Social Exclusion - SCP

Single Wave Study

General Information

Social Exclusion - SCP
Project Number
In June 2012, the LISS panel was presented the questionnaire “social exclusion”. The questionnaire aims to investigate the degree of social exclusion among the Dutch population.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Hoff, S.
© 2013 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project
The Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP)

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of the household member encryptedpreloaded
gy12a_mYear and month of the field work periodconstructed
gy12a001preloaded: age of household memberpreloaded
gy12a002computed: Does the household belong to the category poor: with a standardized net household income of less than 980 euros per month?constructed
gy12a003There are people around that I can really talk to.directly measured
gy12a004I feel cut off from other people.directly measured
gy12a005There are people around that really understand me.directly measured
gy12a006How often do you have contact with your direct neighbors and other people in the neighborhood?directly measured
gy12a007I give money to charity.directly measured
gy12a008I sometimes lend my neighbors a hand.directly measured
gy12a009I take empty glass to the glass recycling container.directly measured
gy12a010Working is just a means of earning money.directly measured
gy12a011It’s alright for an experienced driver to drive a car after drinking four glasses of alcoholic beverage.directly measured
gy12a012Breaking the law is only bad if you get caught.directly measured
gy12a013If you listen to music on public transport, it should not be audible for other people.directly measured
gy12a014Did anyone in your household, in the past 12 months, need to see a doctor or dentist for treatment, but did not go for treatment?directly measured
gy12a015Was anyone in your household, in the past 12 months, refused as a customer by a bank or insurance company?directly measured
gy12a016Did anyone in your household, in the past 12 months, ever seek help from an agency, but did not get this help?directly measured
gy12a017Do you have any children aged between 4 and 24 years?directly measured
gy12a018[Have you / Has your child] ever been rejected for a course or education program that [you / he/she] wanted to follow, or for a school of [your / his/her (or your)] preference?directly measured
gy12a019In what stage of education [were you / was your child] rejected for a school or education program? elementary schooldirectly measured
gy12a020In what stage of education [were you / was your child] rejected for a school or education program? when progressing to junior highdirectly measured
gy12a021In what stage of education [were you / was your child] rejected for a school or education program? when progressing from junior high to high schooldirectly measured
gy12a022In what stage of education [were you / was your child] rejected for a school or education program? when progressing to tertiary education after high schooldirectly measured
gy12a023In what stage of education [were you / was your child] rejected for a school or education program? otherwise, namely...directly measured
gy12a024otherwise, namely...directly measured
gy12a025In my neighborhood, people interact with each other nicely.directly measured
gy12a026How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the quality of your dwelling?directly measured
gy12a027In the past 12 months, have you been discriminated against, for example because of your faith, sexual orientation, exterior appearance or age?directly measured
gy12a028Does your household have enough money to... properly heat your house?directly measured
gy12a029Does your household have enough money to... pay membership fees for a sports club, association, etc.?directly measured
gy12a030Does your household have enough money to... go visit friends or family?directly measured
gy12a031Are you able to perform a sudden but necessary payment of one thousand euros without incurring a debt or taking out a loan?directly measured
gy12a032Does your household have enough money to...afford a hot meal with meat, fish or chicken at least every other day?directly measured
gy12a033Does your household have enough money to...take one week of holiday a year?directly measured
gy12a034Is there a color television?directly measured
gy12a035Is there a washing machine?directly measured
gy12a036Do you or does someone else in your household own a car?directly measured
gy12a037Do you not have a color television for financial reasons?directly measured
gy12a038Do you not have a washing machine for financial reasons?directly measured
gy12a039Do you not have a car for financial reasons?directly measured
gy12a040In the past 12 months, has your household...been in arrears with the payment of mortgage or rent or the energy bill, for financial reasons?directly measured
gy12a041In the past 12 months, has your household...been in arrears with paying off a bank loan or credit with a shop or mail order company, for financial reasons?directly measured
gy12a042In the past 12 months, has your household...received debt assistance or debt relief?directly measured
gy12a043In the past 12 months, has your household...received help from private organizations such as the Food Bank, a church or mosque, or The Salvation Army?directly measured
gy12a044Do you ever feel like you’re not part of society?directly measured
gy12a045Do you suffer one or more protracted sicknesses or ailments?directly measured
gy12a046To what extent are you hindered in performing daily activities by sickness or ailments?directly measured
gy12a047Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
gy12a048Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
gy12a049Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
gy12a050Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
gy12a051Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
gy12a052Starting date questionnaireconstructed
gy12a053Starting time questionnaireconstructed
gy12a054End date questionnaireconstructed
gy12a055End time questionnaireconstructed
gy12a056Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: Social Exclusion - SCP

The questionnaire was administered in Dutch.

Browse Social Exclusion - SCP

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 1398 (100%)
Non-response: 451 (32.3%)
Response: 947 (67.7%)
Complete: 942 (67.4%)
Incomplete: 5 (0.3%)
Collection Events
04-06-2012 to 26-06-2012
To be able to differentiate between poor and non-poor population groups, all households were selected with a standardized net household income of less than 980 euros per month. This group comprised 39.4% of the sample; the other households were randomly selected. One member of each household was selected, and the panel members were aged 18 and older.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.


The Effect of Debt Assistance on Employment and Health Status in the Netherlands Tilburg University, department of Economics; Huijbregts, P.A.
Social inhibition, sense of belonging and vulnerability to internalizing problems Journal of Affective Disorders (2018), 225, 207-213; Moor, E.L. de, et al.