Helping Behavior
Single Wave Study
General Information
Helping Behavior
In January 2013, the questionnaire on helping behavior was fielded in the LISS-Immigrants panel. The questionnaire aims to examine different forms of helping behavior.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Aydinli, A., Van De Vijver, F.J.R.
© 2013 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project
Cross-Cultural Psychology at Tilburg University
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Cross-Cultural Psychology at Tilburg University
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch
Data Files
English SPSS file
English STATA file
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of household member encrypted | preloaded |
iq13a_m | Year and month of the field work period | constructed |
iq13a001 | I like to make an effort for other people. | directly measured |
iq13a002 | It gives me a good feeling inside to take care of other people. | directly measured |
iq13a003 | In general I am able to strike a balance between different group members’ needs. | directly measured |
iq13a004 | I find effective ways of supporting other people, even in complex situations. | directly measured |
iq13a005 | My activities to help other people are well organized. | directly measured |
iq13a006 | When I try to win people for a good cause, I choose my arguments carefully. | directly measured |
iq13a007 | I feel helpless when I try to do something good for others. | directly measured |
iq13a008 | When people are in need, I often do not feel capable of helping them. | directly measured |
iq13a009 | How connected do you feel to... - ...an acquaintance? | directly measured |
iq13a010 | How connected do you feel to... - ...a stranger of the same ethnic background as yours? | directly measured |
iq13a011 | How connected do you feel to... - ...a friend? | directly measured |
iq13a012 | How connected do you feel to... - ...a colleague/classmate/fellow student? | directly measured |
iq13a013 | How connected do you feel to... - ...a stranger of another ethnic background than yours? | directly measured |
iq13a014 | How connected do you feel to... - ...the family member to whom you feel most connected? | directly measured |
iq13a015 | To which of the following persons did you refer in the question above, as to the family member to whom you feel most connected? | directly measured |
iq13a016 | other, namely... | directly measured |
iq13a017 | If they involved [iq13a015]: Donate money to a non-profit organization that works in his/her interest. | directly measured |
iq13a018 | If they involved [iq13a015]: Help him/her to pack belongings or move house. | directly measured |
iq13a019 | If they involved [iq13a015]: Help him/her with picking up the groceries that he/she just dropped. | directly measured |
iq13a020 | If they involved [iq13a015]: Cheer him/her up when he/she is feeling unhappy. | directly measured |
iq13a021 | If they involved [iq13a015]: Help him/her with a homework assignment or work task. | directly measured |
iq13a022 | If they involved [iq13a015]: Help him/her look for a lost item. | directly measured |
iq13a023 | If they involved [iq13a015]: Voluntarily participate in one of his/her questionnaires. | directly measured |
iq13a024 | If they involved [iq13a015]: Point out a forgotten belonging to him/her. | directly measured |
iq13a025 | If they involved AN ACQUAINTANCE: Donate money to a non-profit organization that works in his/her interest. | directly measured |
iq13a026 | If they involved AN ACQUAINTANCE: Help him/her to pack belongings or move house. | directly measured |
iq13a027 | If they involved AN ACQUAINTANCE: Help him/her with picking up the groceries that he/she just dropped. | directly measured |
iq13a028 | If they involved AN ACQUAINTANCE: Cheer him/her up when he/she is feeling unhappy. | directly measured |
iq13a029 | If they involved AN ACQUAINTANCE: Help him/her with a homework assignment or work task. | directly measured |
iq13a030 | If they involved AN ACQUAINTANCE: Help him/her look for a lost item. | directly measured |
iq13a031 | If they involved AN ACQUAINTANCE: Voluntarily participate in one of his/her questionnaires. | directly measured |
iq13a032 | If they involved AN ACQUAINTANCE: Point out a forgotten belonging to him/her. | directly measured |
iq13a033 | If they involved A STRANGER OF THE SAME ETHNIC BACKGROUND AS YOURS: Donate money to a non-profit organization that works in his/her interest. | directly measured |
iq13a034 | If they involved A STRANGER OF THE SAME ETHNIC BACKGROUND AS YOURS: Help him/her to pack belongings or move house. | directly measured |
iq13a035 | If they involved A STRANGER OF THE SAME ETHNIC BACKGROUND AS YOURS: Help him/her with picking up the groceries that he/she just dropped. | directly measured |
iq13a036 | If they involved A STRANGER OF THE SAME ETHNIC BACKGROUND AS YOURS: Cheer him/her up when he/she is feeling unhappy. | directly measured |
