Time Use Study
General Information
Time Use Study
Project Number
The Time Use Study commenced in September
2012. The research was conducted among 176 panel members of the LISS panel every
month (except September 2012). The research was finalized September 2013.
This research project comprises the following three parts:
1. Starting questionnaire, preceding working with the TBO LISS app
2. Working with the TBO LISS app
3. Ending questionnaire, after working with the TBO LISS app
The Invitation and Selection file contains selections of panel members who were selected for the invitation questionnaires and initial fieldwork.
This research project comprises the following three parts:
1. Starting questionnaire, preceding working with the TBO LISS app
2. Working with the TBO LISS app
3. Ending questionnaire, after working with the TBO LISS app
The Invitation and Selection file contains selections of panel members who were selected for the invitation questionnaires and initial fieldwork.
Longitudinal Type
Begin date
End date
Fernee, H.
© 2017 CentERdata
List of Studies
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Single Wave Study
Single Wave Study
Single Wave Study
Single Wave Study
Mixing online panel data collection with innovative methods In: S. Eifler and F. Faulbaum (Eds.). Methodische Probleme von Mixed-Mode-Ansätzen in der Umfrageforschung, pp 27-49; Scherpenzeel, A.
Doing a time use survey on smartphones only: what factors predict nonresponse at different stages of the survey process? Survey Research Methods, 13(2), 195-213; Elevelt, A.,
et al.
Togetherness in the household American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 15(1), 529-579; Cosaert, S.,
et al.