly measured |
ci19l087 | Did you receive one or more of the following benefits or allowances in 2018? - Sickness Benefits Act (Dutch: Ziektewetuitkering) | directly measured |
ci19l374 | WW or vervolguitkering WW or wachtgeld (Unemployment Benefits Act or follow-up unemployment benefit or half-pay) | directly measured |
ci19l090 | Did you receive one or more of the following benefits or allowances in 2018? - General Surviving Relatives Act (Dutch: ANW) | directly measured |
ci19l091 | Did you receive one or more of the following benefits or allowances in 2018? - Surviving relatives pension, from a pension fund or insurer (Dutch: nabestaandenpensioen) | directly measured |
ci19l092 | Did you receive one or more of the following benefits or allowances in 2018? - orphan's pension (from a pension fund or insurer) | directly measured |
ci19l341 | Did you receive one or more of the following benefits or allowances in 2018? - Work and Assistance Act (Dutch: WWB) | directly measured |
ci19l094 | Did you receive one or more of the following benefits or allowances in 2018? - Supplementary benefit for self-employed (Dutch: bijstand voor zelfstandigen) | directly measured |
ci19l095 | Did you receive one or more of the following benefits or allowances in 2018? - Act on Income Provisions for Older or Partially Disabled Unemployed Persons/Formerly Self-Employed Persons (Dutch: IOAW/IOAZ) | directly measured |
ci19l096 | Did you receive one or more of the following benefits or allowances in 2018? - WAO (Disability Insurance Act), IVA (Income Provision Scheme) or WGA (Return to Work Scheme) | directly measured |
ci19l098 | Did you receive one or more of the following benefits or allowances in 2018? - invalidity pension (from a pension fund or insurer) | directly measured |
ci19l099 | Did you receive one or more of the following benefits or allowances in 2018? - AKW, General Child Benefit Act (Dutch: kinderbijslag) | directly measured |
ci19l328 | Did you receive one or more of the following benefits or allowances in 2018? - Wajong (Work and Employment Support for Disabled Young Persons Act) | directly measured |
ci19l329 | Did you receive one or more of the following benefits or allowances in 2018? - IOW (Income Provision for Older Unemployed Persons) | directly measured |
ci19l101 | Did you receive one or more of the following benefits or allowances in 2018? - none of the above | directly measured |
ci19l143 | How much is the net amount that you received in 2018 as zorgtoeslag? | directly measured |
ci19l330 | How much is the net amount that you received in 2018 as child budget (kindgebonden budget)? | directly measured |
ci19l102 | How much is the total gross amount that you received in 2018 through the Ziektewet (preferably as stated on your tax reporting statement)? | directly measured |
ci19l103 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2018 through the Ziektewet? | directly measured |
ci19l375 | How much is the total gross amount that you received in 2018 as WW or vervolguitkering WW or wachtgeld (preferably as stated on your tax reporting statement)? | directly measured |
ci19l376 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2018 as WW or vervolguitkering WW or wachtgeld? | directly measured |
ci19l111 | How much is the total gross amount that you received in 2018 through the ANW (preferably as stated on your tax reporting statement)? | directly measured |
ci19l368 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2018 through the ANW? | directly measured |
ci19l114 | How much is the total gross amount that you received in 2018 as nabestaandenpensioen (through a pension fund or insurer) (preferably as stated on your tax reporting statement)? | directly measured |
ci19l115 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2018 as nabestaandenpensioen (through a pension fund or insurer)? | directly measured |
ci19l117 | How much is the total gross amount that you received in 2018 as orphan's pension (through a pension fund or insurer) (preferably as stated on your tax reporting statement)? | directly measured |
ci19l118 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2018 as orphan's pension (through a pension fund or insurer)? | directly measured |
ci19l344 | How much is the net amount that you received in 2018 as WWB? | directly measured |
ci19l125 | How much is the net amount that you received in 2018 through the bijstandsbesluit voor zelfstandigen? | directly measured |
ci19l128 | How much is the net amount that you received in 2018 through the IOAW/IOAZ? | directly measured |
ci19l129 | How much is the total gross amount that you received in 2018 as WAO, IVA or WGA (preferably as stated on your tax reporting statement)? | directly measured |
ci19l130 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2018 as WAO, IVA or WGA? | directly measured |
ci19l135 | How much is the total gross amount that you received in 2018 as invalidity pension (through a pension fund or insurer) (preferably as stated on your tax reporting statement)? | directly measured |
ci19l136 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2018 as invalidity pension (through a pension fund or insurer)? | directly measured |
ci19l140 | How much is the net amount that you received in 2018 as kinderbijslag? | directly measured |
ci19l333 | How much is the net amount that you received in 2018 as Wajong? | directly measured |
ci19l336 | How much is the net amount that you received in 2018 as IOW? | directly measured |
