What drives or inhibits the development of interethnic contacts? > Wave 2

Longitudinal Wave

General Information

Wave 2
This is the second wave of the questionnaire "Contact between different communities".
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Martinovic, B
© 2014 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project
Cross-Cultural Psychology at Tilburg University
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of the household member encryptedpreloaded
ji14b_mYear and month of the field work periodconstructed
ji14b001Origin constructed by CentERdataconstructed
ji14b058Are you currently working or following education?preloaded
ji14b059Do you currently participate in the activities of an social group, club or association that meets regularly?preloaded
ji14b060Do you have a partner?preloaded
ji14b002It is important to me that my friends live according to the same cultural values that I endorse.directly measured
ji14b003It is important to me that my friends respect the same cultural traditions as I do.directly measured
ji14b004It is important to me that my friends and I have a similar level of education.directly measured
ji14b005It is important to me that my friends and I have similar financial means.directly measured
ji14b006Please indicate how positive or negative you feel about the following ethnic groups living in the Netherlands: Turksdirectly measured
ji14b007Please indicate how positive or negative you feel about the following ethnic groups living in the Netherlands: Moroccansdirectly measured
ji14b008Please indicate how positive or negative you feel about the following ethnic groups living in the Netherlands: Surinamesedirectly measured
ji14b009Please indicate how positive or negative you feel about the following ethnic groups living in the Netherlands: Antilleansdirectly measured
ji14b010Please indicate how positive or negative you feel about the following ethnic groups living in the Netherlands: Eastern-Europeansdirectly measured
ji14b011Please indicate how positive or negative you feel about the following ethnic groups living in the Netherlands: Western-Europeansdirectly measured
ji14b012Please indicate how positive or negative you feel about the following ethnic groups living in the Netherlands: Native Dutchdirectly measured
ji14b013There are people in my circle of family and relatives who would disapprove of me having many [ji13a001] friends.directly measured
ji14b014If I was to spend a lot of time with [ji13a001] friends, my [ji13a001] would distance themselves from me.directly measured
ji14b015There are people in my circle of family and relatives who would disapprove of me having many friends from another ethnic minority background.directly measured
ji14b016If I was to spend a lot of time with friends from other ethnic minorities, my co-ethnic friends would distance themselves from me.directly measured
ji14b017Are you currently working or following an education?directly measured
ji14b061Is this the same job/education you had in June 2013?directly measured
ji14b018What percentage of your colleagues or classmates would you say is [ji13a001]?directly measured
ji14b019What percentage of your colleagues or classmates would you say is of another ethnic minority background?directly measured
ji14b020Do you currently participate in the activities of any social group, club or association that meets regularly?directly measured
ji14b062Are these the same clubs or social groups you participated in in June 2013?directly measured
ji14b021What percentage of these people would you say is [ji13a001]?directly measured
ji14b022What percentage of these people would you say is of another ethnic minority background?directly measured
ji14b063Have you moved since June 2013?directly measured
ji14b023What percentage of these people would you say is [if ji13a001]?directly measured
ji14b024What percentage of these people would you say is of another ethnic minority background?directly measured
ji14b025How often do you hang out with people living in the Netherlands from each of the groups below?: Turksdirectly measured
ji14b026How often do you hang out with people living in the Netherlands from each of the groups below?: Moroccansdirectly measured
ji14b027How often do you hang out with people living in the Netherlands from each of the groups below?: Surinamesedirectly measured
ji14b028How often do you hang out with people living in the Netherlands from each of the groups below?: Antilleansdirectly measured
ji14b029How often do you hang out with people living in the Netherlands from each of the groups below?: Eastern-Europeansdirectly measured
ji14b030How often do you hang out with people living in the Netherlands from each of the groups below?: Western-Europeansdirectly measured
ji14b031How often do you hang out with people living in the Netherlands from each of the groups below?: Native Dutchdirectly measured
ji14b064How often do you hang out with people living in the Netherlands from each of the groups below?: Other groupsdirectly measured
ji14b032How many of these friends belong to the ethnic groups mentioned below?: Turkishdirectly measured
ji14b033How many of these friends belong to the ethnic groups mentioned below?: Moroccansdirectly measured
ji14b034How many of these friends belong to the ethnic groups mentioned below?:Surinamesedirectly measured
ji14b035How many of these friends belong to the ethnic groups mentioned below?:Antilleansdirectly measured
ji14b036How many of these friends belong to the ethnic groups mentioned below?:Eastern-Europeansdirectly measured
ji14b037How many of these friends belong to the ethnic groups mentioned below?:Western-Europeansdirectly measured
ji14b038How many of these friends belong to the ethnic groups mentioned below?:Native Dutchdirectly measured
ji14b065How many of these friends belong to the ethnic groups mentioned below?: Other groupsdirectly measured
ji14b066The culture of my ethnic group is superior to other culturesdirectly measured
ji14b067How people from my ethnic group perceive the world is only one of the many acceptable possibilitiesdirectly measured
ji14b068You always have to add nuances to your cultural worldview and not declare it sacred.directly measured
ji14b039Do you have a partner?directly measured
ji14b040What is the ethnic background of the mother of your partner?directly measured
ji14b041Other, namely…directly measured
ji14b042What is the ethnic background of the father of your partner?directly measured
ji14b043Other, namely…directly measured
ji14b048Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
ji14b049Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
ji14b050Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
ji14b051Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
ji14b052Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
ji14b053Starting date questionnaireconstructed
ji14b054Starting time questionnaireconstructed
ji14b055End date questionnaireconstructed
ji14b056End time questionnaireconstructed
ji14b057Duration in secondsderived
ji14b069Were you together with this very same partner in June 2013?directly measured


Questionnaire: What drives or inhibits the development of interethnic contacts?

The study was administered in Dutch.

Browse What drives or inhibits the development of interethnic contacts?

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 1,733 (100%)
Non-response: 464 (26.8%)
Response: 1,269 (73.2%)
Complete: 1,264 (72.9%)
Incomplete: 5 (0.3%)
Collection Events
03-03-2014 to 25-03-2014
panel members with the age of 16 years and older
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.