Effect of perceived social distributions on subjective well-being > Part 1
Single Wave Study
General Information
Part 1
Project Number
In July 2008, the first part of the questionnaire about subjective estimations of properties such as income, health, number of friends et cetera was administered to het LISS panel.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Galesic, Mirta, Rieskamp, Jörg, Olsson, Hendrik
© 2010 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of household member encrypted | preloaded |
aj08a_m | Year and month of field work period | constructed |
aj08a001 | Question order: which block is displayed first | constructed |
aj08a002 | Question order: which block is displayed second | constructed |
aj08a003 | Question order: which block is displayed third | constructed |
aj08a004 | Question order: which block is displayed fourth | constructed |
aj08a005 | Question order: which block is displayed fifth | constructed |
aj08a006 | Question order: which block is displayed sixth | constructed |
aj08a007 | Question order: which block is displayed seventh | constructed |
aj08a008 | Question order: which block is displayed eighth | constructed |
aj08a009 | Question order: which block is displayed ninth | constructed |
aj08a010 | Question order2: which block is displayed first | constructed |
aj08a011 | Question order2: which block is displayed second | constructed |
aj08a012 | Question order2: which block is displayed third | constructed |
aj08a013 | Question order2: which block is displayed fourth | constructed |
aj08a014 | Question order2: which block is displayed fifth | constructed |
aj08a015 | Question order2: which block is displayed sixth | constructed |
aj08a016 | Question order3: which question is displayed first | constructed |
aj08a017 | Question order3: which question is displayed second | constructed |
aj08a018 | Question order3: which question is displayed third | constructed |
aj08a019 | Question order3: which question is displayed fourth | constructed |
aj08a020 | Question order3: which question is displayed fifth | constructed |
aj08a021 | Question order3: which question is displayed sixth | constructed |
aj08a022 | Question order3: which question is displayed seventh | constructed |
aj08a023 | In general, how happy were you last month? | directly measured |
aj08a024 | What was the total net income of your household within the last month? | directly measured |
aj08a025 | What would you consider as a satisfying level of household income in your current circumstances, within a typical month? | directly measured |
aj08a026 | What was your personal net income of within the last month? | directly measured |
aj08a027 | What would you consider as a satisfying level of personal income in your current circumstances, within a typical month? | directly measured |
aj08a028 | What is the total wealth of your household? | directly measured |
aj08a029 | What would you consider as a satisfying level of household wealth in your current circumstances? | directly measured |
aj08a030 | Do you currently have a partner? | directly measured |
aj08a031 | How many times did you experience conflicts, tensions, or disputes with your partner within the last month? | directly measured |
aj08a032 | What would you consider as an acceptable number of such conflicts, tensions, or disputes with your partner within a typical month? | directly measured |
aj08a033 | How many times did you go on a date last month? | directly measured |
aj08a034 | What would you consider as a satisfying number of dates within a typical month, in your circumstances? | directly measured |
aj08a035 | How many close friends do you have? | directly measured |
aj08a036 | What would you consider as a satisfying number of close friends, in your circumstances? | directly measured |
aj08a037 | How many meetings in total have you had with your closest friends within the last month? | directly measured |
aj08a038 | What would you consider as a satisfying total number of meetings with your closest friends in a typical month, in your circumstances? | directly measured |
aj08a039 | How many times have your physical health or your emotional problems interfered with your work or social activities within the last month? | directly measured |
aj08a040 | What would you consider as an acceptable number of such interferences in a typical month, in your circumstances? | directly measured |
aj08a041 | On how many days within the last month did you experience high levels of stress? | directly measured |
aj08a042 | What would you consider as an acceptable number of days within a typical month to experience such high levels of stress, in your circumstances? | directly measured |
aj08a043 | What is your highest level of education? | directly measured |
aj08a044 | What would you consider as a satisfying education level in your circumstances? | directly measured |
aj08a045 | percentage in category very unfriendly | directly measured |
aj08a046 | percentage in category unfriendly | directly measured |
aj08a047 | percentage in category somewhat unfriendly | directly measured |
aj08a048 | percentage in category neither friendly nor unfriendly | directly measured |
aj08a049 | percentage in category somewhat friendly | directly measured |
aj08a050 | percentage in category friendly | directly measured |
aj08a051 | percentage in category very friendly | directly measured |
aj08a052 | percentage in category: up to €1.000 | directly measured |
aj08a053 | percentage in category: €1.001 – €1.500 | directly measured |
aj08a054 | percentage in category: €1.501 – €2.000 | directly measured |
aj08a055 | percentage in category: €2.001 – €2.500 | directly measured |
aj08a056 | percentage in category: €2.501 – €3.000 | directly measured |
aj08a057 | percentage in category: €3.001 – €5.000 | directly measured |
aj08a058 | percentage in category: €5.001 or more | directly measured |
aj08a059 | percentage in category: up to €1.000 | directly measured |
aj08a060 | percentage in category: €1.001 – €1.500 | directly measured |
aj08a061 | percentage in category: €1.501 – €2.000 | directly measured |
