Are Investors Driven by Sentiments? > 2011 June

Longitudinal Wave

General Information

2011 June
Project Number
The principal aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the mood an investor is in when making decisions and the actual decisions.
Longitudinal Type
Longitudinal Wave
Begin date
End date
Kaplanski, Guy, Levy, Haim, Veld, Chris, Veld-Merkoulova, Yulia
© 2012 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STAT file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of the respondent encryptedpreloaded
dt11e_mYear and month of administrationconstructed
dt11e032What percentage of your investment portfolio consists of stock?directly measured
dt11e033Welk percentage van uw beleggingsportefeuille bestaat uit aandelen?directly measured
dt11e003If you performed any stock transactions last month, did these mainly concern selling or purchasing decisions?directly measured
dt11e004Are you planning to buy or sell any stock over the coming days?directly measured
dt11e005What do you think the returns will be on the Dutch stock exchange (as measured by returns on the AEX-index) in the coming month?directly measured
dt11e006What do you think the returns will be on the Dutch stock exchange (as measured by returns on the AEX-index) in the coming year?directly measured
dt11e007What do you think the returns will be on the American stock exchange (as measured by returns on the American S&P 500-index) in the coming month?directly measured
dt11e008What do you think the returns will be on the American stock exchange (as measured by returns on the American S&P 500-index) in the coming year?directly measured
dt11e009How do you view the risk (volatility) for the Dutch stock market in the coming month, compared to an average month?directly measured
dt11e010How do you view the risk (volatility) for the Dutch stock market in the coming year, compared to an average year?directly measured
dt11e011How do you view the risk (volatility) for the American stock market in the coming month, compared to an average month?directly measured
dt11e012How do you view the risk (volatility) for the American stock market in the coming year, compared to an average year?directly measured
dt11e013Are you a fan or a supporter of a sports club or an individual sportsperson?directly measured
dt11e014To what sport does this club or sportsperson belong?directly measured
dt11e015To what sport does this club or sportsperson belong? - another sport, namelydirectly measured
dt11e016What did you think of the competitive results of your favorite club or sportsperson in the past three days?directly measured
dt11e017What did you think of the weather over the last two days?directly measured
dt11e018Do you generally feel better in spring or in autumn?directly measured
dt11e019Do you see yourself as someone who is prone to ‘winter blues’?directly measured
dt11e020Which of these sentences best describes your mood at this moment?directly measured
dt11e021How do you generally feel, compared to other people?directly measured
dt11e022Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
dt11e023Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
dt11e024Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
dt11e025Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
dt11e026Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
dt11e027Starting date questionnaireconstructed
dt11e028Starting time questionnaireconstructed
dt11e029End date questionnairedirectly measured
dt11e030End time questionnaireconstructed
dt11e031duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: Investors Sentiments - June 2011

This questionnaire was originally conducted in Dutch

Browse Investors Sentiments - June 2011

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 804 (100%)
Non-response: 128 (15.9%)
Actual response: 676 (84.1%)
Complete: 612 (76.1%)
Incomplete: 64 (8.0%)
Collection Events
06-06-2011 to 29-06-2011
Panel members that indicated in October 2010 that they have investments in stocks.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
A reminder was sent twice to non-respondents