ci19l144 | Which of the sources of income listed below did you receive in 2018? - income through real estate (including renting our rooms) | directly measured |
ci19l145 | Which of the sources of income listed below did you receive in 2018? - house ownership grant (Dutch: rijksbijdrage eigen woningbezit) | directly measured |
ci19l146 | Which of the sources of income listed below did you receive in 2018? - student grant or allowance | directly measured |
ci19l147 | Which of the sources of income listed below did you receive in 2018? - student loan | directly measured |
ci19l148 | Which of the sources of income listed below did you receive in 2018? - alimony from your ex-spouse | directly measured |
ci19l149 | Which of the sources of income listed below did you receive in 2018? - alimony for your children | directly measured |
ci19l150 | Which of the sources of income listed below did you receive in 2018? - study allowance from your parents | directly measured |
ci19l151 | Which of the sources of income listed below did you receive in 2018? - allowances from family | directly measured |
ci19l152 | Which of the sources of income listed below did you receive in 2018? - income through share dividends, stocks, investment accounts or investment funds | directly measured |
ci19l153 | Which of the sources of income listed below did you receive in 2018? - interest from savings accounts, receivables, stock, bonds, debentures or investment accounts | directly measured |
ci19l154 | Which of the sources of income listed below did you receive in 2018? - none of the above | directly measured |
ci19l155 | What amount of income did you receive in total in 2018 from real estate (including renting out rooms)? | directly measured |
ci19l156 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2018 from real estate (including renting out rooms)? | directly measured |
ci19l157 | What amount of income did you receive in total in 2018 through the house ownership grant? | directly measured |
ci19l158 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2018 through the house ownership grant? | directly measured |
ci19l159 | What amount of income did you receive in total in 2018 through student grant or allowance? | directly measured |
ci19l160 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2018 through a student grant or allowance? | directly measured |
ci19l161 | What amount of income did you receive in total in 2018 through a student loan? | directly measured |
ci19l162 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2018 through a student loan? | directly measured |
ci19l163 | What amount of income did you receive in total in 2018 as alimony from your ex-spouse? | directly measured |
ci19l164 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2018 as alimony from your ex-spouse? | directly measured |
ci19l165 | What amount of income did you receive in total in 2018 as alimony for your children? | directly measured |
ci19l166 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2018 as alimony for your children? | directly measured |
ci19l167 | What amount of income did you receive in total in 2018 as a study allowance from your parents? | directly measured |
ci19l168 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the amount belongs that you received in 2018 as a study allowance from your parents? | directly measured |
ci19l169 | What amount of income did you receive in total in 2018 as allowances from family? | directly measured |
ci19l170 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the amount belongs that you received in 2018 as allowances from family? | directly measured |
ci19l171 | What amount of income did you receive in total in 2018 through share dividends, stocks, investment accounts or investment funds? | directly measured |
ci19l172 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2018 through share dividends, stocks, investment accounts or investment funds? | directly measured |
ci19l173 | What amount of income did you receive in total in 2018 through interest from savings accounts, receivables, stock, bonds, debentures or investment accounts? | directly measured |
ci19l174 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2018 through interest from savings accounts, receivables, stock, bonds, debentures or investment accounts? | directly measured |
ci19l175 | Did you receive one or more legacies and/or gifts in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l176 | What was the total worth of those legacies or gifts in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l325 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the total worth of those legacies or gifts belongs that you received in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l177 | Did you have any other forms of income in 2018 (aside from, possibly, rent benefit) that were not mentioned above? | directly measured |
ci19l384 | What was the total amount of other forms of income? | directly measured |
ci19l385 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the total amount of other forms of income that you received in 2018 belongs? | directly measured |
ci19l203 | Did you pay more than 100 euros in 2018 in interest on personal loans, continuous credit or other loans? | directly measured |
ci19l204 | How much was the interest paid on personal loans, continuous credit or other loans in 2018? Disregard mortgage interest payments. | directly measured |
