Commemorating in heterogeneous societies
Single Wave Study
General Information
Commemorating in heterogeneous societies
Project Number
This questionnaire is a
vignette study and aims to answer the following questions: How do Dutch people in 2017 feel about Liberation
Day specifically and freedom in general? And second, how do generations and
groups with various ethnic backgrounds differ from each other?
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Regt, Sabrina de
© 2018 CentERdata
Funding Organization
Utrecht University
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of household member encrypted | preloaded |
mz17a_m | Year and month of the field work period | constructed |
mz17a001 | Random variable to indicate the condition (vignette or not). | constructed |
mz17a002 | Random variable to indicate the version of the vignette. | constructed |
mz17a003 | Did you read the text on the previous screen carefully? | directly measured |
mz17a004 | The following question is about the text you just read. Which event should we also remember on 4 May, according to the text? | directly measured |
mz17a005 | The following question is about the text you just read. Which event should we also think of on 5 May, according to the text? | directly measured |
mz17a006 | [The annual Remembrance of the Dead on 4 May/ The annual celebration of Liberation Day on 5 May] must continue in the future | directly measured |
mz17a007 | [The annual Remembrance of the Dead on 4 May/ The annual celebration of Liberation Day on 5 May] means nothing at all to me | directly measured |
mz17a008 | How do you feel about the different population groups in the Netherlands? Antilleans | directly measured |
mz17a009 | How do you feel about the different population groups in the Netherlands? Bosnians | directly measured |
mz17a010 | How do you feel about the different population groups in the Netherlands? Indonesians | directly measured |
mz17a011 | How do you feel about the different population groups in the Netherlands? Moroccans | directly measured |
mz17a012 | How do you feel about the different population groups in the Netherlands? Surinamese | directly measured |
mz17a013 | How do you feel about the different population groups in the Netherlands? Syrians | directly measured |
mz17a014 | How do you feel about the different population groups in the Netherlands? Turks | directly measured |
mz17a015 | To what extent do you feel that asylum seekers from war areas (for example Syria) should be admitted to the Netherlands? | directly measured |
mz17a016 | I feel connected to the Netherlands | directly measured |
mz17a017 | I find it more important for a politician to have a persuasive story than for him/her to know all the facts | directly measured |
mz17a018 | It is more important for a political leader that he/she is aware of what people are thinking and feeling than that he/she knows the figures | directly measured |
mz17a019 | I am more inclined to vote for a politician who appeals to me personally than someone with a lot of relevant knowledge | directly measured |
mz17a020 | Even if it doesn’t entirely match the facts, I find it important that a politician is able to formulate what I think and feel | directly measured |
mz17a021 | A white lie here and there is permissible as part of a political campaign | directly measured |
mz17a022 | Democracy may not be perfect, but it’s better than other forms of government | directly measured |
mz17a023 | Can you indicate your personal confidence in democracy, on a scale from 1 to 10? (1 = no confidence, 10 = full confidence) | directly measured |
mz17a024 | How often do you think back on the past with some sort of nostalgia? | directly measured |
mz17a025 | How often do you think back on those good old days? | directly measured |
mz17a026 | How often do you long for the past? | directly measured |
mz17a027 | How often do you feel nostalgia when you hear songs from the past? | directly measured |
mz17a028 | I feel a sense of continuity between the past, the present and the future | directly measured |
mz17a029 | I feel that I am part of a long history | directly measured |
mz17a030 | I feel that I am part of the future | directly measured |
mz17a031 | Children should thoroughly learn the traditions from the past | directly measured |
mz17a032 | It is very important to know what happened in the past | directly measured |
mz17a033 | I like to listen to elderly people talking about the past | directly measured |
mz17a034 | I like to think about what I am going to do in the future | directly measured |
mz17a035 | Recently, I have been thinking a lot about what I am going to do in the future | directly measured |
mz17a036 | The future is more important to me than the past | directly measured |
mz17a037 | Please indicate how you feel about the following acts. Do you feel that it’s always justified, or never justified, or somewhere in between? Abortion | directly measured |
mz17a038 | Please indicate how you feel about the following acts. Do you feel that it’s always justified, or never justified, or somewhere in between? Divorce | directly measured |
mz17a039 | Please indicate how you feel about the following acts. Do you feel that it’s always justified, or never justified, or somewhere in between? Euthanasia | directly measured |
mz17a040 | Please indicate how you feel about the following acts. Do you feel that it’s always justified, or never justified, or somewhere in between? Genetic manipulation of foods | directly measured |
mz17a041 | Please indicate how you feel about the following acts. Do you feel that it’s always justified, or never justified, or somewhere in between? Homosexuality | directly measured |
mz17a042 | Please indicate how you feel about the following acts. Do you feel that it’s always justified, or never justified, or somewhere in between? Scientific experiments with human embryos | directly measured |
mz17a043 | Below we present a number of topics. Where would you position yourself on the scale? about incomes | directly measured |
mz17a044 | Below we present a number of topics. Where would you position yourself on the scale? about responsibility | directly measured |
mz17a045 | Below we present a number of topics. Where would you position yourself on the scale? about firms | directly measured |
mz17a046 | Approximately how many slaves do you think the Netherlands traded in the past? If you’re not sure then give an estimate. | directly measured |
mz17a047 | What percentage of Dutch citizens collaborated actively with the Germans during the Second World War? If you’re not sure then give an estimate. | directly measured |
mz17a048 | In what year did the fall of Srebrenica occur? If you’re not sure then give an estimate. | directly measured |
mz17a049 | And finally: from when to when was the War of Independence fought in Indonesia? If you’re not sure then give an estimate. | directly measured |
mz17a050 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
mz17a051 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
mz17a052 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
mz17a053 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
mz17a054 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
mz17a055 | Starting date questionnaire | constructed |
mz17a056 | Starting time questionnaire | constructed |
mz17a057 | End date questionnaire | constructed |
mz17a058 | End time questionnaire | constructed |
mz17a059 | Duration in seconds | derived |
Questionnaire: Commemorating in heterogeneous societies
The questionnaire was administered in Dutch
Browse Commemorating in heterogeneous societiesResponse Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 2,022 (100%)Non-response: 323 (16.0%)
Response: 1,699 (84.0%)
Complete: 1,687 (83.4%)
Complete: 12(0.6%)
Collection Events
06-03-2017 to 28-03-2017
a random sample of (net) 1500 panel members (including 50 with non-Dutch background per vignette).
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents