Professional respondents in panels
Single Wave Study
General Information
Professional respondents in panels
This questionnaire will be used to
investigate the existence of different respondent types in the LISS-I panel. It
will be examined whether these respondent types differ on demographic and
psychographic variables and survey attitudes, whether respondent types differ
in response propensity and attrition in the LISS-I panel and if they produce data
of different quality. The questionnaire is also administered to the LISS panel.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Leeuw, E.D. de, Conrad, F.G.
© 2015 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project
Cross-Cultural Psychology at Tilburg University
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Cross-Cultural Psychology at Tilburg University
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of the household member encrypted | preloaded |
le14a_m | Year and month of the field work period | constructed |
le14a001 | Imagine, now, that you have been asked to evaluate this type of research in the Netherlands by the responsible minister. Which report card grade, from 1 to 10, would you assign to the LISS panel? | directly measured |
le14a002 | If you compare the LISS questionnaires with those that you receive from other research agencies, how would you rate LISS overall? | directly measured |
le14a003 | NOT including the LISS panel in your count, of how many panels are you currently a member: | directly measured |
le14a004 | What are the names of the other online panels of which you are a member? | directly measured |
le14a005 | What are your reasons for completing questionnaires [if le14a002=6: of the LISS panel / if le14a002<6: on the internet]? | directly measured |
le14a006 | Below you will find a number of reasons why people complete questionnaires [if le14a002=6: of the LISS panel / if le14a002<6: on the internet]. What is the most important reason for you to participate? | directly measured |
le14a007 | And what is your second most important reason to complete questionnaires [if le14a002=6: of the LISS panel / if le14a002<6: on the internet]? | directly measured |
le14a008 | And what reason comes in third place, for you? | directly measured |
le14a009 | How many invitations to complete an online questionnaire did you receive in the past 4 weeks? Do NOT include the LISS panel in your count. | directly measured |
le14a010 | How many online questionnaires did you complete in the past 4 weeks? Do NOT include the LISS panel in your count. | directly measured |
le14a011 | When you complete online questionnaires, do you usually do so at home, at work or in school/university, or somewhere else, or while commuting? | directly measured |
le14a012 | How do you usually complete an online questionnaire? Do you usually do so on a desktop computer, or usually on a tablet computer (e.g. an Ipad), or on a smartphone? | directly measured |
le14a013 | How do you usually complete an online questionnaire? Usually in a different way, namely... | directly measured |
le14a014 | How are you completing this questionnaire? On a... | directly measured |
le14a015 | How are you completing this questionnaire? Other | directly measured |
le14a016 | How often do you check your email, on average, to see if there are any new messages for you? Count all devices used for this purpose, so including your desktop computer, a tablet computer (e.g. iPad), or your smartphone. | directly measured |
le14a017 | How often do you surf the internet? | directly measured |
le14a018 | Do you ever do something else while completing an online questionnaire? | directly measured |
le14a019 | What is it that you do, then, while completing an online questionnaire? | directly measured |
le14a020 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
le14a021 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
le14a022 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
le14a023 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
le14a024 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
le14a025 | Starting date questionnaire | constructed |
le14a026 | Starting time questionnaire | constructed |
le14a027 | End date questionnaire | constructed |
le14a028 | End time questionnaire | constructed |
le14a029 | Duration in seconds | derived |
le14a030 | End date intro | constructed |
le14a031 | End time intro | constructed |
le14a032 | End date le14a001 | constructed |
le14a033 | End time le14a001 | constructed |
le14a034 | End date le14a002 | constructed |
le14a035 | End time le14a002 | constructed |
le14a036 | End date le14a003 | constructed |
le14a037 | End time le14a003 | constructed |
le14a038 | End date le14a004 | constructed |
le14a039 | End time le14a004 | constructed |
le14a040 | End date le14a005 | constructed |
le14a041 | End time le14a005 | constructed |
le14a042 | End date le14a006 | constructed |
le14a043 | End time le14a006 | constructed |
le14a044 | End date le14a007 | constructed |
le14a045 | End time le14a007 | constructed |
le14a046 | End date le14a008 | constructed |
le14a047 | End time le14a008 | constructed |
le14a048 | End date le14a009 | constructed |
le14a049 | End time le14a009 | constructed |
le14a050 | End date le14a010 | constructed |
le14a051 | End time le14a010 | constructed |
le14a052 | End date le14a011 | constructed |
le14a053 | End time le14a011 | constructed |
le14a054 | End date le14a012 | constructed |
le14a055 | End time le14a012 | constructed |
le14a056 | End date le14a014 | constructed |
le14a057 | End time le14a014 | constructed |
le14a058 | End date le14a016 | constructed |
le14a059 | End time le14a016 | constructed |
le14a060 | End date le14a017 | constructed |
le14a061 | End time le14a017 | constructed |
le14a062 | End date le14a018 | constructed |
le14a063 | End time le14a018 | constructed |
le14a064 | End date le14a019 | constructed |
le14a065 | End time le14a019 | constructed |
Questionnaire: Professional respondents in panels
The study was administered in Dutch.
Browse Professional respondents in panelsResponse Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 1,649 (100%)Non-response: 415 (25.2%)
Response: 1,234 (74.8%)
Complete: 1,229 (74.5%)
Incomplete: 5 (0.3%)
Collection Events
07-07-2014 to 29-07-2014
panel members aged 16 years and older
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.