iq13a037 | If they involved A STRANGER OF THE SAME ETHNIC BACKGROUND AS YOURS: Help him/her with a homework assignment or work task. | directly measured |
iq13a038 | If they involved A STRANGER OF THE SAME ETHNIC BACKGROUND AS YOURS: Help him/her look for a lost item. | directly measured |
iq13a039 | If they involved A STRANGER OF THE SAME ETHNIC BACKGROUND AS YOURS: Voluntarily participate in one of his/her questionnaires. | directly measured |
iq13a040 | If they involved A STRANGER OF THE SAME ETHNIC BACKGROUND AS YOURS: Point out a forgotten belonging to him/her. | directly measured |
iq13a041 | If they involved A FRIEND: Donate money to a non-profit organization that works in his/her interest. | directly measured |
iq13a042 | If they involved A FRIEND: Help him/her to pack belongings or move house. | directly measured |
iq13a043 | If they involved A FRIEND: Help him/her with picking up the groceries that he/she just dropped. | directly measured |
iq13a044 | If they involved A FRIEND: Cheer him/her up when he/she is feeling unhappy. | directly measured |
iq13a045 | If they involved A FRIEND: Help him/her with a homework assignment or work task. | directly measured |
iq13a046 | If they involved A FRIEND: Help him/her look for a lost item. | directly measured |
iq13a047 | If they involved A FRIEND: Voluntarily participate in one of his/her questionnaires. | directly measured |
iq13a048 | If they involved A FRIEND: Point out a forgotten belonging to him/her. | directly measured |
iq13a049 | If they involved A STRANGER OF ANOTHER ETHNIC BACKGROUND THAN YOURS: Donate money to a non-profit organization that works in his/her interest. | directly measured |
iq13a050 | If they involved A STRANGER OF ANOTHER ETHNIC BACKGROUND THAN YOURS: Help him/her to pack belongings or move house. | directly measured |
iq13a051 | If they involved A STRANGER OF ANOTHER ETHNIC BACKGROUND THAN YOURS: Help him/her with picking up the groceries that he/she just dropped. | directly measured |
iq13a052 | If they involved A STRANGER OF ANOTHER ETHNIC BACKGROUND THAN YOURS: Cheer him/her up when he/she is feeling unhappy. | directly measured |
iq13a053 | If they involved A STRANGER OF ANOTHER ETHNIC BACKGROUND THAN YOURS: Help him/her with a homework assignment or work task. | directly measured |
iq13a054 | If they involved A STRANGER OF ANOTHER ETHNIC BACKGROUND THAN YOURS: Help him/her look for a lost item. | directly measured |
iq13a055 | If they involved A STRANGER OF ANOTHER ETHNIC BACKGROUND THAN YOURS: Voluntarily participate in one of his/her questionnaires. | directly measured |
iq13a056 | If they involved A STRANGER OF ANOTHER ETHNIC BACKGROUND THAN YOURS: Point out a forgotten belonging to him/her. | directly measured |
iq13a057 | If they involved A COLLEAGUE/CLASSMATE/FELLOW STUDENT: Donate money to a non-profit organization that works in his/her interest. | directly measured |
iq13a058 | If they involved A COLLEAGUE/CLASSMATE/FELLOW STUDENT: Help him/her to pack belongings or move house. | directly measured |
iq13a059 | If they involved A COLLEAGUE/CLASSMATE/FELLOW STUDENT: Help him/her with picking up the groceries that he/she just dropped. | directly measured |
iq13a060 | If they involved A COLLEAGUE/CLASSMATE/FELLOW STUDENT: Cheer him/her up when he/she is feeling unhappy. | directly measured |
iq13a061 | If they involved A COLLEAGUE/CLASSMATE/FELLOW STUDENT: Help him/her with a homework assignment or work task. | directly measured |
iq13a062 | If they involved A COLLEAGUE/CLASSMATE/FELLOW STUDENT: Help him/her look for a lost item. | directly measured |
iq13a063 | If they involved A COLLEAGUE/CLASSMATE/FELLOW STUDENT: Voluntarily participate in one of his/her questionnaires. | directly measured |
iq13a064 | If they involved A COLLEAGUE/CLASSMATE/FELLOW STUDENT: Point out a forgotten belonging to him/her. | directly measured |
iq13a065 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
iq13a066 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
iq13a067 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
iq13a068 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
iq13a069 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
iq13a070 | Starting date questionnaire | constructed |
iq13a071 | Starting time questionnaire | constructed |
iq13a072 | End date questionnaire | constructed |
iq13a073 | End time questionnaire | constructed |
iq13a074 | Duration of questionnaire in seconds | derived |
Response Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 2049 (100%)Non-response: 480 (23.4%)
Response: 1569 (76.6%)
Complete: 1560 (76.1%)
Incomplete: 9 (0.4%)
Collection Events
07-01-2013 to 29-01-2013
panel members aged 16 years or older.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.
Family characteristics and entrepreneurship among immigrants in the Netherlands Master thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus School of Economics; Grigorian, A.A.