On municipal debt services for self-employed

Single Wave Study

General Information

On municipal debt services for self-employed
Project Number
A questionnaire on municipal debt services for self-employed.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
S. Bot
© 2020 CentERdata
Funding Organization

Datasets and documentation

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Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of the household member encryptedpreloaded
ov18a_mYear and month of the field work periodconstructed
ov18a001In which year did you start your business?directly measured
ov18a002In which industry does your business operate?directly measured
ov18a003Do you have employees?directly measured
ov18a004Number of ftedirectly measured
ov18a005Is the income from your business the highest in your household, or are there other, higher sources of income?directly measured
ov18a006The income from my business is the highest income. This has been the case since (enter year): directly measured
ov18a007Do you / your company have Difficulty making ends meetdirectly measured
ov18a008Do you / your company have Problematic debtdirectly measured
ov18a009Do you / your company have Shrinking incomedirectly measured
ov18a010Do you / your company have Unexpected necessary expenditure that cannot be covereddirectly measured
ov18a011Do you / your company have Increased expenses due to long-term illness/disability of employee(s)directly measured
ov18a012Do you / your company have financial problems? Nodirectly measured
ov18a013In the past two years, have you at any point considered giving up your business because of financial problems?directly measured
ov18a014Why did you continue running your business?directly measured
ov18a015Another reason, namelydirectly measured
ov18a016Which of the following benefits do you receive? Housing benefitdirectly measured
ov18a017Which of the following benefits do you receive? Healthcare benefitdirectly measured
ov18a018Which of the following benefits do you receive? Childcare benefitdirectly measured
ov18a019Why do you not receive a housing benefit?directly measured
ov18a020Why haven’t you applied for a housing benefit?directly measured
ov18a021Another reason, namelydirectly measured
ov18a022Why do you not receive a healthcare benefit?directly measured
ov18a023Why haven’t you applied for a healthcare benefit?directly measured
ov18a024Another reason, namelydirectly measured
ov18a025Why do you not receive a childcare benefit?directly measured
ov18a026Why haven’t you applied for a childcare benefit?directly measured
ov18a027Another reason, namelydirectly measured
ov18a028If my business were to run into financial troubles and I could not find a way to solve them quickly, the first place I would go to for help is…directly measured
ov18a029If my business were to run into financial troubles and I could not find a way to solve them quickly, the first place I would go to for help is…directly measured
ov18a030If my business were to run into financial troubles and I could not find a way to solve them quickly, the first place I would go to for help is…directly measured
ov18a031I wouldn’t seek help anywhere, if my business runs into trouble I will let it go bankrupt.directly measured
ov18a032Did you know that it is possible to get financial and other help with: Starting a business?directly measured
ov18a033Did you know that it is possible to get financial and other help with: Obtaining investment credit?directly measured
ov18a034Did you know that it is possible to get financial and other help with: Closing down a business?directly measured
ov18a035Did you know that it is possible to get financial and other help with: Continuing a non-viable business as a self-employed person aged 55 or older?directly measured
ov18a036Did you know that it is possible to get financial and other help with: Dealing with debts?directly measured
ov18a037In the event that your company ran into financial problems, would you turn to the municipality for help (again or for the first time)?directly measured
ov18a038Not turn to the municipality for help because... I have turned to the municipality for help with financial problems before, and I was not happy with the resultsdirectly measured
ov18a039Not turn to the municipality for help because... I think the municipality has insufficient expertise to be able to help entrepreneursdirectly measured
ov18a040Not turn to the municipality for help because... I don’t like the idea of the municipality looking into my financesdirectly measured
ov18a041Not turn to the municipality for help because... I find it difficult to talk about my financial situation with the municipalitydirectly measured
ov18a042Not turn to the municipality for help because... If I turn to the municipality for help, it could damage my image as an entrepreneurdirectly measured
ov18a043Not turn to the municipality for help because... I believe that entrepreneurs should not make use of public resourcesdirectly measured
ov18a044Not turn to the municipality for help because... Another reason, namelydirectly measured
ov18a045Another reason, namelydirectly measured
ov18a046How often in the past two years have you personally had contact with someone from the municipality in connection with your company?directly measured
ov18a047How often was this contact in relation with the financial situation of your business?directly measured
ov18a048How did you get in touch with the municipality?directly measured
ov18a049I was referred bydirectly measured
ov18a050Another way, namelydirectly measured
ov18a051About which subjects have you had contact with the municipality? - I was looking for information about starting/running a businessdirectly measured
ov18a052About which subjects have you had contact with the municipality? - I was looking for information about subsidiesdirectly measured
ov18a053About which subjects have you had contact with the municipality? - I was looking for information about permitsdirectly measured
