Nostalgia > Part 1 - Wave 2

Longitudinal Wave

General Information

Part 1 - Wave 2
Project Number
As part of this research project, the same respondents were presented a different questionnaire in January 2014 (the same questionnaire as in January 2013). The November questionnaire was repeated in March 2014. In November 2012 and March 2013 this questionnaire were fielded for the first and second time.  

This questionnaire made use of the Dutch translation of the Southampton Nostalgia Scale, the Batcho Nostalgia Inventory, the Belongingness Orientations Scale and part of the Ryff Wellbeing Inventory.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Robertson, S., Wildschut, T.
© 2015 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of the household member encryptedpreloaded
ho13d_mYear and month of the field work periodconstructed
ho13d001How valuable is nostalgia for you?directly measured
ho13d002How important is it for you to bring to mind nostalgic experiences?directly measured
ho13d003How significant is it for you to feel nostalgic?directly measured
ho13d004How prone are you to feeling nostalgic?directly measured
ho13d005How often do you experience nostalgia?directly measured
ho13d006Generally speaking, how often do you bring to mind nostalgic experiences?directly measured
ho13d007Specifically, how often do you bring to mind nostalgic experiences?directly measured
ho13d008Please rate the extent to which you feel nostalgic about each of the following aspects of your past. - Familydirectly measured
ho13d009Please rate the extent to which you feel nostalgic about each of the following aspects of your past. - Heroes and heroinesdirectly measured
ho13d010Please rate the extent to which you feel nostalgic about each of the following aspects of your past. - Not having to worrydirectly measured
ho13d011Please rate the extent to which you feel nostalgic about each of the following aspects of your past. - Placesdirectly measured
ho13d012Please rate the extent to which you feel nostalgic about each of the following aspects of your past. - Musicdirectly measured
ho13d013Please rate the extent to which you feel nostalgic about each of the following aspects of your past. - Someone I loveddirectly measured
ho13d014Please rate the extent to which you feel nostalgic about each of the following aspects of your past. - Friendsdirectly measured
ho13d015Please rate the extent to which you feel nostalgic about each of the following aspects of your past. - Things I diddirectly measured
ho13d016Please rate the extent to which you feel nostalgic about each of the following aspects of your past. - Childhood toysdirectly measured
ho13d017Please rate the extent to which you feel nostalgic about each of the following aspects of your past. - The way people weredirectly measured
ho13d018Please rate the extent to which you feel nostalgic about each of the following aspects of your past. - Feelings I haddirectly measured
ho13d019Please rate the extent to which you feel nostalgic about each of the following aspects of your past. - TV-shows/moviesdirectly measured
ho13d020Please rate the extent to which you feel nostalgic about each of the following aspects of your past. - My schooldirectly measured
ho13d021Please rate the extent to which you feel nostalgic about each of the following aspects of your past. - Having someone to depend ondirectly measured
ho13d022Please rate the extent to which you feel nostalgic about each of the following aspects of your past. - Holidays I went ondirectly measured
ho13d023Please rate the extent to which you feel nostalgic about each of the following aspects of your past. - The way society wasdirectly measured
ho13d024Please rate the extent to which you feel nostalgic about each of the following aspects of your past. - Petsdirectly measured
ho13d025Please rate the extent to which you feel nostalgic about each of the following aspects of your past. - Not knowing sad or evil thingsdirectly measured
ho13d026Please rate the extent to which you feel nostalgic about each of the following aspects of your past. - My family housedirectly measured
ho13d027Please rate the extent to which you feel nostalgic about each of the following aspects of your past. - Church/religiondirectly measured
ho13d028My interpersonal relationships are important to me because I find it exciting to discuss with people on numerous topics.directly measured
ho13d029My interpersonal relationships are important to me because I have a sincere interest in others.directly measured
ho13d030My interpersonal relationships are important to me because I consider the people I meet to be fascinating.directly measured
ho13d031My interpersonal relationships are important to me because they allow me to discover a lot about others.directly measured
ho13d032My interpersonal relationships are important to me because they allow me to learn about myself.directly measured
ho13d033My interpersonal relationships are important to me because it appeases me to feel accepted.directly measured
ho13d034My interpersonal relationships are important to me because I need to feel accepted.directly measured
ho13d035My interpersonal relationships are important to me because I don’t want to be alone.directly measured
ho13d036My interpersonal relationships are important to me because it gives me a frame of reference for the important decisions I have to make.directly measured
ho13d037My interpersonal relationships are important to me because they fill a void in my life.directly measured
ho13d038Most people see me as loving and affectionate.directly measured
ho13d039Maintaining close relationships has been difficult and frustrating for me.directly measured
ho13d040I often feel lonely because I have few close friends with whom I share my concerns.directly measured
ho13d041I enjoy personal and mutual conversations with family members or friends.directly measured
ho13d042I don’t have many people who want to listen when I need to talk.directly measured
ho13d043It seems to me that most other people have more friends than I do.directly measured
ho13d044People would describe me as a giving person, willing to share my time with others.directly measured
ho13d045I have not experienced many warm and trusting relationships with others.directly measured
ho13d046I know that I can trust my friends, and they know they can trust me.directly measured
ho13d047Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
ho13d048Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
ho13d049Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
ho13d050Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
ho13d051Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
ho13d052Starting date questionnaireconstructed
ho13d053Starting time questionnaireconstructed
ho13d054End date questionnaireconstructed
ho13d055End time questionnaireconstructed
ho13d056Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: Nostalgia Part 1 - wave 2

The questionnaire was administered in Dutch.

Browse Nostalgia Part 1 - wave 2

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 1,331 (100%)
Non-response: 237 (17.8%)
Response: 1,094 (82.2%)
Complete: 1,085 (81.5%)
Incomplete: 9 (0.7%)
Collection Events
04-11-2013 to 26-11-2013
random selection of 1.331 panel members aged 16 years or older (same panel members as in wave 1)
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.