aj08a062 | percentage in category: €2.001 – €2.500 | directly measured |
aj08a063 | percentage in category: €2.501 – €3.000 | directly measured |
aj08a064 | percentage in category: €3.001 – €5.000 | directly measured |
aj08a065 | percentage in category: €5.001 or more | directly measured |
aj08a066 | percentage in category: up to €5.000 | directly measured |
aj08a067 | percentage in category: €5.001 – €50.000 | directly measured |
aj08a068 | percentage in category: €50.001 – €100.000 | directly measured |
aj08a069 | percentage in category: €100.001 – €250.000 | directly measured |
aj08a070 | percentage in category: €250.001 – €500.000 | directly measured |
aj08a071 | percentage in category: €500.001 – €750.000 | directly measured |
aj08a072 | percentage in category: €750.001 or more | directly measured |
aj08a073 | percentage in category: yes, has a partner | directly measured |
aj08a074 | percentage in category: no, does not have a partner | directly measured |
aj08a075 | percentage in category: 0 times | directly measured |
aj08a076 | percentage in category: 1 time | directly measured |
aj08a077 | percentage in category: 2 times | directly measured |
aj08a078 | percentage in category: 3 – 4 times | directly measured |
aj08a079 | percentage in category: 5 – 6 times | directly measured |
aj08a080 | percentage in category: 7 – 12 times | directly measured |
aj08a081 | percentage in category: 13 times or more | directly measured |
aj08a082 | percentage in category: never | directly measured |
aj08a083 | percentage in category: 1 time | directly measured |
aj08a084 | percentage in category: 2 times | directly measured |
aj08a085 | percentage in category: 3 times | directly measured |
aj08a086 | percentage in category: 4 times | directly measured |
aj08a087 | percentage in category: 5 times | directly measured |
aj08a088 | percentage in category: 6 times or more | directly measured |
aj08a089 | percentage in category: none | directly measured |
aj08a090 | percentage in category: 1 good friend | directly measured |
aj08a091 | percentage in category: 2 – 3 good friends | directly measured |
aj08a092 | percentage in category: 4 – 5 good friends | directly measured |
aj08a093 | percentage in category: 6 – 7 good friends | directly measured |
aj08a094 | percentage in category: 8 – 9 good friends | directly measured |
aj08a095 | percentage in category: 10 or more | directly measured |
aj08a096 | percentage in category: 0 times | directly measured |
aj08a097 | percentage in category: 1 time | directly measured |
aj08a098 | percentage in category: 2 times | directly measured |
aj08a099 | percentage in category: 3 – 4 times | directly measured |
aj08a100 | percentage in category: 5 – 6 times | directly measured |
aj08a101 | percentage in category: 7 – 12 times | directly measured |
aj08a102 | percentage in category: 13 times or more | directly measured |
aj08a103 | percentage in category: 0 times | directly measured |
aj08a104 | percentage in category: 1 time | directly measured |
aj08a105 | percentage in category: 2 times | directly measured |
aj08a106 | percentage in category: 3 – 4 times | directly measured |
aj08a107 | percentage in category: 5 – 6 times | directly measured |
aj08a108 | percentage in category: 7 – 12 times | directly measured |
aj08a109 | percentage in category: 13 times or more | directly measured |
aj08a110 | percentage in category: 0 days | directly measured |
aj08a111 | percentage in category: 1 day | directly measured |
aj08a112 | percentage in category: 2 days | directly measured |
aj08a113 | percentage in category: 3 – 4 days | directly measured |
aj08a114 | percentage in category: 5 – 6 days | directly measured |
aj08a115 | percentage in category: 7 – 12 days | directly measured |
aj08a116 | percentage in category: 13 days or more | directly measured |
aj08a117 | percentage in category: no education | directly measured |
aj08a118 | percentage in category: primary education | directly measured |
aj08a119 | percentage in category: lower secondary | directly measured |
aj08a120 | percentage in category: higher secondary | directly measured |
aj08a121 | percentage in category: intermediate vocational training | directly measured |
aj08a122 | percentage in category: higher vocational training | directly measured |
aj08a123 | percentage in category: university | directly measured |
aj08a124 | How satisfied were you with your income within the last month? | directly measured |
aj08a125 | How satisfied were you with your love life within the last month? | directly measured |
aj08a126 | How satisfied were you with your friendships within the last month? | directly measured |
aj08a127 | How satisfied were you with your physical and emotional health within the last month? | directly measured |
aj08a128 | How satisfied were you with your work/school within the last month? | directly measured |
aj08a129 | How satisfied are you with your education? | directly measured |
aj08a130 | Taken all together, how satisfied were you with the life you lead within the last month? | directly measured |
aj08a131 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
aj08a132 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
aj08a133 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
aj08a134 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
aj08a135 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
aj08a136 | Starting date of the questionnaire | constructed |
aj08a137 | Starting time of the questionnaire | constructed |
aj08a138 | End date of the questionnaire | constructed |
aj08a139 | End time of the questionnaire | constructed |
aj08a140 | Duration in seconds | derived |
Response Information
Response Overview
Response:Selected number of household members: 2500 (100%)
Non-response: 813 (32.5%)
Response: 1687 (67.5%)
Complete: 1646 (65.8%)
Incomplete: 41 (1.6%)
Collection Events
07-07-2008 to 30-07-2008
Random selection of 2500 respondents from the panel
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents
Social Sampling Explains Apparent Biases in Judgments of Social Environments Psychological Science vol. 23 no. 12 1515-1523, online first ; Galesic, Mirta
et al.