Background Variables
Single Wave Study
General Information
Datasets and documentation
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The variable “gender” has been added and answer category 3 has been added to geslacht since February 2022.
Sinds februari 2022 is de variabele "gender" toegevoegd en is antwoordalternatief 3 aan geslacht toegevoegd.
Data Files
Merging files:
-Please note that when merging the Background Variables with other survey data one should only use the key variable nomem_encr. Using nohouse_encr can lead to missing data due to household changes.
-Choose the Background Variables corresponding to the month(s) of the data collection of your survey, not the most recent background variables.
The variables in these data files are presented per person, including variables that contain information on the entire household. These data represent a snapshot of the situation at the end of the field work period concerned.
- Variables at household level: lftdhhh, aantalhh, aantalki, partner, woonvorm, woning, sted (updated since August 2022), nettohh_f, brutohh_f, werving (published from April 2011 onwards), simpc
- Variables at individual level: geslacht, gender (published from February 2022 onwards), positie, gebjaar, leeftijd, lftdcat, burgstat, belbezig, brutoink, brutoink_f, nettoink/netinc, nettoink_f, brutocat, nettocat, oplzon, oplmet, oplcat, herkomstgroep (published from October 2010 onwards), doetmee
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of household member encrypted | preloaded |
nohouse_encr | Number of household encrypted | preloaded |
geslacht | Gender | directly measured |
gender | Gender self-identification | derived |
positie | Position within the household | derived |
gebjaar | Year of birth | directly measured |
leeftijd | Age of the household member | derived |
lftdcat | Age in CBS (Statistics Netherlands) categories | derived |
lftdhhh | Age of the household head | derived |
aantalhh | Number of household members | directly measured |
aantalki | Number of living-at-home children in the household, children of the household head or his/her partner | constructed |
partner | The household head lives together with a partner (wedded or unwedded) | derived |
burgstat | Civil status | directly measured |
woonvorm | Domestic situation of the household head | derived |
woning | Type of dwelling that the household inhabits | directly measured |
sted | Urban character of place of residence | constructed |
belbezig | Primary occupation | directly measured |
brutoink | Personal gross monthly income in Euros | directly measured |
brutoink_f | Personal gross monthly income in Euros, imputed | derived |
nettoink | Personal net monthly income in Euros | derived |
netinc | Personal net monthly income in Euros (available as from July 2008) | directly measured |
nettoink_f | Personal net monthly income in Euros, imputed (available as from July 2008) | derived |
brutocat | Personal gross monthly income in categories | derived |
nettocat | Personal net monthly income in categories | directly measured |
brutohh_f | Gross household income in Euros | derived |
nettohh_f | Net household income in Euros | derived |
oplzon | Highest level of education irrespective of diploma | directly measured |
oplmet | Highest level of education with diploma | directly measured |
oplcat | Level of education in CBS (Statistics Netherlands) categories | derived |
doetmee | Household member participates in the panel | constructed |
werving | From which recruitment wave the household originates | constructed |
herkomstgroep | Origin | derived |
simpc | Does the household have a simPC? | constructed |
Questionnaire: Household Box
Please note that all questions of the questionnaire are completed by the household contact person only.
we present the version of the household box as when filled in for the
first time. In following measures, earlier given answers are shown on
the screen, which the respondent can edit if changes have occured.
The questionnaire was conducted in Dutch.