ci19l205 | Did you pay alimony to your ex-spouse or ex-partner in 2018? Do NOT consider alimony for children here. | directly measured |
ci19l206 | How much was the total amount of alimony paid to your ex-spouse or ex-partner in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l207 | Did you pay alimony to or for your child(ren) in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l208 | How much was the total amount of alimony paid to or for your child(ren) in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l209 | Did you provide parental financial support to children studying and living on their own in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l210 | How much was the total amount of parental financial support provided to children studying and living on their own in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l211 | Did you provide children living on their own (also children not studying) with any other form of financial support or financial gifts in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l212 | How much was the total amount of financial support or gifts provided in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l213 | Did you provide financial support or financial gift to any other persons in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l214 | How much was the total amount of financial support or gifts provided to other persons in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l221 | Did you have a company car in 2018? It doesn’t matter if the car was also used for private use. | directly measured |
ci19l222 | What was the purchase value of this car? Purchase value means the retail price of the car in the year of manufacture. | directly measured |
ci19l223 | Can you indicate, then, to what category the purchase value of this car belonged approximately? | directly measured |
ci19l224 | For how many months in 2018 did you have a company car? (This may concern different cars.) | directly measured |
ci19l337 | How much is your total taxable income in the three boxes (the total income) (preferably as stated on the tax return form, if you submitted one) in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l226 | Can you indicate how much your total taxable income in the three boxes (the total income) is approximately, in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l338 | Can you estimate your total taxable income in the three boxes (the total income) over 2018, then? | directly measured |
ci19l339 | What was total net income of your household over the period from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l229 | You have indicated that you don’t know the total net income of your household over 2018. | directly measured |
ci19l236 | What amount of net income per month would you consider the absolute minimum for your household, in your current circumstances? | directly measured |
ci19l237 | Do you expect to see any changes to the total net income per month of your household due to the fact that: - a member of your household who is now working will stop working | directly measured |
ci19l238 | Do you expect to see any changes to the total net income per month of your household due to the fact that: - a member of your household who is currently not working will start working | directly measured |
ci19l239 | Do you expect to see any changes to the total net income per month of your household due to the fact that: - a member of your household will change to another job | directly measured |
ci19l240 | Do you expect to see any changes to the total net income per month of your household due to the fact that: - a member of your household will gain career advancement | directly measured |
ci19l241 | Do you expect to see any changes to the total net income per month of your household due to the fact that: - social benefits received by your household will increase considerably | directly measured |
ci19l242 | Do you expect to see any changes to the total net income per month of your household due to the fact that: - social benefits received by your household will decrease considerably | directly measured |
ci19l377 | Can you indicate, on a scale from 0 to 10, whether the financial situation of your household has gotten better or worse compared to one year ago? | directly measured |
ci19l378 | Can you indicate, on a scale from 0 to 10, how hard or how easy it is for you to live off the income of your household? | directly measured |
ci19l245 | Can you indicate with which of the following issues you are or are not confronted at present? - having trouble making ends meet | directly measured |
ci19l246 | Can you indicate with which of the following issues you are or are not confronted at present? - unable to quickly replace things that break | directly measured |
ci19l247 | Can you indicate with which of the following issues you are or are not confronted at present? - having to lend money for necessary expenditures | directly measured |
ci19l248 | Can you indicate with which of the following issues you are or are not confronted at present? - running behind in paying rent/mortgage or general utilities | directly measured |
ci19l249 | Can you indicate with which of the following issues you are or are not confronted at present? - debt collector/bailiff at the door in the last month | directly measured |
ci19l250 | Can you indicate with which of the following issues you are or are not confronted at present? - received financial support from family or friends in the last month | directly measured |
