Ecological Footprint
Single Wave Study
General Information
Ecological Footprint
In July 2010, the Immigrant panel was
presented a questionnaire to measure the ecological footprint of the respondent. The questionnaire calculates the ecological
footprint by taking account of the space, resources and energy people use in
relation to the biocapacity of the earth.
More information on this Ecological Footprint measure by Prof. W. Rees and Dr. M. Wackernagel can be found on the website: www.footprintnetwork.org.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Marchand, M.
© 2013 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project
Cross-Cultural Psychology at Tilburg University
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Cross-Cultural Psychology at Tilburg University
Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in Dutch
Codebook in English
Data Files
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of household member encrypted | preloaded |
fr10a_m | Year and month of the field work period | constructed |
fr10a001 | The first 7 questions are about your personal consumption. What is the source of the fruits and vegetables that you eat? | directly measured |
fr10a002 | How much meat do you eat on average per week, including meat snacks and cold cuts? An average portion of meat as part of a main meal weighs 125 grams. | directly measured |
fr10a003 | How many grams of meat do you eat on average per week, then, including meat snacks and cold cuts? | directly measured |
fr10a004 | How many grams of fish do you eat on average per week? An average portion of fish as part of a main meal is 125 grams. | directly measured |
fr10a005 | How many grams of fish do you eat on average per week, then? | directly measured |
fr10a006 | How many liters of milk or milk drinks, buttermilk, yoghurt, custard and such products do you consume per week, on average? Do not include rice milk and soy milk products here. An average portion of such products is 0.2 liters. | directly measured |
fr10a007 | How many liters of milk or milk drinks, buttermilk, yoghurt, custard and such products do you consume per week on average, then? | directly measured |
fr10a008 | How many grams of cheese and cheese products do you eat per week? A slice of bread topped with cheese uses about 20 grams of cheese. | directly measured |
fr10a009 | How many grams of cheese and cheese products do you eat per week, then? | directly measured |
fr10a010 | How many kilometers did you travel by car in 2009, for private purposes? | directly measured |
fr10a011 | How many kilometers did you travel by car in 2009 for private purposes, then? | directly measured |
fr10a012 | How many kilometers did you travel by public transport in 2009, for private purposes (train, tram, bus, boat)? | directly measured |
fr10a013 | How many kilometers did you trabel by public transport in 2009 for private purposes, then? | directly measured |
fr10a014 | How much do you travel for your holidays? How many kilometers did you travel in 2009 for your holidays, by cars? | directly measured |
fr10a015 | How many kilometers did you travel in 2009 for your holidays by car, then? | directly measured |
fr10a016 | How much do you travel for your holidays? How many kilometers did you travel in 2009 for your holidays, by train, tram, touring bus or boat? | directly measured |
fr10a017 | How many kilometers did you travel in 2009 for your holidays by train, tram, touring bus or boat, then? | directly measured |
fr10a018 | How much do you travel for your holidays? How many kilometers did you travel in 2009 for your holidays by airplane? | directly measured |
fr10a019 | How many kilometers did you fly in 2009 for your holidays, then? | directly measured |
fr10a020 | The next 5 questions are about consumption by your household as a whole. What is the total floor area of the house you inhabit? (including any second home) | directly measured |
fr10a021 | How old is the house you inhabit? | directly measured |
fr10a022 | What is the total floor area of your home, then (including any second home)? | directly measured |
fr10a023 | What is the total surface area of the premises of the house you inhabit? (including any allotment garden or second home) | directly measured |
fr10a024 | How large is the premises, then (including any allotment garden or second home)? | directly measured |
fr10a025 | How much electricity did your household use in 2009? If you don\'t know the answer, then select the average consumption (between 3000 and 4000 kWh per year). | directly measured |
fr10a026 | Do you use green energy? | directly measured |
fr10a027 | How much electricity did your household use in 2009, then? (in kWh) | directly measured |
fr10a028 | How much natural gas did your household use in 2009? If you don\'t know the answer, then select the average consumption (between 1500 and 2000 m3 per year | directly measured |
fr10a029 | Do you use green gas? | directly measured |
fr10a030 | How much natural gas did your household use in 2009, then? (in m3) | directly measured |
fr10a031 | How much paper did your household use in 2009? | directly measured |
fr10a032 | How many people does your household consist of? | directly measured |
fr10a033 | Number of points for individual | constructed |
fr10a034 | Number of points for household | constructed |
fr10a035 | Total number of points | constructed |
fr10a036 | Global footprint in hectares | constructed |
Questionnaire: Ecological Footprint
This questionnaire was originally conducted in Dutch.
Browse Ecological FootprintResponse Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 1348 (100%)Non-response: 270 (20.0%)
Complete: 1076 (79.8%)
Incomplete: 2 (.1%)
Collection Events
05-07-2010 to 28-07-2010
Panel members aged 16 years or older.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.