Financial Literacy
Single Wave Study
General Information
Financial Literacy
Project Number
This study consists of five questions concerning people’s financial literacy.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Van Overveld, Mark
© 2012 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project
Datasets and documentation
View Documentation
Codebook in Dutch
Codebook in English
Data Files
Variable name | Variable Label | Variable Type |
nomem_encr | Number of the respondent encrypted | preloaded |
ew11a_m | Year and month of the field work period | constructed |
ew11a001 | How would you score your understanding of financial matters (on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 means ‘very poor’ and 7 means ‘very good’)? | directly measured |
ew11a002 | How much do you think you will have on the savings account after five years, assuming that you leave all your money on this savings account: more than 102 euros, exactly 102 euros, less than 102 euros? | directly measured |
ew11a003 | Suppose that the interest on your savings account is 1% per year and that inflation amounts to 2% per year. After 1 year, would you be able to buy more, exactly the same, or less than you could today with the money on that account? | directly measured |
ew11a004 | A share in a company usually offers a more certain return than an investment fund that only invests in shares. | directly measured |
ew11a005 | If the interest rate goes up, what should happen to bond prices? | directly measured |
ew11a006 | Was it difficult to answer the questions? | directly measured |
ew11a007 | Were the questions sufficiently clear? | directly measured |
ew11a008 | Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things? | directly measured |
ew11a009 | Was it an interesting subject? | directly measured |
ew11a010 | Did you enjoy answering the questions? | directly measured |
Questionnaire: Financial Literacy
The questionnaire was originally conducted in Dutch
Browse Financial LiteracyResponse Information
Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 6,778 (100%)Non-response: 1,918 (28.3%)
Response: 4,860 (71.7%)
Complete: 4,858 (71.7%)
Incomplete: 2 (0.0%)
Collection Events
01-08-2011 to 30-08-2011
panel members aged 16 years or older
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents.
The full questionnaire consisted of two parts; the first part was about the interpersonal effects of weeping (study fh11b), and the second part presented the financial questions.
The full questionnaire consisted of two parts; the first part was about the interpersonal effects of weeping (study fh11b), and the second part presented the financial questions.
Determinanten der Teilnahme von Privatinvestoren am Aktienmarkt Institut für Banken und Finanzierung, Leibniz Universität Hannover; Cambier, Myriam
The effect of financial literacy on the adequacy of post-retirement income University of Groningen; Wilming, M.
Does self-esteem influence financial behavior? University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business; Heuzeveldt, T.F.A.
The Influence of Financial Knowledge and Self-perception on the Propensity to save for Retirement University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business; Moreno, A.G.
Financial literacy and wealth accumulation Leiden University; de Koning, R.
The importance of locus of control on preferred consumption during retirement Tilburg University; Sint Nicolaas, R. J.
A capability approach to evaluating well-being and equality in housing: Clear conceptual difference but unclear practical difference? Housing, Theory and Society, 40(2), 192-218; Kimhur, B.
Does the financial sector cause stock market participation? Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ramnér, L. A. T.
The Cross-sectional Distribution of Financial Literacy in the United States versus the Netherlands Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Zofakis, F.A.
Determinants of stock market participation Leibniz University Hannover ; Schindler, D.
Financial literacy in the Netherlands: The relation on debt, life insurance and investment behavior Erasmus University Rotterdam; Gransbergen, F.