List experiment on social desirability bias in attitudes towards immigration
Single Wave Study
General Information
List experiment on social desirability bias in attitudes towards immigration
Project Number
This study investigates to what extent social desirability bias affects direct questions typically used to measure attitudes towards immigration, using a list experiment or the ‘item count technique’.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Creighton, M.J., Lilleoja, L., Schmidt, P., and Zavala-Rojas, D.
© 2019 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of the household member encrypted | preloaded |
lh14a_m | Year and month of the fieldwork period | constructed |
lh14a001 | Experimental group | constructed |
lh14a002 | Of the following three statements, HOW MANY of them do you AGREE with? We don’t want to know which statements, just HOW MANY. | directly measured |
lh14a003 | My first impression of people is almost always right. | directly measured |
lh14a004 | I always trust my first impression of people. | directly measured |
lh14a005 | If it is about trusting people, I can always rely on my intuition. | directly measured |
lh14a006 | I trust my instincts. | directly measured |
lh14a007 | Although I cannot exactly explain how, I usually feel if someone is being correct or not. | directly measured |
lh14a008 | I am a very intuitive person. | directly measured |
lh14a009 | I easily get a first impression of people. | directly measured |
lh14a010 | To what extent do you trust the following institutions: politics | directly measured |
lh14a011 | To what extent do you trust the following institutions: science | directly measured |
lh14a012 | To what extent do you trust the following institutions: the courts | directly measured |
lh14a013 | To what extent do you trust the following institutions: the media | directly measured |
lh14a014 | Do you think the Netherlands should allow people of the same race or ethnic group as most Dutch people to come and live here? | directly measured |
lh14a015 | Do you think the Netherlands should allow people of a different race or ethnic group from most Dutch people to come and live here? | directly measured |
lh14a016 | Do you think the Netherlands should allow people from poorer countries outside Europe to come and live here? | directly measured |
lh14a017 | Of the following four statements, HOW MANY of them do you AGREE with? We don’t want to know which statements, just HOW MANY. | directly measured |
lh14a018 | To what extent do you think the Netherlands should allow people of the same race or ethnic group as most Dutch people to come and live here? | directly measured |
lh14a019 | And what is your opinion on people of a different race or ethnic group as most Dutch people? | directly measured |
lh14a020 | And what is your opinion on people from poorer countries outside Europe? | directly measured |
lh14a021 | To what extent do you think the Netherlands should allow Muslim people to come and live here? | directly measured |
lh14a022 | Was it difficult to answer the [questions / question]? | directly measured |
lh14a023 | [Were / Was] the [questions / question] sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
lh14a024 | Did the [questionnaire / question] get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
lh14a025 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
lh14a026 | Did you enjoy answering the [questions / question]? | directly measured |
lh14a027 | Starting date questionnaire | constructed |
lh14a028 | Starting time questionnaire | constructed |
lh14a029 | End date questionnaire | constructed |
lh14a030 | End time questionnaire | constructed |
lh14a031 | Duration in seconds | derived |
Questionnaire: List experiment on social desirability bias in attitudes towards immigration
The questionnaire was administered in Dutch
Browse List experiment on social desirability bias in attitudes towards immigrationResponse Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 6,558 (100%)Non-response: 940 (14.3%)
Response: 5,618 (85.7%)
Complete: 5,615 (85.6%)
Incomplete: 3 (0.1%)
Collection Events
01-09-2014 to 30-09-2014
Panel members aged 16 years or older born in the Netherlands
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents
Race, wealth, and the masking of opposition to immigrants in the Netherlands International Migration, 57(1), 245-263; Creighton, M. J.,
et al.
Stigma and the meaning of social desirability: Concealed Islamophobia in the Netherlands In: P. S. Brenner (Eds.), Understanding Survey Methodology. Frontiers in Sociology and Social Research, Vol 4 (pp. 115-142); Creighton, M. J.