Food Choice > Part 2

Single Wave Study

General Information

Part 2
Project Number
A Discrete Choice Experiment is used in part 1, where respondents are presented with a number of choice sets, each of which contains two alternatives between which the respondents have to choose. In the second part, additional questions are asked to measure health knowledge and health valuation of the respondents.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
van Kippersluis, H., Koc, H.
© 2014 CentERdata
Funding Organization
MESS Project

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of the household member encryptedpreloaded
kz14a_mYear and month of the field work periodconstructed
kz14a001Which statement was presented first at kz14a025 - kz14a036?constructed
kz14a002Which statement was presented second at kz14a025 - kz14a036?constructed
kz14a003Which statement was presented third at kz14a025 - kz14a036?constructed
kz14a004Which statement was presented fourth at kz14a025 - kz14a036?constructed
kz14a005Which statement was presented fifth at kz14a025 - kz14a036?constructed
kz14a006Which statement was presented sixth at kz14a025 - kz14a036?constructed
kz14a007Which statement was presented seventh at kz14a025 - kz14a036?constructed
kz14a008Which statement was presented eighth at kz14a025 - kz14a036?constructed
kz14a009Which statement was presented ninth at kz14a025 - kz14a036?constructed
kz14a010Which statement was presented tenth at kz14a025 - kz14a036?constructed
kz14a011Which statement was presented eleventh at kz14a025 - kz14a036?constructed
kz14a012Which statement was presented twelfth at kz14a025 - kz14a036?constructed
kz14a013Which block was presented first?constructed
kz14a014Which block was presented second?constructed
kz14a015Which block was presented third?constructed
kz14a016Which block was presented fourth?constructed
kz14a017If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anythingdirectly measured
kz14a018There are many things that I care about more than my healthdirectly measured
kz14a019Good health is of only minor importance in a happy lifedirectly measured
kz14a020There is nothing more important than good healthdirectly measured
kz14a021What is the minimum number of months X for which you would choose Treatment B instead of Treatment A?directly measured
kz14a022If offered € 100,- now or € X,- in 6 months, what would be the smallest amount of money (X Euro) you would accept rather than the immediately available € 100,-?directly measured
kz14a023I live by the daydirectly measured
kz14a024How would you rate your knowledge about health matters?directly measured
kz14a025Experts recommend a daily intake of about 2,500 calories for men and about 2,000 calories for women.directly measured
kz14a026Experts advise that approximately 30% of the total number of calories in a day consists of saturated fat.directly measured
kz14a027Experts advise to limit sodium at dinner to a maximum of 1,500 milligrams.directly measured
kz14a028It is good for health to limit the intake of foods high in added sugars.directly measured
kz14a029Experts recommend eating many different types of vegetables, especially dark green, red, and orange vegetables.directly measured
kz14a030According to the experts, meat, chicken, fish, and eggs are the main ingredient of our meals.directly measured
kz14a031Eating whole-wheat bread has no positive effect on health.directly measured
kz14a032Taking a large amount of saturated fat can prevent cardiovascular disease.directly measured
kz14a033Even without overweight poor diet can lead to cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.directly measured
kz14a034Sodium is a part of sugar.directly measured
kz14a035Eating enough fruits and vegetables is associated with a lower risk of some chronic diseases.directly measured
kz14a036Intake of excessive sodium can lead to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.directly measured
kz14a037Are you on any kind of diet?directly measured
kz14a038How often do you eat the following food items? Meat and chickendirectly measured
kz14a039How often do you eat the following food items? Fish and shellfishdirectly measured
kz14a040How often do you eat the following food items? Cheese and cheese dishesdirectly measured
kz14a041How often do you eat the following food items? Beans and peasdirectly measured
kz14a042How often do you eat the following food items? Fruitsdirectly measured
kz14a043How often do you eat the following food items? Vegetablesdirectly measured
kz14a044How often do you eat the following food items? Butter and margarinedirectly measured
kz14a045How often do you eat the following food items? Desserts and sweetsdirectly measured
kz14a046How often do you eat the following food items? Candydirectly measured
kz14a047How often do you eat the following food items? Soft drinks and energy drinksdirectly measured
kz14a048How often do you eat the following food items? Snacksdirectly measured
kz14a049Home cooking based on individual ingredientsdirectly measured
kz14a050Home cooking based on ready-made food (eg. frozen food, salad, world cuisine, etc.)directly measured
kz14a051A take out or delivery mealdirectly measured
kz14a052Eat in a restaurantdirectly measured
kz14a053Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
kz14a054Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
kz14a055Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
kz14a056Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
kz14a057Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
kz14a058Starting date questionnaireconstructed
kz14a059Starting time questionnaireconstructed
kz14a060End date questionnaireconstructed
kz14a061End time questionnaireconstructed
kz14a062Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: Food choice - Part 2

The study was administered in Dutch.

Browse Food choice - Part 2

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 3,527 (100%)
Non-response: 370 (10.5%)
Response: 3,157 (89.5%)
Complete: 3,147 (89.2%)
Incomplete: 10 (0.3%)
Collection Events
05-05-2014 to 27-05-2014
random selection of panel members aged 16 years and over.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.


A(nother) piece of cake? Erasmus University Rotterdam; Lammers, C.S.
The relationship between time preferences and measures of well-being Tilburg School of Economics and Management; Farny, L.