ov18a054About which subjects have you had contact with the municipality? - I wanted the municipality to hire my business’s servicesdirectly measured
ov18a055About which subjects have you had contact with the municipality? - I was looking for financial supportdirectly measured
ov18a056About which subjects have you had contact with the municipality? - Another reason, namelydirectly measured
ov18a057Another reason, namelydirectly measured
ov18a058What was the contact with the municipality about? - About an investment creditdirectly measured
ov18a059What was the contact with the municipality about? - About temporary periodic income supportdirectly measured
ov18a060What was the contact with the municipality about? - About possibilities for closing down my businessdirectly measured
ov18a061What was the contact with the municipality about? - About possibilities to keep working as a self-employed person at a more advanced agedirectly measured
ov18a062What was the contact with the municipality about? - About dealing with debtsdirectly measured
ov18a063What was the contact with the municipality about? - Another reason, namelydirectly measured
ov18a064Another reason, namelydirectly measured
ov18a065Result contact with the municipality - I received an investment creditdirectly measured
ov18a066Result contact with the municipality - I received financial support for living expensesdirectly measured
ov18a067Result contact with the municipality - I received financial support to be able to close down my businessdirectly measured
ov18a068Result contact with the municipality - I received financial support in order to be able to continue running my business until my retirementdirectly measured
ov18a069Result contact with the municipality - I received help in dealing with debtsdirectly measured
ov18a070Result contact with the municipality - My application for support was turned down because I did not satisfy the requirementsdirectly measured
ov18a071Result contact with the municipality - I had to close down my business first in order for the municipality to be able to help medirectly measured
ov18a072Result contact with the municipality - I had to get my administration in order before the municipality could help medirectly measured
ov18a073Result contact with the municipality - I pulled out after the first talk/talks, because the conditions for receiving help were unfavorabledirectly measured
ov18a074I pulled out after the first talk/talks for other reasons, namelydirectly measured
ov18a075I was referred to...directly measured
ov18a076Another reason, namely...directly measured
ov18a077I pulled out after the first talk/talks for other reasons, namelydirectly measured
ov18a078I was referred todirectly measured
ov18a079Another reason, namelydirectly measured
ov18a080How would you rate the municipality’s services? Please give a ratedirectly measured
ov18a081Explanation, if relevant:directly measured
ov18a082Did the services provided meet your expectations?directly measured
ov18a083Did the services provided meet your expectations? - No, becausedirectly measured
ov18a084The municipality is an expert in the area of businessdirectly measured
ov18a085The municipality does its best to helpdirectly measured
ov18a086The municipality takes me seriouslydirectly measured
ov18a087The municipality is proactivedirectly measured
ov18a088The municipality tries to throw up as few barriers as possibledirectly measured
ov18a089The municipality does a good job informing me about financial mattersdirectly measured
ov18a090Explanation, if relevant:directly measured
ov18a091Aspects of the financial services by your municipality that you would rate as positive? - Aspect 1directly measured
ov18a092Aspects of the financial services by your municipality that you would rate as positive? - Aspect 2directly measured
ov18a093Aspects of the financial services by your municipality that you would rate as positive? - Aspect 3directly measured
ov18a094Are there any tips you would give to your municipality on how they could improve their financial services? - Tip 1directly measured
ov18a095Are there any tips you would give to your municipality on how they could improve their financial services? - Tip 2directly measured
ov18a096Are there any tips you would give to your municipality on how they could improve their financial services? - Tip 3directly measured
ov18a097Are you familiar with any experiences of other entrepreneurs who have interacted with the municipality about financial issues?directly measured
ov18a098Yes, namely (what was the interaction about and how did that entrepreneur feel about it)directly measured
ov18a099For which financial problems on the part of your company would you consider turning to the municipality for help?directly measured
ov18a100Another reason, namelydirectly measured
ov18a101May we approach you at a later date for a further explanation?directly measured
ov18a102Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
ov18a103Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
ov18a104Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
ov18a105Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
ov18a106Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
ov18a107Starting date questionnaireconstructed
ov18a108Starting time questionnaireconstructed
ov18a109End date questionnaireconstructed
ov18a110End time questionnaire constructed
ov18a111Duration questionnaire in secondsderived


Questionnaire: On municipal debt services for self-employed

The questionnaire was administered in Dutch

Browse On municipal debt services for self-employed

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 326 (100%)
Non-response: 127 (38.96%)
Response: 199 (61.04%)
Complete: 195 (59.81%)
Incomplete: 4 (1.23%)
Collection Events
03-09-2018 to 25-09-2018
Those who define themselves freelancer or self-employed.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents