Economic Situation: Housing > Wave 9

Longitudinal Wave

General Information

Wave 9
Project Number
This is the ninth wave of the survey Housing. This survey is part of the LISS Core Study.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Maarten Streefkerk (CentERdata)
© 2017 CentERdata
Funding Organization

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of household member encryptedpreloaded
cd16i_mYear and month of field work periodconstructed
cd16i001Please indicate on a scale from 0 to 10 how satisfied you are with the dwelling that you currently inhabit.directly measured
cd16i002Can you indicate on a scale from 0 to 10 how satisfied you are with the vicinity of your current dwelling?directly measured
cd16i003Are you a tenant, subtenant, or (co-)owner of your current dwelling? In the event that you inhabit more than one dwelling, please consider the most important one.directly measured
cd16i004Is this a matter of…?directly measured
cd16i005Do you pay rent or compensation?directly measured
cd16i006Do you pay rent (or compensation) per…?directly measured
cd16i007What is the period, then?directly measured
cd16i008How much is the rent (or compensation) per period ? If the dwelling includes a business section, please disregard the rent (compensation) and costs of the business section.directly measured
cd16i009Does the indicated rent amount (or compensation payment) include costs for water, electricity, gas, heating and other energy or service costs?directly measured
cd16i010What is the total sum of the costs for electricity, gas, heating and other energy or service costs, included in the indicated rent amount?directly measured
cd16i088Do you receive (through the Tax Administration) any rent benefit?directly measured
cd16i012Per what period do you receive rent benefit?directly measured
cd16i013How much is this rent benefit per period?directly measured
cd16i014In what year did you buy your current dwelling?directly measured
cd16i015On 31 December 2015 did you have a mortgage or loan (or bridging loan) on this property?directly measured
cd16i016On 31 December 2015 did you have a bridging loan?directly measured
cd16i083What amount was the remaining debt of all mortgage(s) or loan(s) at December, 31 2015?directly measured
cd16i018Did you pay any premium or redeem any debt on this or these mortgage(s) or loan(s), in 2015?directly measured
cd16i019What was the total amount that was paid in premiums or redeemed in debt on this or these mortgage(s) or loan(s) in 2015?directly measured
cd16i020Was any interest paid over this or these mortgage(s) or loan(s) in 2015?directly measured
cd16i021What was the total amount of interest paid over this or these mortgage(s) or loan(s) in 2015?directly measured
cd16i022Is/are this/these mortgage(s) or loan(s) linked to a term life insurance?directly measured
cd16i023What was the total amount paid in premiums for this term life insurance in 2015?directly measured
cd16i024What price would the property fetch, in your opinion, if you were to sell it today?directly measured
cd16i025What was the purchase price of the property?- amountdirectly measured
cd16i026What was the purchase price of the property?- currencydirectly measured
cd16i027What was the purchase price of the property?-Is this with or without buyer's costs, or costs payable by the vendor?directly measured
cd16i028What was the value set by the most recent municipal property appraisal (Dutch: Wet Waardering Onroerende Zaken, WOZ)?directly measured
cd16i029For what year was this WOZ value set?directly measured
cd16i030Owners of an apartment often pay service costs or some amount to an association of owners. Do you pay service costs or an amount to an association of owners?directly measured
cd16i031Per what period do you pay service costs or an amount to an association of owners?directly measured
cd16i032What period is this, then?directly measured
cd16i033How much do you pay in service costs or to an association of owners per period?directly measured
cd16i034How many rooms does your dwelling contain? such as bedroom, hobby room, study room, living room. Please disregard:kitchen, bathroom, toilet, open attic, hall, corridor, storage, space that belongs to the business section of the dwellingdirectly measured
cd16i035Does your dwelling contain any special adjustments for people with physical or health problems?directly measured
cd16i036In what year did you or your household take up residence in your current dwelling?directly measured
cd16i037Since what year have you lived in the municipality where you now live?directly measured
cd16i038What type of dwelling do you inhabit? If you inhabit more than one dwelling, please consider the most important one.directly measured
cd16i039How many floors does the dwelling consist of? Include the ground floor if this also serves as living space, and also an attic if this contains one or more rooms or a bathroom, but disregard a cellar or open attic.directly measured
cd16i040How many steps do you need to climb up or down to reach street level from the main entrance of your dwelling?directly measured
cd16i041Does your dwelling have one or more of the following problems? - the dwelling is too smalldirectly measured
cd16i042Does your dwelling have one or more of the following problems? - the dwelling is too darkdirectly measured
cd16i043Does your dwelling have one or more of the following problems? - the dwelling has inadequate heatingdirectly measured
cd16i044Does your dwelling have one or more of the following problems? - the dwelling has a leaking roofdirectly measured
cd16i045Does your dwelling have one or more of the following problems? - the dwelling has damp walls or floorsdirectly measured
cd16i046Does your dwelling have one or more of the following problems? - the dwelling has rotten windowframes or floorsdirectly measured
cd16i047Does your dwelling have one or more of the following problems? - the dwelling is too noisydirectly measured
cd16i048Does your dwelling have one or more of the following problems? - none of thesedirectly measured
cd16i049Are you ever confronted with the problems listed below in your home environment? - noise annoyance caused by neighborsdirectly measured
cd16i050Are you ever confronted with the problems listed below in your home environment? - noise annoyance caused by factories, traffic or other street soundsdirectly measured
cd16i051Are you ever confronted with the problems listed below in your home environment? - stench, dust or dirt, caused by traffic or industrydirectly measured
cd16i052Are you ever confronted with the problems listed below in your home environment? - vandalism or crimedirectly measured
cd16i053Are you ever confronted with the problems listed below in your home environment? - none of thesedirectly measured
cd16i054Do you rent out part of your dwelling?directly measured
cd16i055Do you regularly reside elsewhere (aside from holidays and short stays elsewhere)?directly measured
cd16i056Where do you reside in those periods, then?directly measured
cd16i057In what country do you stay, then?directly measured
cd16i058Do you have (or rent) a second dwelling?directly measured
cd16i060Are you a tenant, subtenant or owner of this second dwelling?directly measured
cd16i061Did you have one or more mortgages or loans on this second dwelling on 31 December 2015? (You may disregard any bridging loan.)directly measured
cd16i062How much was the remaining debt of your mortgage(s) or loan(s) on this second dwelling, on 31 December 2015?directly measured
cd16i063What price would this second dwelling fetch, in your opinion, if you were to sell it today?directly measured
cd16i064Do you pay the rent for this second dwelling per…?directly measured
cd16i065What is the payment period, then?directly measured
cd16i066How much is the rent per period, for your second dwelling? This may include the service costs, gas, electricity, central antenna and so on that are part of the rent for your second dwelling.directly measured
cd16i084Does the indicated rent amount include costs for water, electricity, gas, heating or other service costs?directly measured
cd16i085How much are the total costs [per period] for water, electricity, gas, heating or other service costs?directly measured
cd16i069Do you pay service costs or an amount for your second dwelling to an association of owners?directly measured
cd16i070Per what period do you pay service costs or an amount for your second dwelling to an association of owners?directly measured
cd16i071What is the payment period, then?directly measured
cd16i072How high are the service costs that you pay per period for the second dwelling?directly measured
cd16i073Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
cd16i074Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
cd16i075Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
cd16i076Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
cd16i077Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
cd16i078Starting date of the questionnaireconstructed
cd16i079Starting time of the questionnaireconstructed
cd16i080End date of the questionnaireconstructed
cd16i081End time of the questionnaireconstructed
cd16i082Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: Economic Situation: Housing, wave 9

The questionnaire was administered in Dutch.

Browse Economic Situation: Housing, wave 9

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 4266 (100.0%)
Non-response: 664 (15.6%)
Response: 3602 (84.4%)
Complete: 3584 (84.0%)
Incomplete: 18 (0.4%)
Collection Events
06-06-2016 to 28-06-2016
Household head
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.

04-07-2016 to 26-07-2016
non-respondents of the first measurement
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.