Theme questionnaire: Living in the Netherlands > 2011 July

Single Wave Study

General Information

2011 July
This is the July 2011 measurement of the Theme Questionnaire. The survey aims to gain insight in how immigrants in the Netherlands experience living in this country.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Demirel, Gamze, Elshout, Suzan, Marchand, Miquelle, Scherpenzeel, Annette, Streefkerk, Maarten, Vis, Corrie
© 2012 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in English
Codebook in Dutch

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of household member encryptedpreloaded
fo11a_mYear and month of field work periodconstructed
ypermut1fo11a016 through fo11a029: Which item was presented first...preloaded
ypermut2fo11a016 through fo11a029: Which item was presented second...preloaded
ypermut3fo11a016 through fo11a029: Which item was presented third...preloaded
ypermut4fo11a016 through fo11a029: Which item was presented fourth...preloaded
ypermut5fo11a016 through fo11a029: Which item was presented fifth...preloaded
ypermut6fo11a016 through fo11a029: Which item was presented sixth...preloaded
ypermut7fo11a016 through fo11a029: Which item was presented seventh...preloaded
ypermut8fo11a016 through fo11a029: Which item was presented eighth...preloaded
ypermut9fo11a016 through fo11a029: Which item was presented ninth....preloaded
ypermut10fo11a016 through fo11a029: Which item was presented tenth...preloaded
ypermut11fo11a016 through fo11a029: Which item was presented eleventh...preloaded
ypermut12fo11a016 through fo11a029: Which item was presented twelfth...preloaded
ypermut13fo11a016 through fo11a029: Which item was presented thirtheenth...preloaded
ypermut14fo11a016 through fo11a029: Which item was presented fourteenth...preloaded
fo11a001To what extent do you agree with the following statements about food?: I am happy to pay more for food that is less damaging to the environmentdirectly measured
fo11a002To what extent do you agree with the following statements about food?: I always eat seasonal fruits and vegetablesdirectly measured
fo11a003To what extent do you agree with the following statements about food?: Children should remain at the table until everyone has finished eatingdirectly measured
fo11a004To what extent do you agree with the following statements about food?: You should eat whatever is set before youdirectly measured
fo11a005To what extent do you agree with the following statements about food?: I do not want my food to be genetically modifieddirectly measured
fo11a006Where do you usually buy your food?directly measured
fo11a007Where do you usually buy your food, then?directly measured
fo11a008To what extent is the following important to you with regard to domestic life?: That people in the neighbourhood talk to each otherdirectly measured
fo11a009To what extent is the following important to you with regard to domestic life?: That people in the neighbourhood do (fun) things togetherdirectly measured
fo11a010To what extent is the following important to you with regard to domestic life?: That my house has a gardendirectly measured
fo11a011To what extent is the following important to you with regard to domestic life?: That people do not interfere with other peopledirectly measured
fo11a012To what extent is the following important to you with regard to domestic life?: That I can grow fruit or vegetables in my gardendirectly measured
fo11a013Generally speaking, are you considerate of your neighbor?directly measured
fo11a014In what way are you considerate of your neighbours, then?directly measured
fo11a015Overall, do you think it is a good or a bad thing that the Netherlands is a member of the European Union?directly measured
fo11a016What does the European Union mean to you personally?: peacedirectly measured
fo11a017What does the European Union mean to you personally?: economic prosperitydirectly measured
fo11a018What does the European Union mean to you personally?: democracydirectly measured
fo11a019What does the European Union mean to you personally?: social securitydirectly measured
fo11a020What does the European Union mean to you personally?: the freedom to travel, study and work throughout the European Uniondirectly measured
fo11a021What does the European Union mean to you personally?: cultural diversitydirectly measured
fo11a022What does the European Union mean to you personally?: more influence in the worlddirectly measured
fo11a023What does the European Union mean to you personally?: the Eurodirectly measured
fo11a024What does the European Union mean to you personally?: unemployementdirectly measured
fo11a025What does the European Union mean to you personally?: bureaucracydirectly measured
fo11a026What does the European Union mean to you personally?: waste of moneydirectly measured
fo11a027What does the European Union mean to you personally?: the loss of our cultural identitydirectly measured
fo11a028What does the European Union mean to you personally?: more criminalitydirectly measured
fo11a029What does the European Union mean to you personally?: not enough control at the borders with countries outside the European Uniondirectly measured
fo11a030What does the European Union mean to you personally?: something elsedirectly measured
fo11a031What does the European Union mean to you personally?: I don\'t knowdirectly measured
fo11a032What (more) does it mean to you, then?directly measured
fo11a033Does the Dutch state interfere too much or too little with our lives?directly measured
fo11a034Do you think the Netherlands could use another new political party?directly measured
fo11a035What kind of party would that be, then?directly measured
fo11a036W\'as it difficult to answer the questions?\'directly measured
fo11a037Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
fo11a038Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
fo11a039Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
fo11a040Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
fo11a041Starting date questionnaireconstructed
fo11a042Starting time questionnaireconstructed
fo11a043End date questionnaireconstructed
fo11a044End time questionnaireconstructed
fo11a045Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: 2011 July

This questionnaire was originally conducted in Dutch.

Browse 2011 July

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 2447 (100%)
Non-response: 877 (35.8%)
Response: 1570 (64.2%)
Complete: 1567 (64.0%)
Incomplete: 3 (.1%)
Collection Events
04-06-2011 to 24-07-2011
panel members with the age of 16 years or older.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
a reminder was sent twice to non-respondents