Migrants National Identification and the National Dimension of Cultural Consumption
Single Wave Study
General Information
Migrants National Identification and the National Dimension of Cultural Consumption
This study examines to what extent migrants and
children consume cultural goods from the country of origin, and to what extent
this consumption is affected by the identification with the country of origin
and host country.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Bekhuis, H. & Lubbers, M.
© 2014 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project
Cross-Cultural Psychology at Tilburg University
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Cross-Cultural Psychology at Tilburg University
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
Fills question text ju13a052 - ju13a056
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of household member encrypted | preloaded |
ju13a_m | Year and month of the field work period | constructed |
ju13a001 | Origin groups, construed by CentERdata | preloaded |
ju13a002 | Country of origin, construed by CentERdata | preloaded |
ju13a003 | Which musical artist do you most enjoy listening to? | directly measured |
ju13a004 | How often do you listen to music by artists from...the Netherlands? | directly measured |
ju13a005 | How often do you listen to music by artists from...[fillA] | directly measured |
ju13a006 | How often do you listen to music by artists from...Great Britain | directly measured |
ju13a007 | How often do you listen to music by artists from...other European countries | directly measured |
ju13a008 | How often do you listen to music by artists from...the United States | directly measured |
ju13a009 | How often do you listen to music by artists from...North African countries, other than Morocco | directly measured |
ju13a010 | How often do you listen to music by artists from...Latin American countries, other than your country of origin | directly measured |
ju13a011 | How often do you listen to music by artists from...other countries | directly measured |
ju13a012 | How often do you listen to music of Dutch artists who...have a Dutch background and sing in Dutch? | directly measured |
ju13a013 | How often do you listen to music of Dutch artists who...have a Dutch background and sing in English? | directly measured |
ju13a014 | How often do you listen to music of Dutch artists who...have a background from another country? | directly measured |
ju13a015 | When you listen to music, to what kind of music do you listen, and how often? Blues | directly measured |
ju13a016 | When you listen to music, to what kind of music do you listen, and how often? Chanson | directly measured |
ju13a017 | When you listen to music, to what kind of music do you listen, and how often? Country | directly measured |
ju13a018 | When you listen to music, to what kind of music do you listen, and how often? Dance/House | directly measured |
ju13a019 | When you listen to music, to what kind of music do you listen, and how often? Gospel | directly measured |
ju13a020 | When you listen to music, to what kind of music do you listen, and how often? Jazz | directly measured |
ju13a021 | When you listen to music, to what kind of music do you listen, and how often? Classical | directly measured |
ju13a022 | When you listen to music, to what kind of music do you listen, and how often? Latin | directly measured |
ju13a023 | When you listen to music, to what kind of music do you listen, and how often? Dutch chanson | directly measured |
ju13a024 | When you listen to music, to what kind of music do you listen, and how often? Metal | directly measured |
ju13a025 | When you listen to music, to what kind of music do you listen, and how often? Pop | directly measured |
ju13a026 | When you listen to music, to what kind of music do you listen, and how often? R&B | directly measured |
ju13a027 | When you listen to music, to what kind of music do you listen, and how often? Raï | directly measured |
ju13a028 | When you listen to music, to what kind of music do you listen, and how often? Rap/hip hop | directly measured |
ju13a029 | When you listen to music, to what kind of music do you listen, and how often? Reggae | directly measured |
ju13a030 | When you listen to music, to what kind of music do you listen, and how often? Regional | directly measured |
ju13a031 | When you listen to music, to what kind of music do you listen, and how often? Rock | directly measured |
ju13a032 | When you listen to music, to what kind of music do you listen, and how often? Türkü | directly measured |
ju13a033 | How often do you read fiction books by authors from...[fillA] | directly measured |
ju13a034 | How often do you read fiction books by authors from...the Netherlands with a Dutch background? | directly measured |
ju13a035 | How often do you read fiction books by authors from...the Netherlands with a non-Dutch background? | directly measured |
ju13a036 | How often do you read fiction books by authors from...European countries? | directly measured |
ju13a037 | How often do you read fiction books by authors from...the United States? | directly measured |
ju13a038 | How often do you read fiction books by authors from...other countries outside Europe and the United States? | directly measured |
