Theme questionnaire: Living in the Netherlands > 2011 March

Single Wave Study

General Information

2011 March
This is the March 2011 measurement of the Theme Questionnaire. The survey aims to gain insight in how immigrants in the Netherlands experience living in this country.
Longitudinal Type
Single Wave Study
Begin date
End date
Demirel, Gamze, Elshout, Suzan, Marchand, Miquelle, Scherpenzeel, Annette, Streefkerk, Maarten, Vis, Corrie
© 2012 CentERdata
Funding Organization
CentERdata/MESS Project

Datasets and documentation

View Documentation

Codebook in Dutch
Codebook in English

Data Files

English SPSS file
English STATA file


Variable name Variable Label Variable Type
nomem_encrNumber of household member encryptedpreloaded
fm11a_mYear and month of the field work periodconstructed
fm11a001How often do you eat the following: meatdirectly measured
fm11a002How often do you eat the following: meat substitutesdirectly measured
fm11a003How often do you eat the following: fishdirectly measured
fm11a004How often do you eat the following: vegetablesdirectly measured
fm11a005How often do you eat the following: fruitdirectly measured
fm11a006How often do you eat the following: fast-fooddirectly measured
fm11a007When you go on holiday abroad, do you take along typically Dutch foodstuffs, such as chocolate sprinkles, peanut butter or licorice?directly measured
fm11a008Who do you think is best able to rule a country?: A military leaderdirectly measured
fm11a009Who do you think is best able to rule a country?: Top business executivesdirectly measured
fm11a010Who do you think is best able to rule a country?: A parliament and cabinet elected by citizensdirectly measured
fm11a011Who do you think is best able to rule a country?: People belonging to (old) noble familiesdirectly measured
fm11a012Who do you think is best able to rule a country?: University professorsdirectly measured
fm11a013Who do you think is best able to rule a country?: Religious leadersdirectly measured
fm11a014Who do you think is best able to rule a country?: A king or queendirectly measured
fm11a015Who do you think is best able to rule a country?: Top civil servantsdirectly measured
fm11a016Who do you think is best able to rule a country?: Otherdirectly measured
fm11a017What other do you think is best able to rule a country?directly measured
fm11a018How much confidence do you have in the Dutch democracy?directly measured
fm11a019To what extent do you find the following important?: That you can say what you like in a countrydirectly measured
fm11a020To what extent do you find the following important?: That children are obliged to attend school until a certain agedirectly measured
fm11a021To what extent do you find the following important?: That children learn a second language besides the language of the country they live indirectly measured
fm11a022To what extent do you find the following important?: That every one respects each other\'s customsdirectly measured
fm11a023To what extent do you find the following important?: That the Dutch political system and laws are respecteddirectly measured
fm11a024Did you vote in the States-Provincial election of Wednesday 2 March 2011?directly measured
fm11a025For which party did you vote in the States-Provincial election of Wednesday 2 March 2011?directly measured
fm11a026For what other party did you vote?directly measured
fm11a027Was it difficult to answer the questions?directly measured
fm11a028Were the questions sufficiently clear?directly measured
fm11a029Did the questionnaire get you thinking about things?directly measured
fm11a030Was it an interesting subject?directly measured
fm11a031Did you enjoy answering the questions?directly measured
fm11a032Starting date quesionnaireconstructed
fm11a033Starting time questionnaireconstructed
fm11a034End date questionnaireconstructed
fm11a035End time questionnaireconstructed
fm11a036Duration in secondsderived


Questionnaire: 2011 March

This questionnaire was originally conducted in Dutch.

Browse 2011 March

Response Information

Response Overview
Selected number of household members: 2568 (100%)
Non-response:  771 (30.0%)
Response: 1797 (70.0%)
Complete: 1796 (70.0%)
Incomplete: 1 (.0%)
Collection Events
07-03-2011 to 27-03-2011
panel members with the age of 16 years or older.
Collection Mode
internet survey
Fieldwork Note
a reminder was sent twice to non-respondents