ci19l251 | Can you indicate with which of the following issues you are or are not confronted at present? - none of the above | directly measured |
ci19l252 | How would you describe the financial situation of your household at this moment? | directly measured |
ci19l253 | Think about the last 12 months. Was your household expenditure more than, equal to, or less than your household income? | directly measured |
ci19l254 | Did this expenditure in the last 12 months include the purchase of a house or car, or any other (large) investments? | directly measured |
ci19l255 | If you then disregard the purchase of a house or car, or any other (large) investments, was your household expenditure more than, equal to, or less than your household income? | directly measured |
ci19l379 | Do you think that there is any chance that you might lose your job in the coming 12 months (not because you are retiring)? You can indicate this in terms of a percentage. | directly measured |
ci19l257 | Do you think that you have a chance of finding a job in the coming 12 months? You can indicate this as a percentage. | directly measured |
ci19l258 | Think about the coming 12 months. Do you think that the expenditure of your household will be: | directly measured |
ci19l261 | Do you expect your financial situation to get better or worse over the coming 12 months? | directly measured |
ci19l380 | Can you indicate, on a scale from 0 to 10, to what degree you consider yourself happy? | directly measured |
ci19l264 | Here are five descriptions of how financial decisions may be taken in a household. Which of these best describes how financial decisions are taken in your household? | directly measured |
ci19l265 | How would you describe the way in which financial affairs are managed? | directly measured |
ci19l292 | Were you in arrears on one or more bills on 31 December 2018? - no | directly measured |
ci19l293 | Were you in arrears on one or more bills on 31 December 2018? - yes, arrears on rent or mortgage | directly measured |
ci19l294 | Were you in arrears on one or more bills on 31 December 2018? - yes, arrears on general utilities | directly measured |
ci19l295 | Were you in arrears on one or more bills on 31 December 2018? - yes, arrears on other bills | directly measured |
ci19l381 | What was the total amount of your arrears on rent or mortgage on 31 December 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l299 | What was the total amount of your arrears on general utilities on 31 December 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l300 | What was the total amount of your arrears on other bills on 31 December 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l301 | Did you fall into arrears for more than 2 months on rent (tenants) or installments on mortgage and interest (owners) in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l302 | What were your largest arrears (in terms of months) on rent or installments on mortgage in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l303 | Did you fall into arrears for more than 2 months on general utilities in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l304 | What were your largest arrears (in terms of months) on general utilities in 2018? | directly measured |
ci19l382 | Do you eat a meal with meat, chicken, fish or a full vegetarian meal once a day? | directly measured |
ci19l306 | Do you buy new clothes regularly? | directly measured |
ci19l307 | Do you replace worn furniture with new furniture? | directly measured |
ci19l340 | Do you take a week or more of holiday at least once every year? | directly measured |
ci19l309 | Do you pay voluntary parental contribution for your children (tuition fees, money for books and materials, school trips)? | directly measured |
ci19l352 | Do you go out for dinner at least once in two months? | directly measured |
ci19l353 | Are you able to heat your home well? | directly measured |
ci19l354 | Do you pay for one or more memberships of a sports club and suchlike? | directly measured |
ci19l355 | How easy or hard is it for you to go to unexpected essential expenses of € 500 or more without getting into debt or contracting a loan? | directly measured |
ci19l356 | How much of a burden is it for you to pay for the living costs of you household | directly measured |
ci19l313 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
ci19l314 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
ci19l315 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
ci19l316 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
ci19l317 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
ci19l318 | Starting date of the questionnaire | constructed |
ci19l319 | Starting time of the questionnaire | constructed |
ci19l320 | End date of the questionnaire | constructed |
ci19l321 | End time of the questionnaire | constructed |
ci19l322 | Duration in seconds | derived |
Questionnaire: Economic Situation: Income, wave 12
This questionnaire was originally conducted in Dutch
Browse Economic Situation: Income, wave 12Response Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 6,192 (100.0%)Non-response: 1,224 (19.8%)
Response: 4,968 (80.2%)
Complete: 4,860 (78.5%)
Incomplete: 108 (1.7%)
Collection Events
03-06-2019 to 25-06-2019
Panel members aged 16 years or older.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.
01-07-2019 to 30-07-2019
Non-respondents of the first measurement
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.