ju13a039 | Can you indicate how often you read fiction books in the following languages? [The language of the country where (one of) your parents was/were born / The language of your country of origin] | directly measured |
ju13a040 | Can you indicate how often you read fiction books in the following languages? Dutch | directly measured |
ju13a041 | Can you indicate how often you read fiction books in the following languages? Other language | directly measured |
ju13a042 | If you ever read fiction books, what type of books do you read, and how often? Detectives/Crime/Thriller | directly measured |
ju13a043 | If you ever read fiction books, what type of books do you read, and how often? Family or regional novel | directly measured |
ju13a044 | If you ever read fiction books, what type of books do you read, and how often? Fantasy/science fiction | directly measured |
ju13a045 | If you ever read fiction books, what type of books do you read, and how often? Literary novels | directly measured |
ju13a046 | If you ever read fiction books, what type of books do you read, and how often? War novels | directly measured |
ju13a047 | If you ever read fiction books, what type of books do you read, and how often? Popular literature (e.g. gothic or romantic novels) | directly measured |
ju13a048 | I am ignored or excluded because I am a foreigner. | directly measured |
ju13a049 | As an immigrant I am treated as a second-class citizen. | directly measured |
ju13a050 | Some Dutch people think that I don’t belong here. | directly measured |
ju13a051 | In the Netherlands I am treated as an outsider. | directly measured |
ju13a052 | I feel connected to [fillB]. | directly measured |
ju13a053 | Whenever [fillC] are talked about, I feel personally addressed (as if it’s about me). | directly measured |
ju13a054 | [fillD] is an important part of who I am. | directly measured |
ju13a055 | I am [fillE] | directly measured |
ju13a056 | Whenever I talk about [fillC] I often say 'we'. | directly measured |
ju13a057 | I feel connected to other Dutch people. | directly measured |
ju13a058 | Whenever Dutch people are talked about, I feel personally addressed (as if it’s about me). | directly measured |
ju13a059 | Being Dutch is an important part of who I am. | directly measured |
ju13a060 | I am proud to be Dutch. | directly measured |
ju13a061 | Whenever I talk about Dutch people I often say 'We'. | directly measured |
ju13a062 | How important is the following for your sense of who you are: to be a European? | directly measured |
ju13a063 | How important is the following for your sense of who you are: to be part of a worldwide religious community? | directly measured |
ju13a064 | It would be a better world if people from other countries were more like [fillF]. | directly measured |
ju13a065 | The culture of [fillF] in the Netherlands is under threat. | directly measured |
ju13a066 | [fillG] | directly measured |
ju13a067 | How well can you read the following languages? [The language of the country where (one of) your parents was/were born / The language of your country of origin] | directly measured |
ju13a068 | How well can you read the following languages? Dutch | directly measured |
ju13a069 | How well can you read the following languages? English | directly measured |
ju13a070 | I prefer to listen to music sung in Dutch, because I can better understand the lyrics. | directly measured |
ju13a071 | The themes that are addressed in books by Dutch authors are relevant to me. | directly measured |
ju13a072 | I prefer to listen to music sung in the [language of the country where (one of) my parents was/were born / language of my country of origin], because I can better understand the lyrics. | directly measured |
ju13a073 | I can more easily recognize the themes addressed in books by authors from [fillH] than in books by authors from other countries. | directly measured |
ju13a074 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
ju13a075 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
ju13a076 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
ju13a077 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
ju13a078 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
ju13a079 | Starting date questionnaire | constructed |
ju13a080 | Starting time questionnaire | constructed |
ju13a081 | End date questionnaire | constructed |
ju13a082 | End time questionnaire | constructed |
ju13a083 | duration of questionnaire in seconds | derived |
Questionnaire: Cultural consumption
The questionnaire was administered in Dutch.
Browse Cultural consumptionResponse Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 1834 (100%)Non-response: 417 (22.7%)
Response: 1417 (77.3%)
Complete: 1407 (76.7%)
Incomplete: 10 (0.6%)
Collection Events
02-09-2013 to 30-09-2013
panel members of 16 years of age or older
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.
Family characteristics and entrepreneurship among immigrants in the Netherlands Master thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus School of Economics; Grigorian, A.A.
Impact of consumption of Dutch cultural goods by international migrants on their sense of belonging in the host society University of Groningen; Rilla, H.