Does stigmatisation “explain” why low socioeconomic status is related to poor health?
Single Wave Study
General Information
Does stigmatisation “explain” why low socioeconomic status is related to poor health?
Project Number
The aim of this questionnaire is to examine correlations among socioeconomic status, perceived stigmatisation, general shame and social inadequacy, and poor health.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Simons, A.M.W., Groffen, D.A.I., Bosma, H.
© 2013 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of household member encrypted | preloaded |
is13a_m | Year and month of the field work period | constructed |
is13a001 | I feel strange or abnormal on account of my financial situation, education level or occupation. | directly measured |
is13a002 | There have been times that I felt ashamed of my financial situation, education level or occupation. | directly measured |
is13a003 | I never feel shy when I am among other people. | directly measured |
is13a004 | I never feel ashamed because of my financial situation, education level or occupation. | directly measured |
is13a005 | I feel that others look down on me because of my financial situation, education level or occupation. | directly measured |
is13a006 | People treat me differently because of my financial situation, education level or occupation. | directly measured |
is13a007 | It has happened that people said negative or unpleasant things about me behind my back because of my financial situation, education level or occupation. | directly measured |
is13a008 | I have sometimes been excluded from work, education or family life because of my financial situation, education level or occupation. | directly measured |
is13a009 | How often... - ...do you feel embarrassed when someone sees you making a mistake? | directly measured |
is13a010 | How often... - ...do you have the feeling that people are laughing at you? | directly measured |
is13a011 | How often... - ...do you have the feeling that people always look at you when something goes wrong? | directly measured |
is13a012 | I do not like to address a group of people I don’t know. | directly measured |
is13a013 | I do not like talking to strangers. | directly measured |
is13a014 | I become nervous when I am about to meet other people. | directly measured |
is13a015 | I find it hard to make contact with strangers. | directly measured |
is13a016 | If at all possible, I avoid going to reception parties. | directly measured |
is13a017 | I am shy in the company of people I don’t know. | directly measured |
is13a018 | I do not like having a lot of people around me. | directly measured |
is13a019 | I do not make new friends easily. | directly measured |
is13a020 | I am happier to see visitors leave than arrive. | directly measured |
is13a021 | In a group of people, I prefer to stay in the background. | directly measured |
is13a022 | I only feel at ease with people I know well. | directly measured |
is13a023 | I don’t have much influence on other people. | directly measured |
is13a024 | I prefer to work alone than with a group of other people. | directly measured |
is13a025 | I don’t have much need for contact with other people. | directly measured |
is13a026 | I feel shy when people look at me. | directly measured |
is13a027 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
is13a028 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
is13a029 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
is13a030 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
is13a031 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
is13a032 | Starting date questionnaire | constructed |
is13a033 | Starting time questionnaire | constructed |
is13a034 | End date questionnaire | constructed |
is13a035 | End time questionnaire | constructed |
is13a036 | duration of questionnaire in seconds | derived |
Response Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members 2656 (100%)Non-response: 560 (21.1%)
Response: 2096 (78.9%)
Complete: 2092 (78.8%)
Incomplete: 4 ( 0.1%)
Collection Events
04-02-2013 to 26-02-2013
Random sample of 2656 panel members with the age of 16 years or older.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.
Perceived classism and its relation with socioeconomic status, health, health behaviours and perceived inferiority International Journal of Public Health (2016), 62(4), 433-440; Simons, A.M.W.,
et al.
Concurrent of zondebok: Mensen met een migratieachtergrond de dupe van andermans bestaansonzekerheid University of Groningen; Rietman, M.
De invloed van bestaansonzekerheid op het welzijn University of Groningen; Vos, T.
Achter de gezondheidskloof: de rol van bestaansonzekerheid en statusangst University of Groningen; van den Berg, J.